Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Flower Mound Reviews (%countItem)
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Flower Mound Rating
Address: 4400 Long Prairie Road, Flower Mound, Texas, United States, 75028
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Hospital didn't send bill and then sent to collections. When payment arrangements made, hospital did not honor the arrangements.
I visited this ER in May and provided my license with current address. The hospital staff never entered my correct address, and months later I was contacted by a collections agent for a balance remaining after insurance paid. I called the hospital to ask why they never sent a bill, and they investigated and acknowledged their negligence in not entering my address to receive said bill. We fixed the situation and set up a payment plan. Hospital has been collecting payments from me, including November and 12/13, only to turn me over to collections again on 12/30. So they were collecting and cashing the full monthly payments and still going to collections. I believe this is actually illegal in the state of Texas.
I would like a correction to my credit reports, fix the issues with collections, and a written apology from the hospital.
Contact Name and Title: Tami *** Risk Manager
Contact Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact Email: ***@phfmtexas.com
We cannot publicly respond to this complaint due to federal and state privacy laws. However, we are handling this concern through our internal process and will follow up directly with the patient. Please contact our Risk Manager at XXX-XXX-XXXX with any further questions.
It is common industry practice to offer customers a discount who are willing to pay cash for medical service. This service is mutually beneficial and refusing to do so represents an unethical double standard, since it is well-known that providers offer preferred/contracted rates to insurance companies as well as Medicare and Medicaid. I have asked several time and Emergency Medicine Specialists of North Texas PA is the first medical practice who has ever refused to do so in my experience. It's unethical to so severely penalize those who offer self-payment.
Product_Or_Service: ER exam by Dr. Veloso
Account_Number: SSXXXXXXXX
Other (requires explanation) It is customary to receive a 40% discount for full cash payment of medical services, which still offers a greater amount to the business than contracted and preferred rates. I would like my original $830 charge discounted.
This complaint is not related to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital *** Mound.
The correct entity is the billing entity for the Emergency Physicians is:
78 Regency Parkway
Mansfield, Texas XXXXX
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The President of Emergency Medicine Specialists of North Texas PA is:
Dr. *** Sam *** MD
Billing is done by:
Emergency Medicine Specialist of North Texas PA
PO Box 2283
My original complaint is still valid. I originally began with trying to resolve this by speaking with Debbie at XXX-XXX-XXXX on 7/10/2017 when I discovered that Emergency Medicine Specialists would not accept what my insurance company offered as an In-Network payment of $116.22.Since they would not,I asked for a discount if I paid cash. There were several discussions in the interim. I faxed a "Letter of Concern" as requested to (XXX) XXX-XXXX on November 27,2017. Then I spoke with Connie on December 12, 2017 in regard to the Letter of Concern and she told me that their policy was to not offer ANY discounts.
The original bill we $830. My insurance, which does not pay outside of South Carolina, has their In-Network negotiated rate of $116.22 ($713.78 discount), it seems so unethical to charge self-pay patients over 7 times more than an insurance contract rate! I asked for a reasonable and customary discount, similar to what I received from the hospital and have received from other healthcare providers when I asked and was refused.
The physicians have a separate billing process from the hospital. The hospital is unable to see the bills generated on behalf of the physician services. We have contacted Intermedix and have requested they contact you for resolution. Thank you.
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Emergency Medicine Specialists of North Texas PA offered me an acceptable discount as a self-pay patient.
Daughter *** was having allergic reaction to antibiotic same as I had years earlier. Rapid med closed to went to ER to get cortisone shot.
Daughter *** called and said after taking first nitrofurantoin for infection breathing issue and after second having to think about breathing. Told her was allergic reaction I had and got cortisone shot which immediately relieved symptoms for good. Rapid Med I used closed so went to Tx Health ER and told ER Dr. the above and we wanted cortisone shot and bill was under $300. He refused and told her she needed tests but offered her NO treatment for her allergic reaction. We tried to leave when Dr called in orderly who screamed at her "Do you know you will be leaving AGAINST MEDICAL ADVICE". This scared her as she was already feeling badly so she stayed and they ordered tests and said she needed to be admitted, get more tests. ALL said total cost was $10,841.50!!!! AND what is worse, they let her suffer all night and WOULD NOT give her the cortisone I had asked for BECAUSE if they did she would have immediately have felt better as I had and would have gone home.
Either give credit for remaining balance after insurance payment of $2063.96.
The patient's complaint was reviewed and addressed in August 2017. A multidisciplinary team determined the care was appropriated based on presenting signs and symptoms. The mother's request for specific medication and treatment was inappropriate based on the physician's assessment of the patient.
