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The Building Block

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Reviews The Building Block

The Building Block Reviews (1622)

April 4, 2016   [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   [redacted]  [redacted]        [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding some...

tools he wished to have replaced under the [redacted] Warranty.        Store Manager [redacted] provided the following response:   We have spoken with [redacted] concerning this issue. She agreed to visit so that we could replace the screwdrivers that seemed to be the source of this complaint. Should [redacted] or [redacted] have any further concerns or questions, we would ask that she contact me [redacted] during normal business hours at [redacted] In light of the aforementioned information, we have closed our file.   We apologize to [redacted] and [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

February 18, 2016     [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   [redacted]   [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding his recent online order...

and request for a refund back to his [redacted] account. As clarification, our online website hosts other retailers through our Sears Marketplace program. The goal of our marketplace is to provide items that might not be available through our own online channels, so that our consumers have more options online. We offer our own merchandise as well as choices available from third-party vendors. For any consumer that would like to restrict their purchases to Sears items or services specifically, there is a tab that may be used to select only Sears items or to narrow the results returned from an item search. It should be noted that even when a customer accepts assistance by telephone, our system informs our online agents when a customer has chosen a marketplace item and prompts them to explain that their order will not be provided by Sears. Marketplace retailers that have chosen to showcase on our website have their own promotions, shipping charges, and refund, return and cancellation policies. Sears does not have any jurisdiction over the seller’s pricing, fees or policies, but does periodically review customer feedback for each seller to determine whether they meet our standards and will be allowed to continue to advertise on our website. With that said, our records indicate that [redacted]t placed an order with a Third Party Marketplace vendor, not Sears Holdings Corporation. In [redacted]t’s case, the order was fulfilled by [redacted] located at [redacted] with a telephone number of [redacted] and email address: [redacted] We have a very comprehensive disclaimer on our website that sets forth the terms and conditions of ordering from our site. For [redacted]t’s records, we have included our disclaimer below: Third Party Advertisements and Links to Third Party Sites We may display advertisements from third parties on the Sears Site, such as banner advertisements, pop-up texts, and links to third party sites. We are not responsible for the content of such advertisements or links, or for any products, services or other materials relating to such advertisements, any linked site, or any link contained in a linked site. The display of any advertisement or link does not imply endorsement by us of the advertisement or linked site or any content therein. IN NO EVENT WILL WE BE LIABLE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, TO ANYONE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO ANY USE, CONTINUED USE OR RELIANCE ON ANY ADVERTISEMENT DISPLAYED ON THE SEARS SITE, ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR OTHER MATERIALS RELATING TO ANY SUCH ADVERTISEMENT, ANY LINKED THIRD-PARTY SITE, OR ANY LINK CONTAINED IN A LINKED SITE. Returns and Cancellations Products fulfilled by third party merchants, such as items sold by Sears Marketplace sellers, are subject to the third party merchant's individual returns and cancellations policies. If you are purchasing an item from a third party merchant, please see the third party merchant's page for details. After researching the notes in the order we found that Sears Online contacted the seller [redacted] on [redacted]t’s behalf. [redacted] indicated that they had system issues with their orders which were recently corrected. The order was shipped via [redacted] and we verified that delivery was completed on February 16, 2016. In closure, since delivery has been received, we have closed our file. We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely,  [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
[redacted]the statements in this response from sears are misleading and false. no one has returned a phone call from the  loss depart at sears.  all of my food damaged and destroyed by sears giant lemon freezer.   the claims department at sears has been siting on there  hands as the freezer is still going nut runs wildly even as I type this  response.  there has been 3 freezers  delivered to my home in the last 2 months  that are junk lemons the one in my home now is such a lemon it should be painted for terry he is in full knowledge  of concerns  problems with his worthless lemon freezer,  he took the time to wright you hog wash but he never re turned any of the  phone call that concerned problems with sears. when you do get to talk to him all he says  sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry .but sorry wont fix the issues  with there lemon  if he would do his job this problem would be solved over a month ago .  but instead of addressing  the issue  he wrights hogwash. and I can prove he didn't re turn anycall my cellphone has full list of incoming and out going call there is a lot more out going with no response  then income calls. now for contacting the store  i have tried for a week trying to get a hold of the contact person  when they answer the phone  i get a run around  or they don't know if she is there   or when she will be there  and terry in full knowledge of this situation also.   I keep paying for there lemon freezer  and keep getting abused  and lied to and run around circles ." I WONT THE FREEZER REPLACED WITH A DIFFERENT MODEL ,AND I WONT MY FOOD CLAIMS RESOLVED"

