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Synergy Direct Solution

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Reviews Synergy Direct Solution

Synergy Direct Solution Reviews (26)

• Apr 03, 2024

Kyle Readdick & Synergy Direct Solution Have The Best MCA Leads!
Working with Synergy Direct Solution has been great for the past few years! We started with aged business loan leads and they were pretty good. My rep Kyle Readdick recommended that I try Live Transfers and I tried some of their web leads as well. In my opinion, their Live Transfer MCA Leads have been the best! We will continue using their services as long as I am in business. Keep up the good work Guys! I found them online here -

Thanks Kyle Readdick & Synergy Direct Solution!
I could not be happier with Synergy Direct Solution, and my customer relationship manager Kyle Readdick. He took the time to identify my company's needs and provided a direct and honest approach in an industry that is filled with below-board operators. I've been working his live transfer working capital leads, and although they are expensive, they are the highest quality leads that I have worked in my decade + of financial services. Every live transfer that I have taken has been with an eager, qualified business owner ready to take an application and get started. There are two approaches to purchasing leads; quality or quantity. Your success and happiness is worth the extra money.

Kyle Readdick & Synergy Direct Solution Have Been Incredible!
I've been in the business loan industry since 2015 and I have tried every other lead company. Overall, most lead companies are not US based companies and they are terrible! Synergy is completely different and I am so happy I found them. I probably would have been out of business if it wasn't for their help. Thanks Synergy! I found them online. Kyle Readdick is my account manager and he has been absolutely critical for my businesses success!

Kyle Readdick & Synergy Direct Solution Do Amazing Work!
Kyle Readdick and Synergy Direct Solution are absolutely amazing... they do what they say they'll do and they actually care about my success... I'll never buy leads from anywhere else! Thanks Kyle.

Synergy Direct Solution takes pride in our customer service This has been our sole focus for many years With thousands of client Nationwide it is understandable that a few become unhappy for one reason or another As it is with any customer service issue, Synergy attempted to resolve this issue internally by offering several solutions to the client After making these attempts to resolve this issue the customer continued to be unreasonable The customer wants Synergy Direct Solution to reimburse him for charges from another company Synergy will not refund money that was not collected by our own merchant account The client agreed to Google's terms and conditions along with Synergy's terms and conditions This client must handle this issue with two different companies because he agreed to the terms and conditions for two different companies and received charges from two different companies Synergy Direct Solution offered several remedies including a direct refund to the cardholder as well as free services but the cardholder would not accept the offer and immediately threatened a chargeback

