Hello [redacted],You were banned from our network for violating our terms by providing your referrals with a virtual credit card number to complete their offers with. In addition, you are also on hold for offer fraud on several other networks. As stated in our terms: 11. Prepaid...
cards, gift cards, and virtual cards are strictly forbidden to be used on any offer promoted at Superior Freebies and it is considered fraud to do so. Some offers may not accept, credit, or may revoke your credit if a [redacted] Debit Card is used, use at your own risk.1. Accounts may be suspended or closed at any time for any reason (including but not limited to rude, abusive, or harassing behavior) based on the discretion of the Superior Freebies Network, whether the activity is on our network or any other network or site.All members are responsible for reading our terms upon registration and checking the box that you agreed to them. Unfortunately, you violated them.1. Accounts may be suspended or closed at any time for any reason (including but not limited to rude, abusive, or harassing behavior) based on the discretion of the Superior Freebies Network, whether the activity is on our network or any other network or site.
Hello [redacted],You were banned from our network for violating our terms by providing your referrals with a virtual credit card number to complete their offers with. In addition, you are also on hold for offer fraud on several other networks. As stated in our terms: 11. Prepaid...
cards, gift cards, and virtual cards are strictly forbidden to be used on any offer promoted at Superior Freebies and it is considered fraud to do so. Some offers may not accept, credit, or may revoke your credit if a [redacted] Debit Card is used, use at your own risk.1. Accounts may be suspended or closed at any time for any reason (including but not limited to rude, abusive, or harassing behavior) based on the discretion of the Superior Freebies Network, whether the activity is on our network or any other network or site.All members are responsible for reading our terms upon registration and checking the box that you agreed to them. Unfortunately, you violated them.1. Accounts may be suspended or closed at any time for any reason (including but not limited to rude, abusive, or harassing behavior) based on the discretion of the Superior Freebies Network, whether the activity is on our network or any other network or site.