January 12, 2016   [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   Re:  [redacted]   Dear [redacted] We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding a [redacted]...

    Each step of the WNLI process is explained on our registers. Once the program’s details are shown, and the consumer’s application has been approved, they are asked “do you want to accept this lease offer including all terms and conditions?” They then have to indicate on the touch pad whether they accept or decline.  Ms. [redacted] accepted the offer. The consumer is also asked for their preferences as to how much their payment will be, how much they can put down, and what date would be best for these payments. At no time is this referred to as a layaway program. It is a lease with the option to buy after a certain period of time. This is made clear on the leasing agreement the consumer is provided with. It shows the eligible amount, merchandise total, down payment amount, and a payment schedule with the amount shown. Then, it says: “once your minimum term is complete, you will have paid $xxxx. After your minimum term is complete, then you decide: option 1: continue leasing at same payment. Option 2: return to WNLI. Option 3: buy it out for $XXX.” WNLI has confirmed that it appears that Ms. [redacted] was also provided with a copy of this agreement via email. We want to make it clear that WNLI is a separate entity and Ms. [redacted] agreement is with them. We cannot interfere; she will need to contact WNLI with any further questions regarding her lease. In light of the aforementioned information, we respectfully ask that this matter be considered closed.     We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

[redacted]RevDex.com330 North Wabash Ave,
Ste. #2006Chicago, IL  60611Re: [redacted] Dear [redacted] We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding Sears
Home Services and repairs to her garden tractor.[redacted] Sears Home...

Services from our local service unit provided the following response: Sears Home Services records indicate that a new deck housing was installed on the tractor on November 4, 2015. The unit was tested and was found to be operating as designed.  When I spoke with [redacted] I informed her that Sears does take complaints very seriously and that we truly apologize for the inconvenience noted. We have extended the Repair Protection Agreement, which will not expire on July 14, 2017. I have provided [redacted] with a $50.00 Sears gift card as well as she now has my cell phone number and asked that she contact me directly if she finds herself in need of any additional assistance. That said, we respectfully request that this complaint be closed.   We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the
opportunity to address this matter. 
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or
Claims SpecialistSears
Holdings Corporation[redacted]

December 3, 2015[redacted]Revdex.com330 North
Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago,
IL  60611Re:  [redacted] Dear [redacted]We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint
regarding the pricing of an item he wished to order. As clarification,...

