South Metro Human Services misunderstood the situation, but they mean well Three days a week some body with minimal 'mental training' came to my home with cheers and free advice, seemed brusque I hope you care, because we do! They were consistently pushy, offering gift cards to get their way They made small talk, and when I offered them coffee and cookies, they refused What's with that? This kind of business is unnecessary, and the medic that came to our residence to see me personally, well, good luck! This was not appropriate I am sure they mean well, but really! Who needs it? That's okay, no body is perfect! Thank you Please be kind
South Metro Human Services misunderstood the situation, but they mean well Three days a week some body with minimal 'mental training' came to my home with cheers and free advice, seemed brusque I hope you care, because we do! They were consistently pushy, offering gift cards to get their way They made small talk, and when I offered them coffee and cookies, they refused What's with that? This kind of business is unnecessary, and the medic that came to our residence to see me personally, well, good luck! This was not appropriate I am sure they mean well, but really! Who needs it? That's okay, no body is perfect! Thank you Please be kind