/ [redacted] Style Definitions */ The client alleges that Synergy Direct Solution did not offer a solution but our internal investigation proves otherwise Synergy did offer several solutions and as previously stated in our original responsethe client was being unreasonable Our ticketing system shows several communications between our customer service staff and the client where Synergy had offered solutions We offered a refund, free services, and like the client said in his last responsewe reached an impasse The client failed to accept our attempts to resolve the issue Now the client is stating that he had cancelled the service and that we agreed that we were responsible for missing his written request It is our belief that a company should assume some responsibility when there is a misunderstanding with a client Synergy Direct Solution did make an attempt to take responsibility for a misunderstanding but the client is a central part of the miscommunication and need to take responsibility as well The client says he cancelled the service but our contract calls for a very specific cancellation policy, which the client failed to complete The client also was uncertain about canceling the service and was officially in limbo because of this Our ticketing system reveals this uncertainty and also proves a lack of communication made by the client in an attempt to resolve this matter It is the client's responsibility to respond to communications between Synergy Direct Solution and the client with regard to edits, changes, or cancellation of services Synergy has attempted to resolve this issue with the client internally and we could not resolve the issue It would appear that we will be experiencing the same result here I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Regards, [redacted] Synergy Direct solutions originally did not offer any solution to the problem that they created as my account manager for both the website service and Google services Using their required ticket system I originally requested that they terminate our company account , however, after sending an email to them directly they did not terminate the account as requested.I reached out to their customer service representative and requested that they refund and terminate the account but they admitted they had missed my written request and after several conversations and email requests they only offered to provide free service as a form of reimbursementBy agreement they're responsible as our account manager for both Google services and website hosting and our dispute is over terminating our account in a timely manner and the additional charges that were accruedOur only request was for Synergy direct solutions to refund us the additional charges, which they refused to do.We tried to resolve this issue in a reasonable manner,but we reached an impasse and their customer service was less than professionalThere are several instances noted on the web of similar troubles they have had with other clients If you would like I can send you a copy of the ticket email conversations for your review I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below I have video recording of it all, they can't deny video, I have shown it to [redacted] and they agree, NOBODY in there right mind would pay hundreds of dollars to advertise pools when we have a foot of snow on the ground and below zero temps in the hardest Winter we have had in decades, I clearly told them I DO NOT want it started until springThe salesman told me it only cost a few cents per click, so they are saying that thousands of people were looking and clicking on this site in the middle of winter costing hundreds more dollars, I don't even get that many clicks in the high season and I recieved no calls or emails out of all them thousands of clicks, BULLI checked the site, it did not work, the email didn't work or the phone contact DID NOT workThey were supposed to optimize it for a mile radius, how ever I checked it and couldn't find it anywhere under my key wordsThey are NOT doing as they promised so the salesman lied about what they were going to do for meAnyone that does business with this company is just asking for problemsThey did NOT contact me to tell me the website address, there is no correct info on it, no pool models, there was no reason to take it live, it was a NON producing site with NO info that would get me any calls, very unprofessionalThere are others that have reported this company to, I am repoting them to the U.SAttorney general and Fox news, this kind of corruption has to stop, there are people taking there lives over scams like this and it looks like they have cost me my business, my bank account is so screwed up from them taking money out of my account that they were not supposed to take and now my account has to be closed, it has cost my insurance to be dropped, my ***# to be turned off because they took that money out that was there for the other billsPool builders have to suvive in the winter time and not create more debt, this company has destroyed my business and my lifeLIKE I SAID, VIDEO DON'T LIEI will be making it known all across the country about what this company has done to me, they are dirty greedy crooks who is out to hurt the little guyWHAT A DISGRACE, PATHETIC LOSERS THAT HAS TO SCAM INOCENT PEOPLE TO GET THERE GREEDY MONEY , WHAT A [redacted] SHAMEBottom line, the site don't work, the contact info don't work, the site can not be found where I told them I work and they took my money when I told them not to do it until spring, they did nothing to talk my money for Regards, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Regards, [redacted] Synergy Direct solutions originally did not offer any solution to the problem that they created as my account manager for both the website service and Google services Using their required ticket system I originally requested that they terminate our company account , however, after sending an email to them directly they did not terminate the account as requestedI reached out to their customer service representative and requested that they refund and terminate the account but they admitted they had missed my written request and after several conversations and email requests they only offered to provide free service as a form of reimbursement By agreement they're responsible as our account manager for both Google services and website hosting and our dispute is over terminating our account in a timely manner and the additional charges that were accruedOur only request was for Synergy direct solutions to refund us the additional charges, which they refused to doWe tried to resolve this issue in a reasonable manner,but we reached an impasse and their customer service was less than professionalThere are several instances noted on the web of similar troubles they have had with other clients If you would like I can send you a copy of the ticket email conversations for your review

