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Talis Management Group, Inc

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Reviews Talis Management Group, Inc

Talis Management Group, Inc Reviews (10)

Talis Management does not maintain the community to a satisfactory level.Talis Management receives an appropriated amount from all homeowners in the [redacted] and Townhomes community and has a legally binding contract between them and the residents of the community to perform certain explained duties that are within the by laws and contracts agreed upon. Talis has had turnovers within their organization and have also had numerous landscaping contractors come and go. The latest, [redacted], has now allowed the landscaping to become abysmal. Even [redacted] the community manager for [redacted] agreed with as much. The funds are being paid forth but by checking one can see these funds are not being paid forward.Furthermore, when bringing up HOA issues, Talis Management always finds excuses as to why the issue(s) can not be solved. This occurs almost everytime something comes up. Within the organization [redacted] herself has mentioned that they are talking about me and my concerns and are branding me as some sort of trouble maker. What good is an HOA if you as a homeowner aren't allowed to call in anymore? Talis Management would rather be left alone and have nothing to fix and simply collect very high dues. There is also no care as to what residents are saying about Talis and it's style of management of the community. If the HOA cared they would know what people are saying and work feverishly to rectify any outstanding problems. Instead it's is just repetitive ignoring of concerns which many people have complained about on for instance.The residents of [redacted] and probably Homes as well are simply at wit's end with Talis Management and have no other recourse to solve this problem. There is no other way to solve this but by considering legal action and/or taking this type of information to a news outlet.Something should be done to get these people working for the moneys paid or else they should be replaced by a new HOA.Desired SettlementTalis Management needs to be held accountable to find a solution to the landscaping most specifically. They may not know how to behave professionally within an office but the one thing they must and will do is make the community back to a proper appeal as the moneys paid are still being paid as when the landscaping was nice and healthy. If this is not done then other steps like HOA change or news reports should follow. This company needs to be exposed for the poor business they are.Business Response [redacted]...Talis agrees with you that the condition of the grounds needs improvement and your Board of Directors is considering options on how to address this. I'm sure you realize that it is your Association that hires contractors and your Board has been diligently working to get the right landscape contractor in place to improve the grounds. This of course is not the easiest of jobs and your Board of Directors also needs to work within the Association's budgetary limitations. This year your Association power washed the townhomes, cleaned the gutters, spread mulch and finished the painting that was started in 2015. We will share your concerns with your Board of Directors.Consumer Response There are moneys allotted for landscaping as there has been for all the years since 2001. The moneys have not gone down but the lawn care and landscaping has. The moneys are also not being used which anyone can see on the budget sheet(s). Numerous complaints about the contracted companies' recklessly mowing over flower beds, breaking shrubs, throwing mulch in clumps and leaving it without doing anything further covering pre-existing plants and the like. There is a high disapproval rating for the way things are being handled and not just for the lawn care / landscaping. The moneys are being collected for all of the things you mentioned and this does not figure into the money separately allotted for lawn care / landscaping. HOA and the board want to cite the long hot summer as being the cause of the weeds build-up, and claim the ground is lacking nutrients(professional landscapers working for [redacted] laugh at this reason) when this summer was not the hottest or longest on record in the last few years, yet this community never had weed and dirt patch issues as it does this year or even last. In the last year it has gone down so drastically people who used to live in the community upon visiting could not believe how bad it looks. This is proof on how bad this has become. You may acknowledge this fact and claim the Board is trying to do something about it but why is this an issue to begin with? Nothing changed! The lawn and landscaping is high priority and the moneys allotted are STILL BEING PAID! These are our homes, our investments and this directly affects the property value. You state you may have a plan to fix this over 2-3 years is no real solution, and there's no promise on even that!Beyond that, the way that Talis Management handles complaints and accuses the resident for being a harassment or a bother to the company is down-right unprofessional, embarrassing and a joke. What are you there for if you do not field complaints that are valid within the community? Hopefully not to simply collect a paycheck from dues which are very high I might add.Fix your issues and stop passing the buck. I have lived in this community since it's conception and I know what I am speaking of. The HOA used to be on top of things, and due to the high turnover rate within your company that is blaringly not the case anymore.[redacted]Final Business Response I understand your concerns and we will bring your concerns to your Board of Directors to see what can be done to address the landscaping. Once a plan is in place we can update you on what they have decided. Please understand that our staff members are not attempting to make any excuses and I know that there are times when we are not able to provide the information that homeowners are looking to hear. The Board did change the landscape company in the last year and they are actively working with them to improve the grounds. Again, we'll update you once the Board reviews your concerns.

Talis Management is constantly adding fees to my invoice. I try to communicate with them via email and phone to discuss payments and continually add fees. They are constantly sending letters about every little thing. I feel like I cannot even live without everything being picked apart. It's really frustrating when we try to have a decent yard and continue getting letters. Our neighbors yards look horrible. This recent incident..I paid my dues (which that's another story…what do we get for our dues…MONEY PIT) through their online service. They sent me a letter saying it was an invalid account number and then charged me a late fee and delinquent fees totaling $150 on top of my $175 assessment dues. It's ALWAYS something with them!!! I do not recommend Talis Management for any homeowners associations. It feels like they are against the homeowners when we pay them. They should be advocates for us. Instead it feels like your sinking. Ten years of homeowners associations experience. It's been this way since Talis Management took over.

I live at The Groves in Apex, NC. Talis Management has been the HOA management company for the last two years or so. They are BY FAR THE WORST COMPANY. Zero response to requests for repairs or a generous dose of lip service is given. [redacted] is our account manager and she does nothing. My townhouse has rotted wood all over it because I have had zero maintenance on it for over 8 years. But my HOA dues get paid, mind you. This company needs to be fired by The Groves HOA board.
Honestly, I don't know how this company has remained in business. If you are a HOA, don't hire them.","neg-1

Talis Management is constantly adding fees to my invoice. I try to communicate with them via email and phone to discuss payments and continually add fees. They are constantly sending letters about every little thing. I feel like I cannot even live without everything being picked apart. It's really frustrating when we try to have a decent yard and continue getting letters. Our neighbors yards look horrible. This recent incident..I paid my dues (which that's another story…what do we get for our dues…MONEY PIT) through their online service. They sent me a letter saying it was an invalid account number and then charged me a late fee and delinquent fees totaling $150 on top of my $175 assessment dues. It's ALWAYS something with them!!! I do not recommend Talis Management for any homeowners associations. It feels like they are against the homeowners when we pay them. They should be advocates for us. Instead it feels like your sinking. Ten years of homeowners associations experience. It's been this way since Talis Management took over.","neg-2

I have e-mailed Talis and left a voice mail but have received no response from either. I am concerned with a health hazard in my community- I have e-mailed Talis and left a voice mail and have yet to receive a response. There are rats in the garbage/recycling area due to garbage being dumped there. The pool is across from this area and there are small children playing there. This is a health hazard and needs to be immediately addressed. I have rec'd no response from the community mgr. nor from my e-mail.Desired SettlementRemove garbage and have rats/rodents removed. Do something to deal with this ongoing problem !Business Response /[redacted]/Homeowner is absolutely right to be concerned and the Keystone Board is working to resolve this situation as best as possible. The landscape company is now cleaning the trash corrals on a weekly basis. Of particular concern to the Board of Directors is that the residents who misuse the facility are at the core of the problem. The Association has sent out notices in an attempt to get residents to take better care when placing their trash in the dumpsters and not just putting it inside the corral. Another notice to residents is planned to be sent out in the near future. In addition, a pest contractor has been sent to address the rodent situation. Hopefully this helps to clarify what is being done and that the Keystone Board of Directors is very aware of the situation.

