Steady Clearing & Grading Company Reviews (%countItem)
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Address: 506 S McLamb St, Benson, North Carolina, United States, 27504-1623
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Hired*** DBA Steady Hauling and Grading to add circle driveway and he did not complete as contact stated.
I entered into a contract to add an additional driveway to make a circle driveway. My existing drive is gravel and was level with surrounding vegetation which made it easy to navigate with mower. When meeting with*** I showed him what I wanted in new driveway in that I wanted it to be level with surrounding vegetation in order to navigate with mower. He put in contract that all existing vegetation would be removed which involved removing 3-4 inches of soil also. When I noticed they weren't removing it as stated in contract I called him and he said I would still have the same result in the end. I argued that there's no way I could have a level driveway since they were supposed to be adding a 6 crush and run bbase that would be packed to 4 inches. I complained 5 more times while they were doing the job only to be assured by *** it would be right when finished or he would come back and fix. Since then they came back and sprayed round up once and I've paid to have it sprayed 4 times and the grass is still coming thru stone and it's been done less that 2 months. The last text I sent *** has not been answered.
I want it done as contract stated. I paid as contract stated so he needs to live up to the contract. He never got permission from me written or otherwise to change the contact and I have a written text from him stating he did not.
I want the job done as originally contracted. If he can't do that then he will need to return money in order to get another company to fix it the way it should be. I had one other company state it would be $1600 to get it close to where it should be.
This gentleman has been complied and answered each and every time he's contacted me with his concerns. We even gave him a extra load at no charge and hd more in standbye in case to satisfy him. He's been asked several times about us bringing more gravel in at our cost to satisfy him. There is no reasonable satisfaction with him. He didn't want too much stone but he wanted more but was concerned about it being too high. The 3" depth of stone was reached before plate tampering. He has ran around town badmouthing our business and slandering instead of discussing this like a grown man. The only response by him of this on multiple occasions was , he didn't know. If you want more stone or something for nothing just speak up because it's been offered several occasions.
All that has to be done is a simple email to us saying he wants more stone. We never fight anyone over this as there some customers who have a mindset like this. No one has been avoided and no one is trying to get out of anything. I'm sure you may have texted us, but no text was ever received. We take pride on satisfying our company and with multiple ways of communication, this was totally unnecessary.
To start with I have yet to bad mouth or leave bad feedback for this company. I have been waiting patiently for *** to come back and do the job as originally contracted and he is of yet even attempted to come back and do anything. he has not responded to my last text and that was over a month ago. at this point if he does not want to do the job is contracted I have no choice but to take him to court small claims court. Then I will badmouth him and leave him bad feedback for him doing s
y work. As far as him bringing more gravel. he has had several opportunities over the past three weeks to come back and bring more gravel it has stated he said he would do. He is not showing up with any more gravel. I have spots in the yard it's only a half an inch thick. I have moles digging holes up through the driveway where you said it was 4 in thick. So if he wants to come by and do the job as originally contracted and that is removing all vegetation and putting down his 4 inch base then he can do that job. I have not stopped him from coming back and working on the job. I paid in a timely manner yet he has yet to complete the job in a timely manner.
There are numerous witnesses to slander and defamation. I have a phone number. I will certainly call you since you don't have it in you to call me. I have offered numerous times to you to bring you more stone in which - I will repeat, is definitely on us because you've received nearly 500 more than your contract to date. If you choose to go legal instead of handling this like in a professional respectable way, that's on you, but if you want the issue dealt with, answer your phone.
returned and removed vegetation as contract stated and added additional crush and run. At this time contract is complete and job is done satisfactory.
owner of steady hauling, and I had a contract to clear trees, burn, clear debris, redirect ditch, rough grade, and erosion control on approx 1 acre of land that I own in *** NC. He removed trees, burned, and redirected ditch but refuses to complete the remainder of the contract. He didn't clear burned debris, fill in stump holes for rough grade, left roots everywhere, and didn't level for erosion control. I have contacted him on several occasions the past several months. He will not answer calls, text, or emails and has blocked my number.
Product_Or_Service: Land clearing
Refund I no longer trust this individual or company to complete this job. I would like a partial refund of $1500 to have land cleaned, graded, and leveled
The customer***, signed a contract for land clearing and filling of stump holes. There was a verbal mention of elevations and the possibilty of constructable fill dirt may be necessary. A 'rough' grade and root raking was donated to this as it is not part of the service. The customer has 36" rcp pipe dumping water underneath the main road on her property. We redirected the water flow and installed rip rap for the cost of materials to help the customer and installed a driveway pipe in a existing ditch to give them access to their lot. The elevations of the center of lot once vegetation and trees were removed revealed the center being lower than the edge of property indicating more surface building is required. The customer was made aware of this. The customer satisfied the contract payment terms three days after work was done and a walkthrough performed. The work hired for was performed 125% however the customer is trying to get additional work at no cost. Pictures and documentation may be provided. The customer's demands far exceeds reality. My attorney has been made aware of this matter as the customer has full intentions after several months of harrassment being told exactly what is stated above. Note: no customer would've satisfied a contract with payment if not satisfied at time. Therefore I conclude that the customer had no idea what this property entailed to be able to build and once informed, found out it was out of budget and now plans to have the contractor whom came to help pay for her property upgrades.
As stated the trees were renoved and burned and ditch redirected. The contract States debris removal and a rough grade which was not completed. The debris from the trees being burned is still on the property. The chips from stump grinding vs removal are still in the hole where the stump was. There are several larges stump holes that are not filled in and the land has in no way been graded or raked. These things were agreed upon. I was never once told that we needed extra dirt hauled in or that the center of the property was lower than the edges. I was only told that the dirt from the new ditch was used to fill old ditch site. If this was true why was it never mentioned to me in the multiple text messages sent by the owner. I have pictures of burned debris, stump holes, and text messages between myself and owner. There was not harrassment as he repeatedly responded to my text with we have you on the schedule and will get back over there and rake and blade the property. I spoke with him last week with witnesses and at that time he stated the same, he would return and rake debris and roots and level out the property. His words were you should just be able to put grass seed and hay straw once we are done. Why continue to tell me you will go back of you have no intention of doing it. I haven't followed through or priced another contractor because he has told me he would complete these things. He has always had some reason why he couldn't, either he was out of state, it was to wet from the rain, or (and I'm sorry) he had a heart attack. I need debris cleared, roots raked, pipe reset for erosion control, and rough grade completed. I don't know if he can any longer be trusted with this so I still request partial refund.
That final statement of hers was not true. There were several days between finish and pay. A assessment was made by customer and she was satisfied. She wa explained more dirt was needed the several times or her land would fail to drain properly. *** would not fix that problem. The only blading promised for this was to fill tree stump holes which was entirely completed. Root raking was done before receiving payment. That's why everything is contractual and documented in progression pictures