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The Building Block

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Reviews The Building Block

The Building Block Reviews (1622)

April 4, 2016
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL  60611
[redacted]  [redacted]
We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding the repair of his dishwasher.
Upon receiving [redacted]...

[redacted] complaint, we escalated his concerns to [redacted] Territory Member Advocate Supervisor who contacted [redacted] regarding the $75.00 charges.  After speaking with [redacted], it was agreed that the $75.00 would be refunded to [redacted] per his request.  The refund will be received within 7-10 business days.  That being said, because we have provided [redacted] with his requested resolution, we respectfully request this complaint be closed.
We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Regulatory Complaints Specialist

May 16, 2016 [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL 60611
[redacted] We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding the problems she encountered when she attempted to return her online...

order. On May 16, 2016 we contacted [redacted] and honored her request to return her online order. [redacted] confirmed that she had ordered 7 items and wanted to return 6 items. We agreed to honor her request and informed her that she would receive a refund upon receipt of the items. As clarification, credit is issued in the same form of payment, and in [redacted] case, she paid with a gift card. We processed and emailed [redacted] return labels; however, due to a system issue we were unable to process return labels for 2 of the items. Therefore, we issued [redacted] a refund of $53.48 via 2 separate gift cards for a total $53.48. She should receive the gift cards via email within 3-5 business days. We also informed [redacted] that she can keep or donate the 2 items. As previously stated, the refund for the remaining 4 items will be issued upon receipt of the returns. In the interim, since we have honored [redacted] request, we have closed our file. Again, we apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

Complaint: 10960831
I am rejecting this response because:
Male [redacted], I totally reject the manner in which Sears Holding wishes to reimburse me my $400 by supplying them additional information. I do not need to get them any credit card number to which the gift card was purchased. they have acknowledged that they got the gift card and tore it up with a pair of scissors. how do I know that they really tore it up and didn't use it for themselves. it's all a bunch of lies and pretense on the part of Sears Holding for trying to keep my money. they are nothing but a bunch of thieves and liars. the only resolution to this matter is to send me my $400 gift card all the 21 speed pro GMC bicycle with I want it. why are you so stuck up and stealing $400 from your customers. and put them through hell to get back what rightfully belongs to them.

January 5, 2016
[redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL 60611
[redacted] Dear [redacted] We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding her dissatisfaction with the problems she encountered when she...

attempted to return the pedestals that she purchased online. According to our records, on October 26, 2015 Ms. [redacted] purchased 2 pedestals, items [redacted] on online order [redacted]. The pedestals were delivered on October 28, 2015. The order notes indicate that Ms. [redacted] contacted our online department on November 30, 2015 to report that the pedestals did not fit. Unfortunately, Ms. [redacted] request was denied because the 30 day return period had expired. Our records further indicate that on November 30, 2015 Ms. [redacted] placed an additional online order, [redacted], for 2 pedestals; however, the item numbers were [redacted] the order was delivered December 9, 2015. Ms. [redacted] continued to call both our online department and our delivery customer service requesting to return the first order but was advised more than once that the return was over the 30 day period. Upon further research, on December 17, 2015 online order [redacted] was noted as cancelled and Ms. [redacted] was issued a full credit for the original order. With that being said, since we have addressed the issue brought forth in Ms. [redacted] complaint, we have closed our file. Again, we apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely,
[redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

April 11, 2016     [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   [redacted]   [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding her online order and request...

for a refund.   We would first like to apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] experienced with this order. After reviewing the notes in her order we found that the entire order was cancelled on March 22, 2016. Sears Online attempted to issue a refund by March 29, 2016, however the credit did not bridge to her account. Sears Online reprocessed the refund on April 5, 2016, under return receipt number [redacted] A credit of $862.73 should post to [redacted] account within 3 to 5 business days from April 5th.  We can assure that her concerns have been forwarded to management for review so that future problems of this nature can be averted.  Finally, we hope that in the future [redacted] will allow us another opportunity to provide her with a better example of customer service that we have built our reputation upon. In the interim, we have noted [redacted] concerns and respectfully ask to have this matter closed.   We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely,  [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation

April 15, 2016 [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. 2006 Chicago, IL 60611 Our File No.: [redacted]
[redacted] Case # [redacted] Via: Website Dear [redacted] Thank you for allowing our office to assist you with the concern you...

recently brought to our attention. On behalf of Sears please know that we do value [redacted] as a customer and apologize for any frustrations or inconveniences she may have experienced. This letter serves to confirm that we have completed our investigation in regards to the above-referenced file. Sears is dedicated to its customers and their overall satisfaction with any and all work performed by either Sears or a contracted affiliate. We are always willing to go the extra mile in order to provide our customers with satisfaction and we strive to respond accordingly to all requests in a fair and reasonable manner. The Product Repair Service (PRS) Department was notified about [redacted]’s complaint regarding the alleged lack of service she received from us. This would not be the normal process for our technicians or representatives. Per Sears’ policy, the matter has been reviewed and addressed by the appropriate management. During my conversation with [redacted] on 03/23/2016 she stated that she did not want Sears in her home and that she had already purchased a new water heater. According to our Regulatory Specialist who was previously handling [redacted]’s case, Sears issued a check to [redacted] for the amount of her latest Protection Agreement (PA) renewal ($98.58), but her coverage is still in effect until 04/24/2016. Sears regrets that we were not able to meet her expectations. We hope that she keeps us in mind for future service or home improvement needs. As the investigation has been completed, we are closing our file at this time. Thank you for your time, effort and patience during the investigation process. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact me at [redacted], or via email at [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted] SHIP/HI Regulatory Complaint Specialist [redacted]

December 3, 2015Nita [redacted]Revdex.com330 North
Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago,
IL  60611Re:  #[redacted] – [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted]
complaint regarding the estimate she was given to repair her washer.We would like to...

note that while Ms. [redacted] implies she
waited until October 5th and the part had not arrived before she
explored other options, our records show that the new washer was purchased September
29, 2015. Additionally, while the part was temporarily on back-order from GE,
something we would not know until the part was ordered and GE informed us of
this, it was only a very short delay and the part shipped on September 29,
2015, and would have arrived before the scheduled service date of October 2nd. Secondly, when we do have customers that reconsider
their decision to proceed with a repair, our process would be to refund them
for the part once it is returned back to us, and then refund for any labor we
might have collected on the first visit. However, we would still retain the
non-refundable minimum fee of $79.00, as that fee would have been due even on
the first visit if the estimate was declined. We apologize that Ms. [redacted] was
given incorrect information from store management that we would normally refund
in full, as this was not the case. With that said, prior to our receipt of Ms. [redacted]
complaint, our customer support group had already refunded her for the charges
above the minimum fee, and because the store requested that she be refunded the
rest as the store manager had made this commitment, they had also refunded the
remaining amount retained. So on October 23, 2015, she was refunded $149.43 and
on October 30, 2015, she was refunded the remaining $78.66. As this was the
resolution Ms. [redacted] was requesting, we have closed our file.We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity
to address this matter.  Please feel free
to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.Sincerely,[redacted]Team Manager, Regulatory ComplaintsDirect Line: [redacted]Email: [email protected]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
[redacted] The first offer of $500.00 we consider an insult after waiting a year and a half and us continuing to make payments in spite of on going conditions, their next offer of $800.00 we did not accept either.[redacted]

