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Teaching Solutions Reviews (48)

1.) This person ordered on October [redacted] and asked for a refund same dayShe was given a refund the same day within a few hours2.) This complaint isn't to legitimately resolve a real complaintIt appears to be a competitor who is trying to ruin our reputation3.) The purchase is fraud with the intent to defame and ruin the reputation of over licensed teachers, nurses, specialized professionals and our organization4.) These materials were created by licensed educators who took, passed this exam and helped thousands of teacher certification candidates5.) We sell over products on the page references screenshotsSo obviously there would not be screenshots on one page of each product6.) The website clearly states several times this is a downloadable product in the same format as other leading test prep books for your exam i.eAmazon Kindle, etc-It's obvious you had no intentions of paying for anything even before you made this purchase-You purpose was to destroy our professional and personal reputation online-If so, you would have gone through channels and got a refund, not rush over the site and submit a quick and dirty complaint about disagreeing with the contents of an academic guide7.) You should know this manual was recently updated/redeveloped by a licensed teacher in your state with A PH.Din MathematicsSo it’s clear all your comments are and a criminal in nature8.) Since this complaint is posted online and is false, I'm going to sue you personally for committing a fraud purchase on our website and for publicly defaming our organization and the high profile, nationally recognized educators9.) I’m also filing a police report today with your local police departmentAll the facts, including your intentions have been documentedYour order details including credit card information has been flagged as credit card fraud by Master/Visas so was never legitimate10.) Sorry, we no longer tolerate rouge complainers who are not legitimate customers who think they can post information to destroy our reputation in order to ensure you leverage the for free products and services you ordered and/or are paid by our competitors to destroy our company and financially damage usYou received the refund per our guarantee policy and terms of service listed on the website with hours of orderingYour purpose in this complaint is related to your criminal behavior becauseYou were helped immediately within hours when we first thought you might be an honest customer with a misunderstanding or had difficult accessing all the materials11.) Our attorney is filing papers to sue you this afternoon for libel, slander and defaming our public reputation on the website

I too am concerned about such a situation that you describedHonestly, we took minutes and never found the email(s) you stated you sentThere usually are technical reasons for non-deliverability of emails including the use of phones to send emails, emails marked as spam by email services before we even see it and there are many other possibilities for non-receipt of emailWe have a waiting list to get into this test prep programThere is no incentive to not respond to your emails and/or process your requestIn fact, we are actively working to release clients in the program who already passed their exam, so we can open enrollment and help more test takers such as yourself who need these services to succeed and pass your examThe licensed nurses and teachers who operate the Day Comprehensive Success System answer all emails days per weekIt’d be next to impossible if we received your email on our end and all Test Coaches didn’t answer and process your requestOccasionally, we and email requesting “cancel” from an email address not associated with client’s order and without same customer name or info used in orderWe request this information, but often do not get a reply or just get more partial (in texting style) info strung across numerous, different emails we aren’t able to string togetherSometimes we receive vague emails like “cancel” when cancel means to cancel the membership of one-on-one Test Coaching help servicesFor example, after one passes their test and no longer needs the servicesRare is there someone such as yourself requesting a refund for product and service ordered and receivedHowever, I understand there was a misunderstanding of what the program is, so understand and will honor your requestI’m not saying this happened in your situation, but in helping over 11,clients pass their tests each year, you can imagine a few emails for whatever reason don’t make it to our inboxRegarding the confusion about what you orderedIt is a Test Coaching, Tutoring and Mentoring service: One of our many practice tests is one of many important features and benefits of the Day Comprehensive Success System test prep program including one-on-one test coaching, tutoring and mentoring by an experience expert in your specific examThis what you signed up for, but are saying you don’t want, don’t want to pay for the products/services in this program and are requesting a refund forThe records show you were refunded already, so this satisfies your requestI’m deeply sorry for any misunderstandings or inconvenienceCan we set up a free session for you so we can walk you through everything that might have missed in this process? We have a licensed teacher and test coaching a city near your home town of Pasadena who also feels bad and wants to help youSince our program is now full, it’s not possible to sign up again for the full Day Comprehensive Success SystemHowever, this special in person or phone meeting would just be free, pro-bono coaching sessionJust contact us through the Help Desk listed on the websiteWe’ll get back to in hours to set it up a free session to walk you through everything so you can see where the misunderstanding occurred I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: I am fine with the response (I will discuss with the business further)However, I am not sure who to email to further discuss the issuePlease provide an email for me to contact youIf an email cannot be provided, then I would like a refund now In response to the letter, I am upset at the claims made about my honestyI understand why it would seem like I am trying to get free study guides and tutoring, but I am honestly dissatisfied with my experienceContrary to the belief of the company, my test date has not yet passedI am not trying to scam the company in order to receive free study guidesI was not exaggeratingI tried to be as honest as possible and have every single email savedAlso, the only reason it took me so long to contact the company through was because I was busy trying to contact them through my own email accountI did not simply buy the program, and wait three weeks to contact the companyI tried my best to contact them on my ownI would be happy to show these emails to the company, as they cannot find them in their database Also, I am not complaining about a lack of immediate "real time response" from the tutors, as the response claimsI am complaining about a lack of any responseI do not think my emails bounced, because I received a reply to my very first email, and after that, no response for my following emails to my tutorI also sent four emails to [redacted] and three to [redacted] (one on 714, and one on 714)I finally received a response on saying my membership was cancelled after a couple weeks of emailing, but there was no response to my request for a refund I was not expecting "real time response" but I was expecting a response within a few daysEspecially for the actual tutoring service, I didn't get any of my questions about test content answered during my trial week, leading to my request for a refund and cancellation I sent my emails for my tutor to [redacted] I believe this is the correct email I would be happy to contact you regarding these issues but do not know how to contact youWhenever I tried to contact the company through email, I did not receive proper responses Sincerely, [redacted] In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above Sincerely, [redacted]

