Ticket Fulfillment Services LP Reviews (313)
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Address: Unknown, Online Business, Oregon, United States, 97214
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Thank you for getting back to us regarding this issue. as we stated in our previous response, we clearly display that we are an independent ticket reseller and are not associated with Ticketmaster or any venueWhile Ms*** continues to press forward with this issue, we are not, due to the nature of our business, able to offer refunds once a sale has been completed and must enforce an “all sales are final” policy; because the seller received notice that their tickets were sold the moment the order was placed, we are unable to honor this requestWe must also note that the greatest portion of the order was paid to the seller: as such, asking the seller for a refund would be unfair and in violation of the Sales Terms and Conditions that Ms*** agreed to during checkoutIf Ms*** has any additional concerns she would like to discuss, she is welcome to reach out to our customer service departmentAs it stands, we consider this matter closedRegards,
Ticket Fulfillment Services
Bought two tickets for my son for a concert at Golden Nugget Lake Charles Went to the Golden Nugget site I thought I was buying for the casino, I was redirected to this site The tickets were $each, I was billed $ When we downloaded the tickets they did not have my Son's name on them Sounds like a scalping site to me This company is a ripoff Never do business with them again What is even worse, the Golden Nugget and Ticketmaster allow it
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attentionWe take the customer experience seriously and would like to take the time to address Mr***' concernsWe should explain that Online City Tickets is an online resale marketplace, which means we do not own or generate tickets-instead, we merely
facilitate transactions between ticket buyers and ticket sellersThis fact is noted on every ticket and checkout page and at the top of our homepage with the statement: "We are a resale marketplace.Prices may exceed face valueThis site is not owned by any venue."Mr*** placed an order with us because he thought he was purchasing tickets directly from the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum,the above disclaimer and our branding clearly show that we are not affiliated with any venue or other ticket marketplaceThis information was clearly stated and available for the customer.Mr*** stated that he was unaware of the tickets being above face valueHowever, we do have disclaimers; such as the one mentioned above, that clearly state that the ticket prices may be above the actual face value of the ticketTicket prices on any secondary market are based on supply anddemand-not the tickets' original face valuePrices on our site are set independently by individual sellers, based on those sellers' assessments of factors such as customer demand .The fact that prices can fluctuate at any time and may be far above face value is communicated in transparent language throughout the purchase process and our website.We provide multiple opportunities for customers to review the order details before placing the orderDuring the check out, we also provide customers with a breakdown of the order including the service fee per ticketSince we are a resale marketplace, the largest portion of any order goes to the seller, andBox-Office Tickets must instate a modest service charge to cover our operationa l costsAt the end of the process the customer must agree to our terms and conditions and the complete total of the purchase.Our sales policies, including our "all sales are final" policy, are disclosed throughout the purchase process-from a notice on every ticket page to a sales terms statement displayed at checkout with the message "All sales are finalAll prices are listed in US Dollars (USO)." Additionally,all sellers on our site are notified as soon as an order for their tickets is placed, which means we are unable to cancel orders or offer refundsThe customer must agree to these terms and conditions and the order total to complete the transaction.Per our terms and conditions and our "all sales are final" policy,we are unable to provide a refund for Mr***' orderAs he did agree to this, before he placed the order, we consider the matter closedIf Ms*** has any questions, we welcome him to contact a member of our management team
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I just returned a response to my case for rejection and my complaint still stands against "Ticket Fulfillment Services LP" Sussex Highway #Seaford DE
I wanted to add my views and what I think. Tickets Fulfillment Services LP is deceitful, confuses the buyer; their fees are exorbitant; their instructions and disclosures are pages and pages however; they don't make sense much of the time and they are double-talk whereas they will say one thing and then follwith a counter remark. This is what happened. I want and I asked for a full refund. I still want a full refund. The reason why is because of the "stress" they created for me when I was trying to purchase tickets and the confusion of the WHOLE processOnce I clicked "purchase tickets"-- the nightmare began
In the emails that was sent to me they claimed I would get the tickets July (the venue is July and I have to drive miles to this
venue) so I would get the tickets July OR I would get an EMAIL saying when I would get the tickets on July (so I may get the tickets July
or I may not). Nothing else. I did not know where I would be sitting; what I was paying for or if I would get what I asked for. When I ordered the seats it was in section Row D. That was never confirmed after I ordered the tickets. Further, in their disclosures the company says that the tickets may be will call, I might have to drive somewhere to pick up the tickets; I may get the tickets ONE HOUR before the venue begins; they also state--when you get to the venue and your tickets do NOT SCAN for entry; call us!! Call them?? when I am at the venue?? the show is about to start and my tickets won't scan for my entry??? This is NOT acceptable. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE. They won't answer the phone!! and how would that help me when I am standing there
trying to get in to see my show. This is so unprofessional and vague
and stressful I just can't describe the stress
Further; the DAY that Revdex.com contacted "Ticket Fulfillment Services LP"
they send me an email saying "Your tickets have been shipped!!!" The DAY OF the Call!!! The venue box office didn't even open yet to the public. What? NOW it is a miracle -- now they are sending tickets
BEFORE July 15th??? That is not what they told me at purchase time.
NOW that Revdex.com has made inquiry; NOW Tickets-Center.com miraculously can send me my tickets!! Before the box office opens; I don't know what kind of tickets (where I'm seated; if they are VALID) -- but they are sending me tickets -- now that Revdex.com has questioned their activity
I got the tickets by UPS and of course; I had to sign for them -- so Ticket Fulfillment Services LP can now say "the lady got her tickets -- case closed" !!
This does not excuse their practices. This also does not make me feel better and secure that I now have tickets that will allow me to get into the venue and see my show. The tickets "look" official from "Ticketmaster" (with a man's name on them). However; there is no price on there as to the costs of these tickets. The section is Row D seat B. The other ticket says section Row D seat B. My original section request was section 117. the sections are comparable.
I don't have a problem with the seats IF they are valid
So now what. I wait?? I wait till July and drive miles to see my show; get there and these tickets that I have MAY OR MAY NOT SCAN AT THE DOOR FOR ENTRY. How do I know till I get there? In the disclosure of the Ticket Fulfillment Services LP (alias Tickets-center.com) they include a safety net for themselves by saying "tickets may scan; if they don't scan, then call us"
How comforting is this? Does this reduce my stress level as to-- do I
now own valid tickets or not? NO, NO , NO. It does not. This whole
process is deceitful; their language is twisted and confusing and very contradicting
I need to add thisWhen they email saying they are sending my tickets; the Tickets Fulfillment Center LP says "you have to sign for the tickets. We are NOT responsible for rejections of tickets or returned tickets." In other words; I can't tell UPS to return the tickets to sender. If I do I am out all my money and I am out the tickets. I have nothing. Tickets Fulfillment Center LP will do nothing -- keep my money
-- keep the tickets (valid or not) and I have nothing and no recourse.
I wanted to reject these tickets sent to me by UPS but I was afraid to.
I wanted to reject them because I have no trust in this company and I am scared that they will not be valid at the door anyway; when I get to the venue on JULY which is a long ways away. And, if I order more tickets for myself; I'm now out more money . If I wait longer and longer; there will be no more tickets available for purchase as the venue date gets closer and closer -- they will be sold out
I want a full refundThe stress is unbelievable with this "business
dealings". I will send their tickets back. I don't trust this. I
don't think these tickets are valid. I am afraid when I get to the venue these tickets will be bogus and I will not be allowed entry to the venue
I want a full refund $and I will return the tickets they sent me. This company should not be in business. I have learned a valid lesson. To always check with Revdex.com to see if companies are registered.
