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SterlingBackcheck Reviews (108)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

Although the issues has now been resolved as of yesterday and the Hiring company stepping in and contacting the last employer. One of the employer's that you needed information from was a former employer that was also my current employer. I was under the impression that you did not contact current employers.  Also the fact that you guys wasted days trying to get DOT information from a past employer that was not even a DOT employer wasted alot of time. I also sent in various information such as paystubs from previous employers to prove that I was employed at that time. The reason why alot of the employers were not quick to respond is because a lot of individual's who were doing the verification were calling from other countries and hard to understand so they were skeptical to give information. I do understand that process can take some time but I dont think that it took long for the reason that are stated.
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Sterling Infosystems has received and resolved the disputed issue on his consumer report.  The process for investigating his claim were in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.    A notice was mailed to the [redacted] on 1/**/14.  His prospective employer was also...

notified of the amended report on 1/**.

Please note that Sterling Backcheck is in receipt on the complaint filed by [redacted].  The background check report issued contained information that is reportable by Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).   The FCRA permits the reporting of consumer report information. which...

includes information available to the public, for up to 7 years (and criminal conviction information without any time limitation).  Sterling Backcheck provides information to employers, but does not engage in the employment decision process and therefore cannot provide information as to an employer's decision.  The report issued was in full compliance with federal and state law.
Should [redacted] wish to dispute the accuracy of any information contained on the background check report, she can contact our Dispute Resolution Team at ###-###-####.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. I have received this requested document in the mail Finally!
At this time, I have not been contacted by Sterling Infosystems Inc. regarding complaint ID [redacted].
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
 I just called Sterling Infosystems, and the representative stated that the incorrect information remains on my record.  They are lying to or to me.
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This company is HORRIBLY Incompetent. I have been waiting on my background check to be completed for 4 weeks now and when I called today (10th phone call) the rep says it's still pending but that there has been a rush put on it. Rush? There has been a rush on it for 2 weeks now. "Rush" means absolutely nothing, it's just an attempt to get you off the phone.
I called the 1 county they have supposedly been waiting on and the lady in charge of the background checks for that county told me they reply to background requests same day. I'm sorry, what? I called Sterling 3 days ago and told them what I was told and I also provided the persons name, phone number and fax number. Obviously I was a bit surprised when I was told today it's still pending but "don't worry, we have put a rush on it and we are doing our level best". I kid you not.
Oh by the way, your call will be routed to India EVERY SINGLE TIME so communication is also a problem, good luck with that.
This company is a complete joke and NOBODY should utilize their services ever. They lie and should not be trusted!!


Case [redacted]-  [redacted] contacted the on 1/**/14 regarding a dispute of information contained within his consumer report.   Resolution:  As indicated in our response to the complaint on 1/**/14, the dispute received by [redacted] resulted in an amendment of his consumer report.  A new report was issued to our client and [redacted].  [redacted] received a formal notification that his report was amended and a new copy of his report.  All consumer report dispute and resolution procedures were followed in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because
the problem has not been resolved. Sterling has not apologized for their error causing me my job. I am unemployed with lost wages. I have repeadly ask Sterling for their insurance provider.  
Sterling is licensed with the State of Nevada and required to carry insurance. I have a consumer right to that information to file my complaint.
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Case [redacted]  [redacted]-   [redacted] contacted the on 5/**/15 to file a complaint regarding an incomplete education verification on her background check report.   Resolution:  As indicated in our response on 5/**/15, the educational institution for which the education verification was requested, outsources their verification services to a third party services.  Attempts to obtain verification from the third party services were not successful.  The service was closed an “Unperformable” until such time that verification information is received.  As of this date, 7/**/15, no information has been received.

Case [redacted]...

[redacted]-  [redacted] contacted the on 4/**/14 to file a complaint that information on her consumer report regarding a criminal charge was reported incorrectly.   Resolution:  Upon reinvestigation, it was determined that the information contained in the consumer report was accurate as originally reported.  No change was made to the report and [redacted] was advise of the outcome of the reinvestigation.  All consumer report dispute and resolution procedures were followed in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

An amended copy of [redacted]' report was mailed to him on Friday, March [redacted].  On the same day, we notified the prospective employer that we had amended the report and they have subsequently received an updated copy.   Again, we regret any inconvenience.

RUN AWAY...Yikes! My employer required me to submit a BG check through Sterling. I submitted the paperwork and received contact from Sterling stating they needed tax information to verify previous employment. No big deal, the email they sent provided a link to the IRS site and stated exactly what they required. I had the documents mailed to me and promptly scanned them and emailed upon receipt to Sterling. A rep emailed me back stating what I had sent was not acceptable. WAIT. I sent exactly what your company requested in the original email, even using the link they provided!
The rep not only did not address my question about why the discrepancy, but proceeded to continue asking for different documentation than I was told to submit. Now, if Sterling was an adept company, the employees would be trying harder to verify my employment instead of making me chase down documents and then telling me those are not the correct documents. I expect a company who purports to provide background checks on individuals to do more on their end to verify the provided information, not requiring the consumer to track down all the information. In this case, why is Sterling even paying employees to "verify" backgrounds. I should get the pay for my own background check, since I have done all the work.
Go somewhere else until (IF) this company gets its act together!

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 sterling background check cost me a job at [redacted] because they never ran a background check on me which was required by [redacted] in order for me to work there. I filled everything out to complete a background check and sterling background check did not do anything. so no I am not satisfied with their response at all.
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Please note that Sterling Backcheck has reinvestigated the concerns brought forward by [redacted]. The result of the reinvestigation resulted in the amendment of a consumer report ordered by her...

company. The reinvestigation process, which may take up to 30 days per the Fair Credit Reporting Act, is conducted in a thorough manner. SterlingBackcheck understands the frustration of a delayed result, but the reinvestigation process follows an established set of processes, which includes working with the providers of disputed information. We regret the time taken for the reinvestigation, but note that all processes were followed with the guidelines required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

The typical turnaround time for background checks can be from two days to two weeks, depending on the services that we are performing.  With employment verifications we are depending on the applicant's employers to respond to our phone calls and emails....

 With this particular background check, we did have to contact the applicant multiple times for permission to contact the former employers or to obtain various forms to complete the work.

There was no delay in set-up or in the performance of the background screening by Sterling.  The issue is that we were not informed that a drug test was required until 12 days after the account documents were submitted.  We set-up the...

original account as asked, and then set-up the drug testing program upon the new request on 9/**  in the standard time frame as well which is 7-10 days.  This time frame was agreed upon via phone.  The $300.00 charge was an initial set up fee, and then a yearly maintenance fee in 2016.  Due to the time period and as a good faith effort we credited one $300.00 fee.

This company previously had a contract that auto-renewed and had an annual fee.  We were not aware that the business was purchased.  We will close the account and the fee will be written off.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 Determining my graduation or lack of graduation is the very definition of your job.  Figure out a way to do it.  I personally ordered copies of my education history today with no trouble at all.  Hopefully I will keep my new job until they arrive.  This was your job to do and the reason my company hired you.  It is not my job to provide you with copies of my education history, you should be able to get those because you are a company that professes to conduct background checks.  Take a look at your rating.  There is a reason it has that rating.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business...

in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

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Address: 113 S College Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States, 80524


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