To whom it may concern:I am replying in regards to complaints in regards to billing. In response to abnormal coding, the procedures performed and coding are dictated by the Medicare guidelines and insurance guidelines. Depending on where and what structures are repaired, that...
dictates the code that is utilized. Medicare makes very general statements on coding. The question was about the surgery on the thumb and being billed for a thumb and hand surgery. There were 2 procedures. The procedure that was performed was on the hand, in regards to a repair of a ligament. Unfortunately, this does get listed as a hand and a second one as a thumb. From incisions it often appears as though both are in regards to the thumb.Secondary to the confusion for the patient, we did write off her bill. I also made a personal phone call to clarify the condition with no response. Therefore, our billing office was instructed to send a certified letter explaining that the bill had been written off.In response to the complaint, it simply deals with Medicare and insurance global statements on surgical procedures.
To whom it may concern:I am replying in regards to complaints in regards to billing. In response to abnormal coding, the procedures performed and coding are dictated by the Medicare guidelines and insurance guidelines. Depending on where and what structures are repaired, that...
dictates the code that is utilized. Medicare makes very general statements on coding. The question was about the surgery on the thumb and being billed for a thumb and hand surgery. There were 2 procedures. The procedure that was performed was on the hand, in regards to a repair of a ligament. Unfortunately, this does get listed as a hand and a second one as a thumb. From incisions it often appears as though both are in regards to the thumb.Secondary to the confusion for the patient, we did write off her bill. I also made a personal phone call to clarify the condition with no response. Therefore, our billing office was instructed to send a certified letter explaining that the bill had been written off.In response to the complaint, it simply deals with Medicare and insurance global statements on surgical procedures.