Shelter Insurance Corp Office Reviews (35)
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Address: 1817 W Broadway, Columbia, Missouri, United States, 65218-1000
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I am writing in response to the complaint filed by *** *** on behalf of his mother ***I regret he is frustrated with our handling of his mother's claim. Following are the facts The claim was reported on Friday, June 9, at 7:p.m Before we could accept
liability, we needed to talk to our insured driver. Once accomplished, we accepted liability for the accident Monday morning, June 12thWhen Adjuster *** *** called *** *** for her accident description, she was told *** *** was handling the property damage and they had already authorized a rental vehicle. With that established, *** explained the injury claim process, mailed the necessary paperwork, and asked *** *** to respond to *** ***'s subrogation demand upon receipt On June 14, *** *** reported she was unhappy with *** ***'s settlement offer on her vehicle and she now wanted Shelter Insurance to handle her damages*** *** inspected her Saturn Station Wagon the next day at Collision Specialty. He found damages to the rear lift gate, the lift gate glass and rear bumperThe vehicle's condition was fair both inside and out with faded paint and minor dings and dents on the bodyTo complicate things further, virtually all the parts on the shop es***ate were discontinued since it was a Saturn. In fact, the shop had already called different salvage yards and found no recycled parts *** called some additional shops and found a lift gate and glass at *** Salvage for only $150.00. That gave her the option of accepting a settlement, keeping the vehicle, making repairs and keeping the balance. NADA indicated the value of her Saturn Station Wagon in its pre-loss condition was approximately $and the salvage was only worth $104.00. As a result, *** offered to settle her claim for *** ***s' offer of $since that's what the vehicle was worth He also explained she could keep the salvage and make repairs with the $lift gate and glass he had found, but there was no bumper available. She said she wanted to talk to her son *** visited with *** *** at his mother's request on June 16, He explained the issues with the discontinued parts and the fact we never found a bumperHe offered to overnight a $check if she accepted our settlement. *** emphasized that if she intended to keep the car, she needed to move it since we didn't plan to pay more storageHe advised it was safe to drive with the back window covered in plastic. If she didn't plan to keep it, we'd have *** Salvage pick it up. Either way, it had to move In the interim, *** extended a rental vehicle until Tuesday June 20, to give her ***e to make a decision. We are still awaiting her decision. If *** *** still has concerns about our handling of this claim, he should direct them to the Tennessee Department of Insurance as they have jurisdiction over matters such as thisTheir phone number is *** and the website is www.***/commerce/insurance
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/10/26) */
Contact Name and Title: *** *** Mgr
Contact Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact Email: ***
I read the complaint filed by *** ***Shelter has also responded to the Missouri Department of Insurance
Upon receipt of the complaint, I contacted *** *** and requested documentation that he purchased insurance with another companyMr*** advised he requested quotes from Safeco Insurance and ShelterHowever, he decided to purchase the insurance from SafecoMr*** provided the enclosed documents indicating Safeco insures his dwelling located at *** *** Road in O'Fallon, Missouri
The documents were forwarded to our Underwriting departmentThe Homeowner policy was cancelled on the binder dateUnderwriting has notified the collection agency to stop the collection processMr*** does not owe Shelter any money
We apologize for whatever inconveniences this may have caused Mr***Shelter has corrected this matter
Enclosed is a copy of the Homeowners Insurance Policy Declarations for the policy purchased by *** ***It clearly states his policy deductible is $1,000. The HO-Homeowners policy includes the following definitions for deductible and depreciation: Deductible means an
amount of money deducted from the total amount of all losses covered under Section I of this policy, unless the specific coverage under which a loss is covered says otherwiseThe amount of your deductible is shown in the Declarations or in the specific policy provision under which a loss is covered Depreciation is the amount this property's value had been reduced before the loss because of its age, condition, usefulness, and the likeIf an amount was subtracted for Non-recoverable Depreciation, the policy does not reimburse that. For Recoverable Depreciation, although we deducted it from this payment, we will reimburse to you the amount you actually spend to repair or replace that part of the property up to your limit or this amount Enclosed is the cover letter that accompanied our check for $4,and our $6,estimate for damagesThe initial payment was for the actual cash value of the damages less his $1,deductibleOur letter explained that we may be able to reimburse the recoverable depreciation upon receipt of the final repair bill within years from the date of loss When he provided an invoice from ** ***, LLC, it established repairs were completely for $4,versus the $6,we estimated. As a result, we subtracted his $1,deductible from the invoiced amount and determined the balance of $3,was less than the $4,we had already paid himAs a result, no additional payment was due While I understand he is not trying to profit, he did save $of his $1,deductibleHad he given our $6,estimate to ** ***, LLC as our letter instructed and paid that amount, we would have subtracted his $1,deductible from the invoiced amount and reimbursed him the difference. In that scenario, he would have paid $1,out of pocket versus $ I trust this explanation is helpful
I read the complaint filed by [redacted], reviewed the policy and contacted Agent [redacted]. On November 14, 2017, Ms. [redacted] was hit by a large transport van while waiting to exit the parking lot. Shelter has determined the claimant is liable. After the claim occurred,...
