TH & PC Corporation Reviews (37)
TH & PC Corporation Rating
Description: Parking Facilities
Address: 6717 Essington Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 19153
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Check went out 5/30/17.
May 7th 2015Dear [redacted]t,As I stated previously the amount of gas and time of fill up are extremely relevant. What’s provided is not sufficient based on [redacted] claim. The fact that [redacted] spent $245.00 has nothing to do with the issue.Sincerely,Peter C.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: The business should be pay for cost of repairs since the damage caused occurred while under their control. I fully comprehend the need for a driver to adjust a seat but it was broken during a service I paid for. There were no issues with the seat prior to the service and nothing was underneath the seat to cause it to jam. The company had sole control of the car in my absence and a seat in a 5 year old vehicle is unlikely to break while being adjusted back and forth.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If...
no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved] Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
I find it interesting that this is now the third story the owner has come up with since this ordeal started. He first told me he would take care of the damages his employee caused to my vehicle and then said he would work with my adjuster when I informed him that a claim had been started. He then he told my adjuster he was self-insured (which I am sure is not true) and that he would send her the appropriate documents for reimbursement (which he never did) and cut off all communication with her. Now he is standing behind a disclaimer that isn't worth the paper it was written on. All this does is prove to me that not only is he an unscrupulous business owner, he is also a liar. I have read many of the comments left on multiple sites and find it not surprising at all that there are several complaints that state that the owner is very rude and unprofessional. He obviously has no ability to resolve a complaint. I had hoped that he would do the right thing here, but it is clear to me that this is all a big game to him. I have tried to resolve this, yet he continues playing his game. If this is the way he wishes to proceed, then I will see him in court. Regards,[redacted]
May 5th 2015Dear [redacted],As previously stated the limitation of liability was signed by customer and is a binding contract. I will be happy to deal with [redacted]’s insurance company regarding his claim.Sincerely,Peter C.
June 5, 2017Dear [redacted],I was away when [redacted] reported his damage therefore I was not able to review my video of his vehicle as soon as he desired. When I did review the claimed damage the scratch he reported was clearly on the vehicle at check in. I asked him if he was sure...
it was not there at check in. My exact words were are you 100% sure. He stated he was. I then informed him the scratch was on the vehicle at check in and he is more thanwelcome to come see my video. This conversation is recorded. He then pivoted to he is 100% sure about the small ding. I explained that I cannot see the ding when the car went out to pick him up and he reported the damage the following day. Therefore I can only assume the damage occurred after we delivered the vehicle. I did not hang up on this customer. I did inform him I would not be paying for a ding I cannot see on my videoand invited him to come see the video.I have included the customers signed agreement that damage must be claimed prior to taking possession of vehicle. Obviously, I have no knowledge of what happened to the vehicle a day later. I am sorry the customer feels we are responsible about ding as well as I am sorry he claimed the scratch was 100% our doing until confronted with proof it was not.Sincerely, Peter C.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I admitted my error in claiming there was a scratch on the car, and I explained the circumstances of that error. I didn't report the damage the following day, but right when we picked up the car. My wife was a witness to that. I called the employee to come out and look at it. She confirmed seeing a ding and a scratch (altho I later saw that it probably was only road tar) and took a picture of it. How come he's not mentioning that? Also he did hang up on me, so his claiming otherwise is a lie. If the conversation is recorded, it shld show that he hung up on me.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
June 5, 2017Dear [redacted],This does not change any of the points l made in the previous response. He was 100% sure of the scratch until I told him it was on the video. Then it became the ding and the scratch was inconsequential. I stand by my previous response.Sincerely,Peter C.
December 14, 2015Dear [redacted],The fact that it broke during normal operation of vehicle per the expert at [redacted] does not come under Winners responsibility. The seat broke due to manufacturer wear per the dealer. The dealer is the expert and he stated we did nothing wrong or negligent but due to age the vehicle broke.Sincerely,Peter C.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: We had been left four an hour before our anger got the better of us towards his staff please do play the tapes that prove we made multiple calls requesting the status of our pick up and was repeatedly told "it was coming and to continue waiting". If "winner" parking had been aware that the normally 11 minute, 5 mile trip from their lot to the airport had what he's calling extensive repairs (which we passed upon leaving the airport and found people driving on just like they do whenever construction is being done on roads, with caution) than we should have be alerted to wait inside due to the frigid weather, the lateness in the night AND having two infants who just dealt with 2 hour flight delays. It was extremely poor business practice to have us continue to wait outside. On another note it seems very concerning that we were alerted by one of HiS employees that a fellow traveler had waited maximum of 10 minutes and was concerned and bewildered as to why we were waiting an hour. If te road was blocked so heavily than why would this driver say to me, and I wuote, "that man waited 10 minutes there is no way it should take them one hour to get to you" to which I reaponded to this employee "well we have been waiting along with two babies so I'm sure you can understand our frustration" to which he agreed. The poor business practice started with the excessive wait and continued into the phone calls where his "secretary" was dismissive and condescending as to our situation then continued on when the driver arrived and claimed he had no idea how long it took him to arrive there because "he didn't timeIt" and further along to the phone call received the next day where when trying to resolve the situation was told "you are no longer welcome to park here" as if we would ever use this business again. I have worked in retail and there is a way to conduct yourself with customers and attempt to be understanding and accommodating and neither him not his employees practice these acts.
May 7th 2015Dear [redacted],I contend that [redacted]'s vehicle was not half full when it arrived at our facility. I would ask that she provide documentation showing her last fill up prior to checking in at our facility. We drove the car to and from the airport two times. That accounts...
for over 16 miles. The detail shop that we contract our work with is 7 miles away in stop and go driving. That accounts for another 14 miles driven. While we do run the cars to dry the interiors after details I checked with the local [redacted] dealer and they stated that at idle the car would use no more than a quarter of a gallon for the hour it ran. Clearly that would not account for much movement in the gauge. Additionally, every procedure that we that we used perform is not detailed to customers. Relevant procedure are. The fact that we used maybe one and a half gallons of gasoline during our driving the car with the customer or for the customer does not account for the over 11 gallons of gas [redacted] claims her vehicle is missing.While I apologize [redacted] needed to fill up after returning I think it’s reasonable for her provide a receipt showing the amount of gas with date of her last fill up prior to check in to validate her claim.Sincerely,Peter C
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because a statement directly from my bank account should be sufficient. The fact that the owner is going to extreme lengths NOT to reimburse me $30 of the $245 that I spent at his organization speaks volumes of his business practices. Losing my business as well as all my friends, family and colleagues is reimbursement enough.
July 28, 2016Dear [redacted],On the date of [redacted] return there was a complete nationwide outage of all [redacted] small and medium sized business lines. This is a link to the story [redacted]...
[redacted]We have no idea of a phone outage until we are notified by a customer or attempt to make a call. The lines were intermittently going down at first which was not apparent to us. Some calls were coming through. We had no idea others were not. Once I was aware of a loss of phone service I moved to our emergency plan. This involves logging in online and call forwarding our phone number to the emergency backup Verizon lines. When I attempted to do so I could not access [redacted]. I proceeded to call [redacted] to have them call forward the lines. When Ms. Pontius arrived at our facility I was in the middle of attempting to fix the issue. It was never stated I was in a meeting and would not see her. I was waiting for [redacted] to come on the phone. I waited 45 minutes for a representative to answer. At that point the [redacted] employee informed me they had no access whatsoever to the system and could not forward our calls. I have never experienced that in 22 years of operations. The phone lines were not repaired until 11:30 that evening.After 15 minutes of waiting for a representative I dispatched drivers to every arrival terminal at the airport to look for customers. I also dispatched all of our vans to circle the airport. Additionally, we emailed all customers arriving with the [redacted] number that was operational.I did everything possible to alleviate the problem created by [redacted]. I apologize to [redacted] about the delay in getting her vehicle as well as the cab fare. However, this was a situation beyond our control.Sincerely,Pete C
Review: On May 27, 2014, I left my car at Winner Airport Parking (as I always do) while I flew to Florida. I asked the woman at the check-in desk if I could get the bulb replaced in my right headlight low beam.
When I returned I was SHOCKED to find a charge of $53.78 plus tax for this service. This seemed very extreme, to say the least. The car had been sent to [redacted] for this service. When I questioned Winner, I was told to contact [redacted] and so I did and I asked for a copy of their bill to see what they had done. I received no response from [redacted].Desired Settlement: I want an itemized bill from [redacted] and then a refund for whatever they did that I did not request.
August 26, 2014Dear [redacted],I spoke with [redacted] the service manager at [redacted]. He stated to me they did speak with [redacted]. I did obtain the complete service bill for this customer. Two bulbs were out. Both were replaced. The request for service from [redacted] asked for replacement of bad bulbs. I called a [redacted] dealer for comparison since that was the make of the vehicle. I have also included an estimate from a [redacted] dealer for the cost of this repair. The more expensive repair by far is the front headlight. This is agreed upon by both dealerships. The total repair costs are almost exactly the same. Therefore I concluded the cost was not in fact extreme but reasonable compared to what a [redacted] dealer would charge.Sincerely,Peter CWinner Airport Parking
Review: I’m writing to you in regards to a very poor experience with Winner Airport Parking in [redacted]. A week ago I used Winner Parking and my car was damaged in their care. I picked up my car on Thursday, 8/7 and it was rainy outside and at the airport terminal police were hurrying everyone along. I didn’t check the vehicle. Since it was so rainy, I didn’t leave the house over the weekend. I noticed the damage on Sunday afternoon and called Winner Parking on Monday to report the damage. When I called them and described the damage, the person made it seem like this type of damage has been reported to them before. She even said to me, “Oh, they must have scraped your wheel in the lot”. She said they have the video footage of my vehicle coming in and leaving their lot and will check it. They said they don't need me to send photos. They even asked me to go in and take a look at the video myself if I’d like. I decided I’d trust them to do it. On either Tuesday or Wednesday, a manager called me asking me to send them photos and I did. This manager did not mention anything about the video being deleted. On Thursday, 8/14, the owner, Pete, called me claiming the "video was erased" and that "in his honest opinion" he believes I dropped my car off damaged. I asked him why the video was deleted since I put them on notice about the damage on Monday and on Monday, the