the only 15 amp [redacted] branded chain saw
listed on our site now is sold by a third party seller, CPO Outlets and the
price is $124.99. It is possible that the item may have been listed for the
price [redacted] mentions, but it has since been removed if so. While we strive
to provide our customers with accurate information, including pricing,
availability, and product description on all products available on,
whether directly through our listings or those of our third-party Marketplace
vendors, with any online site there might be times that an error could occur.
Should we uncover a pricing error, and an order was actually placed for the
incorrect amount, we attempt to email the customer as soon as possible, and then
we cancel and refund the order.  For
store pick-up items, we notify the store of pick up that these prices were
errors and will not be honored, so they can cancel the sale at their store.  If the item was never ordered, then all
requests to honor the incorrect price would not be granted. We also make every effort to fix the error as soon as
possible since it does us no favors to have customers placing orders that will
just have to be canceled; it only disappoints them and causes extra work with
no sale at the end for us. There is absolutely no benefit to us to have these
errors occur, which is why we try to minimize the chance as much as possible
and why we have software that helps us identify when one occurs. In some
instances where it appears the error has not been corrected in a timely manner,
it is because the consumer may be viewing an older, “cached” version saved in
the computer’s database. This is designated by the settings in the internet
browser being used. If the price has since been corrected though, it will show
in the cart once added as this is a new page that would not have previously
been cached. Per our terms and conditions, we are not required to honor
an incorrect price even if it was an item sold by Sears. If [redacted] would
like to view the most up-to-date full version of our terms and conditions, he
can access the page with this link: http://[redacted]
We have also included below a small excerpt specifically regarding pricing
errors:“Pricing errors may occur on the Sears Site from time to
time, on items sold by Sears, or items sold by third party sellers on Sears
Marketplace. Sears attempts to correct all pricing errors as soon as they are
discovered, or as soon as Sears receives notice of an error. Sears reserves the
right to cancel any orders containing pricing errors, with no further
obligations to you, even after your receipt of an order confirmation or
shipping notice from Sears. Any payments you make to Sears for orders that are
cancelled due to pricing errors will be refunded.”With that said, since our response is in accordance with the
posted terms and conditions that govern our website, we are unable to honor his
request to provide the merchandise for the incorrect price; therefore,  we have closed our file.We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity
to address this matter.  Please feel free
to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.Sincerely,[redacted]

April 25, 2016 [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611 [redacted] We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding Sears Auto Center. First, we would like to apologize to [redacted]...

[redacted] for failing his expectations when he recently attempted to exchange his battery charger. We do not take these matters lightly and we sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused [redacted]. Upon receiving [redacted] complaint, we contacted District Manager [redacted] and Auto Center Manager [redacted], for assistance.  Both agreed that [redacted] should be permitted to exchange his battery charger.  Accordingly, [redacted] tried to reach [redacted] by telephone to invite him to return to the auto center to complete the exchange.  Unfortunately, [redacted] was unable to reach [redacted] after several attempts.  Therefore, we ask that [redacted] contact [redacted] at ([redacted] or via email at [redacted] to arrange a mutually convenient date and time to complete the exchange. In the interim, since [redacted] has been approved for an in-warranty exchange for his battery charger, we ask that this matter be closed. Again, we apologize to [redacted] and we appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaints Specialist

February 1, 2016   Nita [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   Re:       Cynthia [redacted] - #11108637   Dear Ms. [redacted]:   We have completed our investigation of Ms. [redacted]’ complaint regarding her...

dissatisfaction with Sears Home Services.   First, we would like to apologize to Ms. [redacted] for failing her expectations in regard to the repair of her range. Additionally, we would like to assure Ms. [redacted] that we appreciate her valuable feedback, since we compile this information to identify any negative trends and work towards rectifying any shortcomings within our customer service network.   We do not take these matters lightly and we have forwarded Ms. [redacted]’ concerns to the District Service Manager for further review.  On January 30, 2016, the technician returned to Ms. [redacted]’ home to install the parts that were previously ordered.  Once the parts were installed, the range was tested and found to be operating properly.  Again, we sincerely regret any inconvenience Ms. [redacted] may have experienced due to the delay in repairing her range. With that said, since we have completed the repair to Ms. [redacted]’ range, albeit later than expected, and documented her concerns with the repair process, we ask to have this matter closed.   Again, we apologize to Ms. [redacted] and we appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.     Sincerely, Melissa [redacted] Regulatory Complaints Specialist

March 9, 2016  [redacted]Revdex.com330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago, IL  60611 [redacted]     [redacted] We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding the charges he was...