the insured requested authorization for a rental vehicle. Our adjuster explained rental reimbursement coverage was not on the Auto policy insuring the 2010 Jaguar when the claim occurred. As Ms. [redacted] stated Shelter authorized a rental when the 2003 BMW was stolen on February 9, 2016. The rental vehicle was authorized because rental coverage is automatically covered when a vehicle is stolen. Agent [redacted] and [redacted] advised the [redacted]'s inquired about rental coverage when the 2003 BMW was stolen but opted not to add the coverage because it was provided for that claim. Agent [redacted] advised the insured has not requested rental coverage until recently when the November 14, 2017 claim occurred. [redacted] is adamant she never mentioned backdating the rental coverage because it is illegal. Both the agent and [redacted] advised they were unaware the [redacted]'s had gotten married. On November 17, 2017 the agent was notified of the marriage and submitted a policy change to reflect their marital status and added rental coverage. We are sorry the insured did not have rental coverage for the claim. Auto Policy Declarations were sent showing the coverage. The policy declaration for the 2008 BMW showed rental reimbursement coverage, whereas, the 2010 Jaguar did not. It is the insured's responsibility to review the coverage and make sure the coverage requested is correct. If the coverage is incorrect, they should notify the agent. The insured did not mention the rental coverage was not on the policy until after the loss occurred. Since the coverage was not on the policy, Shelter will not authorize a rental.
This consumer has also filed a complaint with the Illinois Department of Insurance ([redacted]). We will respond to them promptly with an explanation and supporting documents. In the meantime, we respectfully ask you to close his complaint as the internet does not...
allow us to protect his privacy and the Department of Insurance has jurisdiction in situations such as this.
Re: File No: [redacted]Insured: [redacted]Claim No: [redacted]I read the complaint filed by [redacted] and contacted claims. As Mr. [redacted] mentioned his vehicle was towed by [redacted] who was dispatched by [redacted]. While hooking Mr. [redacted]' vehicle to the tow truck the brakes...
failed and the truck rolled forward into the insured's golf cart. The tow truck driver said he would come back and fix the golf cart but Mr. [redacted] wanted to file a claim. Mr. [redacted] said he tried to work with [redacted] but they were not handling the claim. Therefore, he filed a claim against his Shelter Insurance Homeowner policy. Since this occurred, [redacted], the [redacted] Account Manager has worked in conjunction with Supervisor [redacted], Shelter Insurance on this claim for a couple of months. Mr. [redacted] advised that Mr. [redacted] was not interested in letting [redacted] handle the claim. Mr. [redacted] said he made daily attempts to resolve this claim. On October 14, 2016, the insured filed a homeowner claim with Shelter Insurance for the damage to the golf cart. The claim number is [redacted]. The damage to the golf cart was approximately $550 and the insured has a $500 deductible so he decided not to pursue the claim under his Homeowner Insurance policy. If Mr. [redacted] wants to pursue the claim he should contact [redacted]'s Insurance Company directly. The tow truck is insured by [redacted] Insurance. The contact information is: Agent [redacted]e, [redacted], telephone: [redacted]. The insured was provided this information so he could pursue the provider directly. The complaint was received in our department on November 2, 2016. The next day, Supervisor [redacted] called Mr. [redacted] and left him a voice message at [redacted]. If he has questions, Ms. [redacted] can be contacted at [redacted].
In the complaint Mr. [redacted] mentioned the rates increased caused the monthly withdrawal to increase 50%. The change in the monthly withdrawal was the result of the rate increase filed with the State of Missouri. Shelter Insurance filed a rate increase effective February 5, 2016. ...
The rate increase was effective on the September 20, 2016 renewal. In addition to the rate increase, the insured lost the Companion Policy Discount. Shelter gives this discount to those who also insure their automobiles. The Companion Policy Discount was taken off because Mr. [redacted] canceled his Automobile policies. They were canceled effective at 12:14 p.m. on February 17, 201. This discount was removed at the September 20, 2016 renewal. Although the Companion Policy Discount was removed, the insured received the Protective Device Credit and No Claims Credit. I would like to commend him on his excellent claims history. The premium increase resulted in a change in the Monthly Payment Plan. The monthly withdrawal increased from $42.25 to $62.75. Shelter had to adjuster the monthly payment because the annual premium increased from $507 to $753. The insured cancelled the Mobile Homeowner policy effective at 12:01 a.m. on October 15, 2016. Enclosed are copies of the Cancellation letters. Please advise if additional information is required.
June 9, 2017 Re: Complainant: [redacted] ...
Insured: [redacted] Claim No: [redacted] Company: Shelter Mutual Insurance Company To Whom It May Concern: I read the complaint filed by [redacted] and contacted claims. Our investigation determined our insured was not liable for this loss due to conflicting statements. Mr. [redacted] stated when he pulled into the underground parking lot there was no one behind him. So he stopped to figure out where to go. While he was stopped Mr. [redacted] rear-ended his vehicle. Mr. [redacted] said the impact was hard enough to knock his hat off. Mr. [redacted] stated he followed Mr. [redacted] into the parking garage. Mr. [redacted] was a couple of truck lengths into the garage and stopped. Mr. [redacted] said he stopped about a truck length behind Mr. [redacted] and waited for him to continue. Then he saw Mr. [redacted]'s backup lights come on and started to put his vehicle in reverse. He checked his mirror but another car had just pulled behind him. Mr. [redacted] said before he could do anything, Mr. [redacted] had hit his vehicle. Mr. [redacted] stated he blew his horn as he was hit. Our investigation determined our insured was not liable for the collision due to conflicting statements regarding what occurred. A police report was not filed and there were no witnesses to confirm what happened. Therefore, Mr. [redacted]'s claim was denied. Sincerely, [redacted] Manager of Customer Communications
I read the complaint [redacted] filed. He also sent an email directly to the Home Office. Mr. [redacted] was involved in an accident on January 7, 2018 that resulted in an arrest. [redacted], Mr. [redacted]'s ex-roommate texted Agent [redacted] requesting help. Ms. [redacted] said she was out of town and did...
not know anyone else in town to ask. Ms. [redacted] expressed her frustration and stated "I have the strangest request. First of all, I no longer want to pay for [redacted]s car insurance. He was warned not to get a dwi." She said "I suspect he's sitting in jail because of one." During this dialogue of text, Ms. [redacted] asked Agent [redacted] to assist her by going to the jail to pick up Mr. [redacted]'s keys to get his dog [redacted] to safety. Ms. [redacted] was trying to locate a place to take [redacted] since she was seven hours away.
Prior to getting the dog, Agent [redacted] advised Ms. [redacted] that Mr. [redacted] had bonded out an hour ago. Since Ms. [redacted] said she did not want to pay Mr. [redacted]'s premium, Agent [redacted] submitted a policy change deleting her bank account from Mr. [redacted]'s Auto policy. This change generated a premium notice. Ms. [redacted] had also advised Mr. [redacted] was living at a different location.
Shelter Insurance will allow anyone to pay the premium. A monthly payment option is available if the payment is automatically withdrawn from a bank account. Otherwise, the payments are either paid in full for 3, 6 or 12 month terms. Since Ms. [redacted]'s bank information was removed, we billed Mr. [redacted] for the 6 month term listed on the policy. Mr. [redacted] was advised we would put the policy back on the Monthly Payment Plan, but a bank account was required to do so. The insured became very upset and said the change should not have ever been made. We tried to explain, it was Ms. [redacted]'s decision. He was advised if Ms. [redacted] wants to continue paying the premium, she would have to notify us. Agent [redacted] also sent an email explaining the change. To date, we have not heard from the insured.
In the complaint, Mr. [redacted] accuses our agent of illegal activity. Agent [redacted] did not commit any illegal activities. He changed the insured's address to the correct location. We agree he should have gotten Mr. [redacted]'s confirmation. Since this time, Mr. [redacted] has admitted the address change is correct. Ms. [redacted] did not get upset until she realized deleting her bank information would generate a supplemental bill. The premium is required for continued coverage.