This business should be turned in for fraud, although they can't because their advertising is false, billing policies are incorrect & they will withdraw money straight from your checking account You will never receive any product, billing confirmation, emails of any kind, & you will not be able to contact anyone in their proposed "customer service" You cannot speak to anyone via their C.Sphone number, the do not respond to emails, and they send your personal information to a lawyer (whose name should be on the back side of a toilet) This lawyer, Michael Sue, sent a page threatening letter to me to the extreme and forcing you to pay this company even though you will NEVER receive ANYTHING from them! Bottom line--- save your money, time & efforts, and your own lawyer's peace of mind They need to be reported!! Complaint ID: [redacted] Customer Name: [redacted] Response required to resolve original complaint per letter dated August My/our email address is listed on the websiteSame as the email address the customer stated in their online submission [redacted] ( [redacted] of the company) or [redacted] We have a full-time [redacted] so carefully checks and responds to all emailsAs stated in previous letter, in the age of smart phones we often get messages not in complete sentences without customer name, email used to place the order or any other identifying info needed to look up a customer and help themOften we request this info by email and do not get it, sometimes another partial message with some information, incomplete sentences we cannot connect to a previous inquiry days earlier The customer states they are “unsatisfied with the experience” for receiving the tutoring services and downloaded materials for free several weeks after they were downloaded onlineI do not know if your exam date passedHowever, 86% of our customers order 2-days before their exam date, very few ordering months before their testing dateI’m willing to give the customer the benefit of the doubt, but as my explanation above states how these types of misunderstanding can occur despite our best efforts and employing a full time [redacted] specifically assigned to each client More over, the email address you typed in your formal complaint contained a typo ( [redacted] correct email address: [redacted] )Perhaps this is could be another reason for email delivery issuesIf there was a typo in something as important as your complaint, it’s entirely possible that’s the source of your lost emailsI’m not here to place blame, rather I’m here to help you I’m happy you received the downloaded materials for your exam and the monthly unlimited tutoring, test coaching and mentoring services and had the opportunity to consume them In my first message/reply I provided a “solution” to the customers concern and how to contact me and our management team Again, the customer asked for our email address and you stated this would close this complaintOur email and contact us information is on the website and available to the public and the customer was also given a direct email to her assigned [redacted] The customer can contact our [redacted] who has agreed to do a free private consultation to help the test taker pass their exam and discuss his concernsFurther, per the instructions provided if you contact me I will schedule a personal phone or in person meeting with a local school administrator who lives very near Fair Oaks, CA and could perhaps be a resource for you as you enter the education fieldHe will discuss your matter and find out the details of your “unsatisfied experience” to see what it is all about and find a reasonable solution for you If you don’t need any consulting help/tutoring to pass your exam due to your exam date passing and want to discuss a refund, you may contact these people just the same to provide you with a reasonable and mutually amicable solutionYou may contact her at [redacted] (check for email typos before sending) or [redacted] Regards, [redacted] ( [redacted] ) and management team I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolvedThe business asked how this "needlessly become a" issueIt became a issue because after reaching them by email and receiving a response, they did not issue a refund for reasons quoted in the original complaintSecondly, they are not providing advertised materialIf that does not merit a complaint, then I do not know what doesI look forward to receiving my full refund Sincerely, [redacted]

We have a client
services help desk and you have an assigned account managerTherefore, I can’t imagine how we did not receive your emails for months as you stateMy wife who is a principal of a school is your assigned account managerThis is the only email address given to youShe is extremely diligent in her task of cancelling services of clients in our programI’m extremely perplexed how we would not receive your emails for months as you describeOur customers engage our tutoring services, pass their test and request cancellation of their membership dailyIt is part of our course of operationsVery rarely do we do we find someone has sent us email and we did not receive itWe are very focused on avoiding these types of issuesWe serve the education departments of several colleges and universitiesWe maintain an excellent reputation as educators and tutoring services to our community of teachersWe would never deliberately not answer your emailIn fact, our tutoring program is always full and are always encouraging clients to close their membership if they are using so we can serve new clients who desperately need our test prep helpSo we have no incentive not to answer your email or cancel your servicesHonestly, this happened to clients last yearLater we found they were sending emails to an email address that is not ours and confused us with a different companyAnother person sent emails without any last name or order information that would have allowed us to look up their order and help themI’m not saying this happened in your case, but that’s a common reason how emails deliverability issues and missed communications occurWe do not have any spam filter to avoid such issues from occurringSeeing that we receive and process many emails each day, week and month we are very troubled to hear thisI can’t image how this could possibly occur month after month as you describeIf you ended up not using the services during the month’s you engaged our services, I can understand why you would want a refund after all these monthsI just refunded you for your October’sNow going back to August and September will require that you make special arrangements because our merchant service provider for Master *** will not allow us to refund back days nor do we have your credit card info to refund youSo to refund you back further, please contact your account manager at *** to discuss how this may be completedAs you can understand it has been over days since your first billing for our test prep tutoring services(For your security we do not hold on to your credit card information nor doe* *** regulations allow us toPer our contract with *** we are not allowed to send checks if you purchased online.) So please contact us to make arrangementsNOTE: We had a technical team at our email service do a comprehensive diagnostic of our email system and help deskWe report of system and server detailed we are not experiencing any email issues for the last days or now that would prevent us from receiving your emailTherefore, we will respond promptly when you contact us with your full name and basic order info so we can look up your orderAgain, very sorryOur response clearly states we are resolving it for you in the way you requestedTherefore, should close this out

