Tidewater Property Aquisitions Reviews (1)
Tidewater Property Aquisitions Rating
Address: 6911 Richmond Hwy Ste 205, Alexandria, Virginia, United States, 22306-1844
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In October 2019 the landlord, Gerald G hired an unlicensed inexperienced male to install a humidifier underneath the house.
keep in mind that this house was 100 years old at the time.
There was no clearance in the crawl space under the house to install anything because there are too many pipes there.
The next day I started feeling nauseated and dizzy due to the fumes backing up into the house through the cracks and crevices.
I informed my doctor of the dehumidifier incident.
A week later in November 2019 the furnace heater stopped working after I noticed that I had no hot water.
I then notified the Columbia gas company of Virginia to come and check out the gas lines.
When the Columbia Gas tech arrived he tested the concentration of gas in the house, due to a gas leak that was detected in a gas line that led to the furnace.
The Columbia Gas Tech informed me that if he wasn't notified by me to come and check the gas line, I would have died from a high concentration of gas inhalation.
Having knowledge of the age of the house (100 years old), the Landlord Gerald G should have made sure that all old appliances were replaced.
This matter is something that should not be overlooked.
Gerald G had the HVAC system worked on several times by unlicensed workers, with the job done at no avail.
I feared for my life due to the gas leak, humidifier and other improperly installed fixtures that affected my health.
Gerald G is related to my husband.
During the beginning of the stay in the home, the landlord Gerald G informed me and my husband that we could do anything that we wanted to to the house.
Revdex.com, please do not let this matter go unresolved.
during the 2 1/2 year stay at the residence, not one time did the landlord, Gerald G visit the home, introduced himself to me and inspected the home for damages.
Prevented maintenance and tests should have been carried out on all appliances, but was not.
The humidifier, gas leak and mold should have been corrected, prior.
RE: Complaint ID; ***Dear The Revdex.com,In response to the above complaint, Mrs. is not being transparent and has ?led a frivolouscomplaint with the Revdex.com. Mrs. stated in October 2019 the landlord Gerald G hired anunlicensed inexperienced black male to install a humidi?er underneath of the house.These allegations are false. The male she is referring to is ***. Mr. owns a company called *** Construction. Mr. properly installed the humidi?erand holds a Class B active contractor license for the state of Virginia. (See exhibit I)Mr. worked on the house several times when the tenants stayed there and he alwaysconducted inspections and repaired any defects to the house.Mrs. stated that the house was 100 years old at the time they stayed there. The house wasbuilt in 1914. However, the house was renovated in June of 2014. All the systems were workingproperly and the tenants signed a move in inspection report acknowledging that the systems wereok on January 1, 2016, when they moved in. (See exhibit 2 move in inspection report)Moreover, if the house needed any repairs, the tenants would always contact me and the issuewould get resolved in a speedy fashion. Mrs. did mention to me several times that shedidn’t like to contact me every time something broke down because she didn’t want me to spenda lot money. l asked Mrs. not to do this because the damages could become worse and therepairs may cost even more to ?x.I explained to Mrs., the landlord is responsible for repairs not caused by the tenants.However, if the tenants caused the damages or contribute to the negligence, the tenant isresponsible for paying the damages.Sincerely.Gerald G