Response: Mr [redacted] signed up with Synergy Direct Solution on 8/9/for a month agreement for a Website and [redacted] campaignThe amount paid to Synergy was not $200, but rather $This client signed up during a promotional period that waived any setup fees, therefore Mr [redacted] was and has only been charged our monthly management fee of $starting on the date he signed up with usFurthermore, in the agreement signed by Mr***, there was no indication anywhere on the agreement that we were to wait to build or start his campaign at a future date In fact, he initialed and agreed to the following monthly credit card authorization section: “I authorize Synergy Direct Solution to charge my account $on a monthly basis starting on 9/9/2013.” If the client had indeed requested us to start the campaign at a later date, we would have changed the agreement to reflect this before asking the client to sign the agreement to start the billing effective immediately There is a section on the agreement that our sales reps use to indicate post dated agreements called “Other pertinent information”, however Mr***’s other pertinent information section is completely blank In relation to the complaint about being charged by Google for the [redacted] campaign, Mr ***’s agreement indicates that he agreed to a $a month budget for his billing cap, which is the maximum amount of money he was willing to spend for the click’s received on the ads showing on Google Mr [redacted] indicated that he never heard from Synergy Direct Solution for months, until he contacted his bank and realized that he had been charged every monthHowever, our office manager placed a “Welcome Call” to Mr [redacted] on 8/12/going over his campaign, the domain modification process and content requestsDuring this call Mr [redacted] requested that Synergy Direct Solution put our website on two domain names: [redacted] He was informed during this conversation that we would need access to both of these domains in order to do that Furthermore, the Office Manager reached out to Mr [redacted] once again on 8/21/informing him that his campaign is now liveDuring this call, the office manager went over what content he wanted on his website and a support ticket was submitted based on the conversation with Mr***The support ticket was completed days later and a response was submitted to Mr [redacted] informing him the ticket had been completedIf Mr [redacted] had any intention of starting his campaign at a later date, he had multiple opportunities to discuss that before we began his campaignSynergy Direct Solution places courtesy calls before we begin building a campaign and after the campaign is live to ensure that the client is educated about our process and that we understand the client’s needsMr [redacted] answered his phone during both of these calls and spoke to the same person about the process, which is a clear indication that we were not attempting to “Hurt” or “Scam” him in any way Mr [redacted] is also claiming that he attempted to email himself and call from the website that we created for him but nothing workedPer the agreement, since he has a website that is currently associated with the domain name he purchased, we built his website on a temporary sub-domain so that he can approve of the website before we take over his current domain name(s)The website we create is built with the information that Mr [redacted] provided to his sales rep when he signed upIf any of the information is incorrect on the website, it is solely because the information provided to us was incorrect when he signed upHowever, we were able to reach Mr [redacted] by phone after he signed up, therefore his phone number was displayed properly at the time the products were launched Mr [redacted] was only in a month agreement and could have cancelled at any time after his 3rd charge and Synergy Direct Solution would have immediately stopped all billing and charges to this client’s accountHe did not attempt to contact us at any point to discuss his account or his productsWe were completely unaware that Mr [redacted] thought he was supposed to start his campaign in the spring until our Billing Department called him on 1/10/to inquire about his past due payment When the Billing Department spoke to Mr [redacted] he claimed he never signed anything with us, he wasn’t supposed to be live yet and that he will not be paying his past due balanceSynergy Direct Solution is not responsible for any fees charged by other companies due to his financial situation or lack of money We never billed any amount outside of the amount listed in his signed agreement Had we overcharged Mr***, or made an error on his billing dates started on his agreement, we would gladly return his money but this is not the case Due to the facts uncovered in this case Synergy Direct Solution will not be able to issue a refund nor will be responsible for the Google [redacted] charges or Mr***’s banking fees Chargebacks Department Synergy Direct Solution