Dear and Respected Client:
I deeply respect your view to not contact our company directly to resolve what I see as a simple misunderstandingWe could have quickly clearthe issue for you long before this letter crossed my desk.
I'm a certified
teacher in FL who lives in your specific areaI'm in charge of responding personally to clients by email and even arranging a personal phone call if you contact our company.
I'm here to help youI'm very reasonable and understandingThere is no need for there to be such a gross misunderstanding of business practices and standard pricing for a book or tutoring service
Further, we employ a full time client services manager to assist with these types of misunderstandingsYou were provided with a personal account manager to help each clientHowever, to avoid these types of misunderstandings you must read what you’re ordering before purchasing, so you do not make a complaint based on something we clearly said is not part of our product and service or our money back guarantee
1.) I’m extremely sorry if there was anything in the description of the tutoring services or tudy guide that was confusing
-There is a lot to read on the website(I understand in some cases it isn’t practical to spend that much time to read all the details or efficiently pick out only the details which may be most important to youThis can result in misunderstandings later.)
2.) However, the website's "Terms of Service" clearly states you can get a refund if you're not satisifed, even if you passed your test, don't feel satisfied with your purchase or your test date passed and don't need it anymoreIt also says, we refund your entire purchase minus a $customer serivice fee.
Why? The 'Terms of Service' go on to explain it's because you downloaded copyrighted materials to your computer (they require a small license fee to be paid to the legal license and copyright holder)Plus client services processing by our staff.
-As you know, the materials automatically download and open at the time of purchaseThese materials are copyrighted and by law require you pay an access fee
-We are teachers and nurses who do not make any money or profit in this test prep organizationHowever, we have some basic administrative costs to cover (e.gpaying the legal license fee on the materials you accessed from your computer online).
-In the years we've been in business our products and services have never advertised free to public
-Processing and customer service fees are standard for requesting services be done on your behalf by a company(This is not hidden on our website, is a part of standard business practice and only a very small fee.)
3.) I don't think it's fair to make complaints on features of our product we clearly stated are not part of our product or service (or assume one book will have everything every individual test taker make think they need).
4.) If a book was ordered and a customer finds they are not satisfied with it the procedure (like at ***) is to return the bookWe allow you to do this even though you downloaded and copied on to your computerWe gave you a refund promptly and courteslyMaybe you deleted it because you don't need it or want it anymoreThat is fineHowever, there is no need to make outrageous claims if you felt a study book you downloaded to your computer did not meet your personal test prep needs or felt you needed to get more supplement materials to prepare.
5.) You signed up for a complete test prep system with test coaching and tutoring servicesThe book you complained about is only a tiny part of the entire program or rather part of your order confirmation.
If you waited until day #for the other materials to follow and used the Test Coaching (what our program really is), I'm sure you would have been very happyI'm very sad the entire program wasn't understood at all from the beginning and we didn't get the opportunity to clear it up for you on day #
-I understand this can lead to not having all expectations met or not getting exactly what you believed the product and service to be.
-When my wife and I took our teacher certification exams we used many different booksWe too wouldn't be able to prepare for a teacher certification exam and a career as a teacher with only one simple book
When we took our teacher certification exams we never assumed one guide would review every possible body of knowledge and factoid which may have been covered over years of college or pop up on a difficult exam what is known to have esoteric questions and content
6.) If you believe something was missing and you needed more of something to help you prepare, that is understood and not at issueNo book or study guide in the bookstore is a "one size fits all" solution for everyoneAgain, you cancelled your membership before it even begun and didn't wait to receive day #of the course nor the one on one test tutoring and coaching help that's included.
Again, I do not think it's fair that you draw conclusions after on getting the first 5% of the program you ordered
7.) I’m required to pay a authors/license holder/publishing house who owns the copyright your license fee you paid to download the study guideI can also forward you there phone number and address if you want to escalate this to themWe are legally bound to pay these license fees
8.) If you had any difficulty accessing the study guide or connecting with your test coach/tutoring I can certainly help facilitate and help you get both in minutes
9.) I will give you weeks of free Test Coaching and tutoring online despite the fact we already refunded you minus the customer service/legal license fee for downloading the materials(This will represent over hours of certified teacher time one on one to help you with your test prep passing your exam.)
Again, please contact our Client Services department if you need any further assistance.
I'm sure you're a reasonable personYou can see the constraints under which we work to provide this non-profit test prep program to peopleIf you would like to download the study guide and other materials you did not get after you cancelled and got your refund, I’ll be more than happy to help you personally.
If I can be of any further assistance I can be contacted directly at the same email address you saw on your order receipt where it also explained most of information I wrote above: ***.
I’ll be happy to have a personal conference call with you by phone at your convenience to further assist you
*** ***
*** ***

I'm terribly sorry for such a simple misunderstandingWe've done our best to communicate and find very reasonable considering the factsThese types of misunderstandings are common when clients
navigate electronic interface like a websites we are not able to walk them through and explain one-on-one how everything worksSometimes info is overlooked or content is misunderstood despite doing our best to communicate clearly and honestlyWe help over 11,teacher certification and nurse licensure candidates succeed on their test each yearProviding these test prep services and products to so many clients each year over years and working with a large number of people out of the general public means some people will have a misunderstandingWe can't meet everyone's expectations 100% of the time when working with thousands of customers each month, hence these types of complaints do come in periodicallyTo be honest we believe our test prep products are the most effective in helping clients passAll our preparation materials are created by a team of credential teachers who passed your specific examHowever, the practice tests and study guides are not created for every created for every persons personal test prep needsSome people in the general public need a more remedial courseSomeone who has been a Physic professor with a PH.Dwill think our materials to train you to pass a high school teacher's Physics certification test is too easyHowever, our materials teach you the test and how to pass, despite such situations of one person needing remedial education on the subject or/or another being a Physics scientistYet, some people have failed their exam many times and come to our website and try our test prep materialsDespite failing so many times, they tell us they know the test better than our teams of certified teachers who actually passed their specific exam and teach this curriculum every day for yearsYou requested a refund for the test prep product immediately after you orderedYou made it clear to our staff by email you didn’t want to pay for our products/servicesThe day trial of the test prep tutoring service called “Test Coaching” requires that you have purchased our original study guideYou requested and received a refund promptlySorry for the misunderstandingFree evaluation period for additional services we offer is reserved for clientsThat is people who are already customers and paid for the main product we offerThe “free trial” is on the Test Coaching and tutoring service, not on the main test prep product you purchased and requested a refundYes, we’re required to pay a license fee of $to the developers of the materials you downloaded the materials to your computer even if you decided to get a refundWe didn’t charge you a customer service fee for the time corresponding on multiple emails, investigating your requests and time processing your refundThe terms of service on our website do state about the refund minus the $fee for paying the license fee on the copyrighted intellectual property protected by US and International copyright, license and patent law at *** I realize such things like “Terms Of Service” and “Refund Policy” page are probably not the fir st thing read on a websiteHowever, this is a fee we have to pay each time you download a proprietary study materials created by a contracted a team of CA credentialed educators who spent hundreds of hours writing the preparation materialsAgain, you were refunded for your original purchase after you downloaded it and received very good/fair treatment by our client account managerNo more free materials, free evaluation periods on additional aservices are granted/rendered after that/on that basisWe do have a Test Coach on staff located in Victorville and San Bernardino, CAOne is a local school administratorI will schedule for them to call you and discuss by phone or in personYou will just need to contact our client services account manager by the same email you used to request your refund after orderingThey feel extremely bad to have such a simple misunderstanding of the info we’ve done our best to display and clearly communicate on the websiteThey will walk you through anything you might have missed or misunderstoodYou’ll see we can’t operate and help over 11,teacher credential candidates each year if this is a free to the public service, test coaching, tutoring and all our books are given away for freeWe are a Christian organization that helps many teacher candidatesI appreciate you considering my explanation and your kind understandingI hope you accept this letter in good faithGod bless you