Complaint: 11027511
I am rejecting this response because:  Sears was responsible for the AC unit, Installation, and maintenance .
Laura [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:What they failed to mention in this message to the, is that the ONLY reason they "issued a full refund" was because the credit card I purchased it on completed their investigation on 3/4/16. Note the date of their message here.In other words, the only reason the refund happened was because the card forced it to happen, Sears never responded to the claim as they clearly knew they were 100% in the wrong. This should stay open and a part of the public record as they violated [redacted] guidelines, wasted HOURS of my time, didn't apologize, and were deceitful and misleading throughout the whole process.What a disappointment.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:First and foremost, my name is not [redacted]. Apparently, [redacted] was also deceived by this deceptive trade practice as evidenced by the "copy and paste" of this message (please see the incorrect name written in the beginning of the paragraph (fourth paragraph from the bottom). Thus, I must assume that others are being deceived by your advertising (e.g., pictures on the website as well as wording). Additionally, did you check the mobile site? There is no mention of requiring two box springs. And as I mentioned previously, two twin XL mattresses would be DOUBLE the price of a king even though they are listed together. How is this not deceptive? I am not "whole" because I received a full refund. I asked for a refund, because I spent almost a full day on the phone with your customer service agents and was promised a complete set for no additional cost. Three of your customer service agents promised to give me the additional box spring at no extra cost. I even had this shipment scheduled. When I called back to confirm (numerous times), the representatives, supervisors, and managers indicated that there was no documentation of me speaking with these agents. I request that you listen to all of the voice recorded conversations I had with these employees (telephone number [redacted]. Also, I am able to provide all of their names and badge numbers and you can cross reference their information.

February 16, 2016 Nita [redacted]Revdex.com330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago, IL  60611 Re:  #[redacted] – Steve [redacted]  Dear Ms. [redacted]: We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint regarding his order of a cook-top.  We would first...

like to apologize that Mr. [redacted]’s cook-top was not ready for pick-up within the estimated time given. In researching our records we can see where Mr. [redacted] was at first trying to determine the status of his cook-top, but by the end of December it sounds like he acknowledges that the store had it for him to pick-up. It is hard to tell whether he is requesting to still cancel the order or cancel his credit card at that time. To clarify, Sears does not administer the Sears branded credit card; it is owned and administered by Citicorp. If Mr. [redacted] wants to cancel his credit card, he would need to contact the phone number on his credit card to do so. With that said, the last time we checked his order on January 6, 2016, it showed that the cook-top had been picked up at the store in question and then shortly after that Mr. [redacted] paid off the sale via a payment made in the store. We interpret this to mean that he did finally get the merchandise he ordered and must have decided to keep it rather than return it. If that is not the case and Mr. [redacted] still requires assistance, he is welcome to contact me.  We apologize to Mr. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely,Dana [redacted]Team Manager, Regulatory ComplaintsDirect Line: [redacted]Email: Dana.[redacted]

[redacted]     [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   [redacted]   
We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding her...

inability to purchase a gazebo for $[redacted] when it has a regular selling price of $[redacted]   As clarification, the reason that [redacted] was unable to place his order for the lower price, was because we had an error that was causing this item to show for $[redacted] when that was not intended to be the price.  The correct price was showing in the shopping cart and the incorrect price was only showing on the link she mentions.   When we do any price changes, or corrections, we update the price that shows in the basket first, and then update all the corresponding pages.  When [redacted] saw this price we were still in the process of correcting the error.   While we understand [redacted] frustration, the fact is that although we strive to provide our customers with accurate information, including pricing, availability, and product description on all products available on, there will be times that an error might occur. Should we uncover a pricing error, and an order was actually placed for the incorrect amount, then we attempt to email the customer as soon as possible, and either cancel the order or notify the store of pick up that these prices were errors and will not be honored.  If the item was never ordered because the price was showing correctly in the basket and the consumer chose not to purchase the item for the correct price, then all requests to honor the incorrect price would not be granted, which was the scenario applicable to [redacted]     We have a very comprehensive disclaimer on our website that sets forth the terms and conditions of ordering from our site.  With an online business it is possible for mistakes of this nature to happen occasionally, which is why most online merchants have terms and conditions that are similar to ours.  An incorrect sign posted in a store might only cause one sale to be made before the mistake can be corrected, with the store taking a loss on just one item if the price is substantially below their cost.  When an incorrect price is posted on a website, there is the potential for thousands of orders to be placed before the mistake can be corrected.   Most online retailers post similar terms of use, and we stand by our disclaimer.  In case [redacted] may not have been familiar with our disclaimer, even though any access of our site is considered an acceptance of our terms of use, we have included below the portion that was pertinent to this situation:   Disclaimer: “IN ADDITION, WE DO NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT THE INFORMATION AND CONTENT ACCESSIBLE VIA THE SEARS SITE IS ACCURATE, COMPLETE OR CURRENT, AND WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS THEREIN OR FOR ANY ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES RESULTING FROM USE OF, INABILITY TO USE, OR RELIANCE ON ANY ASPECT OF THE SEARS SITE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO USER CONTENT AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, SERVICES, PRODUCTS, AND OTHER INFORMATION AND MATERIALS CONTAINED IN OR DESCRIBED ON THE SEARS SITE. FURTHER, WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES THAT THE SEARS SITE OR THE USER CONTENT WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, SECURE, OR FREE OF ERRORS, VIRUSES, OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED BY ANY USER FROM US OR THE SEARS SITE SHALL CREATE ANY WARRANTY NOT EXPRESSLY STATED HEREIN … In the event of a pricing error on the Sears Site, Sears reserves the right to cancel any orders resulting from such pricing errors.”   In accordance then with that disclaimer and our posted policies, we are unable to honor [redacted] request to purchase the gazebo at the incorrect price. However, we are willing to discount the correct price [redacted] by 15% if she wishes to place an order. I may be reached via email at [redacted] if she wishes to accept.   In closure, we apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, [redacted] Specialist, Regulatory Complaints [redacted]

