Regarding complaint # ***, I first would like to state that addressing customer concerns is the very top of our priorities! Though I wish the customer would have given our office a c**l first so his issues could be made known to upper management first, I will say that I am glad that to
currently be made aware so that we can expedite the correct resolution steps now in this stage. We appreciate our customers and maintain positive relationships ongoing after our customers origin** projects are inst**ledGiven that the origin** StableLift project manager who worked w/ the customer has recently moved since the, and because I am new to the entire set of circumstances, upon reading the entire customer submission, I initiated a full intern** project review so that I could educate myself on **l details and be able to properly address any question that may come in regards to each and every step of interaction from the customers origin** contact to the recent elevation check requests At this point, the only remaining item needed on my part is a form** engineering review by the origin** engineer of record on the projectUpon receiving this engineering review, we will **so be updated with recommended steps forward (**ong w a detailed an**ysis of the structur** condition of home including current status of **l repair components) I have been told by engineering we should get their portion of the review today or tomorrow, and from there will clearly communicate back the best course of action forward based on re** comparable data and and engineering an**ysis of **l dynamics at playAdjusting our prior work is no problem at **l if of its recommendation by the engineerIt theres another course of action recommended, then we will communicate that as well. We appreciate your patience and look forward to following up shortly with our recommended next step of actionAgain, I appreciate the opportuni** to help satisfy **l customer concerns, and I am greatly apologetic that there have been disconnects prior to my being made aware of any potenti** concerns regarding the proper** in questionThanks again for your time and attention! Respectfully, *** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: For the record, I did contact Stablelift and tried resolving this matter which absolutely went nowhere which is the reason I involved the According to *** *** the project manager, he got with the engineer which an**yzed the situation and mentioned that heaving was not covered by the warran** and such warran** only covers settling. This was never mentioned or disclosed in any manner to me, otherwise I would have never utilized your servicesI need to know exactly what your plan of action is going to be upon familiarizing yourself with this case to remedy this matter. I was charged a substantial amount for this service that is now resulting in a vast number of newly formed cracks both internally and externally which were never present until Stablelift finalized this projectPlease provide in great detail the manner in which this is going to be handled and resolved
**var ***
First and foremost, the StableLift management team expresses the utmost of gratitude to resolution specialists who have offered assistance as has been needed here, andStableLift is exceptionally appreciative of being allotted the time required to complete **lnecessary research so that **l factual details could be crosschecked for accuracy in order forStableLift to make certain our response to complaint # [redacted] is 100% based on facts asthey occurred rather than opinions or bits of partial information. StableLift intends only to givefull-disclosure and respond here w/ absolute transparency.In response to complaint #[redacted], StableLift has deemed it important to clarify all matters byaddressing things according the following:1). Understanding the Limits of a Foundation Repair Contractor: Its imperative to address thisitem first, because in reading the referenced claim, its more than apparent that an overallmisunderstanding of the role of the foundation repair contractor and the limits of that role, iscurrently impacting the claimant. As a foundation repair contractor in the City of San Antonio, TX, StableLift and all other licensed foundation contractors are exclusively given the authority toinstall piers according to the recommendations of a Licensed Profession** Engineer in the stateof Texas. In that, StableLift, nor any other foundation repair contractor, nor the homeowner isgiven authority to have an opinion as to what steps are required to be taken in either an origin**repair scenario or in consideration of a potential warranty adjustment. The sole authority of newrepair work or warranty adjustments is given to the state licensed engineer of record on theproject. Let the record be known that as it relates to complaint #[redacted] StableLift hasfollowed the correct course of action here, and all scope of work and/ or recommendationsforward have been entirely made by the engineer of record on the project. Let it also be known,that if the measurements had shown any area of pre-existing work requiring adjustments,StableLift would have performed service expeditiously!2) Understanding the Product Warranty: The second item to address is the warranty itself. Itshould be clear, that it was the homeowner who sought out StableLift to perform servicesexclusively described in contract according to both parties mutually agreed terms. The mutuallywarranty provides a lifetime guarantee of all StableLift products purchased exactly as they aredescribed. The warranty protection is to be honored as written, even if an undisclosed variableor outside home maintenance neglect issue causes failure of the StableLift protected product.With an understanding of the scope of work being contracted, the mutually agreed warrantyterms explained that unfortunately, StableLift can only warranty and products/services providedby StableLift and any/**l other outside products and services are not included in the agreedwarran** and thus issues with those other products and services need to be excluded fromcomplaint #[redacted].3) Origin** Repair Information: As per the reference made in complaint #[redacted], StableLiftdeems it necessary to restate the facts in line with the origin** repair. StableLift was origin**lycontacted via our webworm on December 8, 2015. On this date our office contacted Mr.