Of course, Ticket Fulfillment Services LP (alias Tickets-center.com) are not registered or cleared with Revdex.com. Ticket Fulfillment Services LP has
registered complaints on the Revdex.com web site and not one will recommend this company
I have a feeling I may have reached a dead end. But, I have registered complaints against Tickets Fulfillment Services LP on the Revdex.com web site in hopes to help others. I am hoping my negative experience will help other people that log on and check out this company before they waste their money and their time and create a basketful of stress
Thank you for reading my concerns
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
While the Ticket service failed to share is it is not clear until you have used your credit card and clicked submit that you see that this is a 3rd party company and when you call to complain you find out you can't cancel your purchase the venue has reimbursed their ticket holders, Why is it appropriate for them to hold my money collecting interest in their accounts and we ALL know the event has not been re-schedule nor has the policy been put in place for this not to happen again.....after days of no concert you get your money.....you just can't hold a consumers money for an infinite amount of time and expect someone to come back to use you again or recommend your servicesThis is blatant misleading consumers and I am sure on your side on some other reputable news station would love to investigate and expose bad business practices wherever they are...THIS IS WRONG!
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
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I have read the response from Ticket Fulfillment ServicesThey stated that they value their customers and they wanted to take the time to address my concerns I disagree with their statement They stated that at two different steps of the checkout service the process that their site had provides a total and an itemized breakdown of the charges and totalWhile that might be the case if their customers are paying with a credit card it certainly wasn't the case when I used PayPal to complete the transactionAs I stated in my initial complaint when I first logged on to their site (which I thought was the venues site) The field for selecting the number of tickets you want to buy was already filled with ticketsRight next to that it says $192.00, not $Then the site asks how I would like to payIt asks if you would like to use a credit card or PayPalI clicked on PayPal and it immediately redirected me to the PayPal websiteI logged in using my username and password then it asked me for a billing address which I filled out and clicked submitThen the PayPal site asked me to enter a shipping address which I entered the same address and clicked SubmitI did both of these steps on the PayPal websiteIt then redirected me to Ticket Fulfillment Services website with a completed transaction and a total stating that I had just paid them $for tickets that should have only cost me $plus taxes and fees which I was led to believe was the $192.00.
I immediately panicked and tried to undue through their website and the PayPal siteI called and explained the situation that there must have been some sort of mistakeThat I could not afford and would not pay that that much for tickets that cost $They were completely unsympathetic, and almost gloating that their policy states all transactions are finalI have worked in the service industry for my entire adult lifeI have never worked at a reputable place of business that didn't have the power to undue a transaction or be reasonably accommodating to help their customers outIn T.F.S.'s response to you they stated that in they attempted to reach out to me to provide a resolution that would be acceptable to both partiesIt wasn't until my sixth or seventh call that day, I made pleading to them to help me out and have a little compassion and understanding that I spoke to a manager named ***First she stated that they could offer me a $in groceriesWhich made no sense to me what so ever, was very insulting, and very ridiculousThen I called back an 8th time and she offered to return $ to be returned to my PayPal accountI declined and again begged and pleadedwe couldn't come to any sort of agreementI called back a ninth time and spoke to another manager named MikeHe acted as though he didn't know *** and was just reading whatever notes she had typed in their computer about meAgain I begged and pleadedI stated that they were being unreasonable and unfairHe stated there was nothing more he could do for me
A couple days later I received a call from another female manager (1st time they called me) and she stated that if I wanted to accept her offer she could refund the service charges which amounted to just over $At this point I was still waiting for PayPal to get back to me regarding my attempt to cancel the paymentI declined the managers offerShe stated to think about it and get back to her,
At this point I have yet to hear back from PayPal and I dont want to agree to accept the offer made to me by T.F.SI think that their offer is unreasonableI understand that they are a business and that they have had some expense in this matterBut to charge me the amount that they did and come back and offer only 20% of my money back is insultingEspecilly when their site did not give me the totals like they say it didI would be willing do settle if they gave me back $considering the would still be making enough money to buy over tickets
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I was on my iphoneon 3/25/when I originally went to Ticketmaster’s website at 10:am on a coffee break from work in order to get these concert tickets for 148$ plus tax but Ticketmaster’s website said they were sold outI then went to onlinecitytickets.com. I put “3” in quantity and clicked on General Admission section and the price $came up. I selected the PayPal option to pay and then my PayPal account was used and the buy button was selected. I immediately was informed that I paid over 2000$ for concert tickets that just went on sale minutes prior. I immediately tried to cancel the transaction but it was too late. I then called the onlinecitytickets.com to talk to a sales person in order to cancel my transaction but was told that all transactions were final and to try and resale the tickets in order to get my money back
I do not want these tickets! All this was a misunderstanding that occurred in a matter of minutes. I did not have a breakdown of how the concert tickets went from $for to 0ver 2000$ for 3. I have attached the tickets and the receipt in which the company gave me.