April 6, 2016     [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   [redacted]   [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding a recent order.   As...

clarification, while we strive to provide our customers with accurate information, including pricing, availability, and product description on all products available on, whether directly through our listings or those of our third-party Marketplace vendors, with any online site there might be times that an error could occur. Should we uncover a pricing error, and an order was actually placed for the incorrect amount, we attempt to email the customer as soon as possible, and then we cancel and refund the order.  For store pick-up items, we notify the store of pick up that these prices were errors and will not be honored, so they can cancel the sale at their store.  If the item was never ordered, then all requests to honor the incorrect price would not be granted.   We also make every effort to fix the error as soon as possible since it does us no favors to have customers placing orders that will just have to be canceled; it only disappoints them and causes extra work with no sale at the end for us. There is absolutely no benefit to us to have these errors occur, which is why we try to minimize the chance as much as possible and why we have software that helps us identify when one occurs. In some instances where it appears the error has not been corrected in a timely manner, it is because the consumer may be viewing an older, “cached” version saved in the computer’s database. This is designated by the settings in the internet browser being used. If the price has since been corrected though, it will show in the cart once added as this is a new page that would not have previously been cached.   In [redacted] case, it seems there was pricing error and the pricing listed was incorrect. Per our terms and conditions, we would be obligated to honor his request. If [redacted] would like to view the most up-to-date full version of our terms and conditions, he can access the page with this link:[redacted] We have also included below a small excerpt specifically regarding pricing errors:   “Pricing errors may occur on the Sears Site from time to time, on items sold by Sears, or items sold by third party sellers on Sears Marketplace. Sears attempts to correct all pricing errors as soon as they are discovered, or as soon as Sears receives notice of an error. Sears reserves the right to cancel any orders containing pricing errors, with no further obligations to you, even after your receipt of an order confirmation or shipping notice from Sears. Any payments you make to Sears for orders that are cancelled due to pricing errors will be refunded.”   With that said, we did agree to provide [redacted] with a refund for his gifts as a courtesy even though they specifically note that they are not redeemable for cash since he did not want to make another order. Since our refusal to honor the incorrect price was just in accordance with the posted terms and conditions that govern our website, we remain unable to honor [redacted] request to receive this price. As this decision is commensurate to the circumstances, we have closed our file.   We apologize to [redacted] appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, [redacted] Specialist, Regulatory Complaints [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:I want to correct Sears' representatives misconceptions concerning several issues. While we did not contact Sears until November 2015, we had been experiencing trouble with the dishwasher for several months previous to that time. We thought the issue would work itself out, but it did not. Specifically, the dishwasher was inconsistently cleaning the dishes. Eventually, the problem became so severe that we called the company, in November, 2015.In addition to the company not being able to rectify the problem, the timing and attitude we received from the representatives was not professional, and not what we expected when we made an investment in the Sears company. The first time I called, the individual made a decision that the dispenser was the problem. The repairman stated, when he arrived, that the dispenser was not the problem; yet he replaced it and did not troubleshoot or do any other examination of the dishwasher besides replace the part that he said was not causing the problem.When the dishwasher continued to not work and I called again, the representative stated that my dissatisfaction with the quality of the washing was not Sears' problem. Yes, those were her words. She only agreed to have someone come out and do regular maintenance. It was only by my calling back at different #s that we got a repairman to come again.Fast forward and when he came for the fourth time, yes, he stated he couldn't get the dishwasher out. He stated it would hit the sides of the cabinets. I am not a dishwasher repairman, and so I wasn't able to get it out. However, a family member came over the next day after the repairman had left, adjusted a lever on the dishwasher, and pulled it out- no damage to the cabinets, or anything- 5 minutes. I would think that a trained repairman would be familiar with height levers on the dishwasher.Each time we called and finally got someone to come, there was about a 3-week interval between call and repairman arrival. The last time he came, the repairman actually took all the parts Sears had sent (including a new motor). Considering that at that point we had been working 3 months to resolve the problem and had heard from Sears reps that quality wasn't their responsibility and that it was impossible to take out a dishwasher that only required manipulation of a lever included on the dishwasher, we were justified in believing that Sears did not intend or was incapable of fixing the problem.  That is why we request the refund of the dishwasher and service agreement contract price.  Before contacting, I wrote a letter to Sears. A representative called back, and said that if he were the consumer, he would have responded as I did. He offered a $50 gift card, acknowledging that Sears had not handled the situation correctly. I declined the offer, because $50 does not cover the cost of the dishwasher and service agreement, neither of which were sufficient to clean our dishes over a 4 month period. Sincerely,