To Whom It May Concern, 1.) Teaching Solutions Test Success Systems at helps over 11,test prep clients succeed
on their licensing exams and launch their careers each yearOur company is team of plus licensed teachers, nurses and test prep professionals with many years of experience in our field and the specific tests we help our tutoring clients passIn fact, during our careers at Teaching Solutions, we’ve helped many tens of thousands succeed on their test and realize their career goals2.) Sadly, one out 4,people in the general public who visit our site, do not read anything before or after their purchase (e.ghow to access their order or how payment processing works) and then think the problem in the situation is us3.) We also volunteer time out of our busy schedule to coach and tutor GED test takers, so have always made our website, ordering process and communications very user friendly and easy to understandOver the last years we’ve developed our online ordering processing to be as easy and simple as possibleAlthough our clients are typically degreed professionals who need to pass state licensing exams, we’ve written the website, how to order instructions and post order follhelp to be at a 5th grade reading level to avoid these types misunderstandings4.) Unfortunately, despite doing everything we humanely do to make the order process and how to access the products and service information at a 5th grade reading level and prominently displayed during and after the ordering process, there will always be a few people in the general public (usually lesser adept parents purchasing for their adult child) for whatever reason seem not to read simple messages like “Click blue link to access your order” and/or “the following is the contact information for your assigned Test Coach, Tutoring and Mentor team, etc.” Admittedly, this could be a generational and lack of computer/internet knowledge issue i.ewhat is a download, how to download and save files to a computer, etc5.) Now in the current issue presented it’s another one of those classical misunderstandings where someone signfor a tutoring program and preparation materials to be delivered online, that are not advertised as a ‘free to the public’ products and services, performed and developed by top teacher test prep professionals, licensed educators and nurses and complains to the, “Why did I get charged?” 6.) Further, where the “how to access your preparation materials” are prominently displayed at the top of each page in the order process i.e“Please click on the blue link to access ALL your test prep materials,” written at a 5th grade reading level, there is always one out of 4,who refuse to read anything and then wonder “how do I get my order?” Or suggest: “The company must be withholding the online materials and tutoring services from me” in the first minutes of the order” and then make no effort to read the instructions they missed nor contact our day per week customer service department7.) We realize some clients are in a hurry and may not read these instructionsThat is, why we follwith several “post order” email messages stating, “How to access ALL study guides, practice tests and test coaching services online.” We clearly remind clients, what they ordered and how it is billed, so one doesn’t forget what they ordered days or weeks laterIn these follow up messages we clearly appeal to all test prep tutoring members to “PLEASE contact our day per week client services support/customer service if you need any help or questions arise.” 8.) All online materials download immediately after submitting an orderIn fact, every customer receives secondary links to their email that will allow them to download the study guides and practice tests for hours after purchaseIf you miss all that you can contact our day per week customer service and we will still send you the link to your order up to months later! 9.) So, obviously anyone ordering a GED prep course would have the ability to access our materials and understand when they purchase something online it is not a free tutoring and professional test prep consulting service10.) However, if what *** *** claims is true and she struggled to access her materials, it seem ludicrous *** ***, never contacted us to get help, but rather rushed over to the website to extract a refundFurther, the record shows, *** *** “UNSUBSCRIBED” to the emails from our company the same day she orderedTherefore, despite missing ALL the information that would have avoided such and elementary issue, could have received all these follhelp emails that would have guided this client to clarity11.) I realize you state in your complaint you want all charges for the test prep products and services refunded because somehow you’ve exceeded your personal financial budget for this month and didn’t read/understanding how the tutoring is billed and how to download your materialsAnyone who is struggling to pay for food and shelter is not eligible for our program for numerous reasonsYou were already refunded days ago due to other ineligibility requirements(See below)12.) Again, situation like these where we have bent over backwards to make the order process incredibly simple and straightforward and a ridiculously easy way to access all materials and test prep mentors online, there always seems to be someone who claims they can’t read how to access their order, how what they ordered is billed and then don’t contact us in the process and make irresponsible comments and untrue statements13.) Move over, I realize people are in a hurry and perhaps using a Smart Phone where the screen is so tiny simple information clearly displayed on a screen is hard to readHowever, in 99.99% of these instances our responsible clients go back, read what was missed or contact us to clear the matter up to their satisfaction14.) UPDATE: We were alerted to the “at risk” status of your membership early in the process because our records showed you had unsubscribed to your tutors email and our company’s email addresses that are the starting point to you test success on day #of your orderFurther, we got no replies from our emails to youFurther, due to the waiting list to get into our program by serious applicants and fact you weren’t “on board” or present from day #1, we dismissed you from the program in early MayTherefore, you were already been 100% refunded of our purchase for the preparation materials and tutoring services you signed up for on April ***15.) I’m truly sorry if this is a legitimate complaint, but hopefully you can see how such a misunderstanding could happen despite providing the most user-friendly ordering and product delivery system available currently available I realize college students may be learning how things work, but in the future if you have an issue or confusion on something you signed up for, please contact the company firstGive the company an opportunity to help youGoing immediately and submitting an easy online submission complaint to the on such a simple oversight overloads their capacity and shifts resources away from legitimate matters where the customer has already tried contacting and communicating with the business for resolution16.) We like the are non-profit and are trying to provide a service to a professional community of test takers of professional and state licensing examsIt’s preposterous to come to any website order something, not read the directions about how to download, “unsubscribe” to your post order help messages, official customer service messages, make no effort to contact company or go back and ‘read the instructions’ you missed or contact our company and file such a complaintAgain, you were 100% refunded and dismissed from the program over a week agoThis is what you asked for in your online online complaint submission and this is what we did for you