[redacted] expeditiously and set up and onsite appointment in order to gather measurement datarelated to structur** issues Mr. [redacted] was concerned about and in order to provide ainformation** platform for questions and answers regarding the specifics of the onsite dataobtained. This time was was **so an opportuni** for our representative to explain the gener**nature of our service offerings as well as the specific recommend steps based on the dataobtained. As mentioned in complaint #[redacted], the origin** StableLift representative to havemet with Mr. [redacted] was ** English. ** English maintained a very positive relationship with Mr.[redacted] throughout. He expeditiously w**ked the inspection results through the engineeringev**uation with Westbrook Engineering and had a certified foundation repair plan complete andsubmitted to Mr. [redacted] on December 11, 2015 **ong with a cost estimate directly correlatingto the scope of work required. The documents provided clearly communicated that the origin**scope of work was intended to repair and restore the current foundation failure exclusively asidentified by the engineers an**ysis of the measurements. The scope of work was to restorethese elevations and prevent against any future settlement. Though sever** months passed, InApril of 2016, Mr. [redacted] proceeded to contract StableLift to execute the foundation repair planexclusively as it was described in the agreed terms of the contract. Let it be clear that no claims,guarantees of promises were made outside of the mutu**ly agreed contract. StableLiftproceeded with the scope of work and completed it perfectly in April 22, 2016. The project wasinspected and certified upon completion. Included with this letter is **l the origin** contractdocumentation and the engineering certification, just as provided to the customer last April. **ldetails of this repair are attached and included **ong with engineering certification.4) Customer Warran** Claim: In early November upon notification of customer concerns,StableLift expeditiously scheduled an appointment to check elevations on November 10, 2016.Because the former StableLift representative who assisted Mr. [redacted] had moved away, a newStableLift representative was assigned. Upon his arriv[redacted] the StableLift representative explainednext steps but found himself met with a very hostile environment that made it very difficult forhim to perform the steps necessary. Before leaving the appointment, the StableLiftrepresentative did his best to explain the next steps of the warran** process and gave atimeframe expectation of 2-3 weeks given the nature of the backlog understood at theengineering firm of record and the re**i** of time everyone would be off work due to theThanksgiving holiday. The representative then expedited the process and did his best tocorrespond with both the engineering firm and Mr. [redacted] though communications were madedifficult by the everyones individu** obligations during this short amount of time overThanksgiving. Complaint # [redacted] was then filed before fin** engineering an**ysis was**lowed to be completed and without any notice to the StableLift office that there was anyongoing problem. StableLift works very diligently **ways, ignores no-one, and does its best tooutline timeframe expectations given the present re**ities of the current demand for ourservices. In this situation, StableLift would have appreciated being **lowed to complete therequired process of engineering an**ysis considering the sole discretionary opinion of theengineer of record was required in order to determine the need for any and **l adjustments to beperformed. Contrary to the details mentioned in Complaint #[redacted], at the time the complaintwas made there was no fin** determination made of any kind.5.) Since complaint # [redacted] was filed, engineering results concluded that the foundationrepair to be currently performing as intended and though first-glance comparison created someconfusion because reference points were dissimilar, correcting this issue brought clarity to thethe comparison. Any and **l cosmetic issues visible at the resident were most likely to havebeen made apparent due to the excess rainfall experienced in November 2016. The property islocated on the low side of the street, and during our visit onsite the current excess of rainfallshowed areas where water was standing and not draining properly off the lot. Ourrecommendation is to manage the balance of moisture on the lot by installing gutters andmaking sure the grades point away from the home rather than towards the home.As for the foundation itself is concerned, If Mr. [redacted] remains unsatisfied, upon notificationand acceptance by Mr. [redacted], StableLift is happy to contact Westbrook Engineering, who isthe engineer of record on the project so they can come onsite themselves to ev**uate and makean updated determination as to the foundation status and what adjustments need to be made.Upon the recommendation of this new report, StableLift agrees to perform adjustmentsexpeditiously on any item requiring warranty services. This onsite visit by the engineer will comewith a cost that StableLift agrees to incur on a one time basis. StableLift believes the third par**determination is necessary, because Mr. [redacted] displayed a loss in confidence in thecompetency of the previous StableLift representative onsite. Aal StableLift wishes as a result isfor Mr. [redacted] to remove any negative reviews or statements he has written about StableLiftor its representatives anywhere he has previously done so. StableLift maintains that we havealways honored **l warranties and we desire to continue to honor this warranty moving forward.Respectfully,[redacted]
StableLift of Texas, Inc.