December 30, 2015   Nita [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   Re:  #10990520– Douglas [redacted]       Dear Ms. [redacted]:   We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted] complaint regarding his TV.  ...

Mr. [redacted] TV was outside of the 30 day return policy period listed on his receipt when his request was made. Furthermore, his service contract has specific terms noted regarding replacement that must be met, but that was not the case. The delay was due to parts issue, but it was resolved and the TV was repaired as of December 19, 2015, according to our records.  In light of the aforementioned information, we respectfully ask that this matter be considered closed.   We apologize to Mr. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, Tammie [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted] Tammie.[redacted]

December 17, 2015Nita [redacted]Revdex.com330 North Wabash Ave.,
Ste. #2006Chicago, IL  60611Re: Lashonda N. [redacted]
- # 10953363Dear Ms. [redacted]:We have completed the
investigation of Ms. [redacted]’s rebuttal to our previous response.Ms. [redacted] is not
entitled to a refund for her refrigerator; the unit was purchased over six
years ago and therefore, too far outside the Sears’ Return Policy timeframe to
be considered for such an accommodation. 
Also, food loss must be verified by a Sears technician and this has not
been possible due to the precarious circumstances surrounding her recent
service visits, so Ms. [redacted] is not eligible for food loss reimbursement at
this time.  As to Ms. [redacted]’s request
for a full refund of her Master Protection Agreement (MPA), she is entitled to
all the monies she paid for this last renewal (November 20, 2015) as long as
she cancels the agreement within 60 days of purchase.  Ms. [redacted] can call (800) 827-6655 to
request the cancellation before January 19, 2016; the refund will be issued in
the same form of payment used to purchase the service contract.As to Ms. [redacted]’s
concerns with getting a repair if her range or dryer breaks; this again, would
be contingent upon her guaranteeing that the technician be allowed to perform
his duties in a safe and non-hostile environment. If the technician determines
that he cannot service the products due to an unsafe working environment, the
MPAs will be canceled for a full refund. 
If Ms. [redacted] does not wish to utilize Sears Home Services any longer
for these appliances, she can call the Protection Agreement Department at the
above-reference number and cancel her contracts immediately; pro-rated refunds
would be processed based upon the remaining coverage.  However, regardless of whether she decides to
cancel the agreements, no refunds for either the range or dryer will be
provided.  Like her refrigerator, the
products are too far outside Sears’ Return Policy timeframe for any refund as
they were purchased a number of years ago.Lastly, our records show
that Ms. [redacted] is currently scheduled for service on January 9, 2015, but
this is contingent upon the technician being permitted to service her refrigerator
without issue.  If Ms. [redacted] does not
feel that this is a viable option, she can call (800) 469-4663 to cancel her
appointment.  In the interim, since we
have explained why Ms. [redacted] will not be provided with her requested
resolution in regard to a product refund and food loss, but provided her with
the information necessary to cancel her MPAs, we ask that this matter remain
closed.We appreciate the
opportunity to address this matter.Sincerely,Melissa [redacted]Regulatory Complaints