Dear and Preparer,
In all respect and consideration, I'm extremely dismayed at this misunderstanding of what is a "business autoreply" and overlooking the "order confirmation" plus numerous follemails that provided all this info at the risk of being redundant
If you're new to using the internet or ordering online I totally respect thatWe all started that wayWith all due respect, you should know when you email most company's you get a courtesy reply that tells you "your email has been received and a repy will be coming in 24-hours."
All information about how Test Coaching works is given in your "order confirmatation" page, plus an "order confirmation email" that contains these same instructions i.e"how to contact your test coach, how to cancel if you don't want tutoring services, etc." Further, we provide auto follemails that contain this same exact information knowing many people during the order process do not read the instructions provided at the time of ordering
You got a general auto-reply because you did not send your email to email address dedicated ONLY to customers (this info was in your order confirmation and follemails you missed or did not read)The instructions given at the time ordering give you a phone number plus dedicated email address for your Test Coach team and account manager.
The email snippet you provided in your complaints shows you received apology for "your misunderstanding of how Test Coaching works and the written instructions" i.e"how to contact your Test Coach" and was providing those instructions to you and trying to get you to read the informationIn your complaint you seem to be turning that around that nobody is answering your email when you've provided a snippet of an email that is not autoreply, but rather the help you were asking for.
What I'm seeing is plain and obvious is that the order confirmation information was not seen, missed or not read at the time of orderingThe email version of the order confirmation with all these supposed "missing instructions" was not spotted immediately (nor did enough time pass to receive the follauto-delivered emails that recap all this information).
Rather it appears you pinged our general email address (which is an email for the general public not the dedicated, priority service for client) in which you received a standard business auto reply aimed for general public inquiriesReceiving this auto reply made you feel frustrated so your next action was to contact the and file this complaintEven if you missed the instructions on "order confirmation page" had you checked your email box 5-minutes after ordering you would have found an email that contained all the information you were seeking
Had the "order confirmation" and instructions (provided immediately after the order) been seen and read you would have found the priority phone number and email address for your assigned Account Manager and got immediate help/instructions you miss explained over the phone to you step-by-stepInstead your solution to this issue was to contact the assuming your services were being withheld from you during your free week trial of our tutoring services because you did read the basic instructions provided
I'm very troubled as I've been noticing this problem more and more frequently as people are ordering on smart phones with tiny screens and do not read what they are ordering nor instructions for how to use the product or services i.ewhat phone number and email address are for clients vsthe general publicThis does lead to these types of misunderstanding after ordering and trying to figure it out and being frustrated when it's after business hours and you can't get a hold of someone instantly by email in 'real time.'
I'm also the *** *** responsible for programming the website, setting up these order confirmation instructions and follemailsWe test this each week and I know it worksIf not we'd be bombared with hundreds of emails and calls that would alert us to this immediately (where it would be fixed in 3-minutes)Rather, the instructions provided immediately after your order are there, but must be read or it's very difficult to help clients or avoid unfortunate misunderstandings like these
No company including would offer a free days of tutoring services as a trial (non-paid services) or paid tutoring services and then withhold info on how to use or contact your tutorThere wouldn't be any economic incentive for that
Test prep for an exam that determines if you can work in the field you're going to school for can be very stressful and small misunderstanding or lack of replies after hours in real time can feel like someone is not helping you as fast as you wantI can relate because I too took your exam and found it stressfulThis is NOT a reason to make unreasonable claims, slanderous and unfounded statements about a company when you did not read the basic info provided nor get in instant message by email with this info.
I do not mean any disrespectI'm sure you're a reasonable personI appreciate your concerns, but I hope you can see it as it is a gross misunderstanding and we were not given a reasonable opportunity to help you before you filed this complaint through their internet submission form.
One of our Test Coaches who tutor test takers for your exam lives very close to your cityCan we schedule a meeting to provide you with some additional services and time dedicated to helping you succeed on your exam? If so please email or call the dedicated contact info provided for our clients and I'll see this gets set up immediatelyThat's the least I can do as I feel very bad situations like this occur during the extreme stress of test prep and taking a difficult exam in which your career depends
I see when you submitted your online submission to the you listed your email as anonymous: *** and invalid phone number ***Further, the contact information you provided in your order is also erroneousThis is another obstacle that prevents us from helping you and communicating effectively with youCan you please update me so I can call you?

Dear and Test Taker,
I deeply regret not hearing from you earlier like at the time you ordered and when the events you describe took placeA lot of time has passed and your CSET testing date so you probably don't need the study guide, including materials you downloaded and
tutoring services you paid and received
Our lead CSET test coaching manager lives very near your cityIf your concerns are sincere, let's have you to meet and discuss this matterSurely, it would help to network with a school administer in a school district near you
As a future California credentialed teacher who will facilitate the development of character in young people as a teacher, I certainly hope your feelings are honest and not tool to involve a 3rd party like the in order to get downloaded materials and test prep tutoring services for free after your exam date passedHowever, from the some of frivilous comments and gross exaggerations in your complaint (my team of certified educators and licensed nurses know not to be true), it is feeling quite a bit contrived.
Had anyone in our company or customer service team received your emails, we/I could have solved this issue for you in minutes by email or phone (if this was a legitimate issue you had brought to our attention)You were assigned an *** *** who is full-time staff member to assist you to avoid any confusion in how to access the study materials and connect with your Test Coach
My assistant and I took over minutes and could not locate any of the "multiple" emails you claimed you sent making refund demands from the day you orderedSometimes we receive one simple request or question across multiple text-like emails from someone on a 'smart phone' who doesn't leave their customer name, what they ordered, the same email address they used when they ordered (so we could look them up) or even a clear/legible message in a complete sentence.
We aren't doing customer service hours per dayWe aren't doing customer service in real time in a text message, pinging back and forth styleThat would not be effective in helping real clients nor would be the work done by professional educators and nurses employed by our company.
You complained you received an "auto reply" stating we received your email and your reply is coming in hoursI get the sense this is what you're eluding to with nobody answered youThat you didn't get all your demands met instantly
We employ a full-time staff of certified educators and licensed nurses who answer emails and conduct our Test Coaching programIn years we've been in business I've never heard of someone getting ignored by the tutor or your assigned client services managerIf you had a test coaching question before we ping back with mindless texting, we carefully consider and research your question and provide a detail answer in writingThis professional work cannot be done like people texting back and forth in real-time, instant messagingI think this is where the misunderstanding is coming fromHowever, I can assure you our standard 6-turn around time by licensed educators and nurses is excellent in this industryIf we employed a team of high school students or a call center in India, you may get a knee jerk reply from untrained and helpful people,However, the personalized one-on-one by real professional services in the area of expertise you're seeking would be severely lackingThat is why we don't "chat" or correspond in by email in "texting style."
However, it seems from day #immediately after ordering and downloading the materials your complaint was you didn't get a refund on the study guideNow you're saying, weeks past since you ordered, now you want a refund for the study guide materials you downloaded because we didn't answer emails fast enough.
With the staff of over CSET test coaches, answering coaching clients it's not possible all ignored you for weeks and finally after weeks answered all your questions
If your emails bounced or you didn't identify yourself as a test coaching client and their was a misunderstanding I'd be happy to give you a refund for this services you said you did not get.
Please email me so we can set up a time convenient for you mornings or evenings to discuss this matterI'm sure you're a reasonable person who can discuss this matter with a colleague in the education field and come to a reason agreement.
There are many loose generalities in your complaintIt appears to be a very simple misunderstandingI think from experience providing services to college students I have a handle on what the misunderstanding isLet's discuss your complaint about your California credentialed teacher team not responding to you instantly in real time, plus issues you found with the materials during the weeks between the time you ordered/downloaded the materials on July *** and your complaint on July ***If we find in the client service records your assigned Test Coaches delayed like you claim or the issue you have with the materials are valid, I'd be happy to issue a refund

We show that shortly after your order/you downloaded the program you purchased from us, you marked our email as spam and unsubscribed to our client services email address(This is very
likely the cause of technical errors in sending emails to your account manager's email address and receiving emails from an email address your marked as spam or unsubscribed to.) Our email records are meticulously documented and recordedOur client service help desk electronic record shows on July *** we received our first email from you (for the first time) to cancel the Test Coaching and Tutoring servicesOn that day you were refunded for the full month of July services as that was your request on that dayIn that email there was no mention of free/refund request of June servicesNow this request states you want a refund on months of Test Coaching June and JulyI will honor your request because the email records show you never used the service nor contacted your assigned Test Coaches who specialize in and are experts in your specific FTCE testToday we refunded you for all tutoring services for June and JulyRecord shows when we got your first cancellation on July *** you were 1.) refunded for July at $Now you say you don't want to pay for your first month neither, 2.) so we have refunded you and additional $today3.) $plus $is $in total refunds given to you in July for the June and July serviceNot sure how $+ $in your complaint equals $94, but I'm sure it was just simple oversight, typo and simple technical errorI truly apologize for the email issuesWe rely on "word of mouth" referrals mostly from colleges, university staff in nursing and education, plus the 11,000+ clients we help succeed on their exam each yearWe put no resources into marketing nor do we need toWe have a waiting list for new clients to get our test prep materials and use this test coaching service to help them pass their examTherefore, there is no incentive for anyone here to ignore such emailsIn fact, we go to great lengths to avoid issues like thisWe routinely get emails from people who do not provide a customer name and we're unable to look up the customer because they send an email from email address unassociated with their order emailIn other instances, some clients by accident or who do not wish to receive "after order follows/reminders" hastily mark our email as spamThen later email deliverability issues can occur, depending on which free email service you use i.e*** *** etcWe have even seen where customers type our email address in their complaint and in the same complaint state "I don't get a reply." HumI'm glad you received the original purchase and downloaded it successfullyHowever, I hope you can see how sometimes there are reasons outside our control on email deliverability despite the fact we are very vigilant in avoiding such simple problemsPlus, I hope you can understand we do successfully receive and process thousands of client's emails each yearIt just seems once per month out of a few thousand of our clients have a difficulty like this that we are working hard to avoidIn July we started calling all our clients each month to review with them what they purchased, how the test help service works and remind them it's not free to the general public service/it is a paid service(In fact, there's a waiting list for anytime they wish to cancel the Test Coaching/test prep consulting help.) Because some clients do not read the website/what they purchased/put through and order online and wonder why they got charged, we've found calling each client within a week of their order and walking them through it has helped avoid these simple oversights, even technical email problems like this and therefore unnecessary complaintsAgain, we have honored your request and gave you the exact resolution asked for in your complaintThis should clear it out 100% nowI'm extremely sorry againYou should know we're working extremely hard to avoid these types of situations from ever occurring

