Company sucks there management sucks the people who work there they all suck and there back stabbing wanna be holler rollers and the owner is the stupidest of them all he has no idea what his company even does or can even explain the /censored/ AND HER LITTLE FAIRY MANAGER that runs the water
LIE LIE LIE they lie to home owners insurance company's to the GM and the owner around the clock they are not as perfect as you people believe this is the worst job on the planet I rather shovel pig carp and put it in my plate for dinner every night then to deal with those PUKES PUKES PUKES don't work there it will be wasted years believe me they are all FAKES FAKES FAKES and especially ke/nb/an/in YOU ALL COULD EAT PIG CRAP
Company sucks there management sucks the people who work there they all suck and there back stabbing wanna be holler rollers and the owner is the stupidest of them all he has no idea what his company even does or can even explain the /censored/ AND HER LITTLE FAIRY MANAGER that runs the water
LIE LIE LIE they lie to home owners insurance company's to the GM and the owner around the clock they are not as perfect as you people believe this is the worst job on the planet I rather shovel pig carp and put it in my plate for dinner every night then to deal with those PUKES PUKES PUKES don't work there it will be wasted years believe me they are all FAKES FAKES FAKES and especially ke/nb/an/in YOU ALL COULD EAT PIG CRAP