assessed for a repair to his washer. We would first like to apologize that [redacted] somehow misinterpreted our pricing policies to mean that our minimum fee would be deducted from his repair cost. What we explain is that for a minimum fee of $79.00 we will travel to the home and provide an estimate of the prospective repairs needed. If the estimate is accepted then only that amount is due but if it is declined, then the minimum fee would be owed. We do not say it will be deducted from the estimate. In [redacted] case that means that the charges he was assessed for service were correct and he would not have been owed any refund. With that said, since the time that [redacted] filed, he had another service order under his 90-day repair guarantee. During that call it was determined that the washer needed a new electronic control board, and while he would not have had to pay any further labor costs, the cost of the new part would have been considered a new estimate. Since [redacted] declined to proceed with the further estimate for repairs, he would have been entitled at that point to receive a refund for everything except the $79.00 non-refundable minimum trip/diagnostic charge. At this point though, we are unsure as to whether [redacted] actually ever received this refund for $145.70. If he has not, we would ask him to contact us and provide the first 12 digits of his 16 digit [redacted] card ending in [redacted] we would then be able to research our systems to see if any credits were issued and if not, issue a refund totaling $145.70. He is welcome to email me at [redacted] or call me at [redacted] to provide that information. In the interim, since we have explained the further developments with [redacted] repair and the fact that we are willing to refund him for all charges above the non-refundable minimum fee of $79.00, we have closed our case pending his response.  Again, we apologize to [redacted] appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely,[redacted]Team Manager, Regulatory Complaints[redacted]

April 28, 2016   [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   [redacted]  [redacted]      [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of [redacted] rebuttal.     We would like to sincerely apologize to [redacted] for our error. We did verify that he has a [redacted] Bank Sears [redacted] after all. It seems that there may have been an issue with our transmitting system when [redacted] application was submitted electronically. We are currently examining the matter to see if we can prevent further occurrences. A credit for $115.00 has been issued to the account [redacted] used to make his purchase as a courtesy. This credit should reflect within 3-5 business days. Since [redacted] has been provided with the credit he was seeking, we have closed our file.   Again, we apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

November 20, 2015[redacted] 330 North
Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago,
IL  60611[redacted]We have completed the investigation of [redacted]
complaint regarding her recent online order.It is unfortunate that we failed [redacted]...

expectations and we can understand her frustration with the series of events detailed
in her complaint. We regret that this incident occurred, and we can assure that
her concerns have been forwarded to management for review so that future
problems of this nature can be averted. After researching the notes in both
online orders, we found that [redacted] was not charged $983.28 for the first
order [redacted] and her gift cards currently have the full balance. Additionally,
we verified that she was not charged on her [redacted] card for that
order either. According to Sears Online there was an error within the system
that did not allow the order to process properly. However, another order was
placed [redacted] the next day with a discount of $173.34 which brought her
final total to $809.94. Unfortunately, Sears was unable to complete delivery any
sooner since the product was not available from the manufacturer until November
17, 2015. We apologize again for any inconvenience [redacted] may have
experienced and hope that in the future she will allow us another opportunity to
provide her with a better example of customer service. In the interim, we have
noted [redacted] concerns and respectfully ask to have this matter closed. We appreciate the opportunity to address this
matter.  Please feel free to contact me
if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely,  [redacted]Regulatory Complaint SpecialistSears Holdings Corporation

December 15, 2015[redacted]Revdex.com330 North Wabash Ave, Ste. #2006Chicago, IL  60611[redacted]  [redacted]We have been unable to complete the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding the delivery of her refrigerator.Upon receiving...

[redacted] complaint, we escalated her concerns to [redacted], Service Recovery Specialist.  [redacted] attempted to reach [redacted] via telephone and left contact information on her voicemail; however, at this time she has not responded.  We are unable to resolve [redacted] issue until we have the opportunity to discuss the matter with her.  She may contact [redacted] at [redacted] ext. [redacted] at her earliest convenience if she still requires assistance with her issue.  In the interim, we will consider [redacted] matter closed, pending her response.We apologize to [redacted] for this issue and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Sincerely,[redacted]Regulatory Complaints Specialist[redacted]

Nita [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave, Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611 Re: Laura [redacted] #11027511 Dear Ms. [redacted]: We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding damage to her home allegedly caused by her home air conditioning system.   Ms. [redacted]...