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: today 12/1/2015 Sears sent a technician to evaluate the problem with window( I paid $50 ) . Technician told me window is sagging and needs to be lifted . Not a manufacturer defect . My receipt which was given to me after work was done ( I couldn't review wording of warranty ) says LIFETIME WARRANTY in the additional information section  LIFETIME WARRANTY  . 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  when I contacted Sears corporate office they assured me that this order would be canceled so you can understand my concern that the corporate office I will place his biggest Sears is lying to you. My credit card was charged by Sears my problem is with Sears the company who charged my credit card my business was with them my grievance is with them and it was their poor ordertaking which led to the cancellation in the first place so when you contact Sears corporate office and ask them why they choose to lie to people

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 13, 2015/03/17) */

We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding Sears Home...

Services and repairs to her washer.
Sears Home Services has approved the replacement of [redacted] washer per the terms of the Master Protection Agreement covering her washer. That said, all [redacted] needs to do is go to her local Sears store and inform her sales associate that her washer has been approved for replacement. Sears will cover the delivery and haul away charges. Since we have authorized [redacted] washer for replacement, we ask that this complaint be closed.
We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 15, 2015/03/17) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I am pleased that Sears' approved to have my washer replaced per my protection agreement. However, before I consider my case as being satisfactorily resolved I need to have [redacted] Claims Management to close my claim by authorizing that the water damage to my home be completed inclusive of my carpet being cleaned. I have spoken to my claims adjuster named [redacted] case [redacted]
I was told to provide him with two estimates to have the water damage caused by the damaged washer seal newly installed by [redacted] when they repaired my washing machine. He also told me to get the damaged seal from [redacted] which I did Last week. I also submitted photos of the damage per his request.
After submitting the 2 estimates I called him on a couple of occasions and emailed [redacted] to see if I needed to mail him the damaged part and to see when He would approve my claim and authorize having my ceiling repaired and painted and my family room carpet cleaned but to my knowledge he has not responded. Today I left a message with a [redacted] supervisor requesting someone to get back to me.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 19, 2015/03/18) */
March 18, 2015
We have completed the investigation of [redacted] rebuttal regarding water damage.
[redacted] is aware that Sears referred her damage claim to our third-party claims administrator [redacted] for further review. Once [redacted] opened the claim, [redacted] it was assigned to Claims Examiner [redacted] for handling. [redacted] can be reached at [redacted] during normal business hours or via email at [redacted] For clarification, [redacted] has been entrusted by Sears to represent our interest in assessing all liability claims; Sears has empowered them to accept or deny a consumer's claim. Regardless of whether the decision they will render will be favorable or not, we are unable to obtrude upon [redacted]'s actions. Their decision is immutable. We have provided [redacted] rebuttal comments to [redacted] and his manager. Since we have provided [redacted] with the information needed to follow up on her claim, we respectfully request that this complaint be closed.
We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.

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