This letter is in response to the complaint we received from the Revdex.comregarding the returned item fees on your account and the difficulties you had with recentACH transactions. Your letter has been forwarded to me for response.On Tuesday, February 17th, I called your residence to...
discuss the issues being cited toensure I had a complete understanding and could resolve to your satisfaction.Unfortunately, you were not available at the time. Your wife answered the telephoneand was able to explain in more detail the issues that had transpired. I could not releasepersonal information to her as she is not authorized to speak on the account but she wasable to relay your frustrations with the recent ACH activity and NSF fees. If you wouldlike her to be able to speak on the account, please e-mail me with this request at[redacted] and I will update your account accordingly.Based on the conversation with your wife, she indicated that there were times when theACH transaction came back as non-sufficient funds. The amount of time it was taking torequest the money from your bank was causing a problem with other checks that werewritten. Please note that the ACH process will request the money on the date that youindicated when you set up the ACH process; however, the request is sent via our bank.We cannot control the length of time it takes the banking systems to speak to oneanother and actually pull the funds from your account.Due to the issues that you were having with the ACH process and your request todiscontinue the ACH on your account, we have cancelled/suspended the ACH activity asof 2/17/15. Your monthly mortgage payments wi ll need to be remitted via a differentmethod.In looking at your account there were $51 .15 in NSF fees showing as due and payable.We have waived those fees per your request. You had previously paid $23.85 in NSFfees. The fees previously paid were reversed and applied to your principal balance asinstructed and this same amount waived. As of today, there are no NSF fees showingdue and payable on your account. Your account is no longer set up for monthlyautomatic ACH payments and your next payment is not due until 3/1/15.Your recommendation for the no fee one time bill payment on the web is something thatGuild is looking into; however, it would not change the timing of when the money isactually pulled from your account as this is very similar to the ACH process.Online bill payment may be a better option for payment remittance if your bankinginstitution offers the service. The money comes out of your account right away and thenis either electronically sent to Guild or physically sent to Guild. You may want to explorewhether this is a more feasible way of remitting the monthly payments.If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at [redacted]Sincerely, Early Default Manager, VPGUILD MORTGAGE COMPANY
Dear [redacted],
Guild Mortgage Company (“Guild) has received your
correspondence dated January 2, 2014.
Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to your
Guild has been working diligently with the escrow agent and
Freedom Mortgage to ensure the correct...
tax amount is reflected for your
loan. Per our last correspondence with
Freedom Mortgage, they are waiting for the city to complete a re-assessment of
the property, which should take place in February. In the meantime, we will continue to follow-up
with all parties to ensure this matter is resolved timely.
I apologize for the inconvenience. If you
have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [redacted].
This letter is in response to the complaint we received from the Revdex.comregarding the returned item fees on your account and the difficulties you had with recentACH transactions. Your letter has been forwarded to me for response.On Tuesday, February 17th, I called your residence to...
discuss the issues being cited toensure I had a complete understanding and could resolve to your satisfaction.Unfortunately, you were not available at the time. Your wife answered the telephoneand was able to explain in more detail the issues that had transpired. I could not releasepersonal information to her as she is not authorized to speak on the account but she wasable to relay your frustrations with the recent ACH activity and NSF fees. If you wouldlike her to be able to speak on the account, please e-mail me with this request at[redacted] and I will update your account accordingly.Based on the conversation with your wife, she indicated that there were times when theACH transaction came back as non-sufficient funds. The amount of time it was taking torequest the money from your bank was causing a problem with other checks that werewritten. Please note that the ACH process will request the money on the date that youindicated when you set up the ACH process; however, the request is sent via our bank.We cannot control the length of time it takes the banking systems to speak to oneanother and actually pull the funds from your account.Due to the issues that you were having with the ACH process and your request todiscontinue the ACH on your account, we have cancelled/suspended the ACH activity asof 2/17/15. Your monthly mortgage payments wi ll need to be remitted via a differentmethod.In looking at your account there were $51 .15 in NSF fees showing as due and payable.We have waived those fees per your request. You had previously paid $23.85 in NSFfees. The fees previously paid were reversed and applied to your principal balance asinstructed and this same amount waived. As of today, there are no NSF fees showingdue and payable on your account. Your account is no longer set up for monthlyautomatic ACH payments and your next payment is not due until 3/1/15.Your recommendation for the no fee one time bill payment on the web is something thatGuild is looking into; however, it would not change the timing of when the money isactually pulled from your account as this is very similar to the ACH process.Online bill payment may be a better option for payment remittance if your bankinginstitution offers the service. The money comes out of your account right away and thenis either electronically sent to Guild or physically sent to Guild. You may want to explorewhether this is a more feasible way of remitting the monthly payments.If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at [redacted]Sincerely, Early Default Manager, VPGUILD MORTGAGE COMPANY
Dear [redacted],
Guild Mortgage Company (“Guild) has received your
correspondence dated January 2, 2014.
Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to your
Guild has been working diligently with the escrow agent and
Freedom Mortgage to ensure the correct...
tax amount is reflected for your
loan. Per our last correspondence with
Freedom Mortgage, they are waiting for the city to complete a re-assessment of
the property, which should take place in February. In the meantime, we will continue to follow-up
with all parties to ensure this matter is resolved timely.
I apologize for the inconvenience. If you
have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [redacted].
Vice President, Compliance & Legal Affairs