video existed they said...This question made him extremely furious. He basically said I wasn't telling the truth, I took too long to call and said I am "having a one way conversation with myself". I reiterated that the car was not damaged when I left it with them. He responded, “prove it”. He said, "this is what's wrong with people like you in this country trying to make quick money" accusing me of dishonesty and questioning my character. I was very offended. He had an elevated voice and was unbelievably unprofessional, accusatory, aggressive and rude. I couldn’t believe he took 3 days to call me and deleted my video in the process. He was attacking me on the phone even when I was calm and polite throughout the entire conversation. I have never had such a poor customer experience in my life. I don't think he cares about customer service or about the poor reviews on social media ([redacted], [redacted], etc…) about him specifically and his business. My husband called Pete back 10 minutes after my conversation with him to find out why the video was deleted since Monday when I put them on notice. He was extremely rude to my husband as well. He made the same “prove it”, “this is what’s wrong with people like you in this country” comments to him and told him he’s the owner and there is nothing we can do. Pete also told my husband that 5% of cars are damaged in their care which I think it a very high number. Also, I have no confirmation of this, but I read on [redacted] that when people have tried to pursue these types of cases further with Winner Parking/Pete through their insurance company, they have found that [redacted] Parking isn’t insured and there is no way for them to get paid for the damage.
I have photos of the damage. On the passenger side, there are deep scrapes on the outer rim and one of the wheels. It may cost about $1,000 - $1,500 to fix.
I have reached a dead end with the owner. Thank you.Desired Settlement: I'd like for Winner Parking/Pete to apologize in writing about how they treated me and I'd like them to pay for the repairs.
August 26, 2014Dear [redacted],I have to strongly disagree with the entire tone and characterizations of what [redacted] wrote about our phone conversation as well as the description of how we handle an issue like this. [redacted]'s account of what was said is entirely incorrect.The facts of this incident are not disputed by either party. [redacted]’s car was delivered to her at the airport on 8/07/14 at approximately 7:00 pm. The area where her car is delivered is protected from rain. The side [redacted] claims we did the damage on was the side that was pulled up to her at the airport. [redacted] made no mention of damage at that time. We then received a call 4 days later at approximately 5:25 pm stating that she was reporting damage to the vehicle on the side that pulled up to her at airport.Our customers sign a Limitation of Liability when dropping a car off for our service. I have included the one signed by [redacted]. This Limitation of Liability is also printed on the back of every claim check a customer receives. It clearly indicates we are not responsible for damage that is not reported to us once a customer takes possession of their vehicle. The car was out of our care and custody for 4 days.The video images we take of the customer vehicles are tied to the customer claim check number and retained for 24 hours after their return. This gives ample time for us to check a damage complaint brought up by a customer before they take the car out of our care and custody. After that time frame the images are written over due to space considerations since we record an immense amount of High Definition video on a monthly basis.I apologize that [redacted] is not happy with how we handle claimed damage reports many days after the car was turned over to her. I also hope this clears up some of the information she misunderstood during our conversation.Sincerely,Peter CWinner Airport Parking
Review: While my car was parked at their facility, their parking lot drainage system became clogged and my car was flooded.
They admitted the problem and vacuumed the car to remove the water - but stopped there.
They would not pay for an inspection, car detail, or anything.
They said to make a claim with my own insurance company, and would not give me any further information, and would not pay for the $500 deductible.
They told me that their lawyer had advised them that this was an "Act of God" and Winner would not honor any claims.
Interestingly, the next door parking lot ([redacted]) did not have any issues.
My insurance company made the inspection and recommended full removal of the carpets due to the wiring underneath the car's interior carpets. They told me to get an estimate, which they believed would be about $3000 for the full removal and replacement of the 2007 Lexus ES350 interior.
I was still charged the parking cost which I had to pay in order to drive my mildew-odor car home.Desired Settlement: I didn't want to go to a lawyer for this, and although this happened about 1.5 years ago, it still kills me that this company is still in business and continues to advertise their "24 hour surveillance" and protection for your car while parked there.
I believe that if you offer a parking service near the airport, and offer safe parking for your car, then you're obligated to make repairs to the cars that are damaged while under your protection and contract.
December 17,2013
Dear [redacted],
The incident **. [redacted] is speaking of was due to a once in a lifetime event. This occurred during his stay from 9/06/11 through 9/11/11. It is actually over two years ago. We had a storm come through that dumped record rainfall in a short period of time. It was due to a hurricane that went through the south and ended up in our area. The flooding was so bad that Interstate 76 was closed. Storm drains in the city of Philadelphia were backing up from the river not allowing any water to flow. Unfortunately **. [redacted]’s car took in water on the floor. While I am sorry it occurred we have never had anything before or after occur like this. We had no knowledge that the city drains would back up and not allow water to flow into them. We had no negligence in this incident,