Regarding complaint # ***, I first would like to state that addressing customer concerns is the very top of our priorities! Though I wish the customer would have given our office a c**l first so his issues could be made known to upper management first, I will say that I am glad that to
currently be made aware so that we can expedite the correct resolution steps now in this stage. We appreciate our customers and maintain positive relationships ongoing after our customers origin** projects are inst**ledGiven that the origin** StableLift project manager who worked w/ the customer has recently moved since the, and because I am new to the entire set of circumstances, upon reading the entire customer submission, I initiated a full intern** project review so that I could educate myself on **l details and be able to properly address any question that may come in regards to each and every step of interaction from the customers origin** contact to the recent elevation check requests At this point, the only remaining item needed on my part is a form** engineering review by the origin** engineer of record on the projectUpon receiving this engineering review, we will **so be updated with recommended steps forward (**ong w a detailed an**ysis of the structur** condition of home including current status of **l repair components) I have been told by engineering we should get their portion of the review today or tomorrow, and from there will clearly communicate back the best course of action forward based on re** comparable data and and engineering an**ysis of **l dynamics at playAdjusting our prior work is no problem at **l if of its recommendation by the engineerIt theres another course of action recommended, then we will communicate that as well. We appreciate your patience and look forward to following up shortly with our recommended next step of actionAgain, I appreciate the opportuni** to help satisfy **l customer concerns, and I am greatly apologetic that there have been disconnects prior to my being made aware of any potenti** concerns regarding the proper** in questionThanks again for your time and attention! Respectfully, *** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: For the record, I did contact Stablelift and tried resolving this matter which absolutely went nowhere which is the reason I involved the According to *** *** the project manager, he got with the engineer which an**yzed the situation and mentioned that heaving was not covered by the warran** and such warran** only covers settling. This was never mentioned or disclosed in any manner to me, otherwise I would have never utilized your servicesI need to know exactly what your plan of action is going to be upon familiarizing yourself with this case to remedy this matter. I was charged a substantial amount for this service that is now resulting in a vast number of newly formed cracks both internally and externally which were never present until Stablelift finalized this projectPlease provide in great detail the manner in which this is going to be handled and resolved
**var ***
First and foremost, the StableLift management team expresses the utmost of gratitude to resolution specialists who have offered assistance as has been needed here, andStableLift is exceptionally appreciative of being allotted the time required to complete **lnecessary research so that **l factual details could be crosschecked for accuracy in order forStableLift to make certain our response to complaint # [redacted] is 100% based on facts asthey occurred rather than opinions or bits of partial information. StableLift intends only to givefull-disclosure and respond here w/ absolute transparency.In response to complaint #[redacted], StableLift has deemed it important to clarify all matters byaddressing things according the following:1). Understanding the Limits of a Foundation Repair Contractor: Its imperative to address thisitem first, because in reading the referenced claim, its more than apparent that an overallmisunderstanding of the role of the foundation repair contractor and the limits of that role, iscurrently impacting the claimant. As a foundation repair contractor in the City of San Antonio, TX, StableLift and all other licensed foundation contractors are exclusively given the authority toinstall piers according to the recommendations of a Licensed Profession** Engineer in the stateof Texas. In that, StableLift, nor any other foundation repair contractor, nor the homeowner isgiven authority to have an opinion as to what steps are required to be taken in either an origin**repair scenario or in consideration of a potential warranty adjustment. The sole authority of newrepair work or warranty adjustments is given to the state licensed engineer of record on theproject. Let the record be known that as it relates to complaint #[redacted] StableLift hasfollowed the correct course of action here, and all scope of work and/ or recommendationsforward have been entirely made by the engineer of record on the project. Let it also be known,that if the measurements had shown any area of pre-existing work requiring adjustments,StableLift would have performed service expeditiously!2) Understanding the Product Warranty: The second item to address is the warranty itself. Itshould be clear, that it was the homeowner who sought out StableLift to perform servicesexclusively described in contract according to both parties mutually agreed terms. The mutuallywarranty provides a lifetime guarantee of all StableLift products purchased exactly as they aredescribed. The warranty protection is to be honored as written, even if an undisclosed variableor outside home maintenance neglect issue causes failure of the StableLift protected product.With an understanding of the scope of work being contracted, the mutually agreed warrantyterms explained that unfortunately, StableLift can only warranty and products/services providedby StableLift and any/**l other outside products and services are not included in the agreedwarran** and thus issues with those other products and services need to be excluded fromcomplaint #[redacted].3) Origin** Repair Information: As per the reference made in complaint #[redacted], StableLiftdeems it necessary to restate the facts in line with the origin** repair. StableLift was origin**lycontacted via our webworm on December 8, 2015. On this date our office contacted Mr.