What happened was thisLakeland does not leave for Atlantic City without at least people from the last stop. Many people do call Lakeland saying they want to reserve a seat for that particular date. The problem is they do not show up. They should call us and tell us that, but
some don't. If we do not have 18, we call everyone before that date and tell them that it will be cancelled. We always take everyone's telephone number for that reason. The problem that occurred you had passengers on the bus wanting to pay the extra money. I'm sure the driver did not want to do that and that was why he called dispatch to notify them of the passengers that were willing to pay more to get to AC. This is not common at all and as far ad I know was never done before.*** will only give the bonus for passenger ticket regardless of how many tickets were purchased.I feel this women felt pressured by the other passengers. It was unfortunate for her and if she e-mails me directly I will be happy to send her another Atlantic city ticket.to use at her convenience.Regards,Maureen L**President\Lakeland Bus
What happened was thisLakeland does not leave for Atlantic City without at least people from the last stop. Many people do call Lakeland saying they want to reserve a seat for that particular date. The problem is they do not show up. They should call us and tell us that, but
some don't. If we do not have 18, we call everyone before that date and tell them that it will be cancelled. We always take everyone's telephone number for that reason. The problem that occurred you had passengers on the bus wanting to pay the extra money. I'm sure the driver did not want to do that and that was why he called dispatch to notify them of the passengers that were willing to pay more to get to AC. This is not common at all and as far ad I know was never done before.*** will only give the bonus for passenger ticket regardless of how many tickets were purchased.I feel this women felt pressured by the other passengers. It was unfortunate for her and if she e-mails me directly I will be happy to send her another Atlantic city ticket.to use at her convenience.Regards,Maureen L**President\Lakeland Bus