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
First, they never treated her symptoms for the allergic reaction to the antibiotic which they keep trying to get around. They have never even addressed that she was having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic, and I need that issue addressed. Second, both of my daughters have recently(after the visit to Texas Health ER addressed here)been to Rapid Med, an urgent care center, feelng miserable. Rapid Meds first response after evaluation was to give cortisone shot to make patient feel better, then gave RX to get better(antibiotic) with the bill under $200. Each of my daughters immediately FELT normal again and were able to IMMEDIATELY resume their everyday activities. THAT is what I requested (the cortisone shot) atTEXASHealth,and was denied. Presbyterian NEVER did anything to address the allergic reaction or even acknowledge that she was/might be having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. If given what we requested, instead of all the TESTING, she would have felt immediately better and gone home. The heart DR. who saw her in the morning told us her elevated troponin level they hospitalized her for "was nothing really" and that is a direct quote. Why would any doctor have a staff member YELL "DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE LEAVING AMA - AGAINST MEDICAL ADVICE" to scare a patient into staying especially when they were doing NOTHING to treat her allergic reaction, which they keep trying to skirt in their response!!!! Are they trying to deny she was having an allergic reaction when my daughter stated she started feeling poorly after taking the first pill and began to feel worse after taking the second pill. They have never addressed that issue - the issue for which we came to the ER!! I have seen a lawsuit against several hospital ERS for forcing ER physicians to admit ER patients even if not medically necessary to boost hospital profits as in case United States V. EMCARE 7/15/11 as that is what it felt like to us. How else can you address the fact that Doctor never treated or seemed to acknowledge fact that she was having an allergic reaction to an antibiotic to help her feel better and halt the allergic reaction??
I need them to address the fact that she was having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic and the fact that they never seem to want to address that in their response and refused to treat or did nothing to treat that at their ER which is what we came there for. A cortisone shot can be life saving in an allergic reaction.
No response will be accepted that does not address the fact that they did NOT treat my daughter's allergic reaction to the antibiotic. And then to end up with a hospital bill of $10,845.50!!! for testing her troponin level? only. And the fact that the DR. had an orderly YELL at my daughter who was already feeling poorly since they had not treated her allergic reaction "DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE LEAVING AMA, AGAINST MEDICAL ADVICE" to try to force us to stay? Is this your standard procedure in the hospital? Unacceptable behavior/ treatment. I would like that addressed as well. I would like to know what company hires Texas Health ER physicians.
The patient's complaint was reviewed again by a multidisciplinary team including physicians. Based on the presentation, the patients symptoms were not suggestive of an allergic reaction. The patient received appropriate care based on her symptoms, the results of the medical tests performed, and a thorough assessment by the Emergency Department physician
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
That is a lie. When someone presents with breathing issues after taking that antibiotic and symptoms get worse after 2nd pill is taken any Doctor should certainly be looking into allergic reaction. However, this matter has been resolved.
Paid $269 in full for 3-D mammogram, now being billed again.
I presented for mammogram on 11/16/2016, I was told that my insurance (Aetna) would not cover and I needed to make full payment. I paid $269 full pmt at time of service. I received a bill from 3rd party that stated my insurance paid a certain amount and I needed to pay more. Patient payment on the statement was 0. So they billed me and my insurance company and wanted to bill me again. This type of action is consistent with insurance fraud. Why am I being billed again when I paid $269 at time of service.
Revise statement including my payment of $269 on the day of service. Refund any difference since they billed my insurance company as well. Here is my bank stmt: Transaction History Institution: *** Options Print Actions Description / Notes Date Flags Category Amount Account November 2016 TEXAS HLTH PRBY HSPTL 4400 LONG PRARIE RD 11/16/2016 Health ($269.00) Size of this TransactionSize of this TransactionSize of this TransactionSize of this TransactionSize of this Transaction
We are attempting to assist this customer with her complaint and educate regarding billing of technical and professional fees. The billing concern involves physician professional fees.
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
At the time of service, I paid $269 and was told this was payment in full. I was also told that Aetna did not cover the mammogram, however they billed my insurance company too. Apparently in the 20 pages of paperwork I initialed that I would pay additional amt. Texas Presby sent my radiographs to 3rd party (but didn't send my pmt which they had) - radiologists. The bill from radiologists included statement: patient payment=0. This is the problem. Communication between 3rd party and Texas Presby and patient. I will not return to this facility or Dr Lungren's due to lack of communication with their patients. Human medicine is a disgrace, frought with horrid customer service, lack of patient care, lack of communication.