[redacted] expeditiously and set up and onsite appointment in order to gather measurement datarelated to structur** issues Mr. [redacted] was concerned about and in order to provide ainformation** platform for questions and answers regarding the specifics of the onsite dataobtained. This time was was **so an opportuni** for our representative to explain the gener**nature of our service offerings as well as the specific recommend steps based on the dataobtained. As mentioned in complaint #[redacted], the origin** StableLift representative to havemet with Mr. [redacted] was ** English. ** English maintained a very positive relationship with Mr.[redacted] throughout. He expeditiously w**ked the inspection results through the engineeringev**uation with Westbrook Engineering and had a certified foundation repair plan complete andsubmitted to Mr. [redacted] on December 11, 2015 **ong with a cost estimate directly correlatingto the scope of work required. The documents provided clearly communicated that the origin**scope of work was intended to repair and restore the current foundation failure exclusively asidentified by the engineers an**ysis of the measurements. The scope of work was to restorethese elevations and prevent against any future settlement. Though sever** months passed, InApril of 2016, Mr. [redacted] proceeded to contract StableLift to execute the foundation repair planexclusively as it was described in the agreed terms of the contract. Let it be clear that no claims,guarantees of promises were made outside of the mutu**ly agreed contract. StableLiftproceeded with the scope of work and completed it perfectly in April 22, 2016. The project wasinspected and certified upon completion. Included with this letter is **l the origin** contractdocumentation and the engineering certification, just as provided to the customer last April. **ldetails of this repair are attached and included **ong with engineering certification.4) Customer Warran** Claim: In early November upon notification of customer concerns,StableLift expeditiously scheduled an appointment to check elevations on November 10, 2016.Because the former StableLift representative who assisted Mr. [redacted] had moved away, a newStableLift representative was assigned. Upon his arriv[redacted] the StableLift representative explainednext steps but found himself met with a very hostile environment that made it very difficult forhim to perform the steps necessary. Before leaving the appointment, the StableLiftrepresentative did his best to explain the next steps of the warran** process and gave atimeframe expectation of 2-3 weeks given the nature of the backlog understood at theengineering firm of record and the re**i** of time everyone would be off work due to theThanksgiving holiday. The representative then expedited the process and did his best tocorrespond with both the engineering firm and Mr. [redacted] though communications were madedifficult by the everyones individu** obligations during this short amount of time overThanksgiving. Complaint # [redacted] was then filed before fin** engineering an**ysis was**lowed to be completed and without any notice to the StableLift office that there was anyongoing problem. StableLift works very diligently **ways, ignores no-one, and does its best tooutline timeframe expectations given the present re**ities of the current demand for ourservices. In this situation, StableLift would have appreciated being **lowed to complete therequired process of engineering an**ysis considering the sole discretionary opinion of theengineer of record was required in order to determine the need for any and **l adjustments to beperformed. Contrary to the details mentioned in Complaint #[redacted], at the time the complaintwas made there was no fin** determination made of any kind.5.) Since complaint # [redacted] was filed, engineering results concluded that the foundationrepair to be currently performing as intended and though first-glance comparison created someconfusion because reference points were dissimilar, correcting this issue brought clarity to thethe comparison. Any and **l cosmetic issues visible at the resident were most likely to havebeen made apparent due to the excess rainfall experienced in November 2016. The property islocated on the low side of the street, and during our visit onsite the current excess of rainfallshowed areas where water was standing and not draining properly off the lot. Ourrecommendation is to manage the balance of moisture on the lot by installing gutters andmaking sure the grades point away from the home rather than towards the home.As for the foundation itself is concerned, If Mr. [redacted] remains unsatisfied, upon notificationand acceptance by Mr. [redacted], StableLift is happy to contact Westbrook Engineering, who isthe engineer of record on the project so they can come onsite themselves to ev**uate and makean updated determination as to the foundation status and what adjustments need to be made.Upon the recommendation of this new report, StableLift agrees to perform adjustmentsexpeditiously on any item requiring warranty services. This onsite visit by the engineer will comewith a cost that StableLift agrees to incur on a one time basis. StableLift believes the third par**determination is necessary, because Mr. [redacted] displayed a loss in confidence in thecompetency of the previous StableLift representative onsite. Aal StableLift wishes as a result isfor Mr. [redacted] to remove any negative reviews or statements he has written about StableLiftor its representatives anywhere he has previously done so. StableLift maintains that we havealways honored **l warranties and we desire to continue to honor this warranty moving forward.Respectfully,[redacted]
StableLift of Texas, Inc.