I am asking for help from the Revdex.com
I too had a very negative experiencethinking that I was ordering through ticket master, I ordered two black Sabbath tx for a piece, total was then they charged my visa for I do not have the tx and have no idea if I will even get themI am reporting them to the Revdex.com and will dispute the charge on my visaI have since purchased real tx from ticketmaster for dollars a piece and I have the tx in my hand DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH THIS COMPANY total and complete scam!!!!!!!!!!! *** *** *** **I am disgusted and xxxxx right off
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
The business and I have reached an amicable agreementThe only reason I said no was because the terms and closure we came to were different than that listedBut all is ok
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
*** Response - I do NOT accept Ticket Fulfillment Services' (TFS's) response to our complaintTheir response doesn't change the fact that 1) we were mislead into thinking that TFS was an authorized ticket dealer for Popejoy via thier pwindow on Popejoy's website (Popejoy has confirmed that TFS is NOT an authorized dealer); 2) we paid over $for center-row seating, which TFS failed to provide; 3) that TFS is NOW trying to clarify that "overnight delivery" actually means overnight delivery by the "primary issuer" of the ticket (please note that we ordered our tickets on 10/2/We'd been inquiring as to the whereabouts of our tickets and only received a response from TFS on 10/20/when we filed a complaint with our credit card company); 4) our financial institution ruled in TFS's favor only because TFS emailed them, what appeared to be a "cut and paste" of DIFFERENT order that stated "all sales are final" (we are disputing this decision with our credit card company as well for the reasons stated herein); 5) They left ONE vmail message on my cell phone since we filed our Revdex.com complaintWhen we called, we were directed to an automated message that only dealt with shows coming up - not past shows or to any live customer service personTFS's one-time attempt at contacting us and leaving a vmail message to an automated message that only addresses upcoming shows is not a good-faith attempt by TFS to try and work with us to resolve this outstanding matter
Please note - had TFS actually given us the tickets we had ordered (center row seating per the Popejoy seating chart) we would not be dealing with this issueWe understand that center row seating is more expensive, and were willing to pay over $to get themThis has all come about because TFS scammed us into paying for center row seating, then did a switch-and-bait and tried to get us to accept "noise-bleed" cheaper tickets two days before the event, which was scheduled on a SUNDAYAlso, we received our tickets on FRIDAY after work, and since no-one at TFS apparently answers phones on the weekend, we were unable to address or resolve our complaint with them prior to the expiration of the eventAs far as my family is concerned, this matter is not closed
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I thought I was ordering the tickets through the Amway center, without noticing it took me to online city tickets showed my ticket price and a total on the left when I selected that I wanted the tickets emailed, what I didn't notice was a hefty $service fee added on If this company was above board, why wouldn't they show this service fee up front - they were going to charge me for it regardless of how the tickets were shipped Additionally they charge $to email me the tickets What a rip-off They refused to refund the order saying the tickets were already processed The page itself says the name and the amount of the ticket that you download may not match your name or the amount you paid for the tickets All after you paid for them
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[I'm sure that Ticket Fullfillment will not do anything They have cheated several customers in the past and I wish I would have known about their terrible reputation They did not explain that there was a $service charge anywhere and you should always show the customer how the bill got totaled to a certain price instead of just showing what they owe without explaining There was also a $or $charge just for me to print off the tickets that I got for a surprise gift It is disappointing how many companies are out there to screw you with extra fees and they don't care if they are telling the truth or not Thank you Revdex.com for your help! Ticket Fullfillment has the wrong name for their company! ]
