Speedticketbeaters.com Reviews (25)
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Address: 15111 N Hayden Rd, Scottsdale, Arizona, United States, 85260
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I have an email from the Mr. D[redacted] at Speedticketbeaters stating that he straight out was refusing to provide me a refund. The Refund can be sent to my home address [redacted] Charlotte Drive, Lansing, Illinois 60438. I do not wish to utilize his service because I need a Lawyer and not a lot of papers to read and pass on to the Judge. It is not his decision to decide if I want to pay a lawyer XXX amount of dollars for my representation. I prefer to just have my refund and not use this business and have any dealing with such a rude person; the card was canceled because the bank said he was given too much information and had access to utilize the again. It was not told to me that his company was not provided legal representation in person until after he received my money. This is not the service I am seeking and have all rights to a refuse the service and a refund. The only way to get in touch with the company once you have paid your money is that you have to use a different phone number and email address; this is a true sign of fraudulent activities being conducted.
I have attached his emails about our request for refund and email attempting to urge use to accept his service.
Dated 3/9/2016
Speedticketbeaters.com has been in business since 2004, and has provided custom written speeding ticket defense materials, to thousands of customers per month, every month, in that time.
If we were the scam company this person alleges, we would have long ago been out of business.
customer in question was provided the companies refund terms at outset, and has not in any way complied with their simple requirements. If he had, he would have been provided a refund. Our company receives dozens of testimonials per month, from satisfied customers. A partial selection of them can be viewed here:
I received a speeding ticket. I happened to see a webpage online called speadticket beaters.com. Out of curiosity I clicked on their link. Within minutes I had a phone message from a man that talked a hundred miles an hour telling me that I needed his service etc. I did jot reply. Within 15 minutes I received another call. I also ignored this. And in the meantime I received approximately 4 emails. I was only curious as to what this was because they said it was free. It was free to click on their link but that was all that was free. So I wrote an email and I told him that I was not interested and I can handle it myself. The third phone message he told me that I could not do it and he ranted and raved and berated me saying I have to do what he told me to do! Those were his exact words! I wrote him back and I said I have won three tickets all by myself and I have a friend who just won a speeding ticket and he also beat it. He then emailed and told me that I didn't know the code and the rebuttals and I didn't know the rules. So I told him that I did know the codes and I did know how to handle the ticket and I was only contacting him out of curiosity but thanks but no thanks. The third phone message he told me I didn't stand a chance winning this ticket unless "I do what he tells me to do" (this was all said with angry arrogance). He said He didn't know what planet I was from and I was ridiculous and stupid.
I should've stopped right there but I was so angry and I told him I couldn't believe a businessman that wants Business from a human being would talk to them that way. we continued to go back and forth, I have asked him not to email me not to call me. I even blocked him. But he got through anyway. Now they are reporting me because they say they have asked me not to email them or contact him. I don't know what they're going to do in reporting me or whom they are reporting to; do they think the cops are going to come and arrest me or what! This is just a warning for people that have a ticket to not click on speedticketbeatersbeaters.com they also threatened me if I contacted the Revdex.com.
Support Agent
Hello Limdy. How may I help you?
I have had a horrible experience online with a business I clicked on. They have insulted me, called me names and threatened. Now I am in the process of fixing a complaint but it said to check for dis-paraments clause.
so I checked one of the harassing emails they sent me and it does say I could get in trouble if I report to the Revdex.com
How can this be? After what they have done to me they need to be reported
filing not fixing
Below is my chat with Revdex.com
What is the name of the business?
One moment please.
Below is the review on this business. http://www.Revdex.com.org/p…om-in-scottsdale-az-1000031920
Revdex.com Business Review for Speedticketbeaters.comRevdex.com Business Review for Speedticketbeaters.com that includes background information, consumer experience, Revdex.com Accreditation status, Revdex.com rating and more.
If you would like to file a complaint you may do so on our website. Everything you stated in this chat include it in your complaint and provide Revdex.com with a company of anything pertaining to your complaint
ok thanks
even tho they have threatened me if I file with Revdex.com?
You are welcome. Is there anything else I can assist you with? State all that information in your complaint.
Any documentation you have to support your complaint. Any converstions with the business, receipts etc
Earline has closed the chat.
Start the chat again
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Speedticketbeaters already offered to refund the customer, if he would follow the simple proper path for doing so. The customer has refused to respond rationally to our attempts to do so, instead he has attempted to inflame the situation.
We've been in business since 2004, and helped thousands of customers every year for the past 12 years, all over the USA to easily eliminate their speeding tickets. On rare occasion we encounter a customer who cannot be satisfied, and instead chooses to try to harm our company. This is one of those occasions.
At the link below is a list of hundreds of people, who have experienced us to be completely helpful to their situation, and are thankful to have found us:
Our website and all of our written materials make very clear what we do, as they have since the start of our company in 2004...
We provide legal defense information to customers, so that the CUSTOMERS THEMSELVES can use the information we provide, to eliminate their speeding infraction in...
court.At no time and in no place (not on our site, in our emails, or on the phone), do we claim to be lawyers, who will represent the customer in court. Rather we make explicitly clear (on our site, in our emails, and on the phone), that we will PROVIDE the customer "do it yourself" materials.
The style of this customers writing should tell the reader a lot about what type of person it is that has written up this baseless compliant. The do not properly write and explain their point of view, and appear to h[redacted] a very poor grasp of the facts, and of language. This explains why they were and are so confused about our services, and what exactly they are (and are not). In short, this custom seems incapable of comprehending the nature of our service, as clearly explained on our website Speedticketbeaters.com.
Furthermore, when we did attempt to refund this customer (even though the customer really had no valid basis for requesting a refund), we found that (as the customer stated in this report) the customers credit card had been canceled, by the customer.
The bizarre behavior by the customer (canceling their credit card for no apparent reason), eliminated the possibility of us initiating a refund process anyway. And now the customers attempt to damage us in the public domain, will not make this situation any smoother.
There are many hundreds of customers, who would assert that in spite of this customers absurd allegations, our website has been quite effective at destroying speeding tickets for them. At the link below are several hundred of them: