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TC's Handyman and Remodel

Avondale, Arizona, United States, 85323-1657

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TC's Handyman and Remodel Reviews (2)

Tony Chayrez the owner of the TC's handyman took 11,000.00 from me as a down payment for work that was to be done. The work was not done and I have not received my money back since he received the money in November of 2018. I have a copy of the check that he cashed. He claims not to have no money. Basically, he spent my money and had no right to it. The money should have been kept in a business account since it was not earned. That is fraud. He knew he did not earn the money since the work was not done . He keeps saying he is going to pay me back. He seems to think he can pay me back when and how he wants. I have text messages where he admits to owing me the money in addition to the check. I had a background check done on him and found a bunch of DUIs and Vapor charges. I am willing to deduct part of what he has paid to date. I am sure he will be happy to provide you with those checks.
I didn't give him the money via pieces. I have not had access to my money due to acts.

TC's Handyman and Remodel Response • Aug 21, 2019

hello I did receive a deposit of 11000.00 and have been paying it back the deposet was to start a job witch she would Chang multiple times I also paid an archetict for plans witch she said yes to and at the last minute she changed again she would text me late in the evening making deffernt changes for two months it kept happening I turned down two bathroom remodels and lost time and money as the work I did do for her she was fine with the microwave I only charged 50.00 the materail to run it cost more than that it was a bad breaker I believe she did not give me a chance to see it I warned her her panel had to much goin in to it I also repaired her bathroom sink at no charg also went out of my way to go and hook her dryer did not charg she would have her land scrapers call to tell them wat to do but I couldn't they did not work for me I did my best to help her and I have been paying her she was fine with payments and turn right back around and be nasty it's been like that my archetict was paid 800 witch he feels it was a non refundable deposet he was on his way to submit when she changed her mind once again as for me even though I lost time and money I have been paying her I only ow her3500 she keeps being nasty with and how she is goin to ruin me and I just tell I'm trying and wish her the best also the landscapers a pay and on her bid witch she agreed also told me to add concrete walk way for no charge and I did hand wrote it in I did everything she had asked and then text in the late hrs she did not wont to do anything anymore so I'm not keeping any percentage of the deposet for me only 800 that I have a receipt for thank you for your time

Customer Response • Aug 23, 2019


He never did any landscaping work for me and there was never any work to be done by him regarding landscaping. I did the landscaping myself with people I hired. He owes me a total of 7,000.00 from the 11 thousand he tried to steal from. No landscaper that had anything to do with him did any work for me.

There was no work done on dryers. My friend installed new dryers for me. Even if he paid the architect 800 dollars it still does not amount to 3,500.00. I did agree to the plans that were drawn for the 800.00 that is about the only truth he is stating.

I also had to pay for the microwave that he didn't install properly which was paid separately and not part of the 11,000.00.

There was no landscaping in the 11 thousand dollars. He kept on going back and forth on his way home after he finished his jobs because the lights would go out when you turn on the microwave. He did not give up jobs he is a lying.

The 11 thousand dollars was for a bathroom that was never done, a bedroom that was to be done by enclosing the porch. Non of the work was done. He was not coming back and forth for that work. He kept on coming to finish up work I paid him for 750 plus 1600.

The work he did for the 750 and 1600 was to sparkle around some three light switches, and paint them. The 1600 was suppose to be for the microwave purchase and affixing existing cabinets to the kitchen wall with the microwave and to run a line so the microwave can work. The microwave did not work and he kept on coming back trying to fix it.

I believe I have the checks for the 750 and the 1600.00.

*** J.

TC's Handyman and Remodel Response • Aug 24, 2019

I never said I did landscaping I said or ment to say she had them calling me to tell them wat to do I was not there boss and I also have checks to show I'm paying one day she will be ok with are arrangement within a hour or even a day she will not be she changes so much she is just not happy so I don't respond to her anymore because of her nasty words she says to provoke me to reply in same manor but I don't all I can do is keep sending payments we both can be saying the other person is lying but I am not trying to argue I wish her the best and I will just keep sending payments I understand you have to do what you must thank you for giving me a chance to tell my side have a great day

Customer Response • Sep 01, 2019

The point is he took my money and spent it. He had no right to spend it. I din't give it to him in drips. He must also do magical math with regards to how much he claims the balance to be. Show me the checks that brings the balance down to the 3,500.00 he claims he has left to pay.

Tony Chayrez owner of TC's Handyman is a thief who took my downpayment money and spent it without doing the work. I gave him the downpayment check in November of 2018 and to date he still has not reimbursed me my money. He claims he does not have it. Well the problem is that he had no right to spend it since the money was not earned. I have copies of the check for 11,000.00 that I gave him as a downpayment and the text messages where he admits to owning the money.
I have been deprived of the use of my money since November 2018. There should be a zero star rating created just for him. He does not deserve even a one star rating. A zero star is not an option on the site.

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