Complaint Talis has billed us late fee after late fee for HOA dues that were cashed. On 12/5/2013 we received a statement from Talis management saying that we owed over $200 dollars in late fees. However, our statement from June did not say we owed any late fees and the quarterly dues were cashed on 6/25. Our statement on 11/5/13 indicated that we had a $20 late charge, but did not give any information as to why the late fee was incurred. We ended up paying the $20 late fee, no questions asked, and that check for $118 was cashed on 11/5/13. On December 5th we received another statement indicating that we owed $208, most of which was late charges. I called Talis Management on 12/9/13 and left a message asking to speak with someone about the charges. After no call back, I tried again on 12/16/13 and left a message. Without an explanation of the late fees and seeing that our quarterly dues checks had been cashed, I did not pay the late fees. On 1/24/14 we received a legal notice that a lien was being put on our home due to unpaid HOA dues. However, we have bank statements with copies of our cashed checks proving that we sent the payments out and they were cashed. I called Talis Management and [redacted] on 1/26/14 and left messages to call me back about the matter and did not receive an email back from either party. We ended up paying the $586.00 to have the lien removed from our home, but have not received any notice that it has been removed or the payment has been received. We have proof from our bank that the check was cashed, but have received no notice from Talis or [redacted] about the status of the payment. Desired SettlementI wish to speak with someone from Talis Management about when the HOA payments were due and when they were received to see if they match up with my records. According to my records, all HOA quarterly dues were paid and [redacted] should have never been involved in this matter. I would like the $586.00 we paid to [redacted] refunded.Business Response /[redacted]/The Park at [redacted] Homeowners Association charges $98.00 per quarter in assessments. The funds are used to maintain the common areas which include a pool, pond, entrance sign and landscaping. The Assessments are due on the first day of each quarter and are considered past due on the last day of the month. The owner did not pay her April assessment until June 24, 2013. The owner did not pay her July assessment until November 4, 2013. As of that date the owner also owed for her October assessment so after her payment was applied, there was still an outstanding assessment balance on the account. The Association sent a statement every month regarding this outstanding account. A letter was sent on October 10, 2013 notifying the owner that if payment in full was not received, then the account would be sent to the attorney to file a lien. The letter offered to meet with the owner and set up a payment plan if necessary. The Association's records show the owner did not make full payment and did not contact Talis Management Group until after the account was sent to the attorney in January. Talis Management Group sympathizes with the owner and would be happy to meet to review the unit ledger and to discuss this matter. A letter will be mailed to the owner extending the invitation. In addition, the Board of Directors holds monthly meetings and encourages homeowner participation. The Board schedules an open forum at the beginning of every meeting specifically for this purpose. The owner is welcome to attend the next meeting which will be held on March 18, 2014.