We have been in business for over yearsEven in the early days of we never sent out paper materials in the mailWe clearly state this over and over againFirst, it's stated in the
“product description,” the page you place your order, order confirmation, order receipt and numerous follemails (at the risk of bothering): this is by ONLINE ACCESS ONLYFurther, we follafter your order to make sure you “got your test prep program downloaded” and “if you need any help to please contact our support desk so we can help you.” You will see you are making a complaint on items “We Clearly Stated Are Not Part Of This Program.” That is, due to the fact most test preparers are 1-days from taking their exam and we are constantly updating our study materials “we do not warehouse paper books” (which may become outdated)Rather, to make the most effective product and deliver it to our very “time sensitive” clients, “it is by download only and accessible only online.” The is not an appropriate venue if we clearly told you all products and services are “accessible ONLY online” then you make a complaint “I did not receive paper in the mail.” *** ***, as a young student studying to get a teacher credential in CA it is incumbent upon you to read the basic info provided, take responsibility and appropriate measures to resolve the matter (if you overlooked all the details) i.ehow to contact our customer service where we could have helped you resolve this matter to your satisfaction quicklyI find your comments extremely disturbing that you slanderously call my team of veteran teachers and I who are some of the top test prep consultants in the country, “fictitious coaches” when you haven’t even attempted to read what this program is, how it is billed, how you can cancel then make slanderous claims that have no basis in factWe normally understand that out of who when reading/ ordering from their SmartPhone will miss basic info due to a tiny screen, not read how to access the study material and their test prep consultant and rush to make a ( complaint we don’t ping email messages ‘back and forth’ after hours in ‘real time’ where some expect to get instant text messagesWe have also recognized that out of will be new to using the internet, foreign to the concept of downloading materials, how to contact by email, that many companies like *** and other leading retailers aren’t providing a call center by phone and make these types of ( complaints are based on a simple misunderstanding, etcHowever, your statements are in a different categoryThey are slanderous to our professional reputation as educators, nurses in our communities, professional practice and our position as a leading national provider of test prep products and servicesYou haven’t stated any “personal opinion” or legitimate reviewYou admitted you haven’t even read anything our website nor used the study materials or Test Coach assigned to your caseAlmost every one of your comments are 100% false, have no basis in reality because by our own admission you didn’t read anything before ordering nor post-purchase instructions and reminders infoI’m totally dismayedI can’t imagine this is from a real teacher credential candidateThis unlike the thousands of other young students we have helped pass their test through Test Coaching and with our preparation materials over the last decade and a halfI surely hope it’s not a blind attempt to push through orders and then try to leverage the ( to get everything for free after you recognized you missed all the informationThere are many grave inaccuracies which are simple misunderstandingsI’m sure you’re a reasonable person who can see we did everything in our power to communicate these facts to youNot reading anything in our detailed products description including your order confirmation, user program instructions, receipt and numerous prompts by email from our client services staff is not an excuse to make unfounded, irresponsible slanderous statements about a team of licensed teachers and nurses who have worked for over a decade to earn an excellent reputation in their fields including test prep and have helped thousands of teacher and nurse candidates pass their license examThis does not release you from responsibilityIf you’re in haste, are rushed, have too much to do in too little time, are stressed and frustrated in your test prep, we can helpThat’s why you’re given the Test Coaching, Tutoring and Mentoring service to assist you with the tangibles and intangibles to help you pass your testFurther, all the information on the website (e.gproduct description, where you place your order, order confirmation, user instructions for this program, printable receipt and numerous follreminders) state over and over again, this program includes “Test Coaching” which is an email based/online ONLY tutoring and mentoring test prep help serviceYou were charged because this was part of the test program you ordered i.estudy materials with a Test Coach (Again, you never read what you ordered)You never cancelled this Test Coaching, Tutoring and Mentoring service you signed up forThat should not come as any surprise it’s not offered as ‘free to the general public service.’ You only need to send an email to cancel the Test Coaching serviceIf you’re in the free evaluation period, you’re NEVER chargedIf you cancel later when you don’t want it anymore, you’re NEVER billed again for that service(Very simple.) Saying, “I never contacted any test coach” doesn’t release you from responsibility or contracting with our service where tutors are pre-paid and put on standby for youWith all due respect, if you overlooked some very important details clearly stated over and over again on our website, the correct venue for addressing these misunderstandings would be to revert back to the product description at the place you ordered and see that you missed if you were in a hurry and made assumptionsWe were all new to using the internet at one time and even the most diligent, mature and responsible person can overlook information clearly statedHowever, there were no “quick charges” to your accountThere is not “fine print.” Please go back to the place you ordered and this information is displayed as clear as day, in fact, it’s clearly stated in the shopping cart, the place you actually orderI’ll admit there’s a lot to read on the website, but we put ALL the information on the website, so we aren’t on the phone explaining it over and over againAll of our time is devoted to updating our materials regularly and focused on helping our registered test coaching clientsThat’s why we aren’t doing a call center to the general publicWe don’t have a sales line because there’s normally a waiting list to get in this programWe only allow a limited number of clients per test coach so each client gets the maximum amount of help and best test score resultsYou were given a full, FREE evaluation period of test coaching/tutoring BEFORE being charged(Again, this was stated over and over again in the information you missed.) You were given clear instructions how you could cancel this service and never be charged for it and/or easily cancel later when you took/passed your exam and don’t need it anymoreHad you contacted our Client Support we would have explained the product description and information you missed when ordering and didn’t review again days afterWe would have resolved this matter to your satisfactionFurther, in your order you used this email: ***which seems to be a fake email which our emails to you have bouncedThis could be why the download link, all instructions/info you’re complaining about was missedWe send all this info about as a reminder by email including additional opportunity to download the materials again with a link to your emailYou mention you tried callingAgain, all the information on the website states to contact us through the help deskYes, we are real licensed teachers, nurses and administrators in these fieldsWe do not employ a call center or hire an answer service with high school kids and/or from a center in India like many “unhelpful” companies doThis was statedYou admitted in your complaint you see you’re in a monthly tutoring and test coaching serviceYou know at this point Test Coaches and Tutors have been contracted and pre-paid to be on standby for you/block out time in their schedule each month and you pay for this service until you cancel by emailHowever, it is months into this program as of February *** I see you never contacted us to cancel and are still in this test coaching serviceWe are extremely alarmed by your statementsTwo of our Test Coaches give in or very near your city of *** *** **One is a school principalI suggest you contact us today to do a conference call so we can read the information you missed from the website to you over the phone and walk you through it step by stepIf after our phone call, you don’t agree all the information on the website and shopping cart clearly states our products are accessible online, we don’t call and harass test coaching clients to study and/or contact their test coach, it clearly states how the test coaching service works, etcwe will resolve this matter to your satisfaction and accordingContact the educators and administrator who lives and works near *** *** ** to set up a phone and/or “in person” meeting by emailing: *** We’re here to help you despite being extremely perplexed on how you missed everything, but seem to have went back and read some it, yet seem to think there is some issue, yet as of this date you still haven’t cancelled your Tutoring/Test Coaching despite being well into month #Further, the email record shows we sent you your downloadable materials over and over againThis complaint is over a month old so I hope your concerns were already addressed through the previousIf not contact me for a personal consultation with my team near your city
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolvedThey have deposited a refund into my account in the amount of
Thank you for your assistanceI am very aporeciative
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.Specifically,  I recieved an email this morning from your company advising a refund will be issued for unwanted billed services within four days.  Although I  understand technical issues,  I can provide documentation of cancellation requests to prove the emails were sent without delivery error responses. I will continue to look for refund within the specified time. 