is aware that Sears referred her damage claim to our third-party claims administrator Sedgwick for further review. Once Sedgwick opened the claim, [redacted], it was assigned to Claims Examiner Bryan [redacted] for handling. Mr. [redacted] can be reached at [redacted] during normal business hours or via email at [redacted] For clarification, Sedgwick has been entrusted by Sears to represent our interest in assessing all liability claims; Sears has empowered them to accept or deny a consumer’s claim.  Regardless of whether the decision they will render will be favorable or not, we are unable to obtrude upon Sedgwick’s actions. Their decision is immutable. Since we have provided Ms. [redacted] with the information needed to follow up on her claim, we respectfully request that this complaint be closed. We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely, Adam [redacted] Regulatory Claims Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation 800-762-3049 ext [redacted]

April 4, 2016 [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611 [redacted] We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding his request for a refund for a declined estimate. At the time [redacted]...

[redacted] called to schedule service through Sears Home Services, he was apprised that since his washer was no longer under warranty, he would be scheduled as a cash call and responsible for a minimum non-refundable trip charge of $89.00. Below is an excerpt from the call taker’s script pertaining to scheduling service: “Your technician will provide you with a detailed estimate for the cost of repairs. There will be no charge for this estimate if you proceed with the repair.  If you choose not to have your <product> repaired, you will be charged a non-refundable fee of $89.00.” As illustrated above, the call taker explained that when the repair estimate is declined, the minimum diagnostic fee is due; however, there is no mention of the potential repair cost. The call taker is not empowered to quote a repair cost for several reasons.  First, they do not have the technical expertise to diagnose a product, secondly, even if they were knowledgeable, they could not diagnose a product sight unseen over the phone and lastly, they do not have access to part and labor pricing.  We apologize if [redacted] misunderstood what the trip charge entailed, but the verbiage is fairly straight forward.  Therefore, since the technician completed the diagnosis, and provided [redacted] with a repair estimate that he subsequently declined, no refund is due.  As this decision is final and commensurate to the circumstances, we ask that this matter be closed. We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaints Specialist

April 1, 2016
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL  60611
We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding the repair of his tv.
We have reviewed [redacted]...

[redacted] service history and our records show that it was our technician’s determination that the damage done to screen was caused by the customer.  Unfortunately, the manufacturer’s warranty does not cover any repairs due to negligence or accidental damage by the customer.  Should [redacted] want to repair his tv it would be done at his expense.  That being said, because we have addressed [redacted] complaint, we respectfully request this complaint be closed.
We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Regulatory Complaints Specialist

March 3, 2016 [redacted]Revdex.com330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago, IL  60611 [redacted] We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding the charges she was assessed for service on...

her dishwasher. We would first like to clarify two things. [redacted] is correct that if our technician did not provide her with an estimate to repair her dishwasher, then she should only have owed her minimum fee of $79.00 since the instruction given is basically a diagnosis of the issue. However, the coupon [redacted] referenced would not have applied to $79.00 and would only have been applicable to labor or part charges. Since the technician charged her for a job code for instruction, the discount did apply and this is why he took it off his total. If at this point we had not serviced [redacted] dishwasher again, then we would agree that she should have been owed the difference between $79.00 and the $110.40 she paid, which would be $31.40.  With that said, she did in fact call us again and we provided a second call under the repair guarantee that she had because she actually paid us for a repair instead of just her minimum fee. Since we had already assessed a labor charge previously, there were no additional charges for labor as this was covered under the guarantee. If [redacted] had only previously paid us $79.00, then our technician would have quoted her charges for labor with the $79.00 deducted. This would have ended up costing [redacted] more than she paid, since the labor charges for the final repair would have been much higher than the one the technician assessed on the first visit. Due to this we do not find that [redacted] is due the refund for $31.40 for labor. What we did find though was that she was entitled to receive her 20% discount previously presented off the cost of the parts used for the second service order. The total for that refund plus tax is $31.17. If [redacted] could call us to provide the first 12 digits of her 16 digit [redacted] account number ending in [redacted], we would be happy to credit $31.17 back to her account. We do not need the expiration date or the security code, just the remaining numbers are sufficient to process the credit as this information is no longer viewable in our system due to the length of time that has expired. She can contact me via email at [redacted] or via phone at [redacted] to provide this information. In the interim, since we have explained what refund [redacted] is entitled to receive and we are willing to provide this as soon as she provides the necessary information to process it, we have closed our file. We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely,[redacted]Team Manager, Regulatory Complaints[redacted]