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Thank you for getting back to us regarding this issueAt Ticket Fulfillment Services, we value our customer and appreciate the opportunity to address Ms***'s concernsAlthough Ms*** continues to press forward with this matter, we have already provided a resolution to this issue that was amicable to both partiesAs we have discussed with Ms***, there was a delay in providing this resolution due to the financial dispute processOnly after all necessary steps of the financial dispute process had been completed were we able to provide the resolution accepted by Ms***If Ms*** has any additional concerns she would like to discuss, she is welcome to reach out to our customer service departmentAt this time, we consider this matter resolvedRegards,
Ticket Fulfillment Services
Dishonest - all they do is scalp tickets Got re-directed while booking tickets for Burton Cummings at Casinorama in Ontario - the link was a counterfeit clone, so it looked and acted just like the Casonrama site No idea how this is legal I was not informed the dollar values were in US, and extra fees were charged What should have been $+ tax per ticket for people ended up costing us $Canadian dollars At least we had a legitimate ticket and saw the show, but at the casino they post video messages warning folks that if they did not purchase tickets from Ticketmaster, the casino cannot guarantee entry Clearly Casinorama is aware of the fraud perpetuated by Ticket Fulfillment, but has not or cannot do anything about it Learning opportunity - never purchase tickets online - go to the box office in person or call the company directly Ticketmaster is legit but gouges you on fees For me, this is the end of going to shows at Casinorama
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
AS USUAL, TICKET FULFILLMENT SERVICES (against whom I have filed this complaint) is responding with their typical PLETHORA OF RHETORICAL BS!!! If I may reiterate a point made in my original complaint and correspondence to you, there have been NUMEROUS Revdex.com COMPLAINTS FILED against this company by other people in regards to their unscrupulous practices!!! In response to a recent letter I received from the State of Illinois Attorney General's Office advising me I may receive contact from the business offering me "a possible settlement", I sent the Attorney General's Office (as well as your office and two other state attorney general offices) the attached letter (dated 10/30/2015) outlining yet another of their UNETHICAL "attempts to contact me" scams. With all due respect, PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ OVER THE ATTACHMENT.
The situation regarding my online tickets has been resolved by a full refundPlease withdraw my submissionThank you. *** ***
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meThough this company and their "affiliates" are essentially scalpers we will be sure to make this situation aware throughout social media so no one else falls prey to this companies practicesI have passed along all this information to ABC on your side to see if they are interested in pursuing this story on their own
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Ordered tickets from this companyFor a Christmas Story in melboure flTickets can be very expensive upwards of $per seatI did not think much of it when I paid just short of $for three seatsAfter searching around the tickets go for less than $per ticketThis is scalping and this company should be investigated
Thank you for getting back to us regarding this issue. As previously stated, all order details including quantity of tickets and order total were displayed, as well as both a check box and place order button must be selected for an order to be placeWe must also note that the greatest portion of the order was paid to the seller: as such, asking the seller for a refund would be unfair and in violation of the Sales Terms and Conditions that Mrs*** agreed to during checkoutIf Mrs***has any additional concerns they would like to discuss, they are welcome to reach out to our customer service departmentAs it stands, we consider this matter closed.Regards,Ticket Fulfillment Services
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The website is misleading and final price including the service fee do not appear until you click on purchase. I called in within minutes of discovering the fee and unable to reach anyone in personI did receive a message from them a week ago and when I called back, I was unable to leave a message. Furthermore, I am told the tickets are not even available until February 2016. Ticket prices are misleading, fee is misleading, customer service is non existent. I've disputed the charges with my credit card and put a hold on payment. this is not the way to do business. credit my account immediately and I will consider this matter closed and never do business with this company again. Buyer beware