TMI Products, Inc. Reviews (1)
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Address: 1493 E Bentley Dr # 102, Corona, California, United States, 92879-5102
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Miriam Carmona Resolution and Review Specialist WShaw Lane Fresno, CA February 2, Re; Complaint ID Number 1264172, *** ** ***, Right Auto Care, Parker, Colorado Dear Miriam, To follow up on our telephone conversation below is TMI Automotive
Products, Incresponse to the complaint filed with the Revdex.comTMI acknowledges and understands Mr***’s complaints and agree that TMI has performed poorly in providing him the automotive interior parts that he ordered in good faith in May Our company is as frustrated by this situation as Mr*** is and are doing all we can to complete the products that he orderedThe Complaint is surprising in that TMI Sales Representative *** *** and myself had both spoken to Mr*** to keep him informed of the progress we were making in finally getting him the products he orderedActually, TMI is within one week of the estimated time given which was the end of January or first of FebruaryThis entire situation occurred because TMI Automotive Products prematurely and erroneously listed and sold products which were not ready for sale yetThis misinformation along with some poor communication caused TMI to take Mr***’s order for Chevrolet Nova Interior products that had not been completely developedThe Order was Pre-Charged because it was a Special Order with Custom partsTMI Policy is that Special Orders are Custom Made and therefore non-Cancellable, nor Returnable, and we customarily Pre-Authorize Charges to ensure they are finalizedIn July, we discovered after Mr***’s order was partially shipped, that three products; Front Door Panels, Rear Inner Quarter Panels, and Sport Bolstered Rear Seat, had not been completely tooled, molded or patterned at the time causing TMI to not be able to deliver these products when orderedWe were as surprised as Mr*** when we learned we could not make the Chevrolet Nova productsThis is highly unusual since TMI manufactures thousands of similar items and delivers them daily to customer worldwideTMI Sales Representative *** *** has regularly communicated with Mr*** that TMI was initiating Product Development to make the products*** *** shared potential delivery dates as given to him by our Product Development and Production teams which TMI struggled with and repeatedly failed to meetThe Chevrolet Nova product has been far more difficult than originally known to finish and has been fraught with numerous setbacksHowever, as of February 2nd the products are now ready to produce and send to Mr*** by the end of next week, February 8thTMI has provided compensation and offered resolutions over the past several months; In November 2017, as an interim solution TMI provided Mr*** with a standard Rear Seat Cover, a $value, for the car at no charge until the Sport Bolstered Rear Seat could be completedAlso in November, TMI offered to reuse Mr***’s original Door and Quarter Panel to remake them in the TMI Sport Patterns he was seekingUnfortunately, He did not have the original panelsTMI also offered to refund for the three products in December but we and Mr*** decided since we were so close we would press on to the finishIn all of this, TMI has always maintained our desire to make and deliver the product the customer order, and thought Mr*** agreed to accept the products as we believed we could finish them in mid to late JanuaryBut in early January, Mr***, and his customer, somewhat understandably, seemed to reach the end of their patience and insisted upon receiving a 100% refund, without returning the product, would post more Negative Social Media posts, and even threatened TMI with lawsuitsOn January 24th, TMI refunded $2,to Mr*** on January 24th, for the three parts not delivered from his original order; Sport Door Panels, Sport Quarter Panels, and Sport Bolstered Rear SeatTMI will advise Mr*** of the completed parts finally being sent to him and will request that he remove the complaint to the as well as the negative comments and posts on various Social Media sites and ForumsTMI stands behind our product and truly regrets this extreme and unusual situationWe anticipate a positive outcome for Mr*** and his customer once the remaining products are delivered and installedSincerely, *** *** General Manager TMI Automotive Products, Inc