March 24, 2016   [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   [redacted]  [redacted]   [redacted]
We have completed the investigation of [redacted] rebuttal.       Since [redacted] did not want this handled locally, we have had no choice but to file a claim with our third party claims examiner, [redacted]. [redacted] claim number is [redacted] and her adjuster is [redacted], who may be reached during normal business hours at [redacted]. [redacted] did inform us that the claim had just been opened and their investigation had not begun as yet. Regardless, once the claimant has been assigned a claim number through [redacted], they provide an official response representing Sears. [redacted] has been entrusted by Sears to represent their interest in assessing all liability claims; Sears has empowered them to accept or deny a consumer's claim. The fact remains that whether the decision they will render will be favorable or not, we are unable to obtrude upon [redacted]'s actions. Their decision is immutable. Rather, we can only recommend that our customers follow the process that [redacted] pursues for resolving any customer issues. At this time, [redacted] needs to direct any further correspondence to [redacted] to the attention of her caseworker. As stated above, although we empathize with [redacted] frustrations, we are not in a position to assist her per [redacted]'s protocol. We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

[redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave, Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611  
[redacted] [redacted] We have completed the investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding a refrigerator purchased from Sears. We apologize that [redacted]...

refrigerator failed to meet his expectations of longevity. The reality exists that no matter how high the quality of the items we sell, the potential for failure always exists for any product.  We also understand how frustrating this can be to a consumer, especially after the manufacturer’s warranty has expired and covered repairs and parts are not an option.  It is for this reason that Sears, and most other retailers, offer some sort of extended warranty coverage.  In the past, it could be argued that this was not always a wise purchase, since many retailers would make frequent exceptions to their return and exchange policies in an effort to satisfy their customers.  Unfortunately, due to the rampant abuse of these courtesies, most retailers had to abstain from this process and curtail the widespread practice of making these exceptions.  It is always the customer’s choice as to whether they would like the peace of mind that comes with having an extended warranty; much like deciding whether to have insurance on personal property.  The benefits have to be weighed against the costs, with the understanding that if it is not purchased the consumer would then have to bear the consequences of that decision.  [redacted] did not purchase additional coverage, but he was provided with a complimentary one year Repair Protection Agreement (RPA) on February 23, 2015 which has now expired. As such, we feel it is unreasonable to expect Sears to bear the cost of repair and we are unable to grant his request.  We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] may have experienced and respectfully ask that this matter be closed.  We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Claims Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

November 11, 2015[redacted]RevDex.com330 North Wabash
Ave., Ste. #2006Chicago, IL  60611
[redacted]Dear [redacted]We have completed
our investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding sooner service for
her refrigerator.When we contacted

[redacted] to set her next day service she informed the service unit that
she was cancelling the service due to the cost. Since [redacted] has
decided not to pursue service with A&E we have closed our case.We apologize to [redacted] on behalf of Sears Holdings Corporation and we appreciate the
opportunity to address this matter.  Please
feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.Sincerely,[redacted]

[redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   [redacted]   [redacted]   We have completed our investigation of [redacted] complaint regarding service for his Laundry center.   Upon receipt of [redacted]...

[redacted] complaint, we found that he had previously been in contact with [redacted] in our escalated complaint department. [redacted] offered and processed a replacement for customer satisfaction reasons and the delivery was on March 18, 2016. If [redacted] is still in need of assistance he can contact[redacted] directly at [redacted] As it was our understanding that the resolution proposed met with his approval, we have closed our file.   We apologize to [redacted] on behalf of Sears Holdings Corporation and we appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely,   [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

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