Regarding the claim, our adjuster is handling the claim with Mr. [redacted]. The vehicle was declared a total loss. Our adjuster has extended a total loss offer and the settlement is pending receipt of the title from the loss payee.
In closing, we agree Agent [redacted] should have confirmed the information with Mr. [redacted] prior to making the change. We have offered to correct the change, but will need a bank account to add to the monthly payment plan. It is unfortunate that Mr. [redacted] and Ms. [redacted] are attacking our agent when he was willing to assist them with matters not related to insurance.
[redacted] referred to claim AT1890833 filed on August 7, 2017. He reported his scooter was stolen at 6:30 a.m. on August 6, 2017 and he filed police report 170-2800. Since his Shelter Insurance Automobile policy provides a rental reimbursement for up to 30 days when a vehicle is stolen,...
we made a reservation at [redacted]. According to [redacted], he picked up a 2017 Hyundai Elan at 4:11 p.m. on August 9, 2017. It was a new vehicle with only 422 miles. At 9:20 p.m. on August 18, 2017, he had an accident in the Hyundai and following an investigation, we accepted liability. We paid for 13 days of rental at $25.50 per day, damages to the claimant vehicle and we are currently awaiting a subrogation demand from [redacted] for damage to the Hyundai. He is responsible for his $250 Shelter Insurance collision deductible. On August 22, 2017 he picked up another vehicle from [redacted] under the same reservation. This time he had a 2017 Toyota Camry with 204 miles. On August 30, 2017 he reported two more accidents. The first was at 6:15 p.m. on August 28, 2017. This was a case of disputed liability and a final liability decision is pending. In the meantime, [redacted] has already submitted a subrogation demand for $7,457.73 in damages to the Toyota Camry and he is responsible for his $250.00 collision deductible. That same evening he was in another accident at 10:00 p.m. Mr. [redacted] reported he hit a cow in the same Hyundai that was involved in the earlier accident. Once he turned in the vehicle, we paid for another 10 days of rental at $30.00 per day. Unfortunately, [redacted] was unwilling to provide him another since he'd had 3 accidents in a short period of time. The cow claim remains open pending further investigation, but it will likely be subject to his $100 comprehensive deductible versus a $250 collision deductible. In summary, the Shelter Insurance Automobile policy provides up to 30 days rental coverage when a vehicle is stolen, but we have no jurisdiction over any rental car company. In fact, we can't force any company to rent to anyone, particularly someone involved in 3 recent accidents. I understand he was disappointed in not having transportation when his scooter was recovered stripped and burned on September 5, 2017. Regardless, we cannot be held responsible and we did pay for 23 days of rental reimbursement between the two vehicles before [redacted] refused to rent another. Mr. [redacted] also disputed charges he incurred with [redacted]. Those will need to be addressed by [redacted]. What I do know is that we only owe for the rental cost of the vehicle and he is responsible for the deductible associated with each incident. He also referred to a previous theft claim. On August 21, 2014 he reported a scooter was stolen out of a parking lot and that claim was paid under his Renters Insurance policy. That time he presented a receipt for purchase, but no title since he hadn't registered the scooter yet. I confirmed we did not pay delivery charges as he suggested, but we did pay for some tools he claimed were stolen at the same time. A copy of the rental invoice from [redacted] is attached. Our position on this matter has not changed, but I encourage him to return our calls so we can reach a settlement agreement.
Although he may have rejected our response, I explained the basis for our fair offer and advised him he could contact the Department of Insurance if he still has questions since they have jurisdiction over this matter. His mother still has the option of settling the claim with her own insurance company and we will respond to their subrogation demand. Since she was not the at fault driver, it should have no impact on her rates with [redacted]. They also offered to provide her a rental vehicle.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2015/11/02) */
Contact Name and Title: [redacted] Mgr
Contact Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact Email: [redacted]
I read the complaint filed by [redacted] on behalf of [redacted] and contacted claims. Shelter Insurance also...
responded to the complaint Mr. [redacted] filed with the Missouri Department of Insurance.
Ms. [redacted] daughter took the insured vehicle without permission. The vehicle was located by GPS in Springdale, Arkansas. The Springdale Police Department was notified to recover the vehicle. Our insured decided to pick the vehicle up instead of towing it back to Missouri. Adjuster [redacted] advised the insured Shelter would reimburse them for the towing and mileage. The insured was advised Shelter would pay .39 cents per mile. Mr. [redacted] explained the $500 policy deductible would apply.