Response: In regards to Mr***’s claim about his video evidence and [redacted] pursuing his claims, we have yet to be contacted by anybody and have no concern about the video footage he claims to have since we have not done anything illegalWe treated Mr [redacted] the exact same way that we treat new clients, therefore his claim about having a video that we cannot “deny” is absurdOur hope is that Mr [redacted] has video of his conversation signing up with us, as that will prove that every term and condition on his agreement was read to him before he signed it, during that phone call Mr***’s claim that “they are saying that thousands of people were looking and clicking on this site in the middle of winter costing hundreds more dollars” has no validity and we are completely unaware of where he would get this informationGoogle has complete tracking of every single [redacted] campaign, which shows the exact number of clicks received every single day, what ad the person viewed, what keyword they typed in to see that ad and the cost per click that the client paysMr [redacted] has never requested any of these reports to review, therefore he is providing exaggerated and information about the campaign that we ran for him Furthermore, after review of his campaign, it appears that his Ads were shown 274,times resulting in clicks on his ad in over monthsIn fact, during the entire time the campaign was ran (over months), he only incurred a total cost of $based on his clicks which means he was paying an average of $per click and staying well under his $a month budget that he selected when signing upHis claim that “NOBODY in there right mind would pay hundreds of dollars to advertise pools when we have a foot of snow on the ground and below zero temps in the hardest Winter we have had in decades” is obviously not trueConsidering that his ad appeared during searches of his exact keywords 274,times during the winter months proves that he has absolutely no knowledge of the searching trends of his industryAlso, he was advertising hot tub keywords, which one would assume would be much more popular in the winter We have all records of each time we communicated with Mr***, his signed agreement, the tickets that were submitted to him and from him and have provided all of this information to his credit card company to review since he has disputed the chargesWe will not be refunding Mr [redacted] any money, per the direct instruction from his financial institution while the dispute remains openWe will resolve Mr***’s dispute through our internal process and his financial institution will determine if he is indeed entitled to a refund As far as the complaints regarding his financial status, Synergy Direct Solution has nothing to do with his money management skills and we have no information to provide about the debt he has put himself intoHad he not signed up with our company and provided billing information for his services, we would never have billed his account nor provided any services to himUpon signing any agreement and agreeing to monthly charges, we are sure Mr [redacted] was fully aware that we would be charging himAs mentioned in our previous response, Synergy Direct Solution has never billed him any charge that was not outlined in the agreement signed by Mr***

This company is a top notch!

I was very skeptical about them at first. But one of the best decisions I have ever made in my business career is to work with them! And since then, I was able to increase my revenue and help others find a job.

They have also people who are very accommodating and friendly. People who only think about how they can help you improve your own business.

You guys are the best!

Synergy Direct Solution helped me get my business on solid ground and I've never had to look back. These folks are top notch!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint id [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  for your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
 i have video recording of it all, they can't deny video, I have shown it to [redacted] and they agree, nobody in there right mind would pay hundreds of dollars to advertise pools when we have a foot of snow on the ground and below zero temps in the hardest winter we have had in decades, I clearly told them I do not want it started until spring. The salesman told me it only cost a few cents per click, so they are saying that thousands of people were looking and clicking on this site in the middle of winter costing hundreds more dollars, I don't even get that many clicks in the high season and I recieved no calls or emails out of all them thousands of clicks, bull. I checked the site, it did not work, the email didn't work or the phone contact did not work. They were supposed to optimize it for a 50 mile radius, how ever I checked it and couldn't find it anywhere under my key words. They are not doing as they promised so the salesman lied about what they were going to do for me. Anyone that does business with this company is just asking for problems. They did not contact me to tell me the website address, there is no correct info on it, no pool models, there was no reason to take it live, it was a non producing site with no info that would get me any calls, very unprofessional. There are others that have reported this company to, I am repoting them to the u.S. Attorney general and fox news, this kind of corruption has to stop, there are people taking there lives over scams like this and it looks like they have cost me my business, my bank account is so screwed up from them taking money out of my account that they were not supposed to take and now my account has to be closed, it has cost my insurance to be dropped, my [redacted]# to be turned off because they took that money out that was there for the other bills. Pool builders have to suvive in the winter time and not create more debt, this company has destroyed my business and my life. Like I said, video don't lie. I will be making it known all across the country about what this company has done to me, they are dirty greedy crooks who is out to hurt the little guy. What a disgrace, pathetic losers that has to scam inocent people to get there greedy money , what a [redacted] shame. Bottom line, the site don't work, the contact info don't work, the site can not be found where I told them I work and they took my money when I told them not to do it until spring, they did nothing to talk my money for.

