You need to have a very good income to be able to afford the payments with this company. And if something happens with your job or income, and they feel you don't make enough money, they will end the contract and take the vehicle back. You also need to give the names and numbers of 20 references...just be aware that if you are one day late with a paymnet, they will start calling all of these people looking for you. The APR is very very high...but Iguess when you have bad credit, you don't have a choice. They have a zero late payment policy. Meaning they will come reposes your vehicle even if your 3 days late..then make you pay the late paymnet, the next payment, and the repo charge to get your back. They start calling and harrassing you the day of the payment. Even when its not even late..they just keep calling and keep calling and keep calling. they look into your familys income as well..just be aware. The manager started telling me what my son made at his job when my son is not listed anywhere on the paperwork. I thought that was odd. And they will not communicate with you by email...This was my experience.
You need to have a very good income to be able to afford the payments with this company. And if something happens with your job or income, and they feel you don't make enough money, they will end the contract and take the vehicle back. You also need to give the names and numbers of 20 references...just be aware that if you are one day late with a paymnet, they will start calling all of these people looking for you. The APR is very very high...but Iguess when you have bad credit, you don't have a choice. They have a zero late payment policy. Meaning they will come reposes your vehicle even if your 3 days late..then make you pay the late paymnet, the next payment, and the repo charge to get your back. They start calling and harrassing you the day of the payment. Even when its not even late..they just keep calling and keep calling and keep calling. they look into your familys income as well..just be aware. The manager started telling me what my son made at his job when my son is not listed anywhere on the paperwork. I thought that was odd. And they will not communicate with you by email...This was my experience.