Fortunately, when the vehicle was picked up there was no physical damage or obvious mechanical problems. The towing cost $175.60. The insured drove 155 miles to get the vehicle. Therefore, we calculated the distance 3 times for a total of 465 miles at .39 cents per mile or $176.70. The total incurred expense to pick up the vehicle was $352.30. The insured presented the bill to Shelter for reimbursement. Our adjuster explained he could not issue payment because the amount was less than the $500 deductible. Regrettably, the insured did not agree that the deductible should apply. Our adjuster explained the deductible would apply to this claim.
We apologize for whatever miscommunication that may have occurred. However, no payment is owed because the claim did not exceed the $500 deductible. Thank you for the opportunity to respond.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/02/17) */
Contact Name and Title: [redacted]
Contact Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact Email: [redacted]
The October 9, 2015 accident was reported by the claimant on October 14, 2015. After obtaining our insureds statement, we...
accepted liability the next day. Repairs and a rental vehicle were quickly authorized. As she reported, that portion of the claim was completed in a timely matter.
Regarding her injuries, she was not willing to complete the Medical Authorization form or provide a list of her medical providers. Instead, she advised our adjuster that she had gone to the emergency room on her own accord after the accident and the CT scan of her neck and back and x-ray of her shoulder were inconclusive. As an alternative, she opened a Medical Payments claim with her insurance company and was treating with a chiropractor. Since she anticipated 3 to 4 weeks of treatments, she was instructed to contact us when she was done treating.
In the months that followed they exchanged emails and on January 21, 2016 she advised she was done treating. On February 1, 2016, we received copies of her chiropractic bills and records for care from October 19, 2015 to January 21, 2016. Her treatment totaled $16,696.55 with $12,087.21 of that for the emergency room visit that was diagnostic in nature.
Our adjuster initially offered $19,000 to settle her claim and she has since increased it to $20,000. In contrast, the claimant initially demanded $45,450.38 and is currently asking for $30,000.
Our offers have been in writing since she advised she prefers written communication over a phone call. According to her latest email, she has an appointment with the [redacted] at 2:30 p.m. today. We will work with her attorney should she decide to hire one and we will protect their attorney client privilege by communicating only with her attorney moving forward.
The [redacted]'s auto policies were issued in December 2016. We collected one month's premium and the balance was divided into monthly payments. When their June 1, 2017 payment was returned insufficient, we kept the policies in force and agreed to deduct 2 month's premium on...
July 1, 2017 from the new account they provided. In the interim, they added their son to the policy that insured the 2003 Honda Pilot and the premium increased as a result. On July 1st, we attempted to draft $387.58 from their new account. Unfortunately, that transaction was declined and we received no funds. As a result, we sent them notice that their policies would cancel effective July 18, 2017. At that point they still owed $121.41 for the 2003 Acura and $168.35 for the 2003 Honda Pilot for insurance coverage provided through that date. The outstanding debt was paid on July 12, 2017, but we still need premium to continue coverage forward. In addition, it is our business practice to charge a $20 reinstatement fee on each policy and policyholders with two bad drafts are not allowed to continue on the monthly plan. We also do not wish to continue insuring their son based on information found on his MVR. Shelter Agent [redacted] called Mrs. [redacted] on Friday and explained we could reinstate their policies if they exclude their son as a driver and submit $744.01 in premium for a 6 month policy term. We recognize they may prefer to change companies and we respect their decision. In the meantime, their policies are scheduled to cancel at 12:01 a.m. on July 18, 2017 unless the premium is paid.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
If my privacy were of any concern whatsoever to Shelter Insurance, they would have agreed to the minor accommodation I requested under the special medical circumstances previously outlined. The company arbitrarily and capriciously deemed me too "high risk" as its reason for canceling my homeowner's policy, though I've never filed a claim, or have ever been convicted, or even accused of, a crime, though their decision appears to be based upon an imagined criminal penchant that simply doesn't exist. I have to believe the cancelation was because I had the audacity to argue my case to the company's CEO, [redacted]. They did not drop my auto insurance, however, which demonstrates that I am clearly NOT high-risk in their eyes. I think they're just being bullies because we do not see eye-to-eye on the issue of sending inspectors onto my property without notification. Furthermore, they've threatened me with having to pay their expenses should I challenge their decision with the Department of Insurance.