1.) This person ordered on October [redacted] 2016 and asked for a refund same day. She was given a refund the same day within a few hours. 2.) This complaint isn't to legitimately resolve a real complaint. It appears to be a competitor who is trying to ruin our reputation. 3.) The...

purchase is fraud with the intent to defame and ruin the reputation of over 34 licensed teachers, nurses, specialized professionals and our organization. 4.) These materials were created by licensed educators who took, passed this exam and helped thousands of teacher certification candidates. 5.) We sell over 60 products on the page references screenshots. So obviously there would not be screenshots on one page of each product. 6.) The website clearly states several times this is a downloadable product in the same format as other leading test prep books for your exam i.e. Amazon Kindle, etc. -It's obvious you had no intentions of paying for anything even before you made this purchase. -You purpose was to destroy our professional and personal reputation online. -If so, you would have gone through normal channels and got a refund, not rush over the site and submit a quick and dirty complaint about disagreeing with the contents of an academic guide. 7.) You should know this manual was recently updated/redeveloped by a licensed teacher in your state with A PH.D. in Mathematics. So it’s clear all your comments are false and a criminal in nature. 8.) Since this complaint is posted online and is false, I'm going to sue you personally for committing a fraud purchase on our website and for publicly defaming our organization and the high profile, nationally recognized educators. 9.) I’m also filing a police report today with your local police department. All the facts, including your intentions have been documented. Your order details including credit card information has been flagged as credit card fraud by Master/Visas so was never legitimate. 10.) Sorry, we no longer tolerate rouge complainers who are not legitimate customers who think they can post false information to destroy our reputation in order to ensure you leverage the for free products and services you ordered and/or are paid by our competitors to destroy our company and financially damage us. You received the refund per our guarantee policy and terms of service listed on the website with hours of ordering. Your purpose in this complaint is related to your criminal behavior because. You were helped immediately within hours when we first thought you might be an honest customer with a misunderstanding or had difficult accessing all the materials. 11.) Our attorney is filing papers to sue you this afternoon for libel, slander and defaming our public reputation on the website.

This business should be turned in for fraud, although they can't because their advertising is false, billing policies are incorrect & they will withdraw money straight from your checking account. You will never receive any product, billing confirmation, emails of any kind, & you will not be able to contact anyone in their proposed "customer service". You cannot speak to anyone via their C.S. phone number, the do not respond to emails, and they send your personal information to a lawyer (whose name should be on the back side of a toilet). This lawyer, Michael Sue, sent a 5 page threatening letter to me to the extreme and forcing you to pay this company even though you will NEVER receive ANYTHING from them! Bottom line--- save your money, time & efforts, and your own lawyer's peace of mind. They need to be reported!!

I wish you would have sent us a follow up message by email or phone regarding this matter. Obviously, your email wasn’t received on our end and/or we didn’t understand your request. We would have...

happily honored your request if we were clear on your request and/or received your email. We do our best to avoid these types of oversights because they can happen in the world of emails and electronic communication. It is never our intention to miss your email. We would never ignore emails to cancel a service that would help you pass your exam and that your future career depends. Teaching Solutions is operated by real teachers, nurses, others from various professions and some of the top test prep consultants/trainers in the U.S. We help over 11,000 test takers succeed on their exam and reach their career/education goals each year. From over 11,000 clients we work with each years, it’s possible we miss one email out of 5,000. For technical reasons some emails aren’t delivered. There normally is a waiting list for Test Coaching, Tutoring and Mentoring. We put no time or resources into marketing. All our resources and time is invested in helping our current, registered member clients pass their test. Therefore, we rely on word of mouth referrals and recommendations from colleges and universities usually college of nursing and education. We would never do anything on purpose that would tarnish this trust and confidence in our products and services. There’s no incentive to deliberately miss your emails or ignore your request. The typical cause of this specific issue is 1.) Email doesn’t work perfectly. Some emails sent are never received. 2.) When we get an email to cancel tutoring services, we cancel it immediately so customer doesn’t get charged. Sometimes we get a second email stating “please cancel.” Sometimes we don’t realize the word “cancel’ is a refund request or that a client wants to cancel but already was charged for a test prep help service they ordered. 3.) Some people send an email from a different email they used in their order info without giving their name or anything else we can use to look up their order. We respond back asking for some identifiable info but never get a response or a set of partial info strung across numerous emails we aren’t able to string together. I’m not saying this what happened in your case, but how these situations can occur despite bending over backwards to help each client (even if they passed their test and no longer need our help). While I’m very regretful and sorry this happened an additional follow-up by you would have alerted us to this issue and we would have refunded you promptly. Sending your issue a complaint here has created an unnecessary and lengthy waiting period through this process. Today is June [redacted] and your complaint just crossed by desk (a month after a follow-up email could have been sent and we would have quickly helped you). I did try looking up your emails (we save all old emails for 2 years) to see what happened. It looks like we did not receive the email you stated was sent from your email account. I’m extremely sorry. I’m refunding the test coaching amount you said you cancelled. If I can do anything else for you to help you pass your upcoming exam please let me know. I’d be happy to schedule a one-on-one test coaching session with our senior test prep consultant for your specific test because I feel so bad this happened.

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