Ask DrParker charged my credit card on 08/10/15, again on 08/19/and again on 09/14/ Each charge was for each time They got my credit card when I paid agreed to pay them to ask a question about my scalp They never resolved my issue, and suggested I see a Dermatolgist I had discussed my matter with a skin Dr and primary Dr I have Medicare and United Health care and did not agree to these charges I call and spoke many times to an 800# that was on my statements Then I started E=mailing ask DrParker supportThey would ap0lgize and say I would get a check in 10-days
Ask DrParker charged my credit card on 08/10/15, again on 08/19/and again on 09/14/ Each charge was for each time
They got my credit card when I paid agreed to pay them to ask a question about my scalp They never resolved my issue, and suggested I see a Dermatolgist I had discussed my matter with a skin Dr and primary Dr I have Medicare and United Health care and did not agree to these charges I call and spoke many times to an 800# that was on my statements Then I started E=mailing ask DrParker supportThey would ap0lgize and say I would get a check in 10-days
I contacted this site via information from Mayo Clinic regarding health questions They charged $but this was unsatisfactory They promised a refund, gave refund # as RXXXXX according to Darien on 11/02/On 11/spoke with Miles who promised it in daysNo response Spoke with Nina 11/27/15, said I would receive check for this by 12/27/ Again no response Spoke with Robert 01/07/who said would refer to management and resolve issue Told them I would have to refer to if no response but apparently that didn't make a difference as there is no response stillSeems I am getting a run-around and they do not intend to honor this matterSenior citizens do not need to be bilked of money
Ask DrParker charged my credit card on 08/10/15, again on 08/19/and again on 09/14/ Each charge was for each time They got my credit card when I paid agreed to pay them to ask a question about my scalp They never resolved my issue, and suggested I see a Dermatolgist I had discussed my matter with a skin Dr and primary Dr I have Medicare and United Health care and did not agree to these charges I call and spoke many times to an 800# that was on my statements Then I started E=mailing ask DrParker supportThey would ap0lgize and say I would get a check in 10-days
Ask DrParker charged my credit card on 08/10/15, again on 08/19/and again on 09/14/ Each charge was for each time
They got my credit card when I paid agreed to pay them to ask a question about my scalp They never resolved my issue, and suggested I see a Dermatolgist I had discussed my matter with a skin Dr and primary Dr I have Medicare and United Health care and did not agree to these charges I call and spoke many times to an 800# that was on my statements Then I started E=mailing ask DrParker supportThey would ap0lgize and say I would get a check in 10-days
I contacted this site via information from Mayo Clinic regarding health questions They charged $but this was unsatisfactory They promised a refund, gave refund # as RXXXXX according to Darien on 11/02/On 11/spoke with Miles who promised it in daysNo response Spoke with Nina 11/27/15, said I would receive check for this by 12/27/ Again no response Spoke with Robert 01/07/who said would refer to management and resolve issue Told them I would have to refer to if no response but apparently that didn't make a difference as there is no response stillSeems I am getting a run-around and they do not intend to honor this matterSenior citizens do not need to be bilked of money