Talis Management has mis-handled my [redacted] , pymt for [redacted] 6 out of last 8 months. I have asked for them to cash checks, they've refused.Talis management has mishandled my 210.00 [redacted] pymt 6 out of last 8 payments. They are adding , late fees, when the checks are not late.Talis MGMT has not cashed [redacted] , acct member dues , 4 times , this year alone. I am being unfairly charged late fees.JAN/ FEB / MAY / JUNE / JULY Checks not cashed on HOA acct [redacted], acct is being mis-handled, records are inaccurate , and my services are being denied , like gutter cleaning , and dangerous tree branches , not being removed???? Its Talis Managements , duty to represent [redacted] , fair and ethically in my housing transactions, receipts and record keeping, and providing , fair, accurate and normal service. I am not able to take much, more , micro , seriously harmful mis- management, in my living , conditions or receipt of simple hoa dues. PYMTS SHOULD ALSWAYS BEV ACCEPTED, ESPECIALLY CERTIFIED, CASHIERS CHECKS.I am on a fixed income, and have asked them to cooperate and to no resolution. I am very much concerned , they are not able to cash , [redacted] certified , mail and my checks . It is a housing transaction, being denied or mis-handled. I have requested, fair , equal and accurate payment recording , since 2013. [redacted] , has been in charge of my services , for several years , and is not respecting , my contract with [redacted] and ignoring , facts , figures and certified mail , with [redacted] , pymts, enclosed .Desired SettlementTALIS MGMT : PLEASE RESPECT MY ACCT , MY PAYMENTS , and MY SERVICES , USES , and FAIR RECORD KEEPING, my behalf. inclusive of all , fines , fees, a/f or others ???, please 0.00 . balance acct , by AUGUST 20, 2016.PLEASE DUE YOUR DUTY , as per contracted to , and for: [redacted] INC , and under [redacted] ACT, record records accurately, accept [redacted] J [redacted] townhome dues; real estate payments and address unsafe conditions, in commons ie. tree branches, clean gutters , as you informed me , would be done in MAY. NEVER DONE????? Repair damaged landscaping, through out pathways, mostly damaged by[redacted]. guests. in[redacted]. for safe and normal use. And lastly and very much appropriately, cash checks in or on hand , and properly, and accurately 0.00, balance acct by 20 AUG 2016 : send statement of 0.00, balance. So I can send in AUG, and be left alone, flat outright. I have spent thousand , with attorneys , and professionals, and they suggested , the[redacted], ACCT XXX XXX XXBusiness Response Thank you for alerting us to this. Typically homeowners send payments directly to their Association's check processing center in [redacted]. It is rare that a check is mailed to the community manager which was what was done in this case. Unfortunately, your community manager was out on maternity leave and your checks were therefore not processed. We have now located the two checks in question which we will be processing and we apologize for the delay. We will also remove any late charges associated with the delay in processing your checks. Please send all future checks to the following address to ensure property and timely processing:P.O. BOX [redacted] XXXXXConsumer Response Final Business Response Mr. [redacted]...In reviewing your account we understand that your Association foreclosed on your account due to non-payment of your Association dues. You settled your account with your Association in early 2016 which brought your account balance back to zero. You then continued to contact your Association's attorney which generated additional legal fees which your Association applied to your account. As you requested we are send a copy of your current ledger to you. Our recommendation is that if you have additional requests or disputes that you direct them to your Association. Our company works under the direction of your Board of Directors and we cannot change your account ledger without their approval. In regards to the processing of checks we will make every effort to process your checks in a timely basis.

I live at The Groves in Apex, NC. Talis Management has been the HOA management company for the last two years or so. They are BY FAR THE WORST COMPANY. Zero response to requests for repairs or a generous dose of lip service is given. [redacted] is our account manager and she does nothing. My townhouse has rotted wood all over it because I have had zero maintenance on it for over 8 years. But my HOA dues get paid, mind you. This company needs to be fired by The Groves HOA board.
Honestly, I don't know how this company has remained in business. If you are a HOA, don't hire them.

