This company is a multi-level marketing company, relying on word of mouth sales and the pyramid process for their revenue As typical MLM companies do, they require you to order BV each month to stay "active" and associates are paid based on the amount of BV they accumulateMonths ago, they ran out of a dairy-free product called Dairy-Free IsaLean shakes Those of us who cannot tolerate the dairy version of their shakes have had a hard time staying "active" as associates and consultants because the bulk of the product we need to order is out of stock I have recently learned that the company now has in-stock and available to ship Dairy-Free Isalean shakes, which they are calling "backfill" However, in order to be on the list for backfill, Isagenix is requiring their associates either 1) order them with a pak or system that requires additional products that aren't needed or 2) the member had to keep them on their autoship order (and pay for product each month that you are not
I have had an incredible experience using Isagenix for weight loss I have lost weight, my sleep has improved, and my energy is through the roof! I lost all of the weight I wanted to lose within the first weeks And now, at weeks, I am still easily maintaining that weight loss I could not recommend it highly enough!
It is very difficult to order from isagenix and very time consuming and not customer friendlyI used to be an associate member but cancelled my membership When I wanted to came back , I was required to provide a different email address than the one I originally providedI was told that this is for security purpose to protect the clientThis is crap as the customer can always change their username anytime to protect their personal information Isagenix wants a different email address every time you sign up to be a member so it would appear that they have a lot of customers, they need to change their so called security policy and stop deceiving people
I had a order placed and they have sent me prior orders to my house, but this one they sent to will call window for pickup in Arizona when I live in Missouri, and then when they had to ship the order they mail me for in shipping charges when it was there screw up, and I upon receiving I sent back immediately costing me another dollars and was told it would be days before I get my refundNow they got order returned to them in days after I received it, I never opened packageSo there is absolutely no reason why they need to hold my dollars for days, especially when this was there screw up to begin withThey are scam artist playing games with people's moneyThey are playing some kind of game and I think it is a crappy way of doing business and they need to be reported
This company has sales agent committing in fraudulent sales practiceThe Sales Agent steals all my personal info (including SSN) and my credit card info to purchase products billed to my credit card but have the products shipped to her own addressWhen I disputed with my credit card company, this company disputes back using my stolen personal infoWhen I contact this company directly to try to resolve the issue, they refer me back to the credit card company and refuse to provide me their specific department contact to try to resolve the issue and refuse to take responsibility for their sales agent's actionsThe company's sales agent and this company business practice are based on fraud
This company is a multi-level marketing company, relying on word of mouth sales and the pyramid process for their revenue As typical MLM companies do, they require you to order BV each month to stay "active" and associates are paid based on the amount of BV they accumulateMonths ago, they ran out of a dairy-free product called Dairy-Free IsaLean shakes Those of us who cannot tolerate the dairy version of their shakes have had a hard time staying "active" as associates and consultants because the bulk of the product we need to order is out of stock I have recently learned that the company now has in-stock and available to ship Dairy-Free Isalean shakes, which they are calling "backfill" However, in order to be on the list for backfill, Isagenix is requiring their associates either 1) order them with a pak or system that requires additional products that aren't needed or 2) the member had to keep them on their autoship order (and pay for product each month that you are not
I have had an incredible experience using Isagenix for weight loss I have lost weight, my sleep has improved, and my energy is through the roof! I lost all of the weight I wanted to lose within the first weeks And now, at weeks, I am still easily maintaining that weight loss I could not recommend it highly enough!
It is very difficult to order from isagenix and very time consuming and not customer friendlyI used to be an associate member but cancelled my membership When I wanted to came back , I was required to provide a different email address than the one I originally providedI was told that this is for security purpose to protect the clientThis is crap as the customer can always change their username anytime to protect their personal information Isagenix wants a different email address every time you sign up to be a member so it would appear that they have a lot of customers, they need to change their so called security policy and stop deceiving people
I had a order placed and they have sent me prior orders to my house, but this one they sent to will call window for pickup in Arizona when I live in Missouri, and then when they had to ship the order they mail me for in shipping charges when it was there screw up, and I upon receiving I sent back immediately costing me another dollars and was told it would be days before I get my refundNow they got order returned to them in days after I received it, I never opened packageSo there is absolutely no reason why they need to hold my dollars for days, especially when this was there screw up to begin withThey are scam artist playing games with people's moneyThey are playing some kind of game and I think it is a crappy way of doing business and they need to be reported
This company has sales agent committing in fraudulent sales practiceThe Sales Agent steals all my personal info (including SSN) and my credit card info to purchase products billed to my credit card but have the products shipped to her own addressWhen I disputed with my credit card company, this company disputes back using my stolen personal infoWhen I contact this company directly to try to resolve the issue, they refer me back to the credit card company and refuse to provide me their specific department contact to try to resolve the issue and refuse to take responsibility for their sales agent's actionsThe company's sales agent and this company business practice are based on fraud