client alleges that Synergy Direct Solution did not offer a solution but our
internal investigation proves otherwise Synergy did offer several
solutions and as previously stated in our original responsethe client was
being unreasonable Our ticketing system shows several communications
between our customer service staff and the client where Synergy had offered
solutions We offered a refund, free services, and like the client said
in his last responsewe reached an impasse The client failed to accept our attempts to resolve the issue
Now the
client is stating that he had cancelled the service and that we agreed that we
were responsible for missing his written request It is our belief that a company should
assume some responsibility when there is a misunderstanding with a client
Synergy Direct Solution did make an attempt to take responsibility for a
misunderstanding but the client is a central part of the miscommunication and
need to take responsibility as well The client says he cancelled the
service but our contract calls for a very specific cancellation policy, which
the client failed to complete The client also was uncertain about canceling
the service and was officially in limbo because of this Our ticketing
system reveals this uncertainty and also proves a lack of communication made by
the client in an attempt to resolve this matter. It is the client's responsibility to respond
to communications between Synergy Direct Solution and the client with regard to
edits, changes, or cancellation of services Synergy has attempted to resolve this issue with the client internally and we could not resolve the issue It would appear that we will be experiencing the same result here

Synergy Direct Solution takes pride in our customer service.  This has been our sole focus for many years.  With thousands of client Nationwide it is understandable that a few become unhappy for one reason or another.  As it is with any customer service issue, Synergy attempted to...

resolve this issue internally by offering several solutions to the client.  After making these attempts to resolve this issue the customer continued to be unreasonable.  The customer wants Synergy Direct Solution to reimburse him for charges from another company.  Synergy will not refund money that was not collected by our own merchant account.  The client agreed to Google's terms and conditions along with Synergy's terms and conditions.  This client must handle this issue with two different companies because he agreed to the terms and conditions for two different companies and received charges from two different companies.  Synergy Direct Solution offered several remedies including a direct refund to the cardholder as well as free services but the cardholder would not accept the offer and immediately threatened a chargeback.

