apolze first off for you not being informed correctly & I am also sorry to hear yourtruck was stolen but a relief I'm sure that they found itI have read your statement in itsentirety and its bothersome to me that you say we are crooks that is blowing everything out of proportion.At night most not all tow companies use some sort of answering service to take their callsunfortunatelycommunication errors are our biggest problem because they typically answer company phones during graveyard hoursBut as I looked into your complaint it was found in the middle of the night and you just showed upunannounced and you were only told it would be $to retrieve your vehicleWe charge a hourly fee which isposted in the office and a daily storage rate fee and since it was a weekend a after hours gate fee applies to any& all vehicles that leave this premisesBottom line you should have been told if you asked what do I owe thebreak down is as follows $tow for total of a 1hr charge $storage yes hours or hours or hoursis considered daythen finally $gate fee because its the weekend and office is not open on the weekendsSo if you add all that up you come up with $as the grand totalI genuinely sympathize with you becausenobody wants there vehicle stolen from them and then if you only have liability coverage only that means youhave to pay for all tow fees that in has accrued while its being storedHowever this is a business that operatesas such and has overhead and bills to pay just like any other business out thereAgain I apologize and we willstrive to communicate better in the future to avoid situations like thisThank you for your time and understandingand wish you the best
apolze first off for you not being informed correctly & I am also sorry to hear yourtruck was stolen but a relief I'm sure that they found itI have read your statement in itsentirety and its bothersome to me that you say we are crooks that is blowing everything out of proportion.At night most not all tow companies use some sort of answering service to take their callsunfortunatelycommunication errors are our biggest problem because they typically answer company phones during graveyard hoursBut as I looked into your complaint it was found in the middle of the night and you just showed upunannounced and you were only told it would be $to retrieve your vehicleWe charge a hourly fee which isposted in the office and a daily storage rate fee and since it was a weekend a after hours gate fee applies to any& all vehicles that leave this premisesBottom line you should have been told if you asked what do I owe thebreak down is as follows $tow for total of a 1hr charge $storage yes hours or hours or hoursis considered daythen finally $gate fee because its the weekend and office is not open on the weekendsSo if you add all that up you come up with $as the grand totalI genuinely sympathize with you becausenobody wants there vehicle stolen from them and then if you only have liability coverage only that means youhave to pay for all tow fees that in has accrued while its being storedHowever this is a business that operatesas such and has overhead and bills to pay just like any other business out thereAgain I apologize and we willstrive to communicate better in the future to avoid situations like thisThank you for your time and understandingand wish you the best