I am contacting you today because I received a letter saying I have been fined 70 dollars for keeping my boat outside my home. In the rule book it states that I can keep my boat outside my home up to a maximum of five days. The letter states it was outside my home for two days, 5-16-2016 and 5-17-2016, on the 16th I left my boat outside at about 10 pm and on the 17th I took it away at around 7 am. The boat never left the hitch of my car, I did not unhook the boat and leave it there. This is my first complaint, my next one is towards the people at Talis Management and/or my homeowner association. I emailed the community manager, [redacted] and she never responded back to email. I then proceeded to call her because the people of my neighborhood informed me that the only way to possibly contact them is to call them at the office because they never respond to anyone's email. I called at about 4 o clock and the office informed me that she would call me back before 5 pm and she never did. I called the very next day and finally got a hold of her, she told me she responded to my email but she never did and then I talked to her about this letter and she informed me I received this fine because of a hearing that took place August 27, 2014. She also said that I had 3 violations in the previous year and this is the first time that I heard I had any sort of violations, no one ever informed me about this. This brings up another complaint, they apparently summoned me to this hearing but I never received a letter but they say that on file they went the letters to me. They made the decision to change the rules of me being able to bring my boat into the community without me their and I believe this was unfair due to me not being able to voice my opinion. At these meetings/hearings about the community there are never any representatives from Talis, the only people there are the people on the board of the association. The people on this board especially the old man which is the head of the board I believe has received many complaints from the people of this neighborhood and if you want I can get a list of people who have complaints against him. They said that I could not even enter the community with my boat and if I did they would fine me BUT this would be overriding city rules because these streets are not private so they can not tell me I can not bring my boat onto these streets and there are no signs stating I can not bring it here. The board of this homeowners association is making up rules without the voice of the people that live in this community, again they can not tell me that I can not bring a trailer that is attached to my car on these public streets.Thank you very much,[redacted]Desired SettlementI would like to be free of charge to come to my house with my boat just to pick up some stuff for the boat or pic up drop off my family Thank you very muchBusiness Response /[redacted]/Contact Name and Title: [redacted] - PresidentContact Phone: (XXX)XXX-XXXX [redacted]Contact Email: [redacted]@talismgmt.comIn reviewing this issue, the boat concern dates back to 2014 at which time a hearing was held by the Board of Directors. This occurred after a number of letters had been mailed to the address of the homeowner. Copies of these letters were provided to the homeowner and we responded to the homeowner via email. As the homeowner points out, the rules and regulations are determined by the Board of Directors and as the management company, we were instructed to issue the fines based on the decision of the Board. We understand the frustration on the part of the homeowner but again, as the management company, we are responsible to follow the direction of the Board of Directors. What we can and will do, take this owner's concern directly to the Board of Directors to see how they want to handle this. Please understand that any homeowner can request to the management company that we take their appeal to the Board of Directors.Consumer Response /[redacted]/I believe the Board of Directors actions are unjustified, many of my neighbors receive petty complaints from them for no reason. I also want to be able to bring my boat into the neighborhood considering my streets are not private and they can not fine me for driving my boat into the neighborhood. I would also like to see these fines dropped as my boat wasn't left at my house for more than 24 hours.Final Business Response /[redacted]/We understand the homeowner's concern and have brought his request to his community's Board of Directors who establish the rules and regulations for the community. It is important that the homeowner understand that our company is responsible for communicating on behalf of the Board and in turn bringing to the Board's attention any concerns or issues raised by a homeowner. We have spoken with the Board and because the homeowner has indicated he never received correspondence the Board will remove the $70.00 fines. Going forward, should the boat be seen in the community the Association will impose a fine of $35.00 per day. It should be noted that boats can be in the neighborhood so long as they are stored out of sight of neighbors or in the garage.

Talis will not respond to emails.On July 25th, I purchased a new home in a community managed by Talis Management. On July 30th, my wife called and left a message with the community admin asking when we would receive keys to the community pool and tennis courts. On July 31st, she called and left a message in the general voicemail box for Talis, as she did not receive a response. On August 1st, I sent an email to the community admin detailing the voicemails sent by my wife and asked for when we would receive the keys. On August 4th, I received an email stating the keys would be sent the following week or ASAP. On August 17th, I sent an email to the community admin following up on the keys and welcome packet, she had promised in the email from the 4th, as we had still not received the keys or packet. On August 20th, I sent an email to the community manager and the 3 Regional Vice Presidents of Talis notifying them that I will be withholding a portion of my Quarter 3 HOA dues that dealt specifically with the pool, tennis courts, and their management fee for every day I don't receive a response or have the keys in possession (hoping this would get a rapid response). Finally on August 21st I emailed the President and the CEO of Talis requesting a response by end of day. Since I received neither phone call or email I have resorted to my only option in the hopes of getting some kind of communication from this company.Desired SettlementI would like the company to respond to me. Actually given what has transpired I would like to hear directly from the CEO of the company - [redacted] I have a simple question that I would like a response to: "When will we receive the keys to the community pool and tennis courts"?Business Response /[redacted]/Our sincere apology to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]. Regrettably, our investigation indicates Talis did not provide the pool key in a reasonable time frame. We did not meet our own customer service expectations. The pool key requested on July 30th, was sent to Mr. [redacted] on August 20. Unfortunately the process was not handled well. Our thanks to Mr. [redacted] for bringing the issue to management's attention so we may improve the process. Consumer Response /[redacted]/Talis contacted me and apologized for the lack of response. They noted some of the emails I used were incorrect, though, one of those listed was taken from the community's HOA site. I consider their response to be perfectly reasonable and I consider the matter closed.

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Description: Association Managers, Property Management Companies

Address: 8305 Falls of Neuse Rd Ste 200, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States, 27615-3547


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