Hello,Please see the attached complaint response document. Let me know if you need anything additional.Thank you,Tara BradleyTara L. Bradley, CPA, ControllerAchbach Auto Industries, LLCAchbach Real Estate Co., LLC3476 E. Dublin-Granville RoadWesterville, OH 43081614.890.5099...
Telephone614.890.5364 Fax_________________________________________________________Complaint ID 11478721We received this vehicle on March 17, 2016 along with an insurance estimate for $4,490.20. The vehicle was not legally drivable as the left headlamp was not functioning and it had a broken windshield. The owner stated he wanted a second insurance claim repaired from two years ago but had no estimate or claim number. We informed the customer we would not be able to start work on his vehicle for four to six weeks. We contacted the insurance company regarding the second claim. The owner called on April 13, 2016 to check the status of his vehicle. We told him we would be starting repairs the first week of May.The insurance company inspected the vehicle for the second claim on April 20, 2016. Repairs cannot begin without an estimate from the insurance company or they will not issue payment. On April 28, 2016 we ordered parts for both claims per the insurance estimates. The vehicle was disassembled and a supplemental of additional damages was prepared. The majority of the parts arrived on May 4, 2016 and May 5, 2016. The insurance company figured a used hood and aftermarket fender shield. The hood was not of usable quality and the fender liner was incorrect for the vehicle. The insurance company figured an alternate original equipment headlamp. We were not able to use this headlamp as it did not have the manufacturer insignia on it as the old headlamp did. We do not willingly use used or aftermarket parts. We cannot warranty aftermarket parts as they are not the same quality as original manufactured parts.The owner informed us on May 12, 2016 that the windshield damage was part of the claim but the insurance company had it listed as prior damage on their estimate. We submitted a supplement to the insurance company for $5,289.46 which included the windshield. On May 17, 2016 the insurance company approved $4,013.04. They did not approve the windshield. We immediately ordered all additional parts including the windshield even though it was not approved. We received the additional parts May 18, 2016. We cannot proceed on supplemental repairs until the insurance company approves them. The paint work could not be performed until the additional parts were received.On May 17, 2016 we submitted a second supplement for $882.54. We again requested the windshield. On May 23, 2015 the insurance provided a supplement for $185.76. They again denied the windshield stating it was prior damage.On May 27, 2016 the insurance company called and verbally authorized the windshield installation. We immediately contacted the glass company for installation. The windshield was installed on June 3, 2016. The insurance company did not provide an approval amount until June 3, 2016 and we still have not received paperwork or payment. The vehicle was thoroughly cleaned inside and out on June 8, 2016 and June 9, 2016. One June 9. 2016 the vehicle was sent to the dealer to have the new headlamp programmed. June 10, 2016 the vehicle was completed and the customer was contacted.We have not had this vehicle for a longer period than was communicated. The wait period was given the day the vehicle arrived. The repair started exactly when we stated it would. We have requested and received three supplement approvals (2 in writing and one verbal). We still need a final supplement approved for the programming. The job grew from one claim to two claims and had a significant amount of supplemental damage doubling the size of the repair. The insurance company held the job up for twelve days while we waited for authorization on the supplements. The total labor hours for both claims is 96.8 hours. The insurance companies figure four hours per day. That would mean this repair should take 24.2 working days (96.8/4). It appears we are right in line with our six week wait period, 24.2 working days, 12 days waiting on the insurance company plus sublet programming at the dealer and dry times for primer, paint, and other repair materials. We are thoroughly disappointed this customer feels as if we have “stolen” his car. We have done our best to do the highest quality repair. We are not willing to discount the customer’s deductibles for $1,000 as we have worked very hard to make sure this vehicle is repaired correctly.
Hello,Please see the attached complaint response document. Let me know if you need anything additional.Thank you,Tara BradleyTara L. Bradley, CPA, ControllerAchbach Auto Industries, LLCAchbach Real Estate Co., LLC3476 E. Dublin-Granville RoadWesterville, OH 43081614.890.5099...
Telephone614.890.5364 Fax_________________________________________________________Complaint ID 11478721We received this vehicle on March 17, 2016 along with an insurance estimate for $4,490.20. The vehicle was not legally drivable as the left headlamp was not functioning and it had a broken windshield. The owner stated he wanted a second insurance claim repaired from two years ago but had no estimate or claim number. We informed the customer we would not be able to start work on his vehicle for four to six weeks. We contacted the insurance company regarding the second claim. The owner called on April 13, 2016 to check the status of his vehicle. We told him we would be starting repairs the first week of May.The insurance company inspected the vehicle for the second claim on April 20, 2016. Repairs cannot begin without an estimate from the insurance company or they will not issue payment. On April 28, 2016 we ordered parts for both claims per the insurance estimates. The vehicle was disassembled and a supplemental of additional damages was prepared. The majority of the parts arrived on May 4, 2016 and May 5, 2016. The insurance company figured a used hood and aftermarket fender shield. The hood was not of usable quality and the fender liner was incorrect for the vehicle. The insurance company figured an alternate original equipment headlamp. We were not able to use this headlamp as it did not have the manufacturer insignia on it as the old headlamp did. We do not willingly use used or aftermarket parts. We cannot warranty aftermarket parts as they are not the same quality as original manufactured parts.The owner informed us on May 12, 2016 that the windshield damage was part of the claim but the insurance company had it listed as prior damage on their estimate. We submitted a supplement to the insurance company for $5,289.46 which included the windshield. On May 17, 2016 the insurance company approved $4,013.04. They did not approve the windshield. We immediately ordered all additional parts including the windshield even though it was not approved. We received the additional parts May 18, 2016. We cannot proceed on supplemental repairs until the insurance company approves them. The paint work could not be performed until the additional parts were received.On May 17, 2016 we submitted a second supplement for $882.54. We again requested the windshield. On May 23, 2015 the insurance provided a supplement for $185.76. They again denied the windshield stating it was prior damage.On May 27, 2016 the insurance company called and verbally authorized the windshield installation. We immediately contacted the glass company for installation. The windshield was installed on June 3, 2016. The insurance company did not provide an approval amount until June 3, 2016 and we still have not received paperwork or payment. The vehicle was thoroughly cleaned inside and out on June 8, 2016 and June 9, 2016. One June 9. 2016 the vehicle was sent to the dealer to have the new headlamp programmed. June 10, 2016 the vehicle was completed and the customer was contacted.We have not had this vehicle for a longer period than was communicated. The wait period was given the day the vehicle arrived. The repair started exactly when we stated it would. We have requested and received three supplement approvals (2 in writing and one verbal). We still need a final supplement approved for the programming. The job grew from one claim to two claims and had a significant amount of supplemental damage doubling the size of the repair. The insurance company held the job up for twelve days while we waited for authorization on the supplements. The total labor hours for both claims is 96.8 hours. The insurance companies figure four hours per day. That would mean this repair should take 24.2 working days (96.8/4). It appears we are right in line with our six week wait period, 24.2 working days, 12 days waiting on the insurance company plus sublet programming at the dealer and dry times for primer, paint, and other repair materials. We are thoroughly disappointed this customer feels as if we have “stolen” his car. We have done our best to do the highest quality repair. We are not willing to discount the customer’s deductibles for $1,000 as we have worked very hard to make sure this vehicle is repaired correctly.