In regards to Mr. [redacted]’s claim about his video evidence and [redacted] pursuing his claims, we have yet to be contacted by anybody and have no concern about the video footage he claims to have since we have not done anything illegal. We treated Mr. [redacted] the exact same way that we treat new clients, therefore his claim about having a video that we cannot “deny” is absurd. Our hope is that Mr. [redacted] has video of his conversation signing up with us, as that will prove that every term and condition on his agreement was read to him before he signed it, during that phone call.  
Mr. [redacted]’s claim that “they are saying that thousands of people were looking and clicking on this site in the middle of winter costing hundreds more dollars” has no validity and we are completely unaware of where he would get this information. Google has complete tracking of every single [redacted] campaign, which shows the exact number of clicks received every single day, what ad the person viewed, what keyword they typed in to see that ad and the cost per click that the client pays. Mr. [redacted] has never requested any of these reports to review, therefore he is providing exaggerated and false information about the campaign that we ran for him. 
Furthermore, after review of his campaign, it appears that his Ads were shown 274,160 times resulting in 732 clicks on his ad in over 5 months. In fact, during the entire time the campaign was ran (over 5 months), he only incurred a total cost of $444.65 based on his clicks which means he was paying an average of $0.61 per click and staying well under his $100 a month budget that he selected when signing up. His claim that “NOBODY in there right mind would pay hundreds of dollars to advertise pools when we have a foot of snow on the ground and below zero temps in the hardest Winter we have had in decades” is obviously not true. Considering that his ad appeared during searches of his exact keywords 274,160 times during the winter months proves that he has absolutely no knowledge of the searching trends of his industry. Also, he was advertising hot tub keywords, which one would assume would be much more popular in the winter. 
We have all records of each time we communicated with Mr. [redacted], his signed agreement, the tickets that were submitted to him and from him and have provided all of this information to his credit card company to review since he has disputed the charges. We will not be refunding Mr. [redacted] any money, per the direct instruction from his financial institution while the dispute remains open. We will resolve Mr. [redacted]’s dispute through our internal process and his financial institution will determine if he is indeed entitled to a refund. 
As far as the complaints regarding his financial status, Synergy Direct Solution has nothing to do with his money management skills and we have no information to provide about the debt he has put himself into. Had he not signed up with our company and provided billing information for his services, we would never have billed his account nor provided any services to him. Upon signing any agreement and agreeing to monthly charges, we are sure Mr. [redacted] was fully aware that we would be charging him. As mentioned in our previous response, Synergy Direct Solution has never billed him any charge that was not outlined in the agreement signed by Mr. [redacted].
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
 Synergy  Direct solutions originally did not offer any solution to the problem that they created as my account manager for both the website service and Google services.  Using their required ticket system I originally requested that they  terminate  our company  account , however,  after sending an email to them directly they did not terminate the account as requested.I reached out to their customer service representative and requested that they refund and terminate the account but they admitted they had missed my written request and after several conversations and email requests they only offered to provide free service as a form of reimbursement. By agreement they're responsible as our account manager for both Google services and website hosting and our dispute is over terminating our account in a timely manner and the additional charges that were accrued. Our only request was for Synergy direct solutions to refund us the additional charges, which they refused to do.We tried to resolve this issue in a  reasonable manner,but we reached an impasse  and their customer service  was less than professional. There are several instances noted on the web of similar troubles they have had with  other clients.  If you would like I can send you a copy of the ticket email conversations for your review..
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[redacted] Synergy  Direct solutions originally did not offer any solution to the problem that they created as my account manager for both the website service and Google services.  Using their required ticket system I originally requested that they  terminate  our company  account , however,  after sending an email to them directly they did not terminate the account as requested.
I reached out to their customer service representative and requested that they refund and terminate the account but they admitted they had missed my written request and after several conversations and email requests they only offered to provide free service as a form of reimbursement. 
By agreement they're responsible as our account manager for both Google services and website hosting and our dispute is over terminating our account in a timely manner and the additional charges that were accrued. Our only request was for Synergy direct solutions to refund us the additional charges, which they refused to do.
We tried to resolve this issue in a  reasonable manner,but we reached an impasse  and their customer service  was less than professional. There are several instances noted on the web of similar troubles they have had with  other clients. 
 If you would like I can send you a copy of the ticket email conversations for your review.

client alleges that Synergy Direct Solution did not offer a solution but our
internal investigation proves otherwise.  Synergy did offer several
solutions and as previously stated in our original response... the client was
being unreasonable.  Our ticketing system shows several communications
between our customer service staff and the client where Synergy had offered
solutions.  We offered a refund, free services, and like the client said
in his last response... we reached an impasse.  The client failed to accept our attempts to resolve the issue.
Now the
client is stating that he had cancelled the service and that we agreed that we
were responsible for missing his written request.  It is our belief that a company should
assume some responsibility when there is a misunderstanding with a client.
 Synergy Direct Solution did make an attempt to take responsibility for a
misunderstanding but the client is a central part of the miscommunication and
need to take responsibility as well.  The client says he cancelled the
service but our contract calls for a very specific cancellation policy, which
the client failed to complete.  The client also was uncertain about canceling
the service and was officially in limbo because of this.  Our ticketing
system reveals this uncertainty and also proves a lack of communication made by
the client in an attempt to resolve this matter.  It is the client's responsibility to respond
to communications between Synergy Direct Solution and the client with regard to
edits, changes, or cancellation of services.  
Synergy has attempted to resolve this issue with the client internally and we could not resolve the issue.  It would appear that we will be experiencing the same result here.

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Description: Internet Marketing Services

Address: 501 W Broadway #A-332, San Diego, California, United States, 92101


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