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Address: 2809 Grand Ave, Everett, Washington, United States, 98201-3417
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you for contacting our office in regards to the above referenced complaint and allowingmy office the opportunity to respond.The account in question was originally opened 3/ 15/2013. This account allowed the consumer tomake purchases with our Client, with the purchase balance submitted to their...
bank as a debitcard transaction. If the payment was rejected by the bank, the balance, plus an NSF fee would bedue to our Client. This account was placed for collections with Sentry Credit, Inc. on 7/30/2013.An initial letter with the required FDCPA validation notice was sent to the address of account on7/31/2013. This address matches the consumer's supplied address in the complaint. Sentry Credithas never established contact with this consumer and the 1st notification of a dispute wasreceived from a CFPB complaint on 3/ 1/2017. Sentry Credit has submitted a request toNordstrom for validation of this account, as well as submitting a credit bureau update through EOscarto reflect the disputed status. Sentry Credit will forward the validation when received fromthe client.Please forward my response to the consumer so that she knows her complaint has been takenseriously.Respectfully,Mark V[redacted]Compliance Specialist425-740-5514[redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for contacting our office in regards to the above referenced complaint and allowing my office the opportunity to respond.
I have reviewed the details of the consumer's account and it appears she has had some difficulty keeping up with her end of the agreement....
She originally agreed to pay $200.00 a month and the first payment of $100.00 was returned NSF. The following month two payments were made, one to make up for the NSF and the other was a postdated payment which was also returned as NSF the next month. The next day the consumer called to make up for the NSF and it was re-explained to her that she has agreed to pay $100.00 every two weeks or $200.00 a month. We did not hear back her until 27 days later which she did make a payment but we had already gone through with the judgement. It was explained to the consumer that she had failed to keep the arrangements and she stated that couldn't afford to make the payments therefore, the legal process continued. The following month the consumer contacted our office upset about the garnishment stating that she thought there was an agreement for her to pay $100.00 a month but it was again explained to her that the agreement was for $200.00 a month and if she would have kept to the agreement she would have paid $800.00 by now and it has been over 30 days since her last payment. The consumer stated she will just let the garnishment go through, but she still wanted to pay another account that is pending judgement.
If the consumer has any questions or concerns, they may contact Julie J[redacted] directly at [redacted]-[redacted]-[redacted].
Please forward my response to the consumer so that she knows her complaint has been taken seriously.
Mark V[redacted]
Compliance Specialist
Thank you for contacting our office in regards to the above referenced complaint and allowingmy office the opportunity to respond.We received this account in our office from our client on 10/28/ 16 and our initial notice was sentto the consumer on 11 /3/16. The notice never came back as returned...
mail from the Post Officeso we assumed our notice was received. In our letter it clearly states that the consumer has 30days to dispute the validity of the debt otherwise we will assume the debt to be valid. We wait45 days until after the date the account is placed in our office before we start reporting it to theCredit Reporting Agencies and unfortunately the 45 days expired in December 2016 on thisaccount. We have submitted a request to update her account as disputed on her credit report.We do not purchase accounts here at Sentry Credit Inc.; we are not a debt buyer. However, theconsumer's account was placed in our office by our client for collections and we arecontractually obligated to report the account to the Credit Reporting Agencies. Once an accountis placed in our office our client stops accepting payments from the consumer and redirects themto our office which is what may have happened in this situation. The consumer is alwayswelcome to contact our client directly to explain her situation or voice her opinions. If shewishes to speak with them directly, she may do so by calling 800-934-0009. If the consumerwould like to discuss her account with our office she may call me directly.I have included a copy of the initial letter we sent to the consumer and once we receivevalidation from our client we will forward it to the consumer's mailing address that sheconfirmed is correct in her complaint filed with your office.Please forward my response to the consumer so that she knows her complaint has been takenseriously. I have included a copy of the notice that was sent to her for her records.Mark V[redacted]Compliance Specialist855-740-5514[redacted]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Honestly I cannot believe that Sentry Credit is denying placing phone calls to my personal cell phone.Over a period of several months, Sentry Credit called my personal cell phone number ([redacted]) several times per day (on average of 3-times per day) from different local telephone phone numbers. My cell phone is on both the National Do Not Call list and the Missouri Do Not Call list. The caller id on the local telephone number that Sentry Credit used to call my cell phone number were blocked and Sentry Credit did not leave voice mails identifying themselves or the purpose of their call.Below are local telephone numbers that Sentry Credit used to call my cell phone number:314-450-[redacted]314-546-[redacted]314-732-0700.I eventually call them back one of the above phone numbers and left multiple voice messages on their answering machine that they were calling the WRONG PERSON/WRONG TELEPHONE NUNBER!The very next day I received another phone call on my personal cell phone number from Sentry Credit. When I returned their call this time (during business hours) I spoke to one of there representatives. The representative advised that they had remove me from their robo-call system. These repeated calls to my personal cell phone number by Sentry Credit harassment!!!
[redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]
Thank you for contacting our office in regards to the above referenced complaint and allowingmy office the opportunity to respond.
Our client has advised us that there was a "stop payment" on the consumer's account on 3/6/16and a reversal was made on 3/10/16 for $155.24. This transaction originated...
on 2/19/16 and ourclient has yet to receive payment. The balance of $180.24 assigned to our office is for the$155.24 plus a NSF charge of $25.00.
This account was disputed in our office by the consumer prior to the credit reponing dateassigned to the account; therefore the account was not reponed to the Credit Reporting Agencies.
I have included a copy of the letter sent to the consumer from our client in regard to the reversedpayment. If the consumer has any questions regarding this matter they can contact me directly at855-740-5514.
Please forward my response to the consumer so that she knows her complaint has been takenseriously.
Mark V[redacted]
To whom it may concern,
I received a letter from Sentry Credit informing me that they notified *-[redacted] to delete the reporting from [redacted] from my bureau report, with a confirmation number of [redacted]. It appears that they took the appropriate actions...
counter to what they told me. For now it seems that the problem is resolved.
Best regards,
April 18, 2017 Re: ID #[redacted] Northwest Resolutions Consultant Attn: [redacted] Dear [redacted], Thank you for contacting our office in regards to the above referenced complaint and allowing my office the opportunity to...
respond. Upon further review of the complaint filed by the consumer, Stewart Mathis & Associates will be sending the account back to our client highlighting the details of their dispute. At this time the account has been cancelled from our office and collections efforts have ceased. If the consumer has any questions or concerns, they may contact me directly at 855-740-5514. Please forward my response to the consumer so that he knows his complaint has been taken seriously. Respectfully, Mark V[redacted] Compliance Specialist 425-740-5514 [redacted]
Thank you for contacting our office in regards to the above referenced complaint and allowingmy office the opportunity to respond.This account was placed in our office from our client on 2/28/14. On 4/9/14 we spoke to theconsumer and advised her of an acceptable payment arrangement of $269.44 a...
month and shetold us she will have to call back later but we never received a call. On 4/16/14 we received apayment of $120.00 which was less than the acceptable payment arrangement we discussed.We filed a summons and complaint on 5/30/14 and it was served at the consumer's residenceon 7/10/14. On 7/18/14 we received an answer stating that she would like to set up a paymentarrangement to avoid further court action and we agreed to hold the judgement. Weattempted to contact the consumer that same day and two more times after that over the next10 days but we were unsuccessful.Over the next year the consumer continued to send random payments of different amounts,and we continued to attempt to contact her to agree on a more solid payment arrangement.On 4/13/15 the consumer contacted our office and agreed to pay $265.00 a month beginningon 4/22/15 but we never heard back from her and we did not receive the first payment on thisarrangement until 4/30/15. She continued to send payments on random dates over the nextfew months, and all but the first payment have been for less than the amount she agreed topay; the last payment of $25.00 was received on 12/31/15. The payments had stopped and westill had not been able to reach the consumer. On 2/24/16 we sent garnishment paper work toher bank and the court. We received another payment on 3/10/16 and an email from her on3/11/16 requesting to set up another payment arrangement and to stop the garnishment. On3/15/16 a final attempt was made to contact the consumer but we were unsuccessful. We have received
notification from the consumer's bank that funds are being held forgarnishment pending judgement from the court. Our Legal Department has informed us that atthis time there is no reason for her to set up another payment arrangement.Please forward my response to the consumer so that she knows her complaint has been takenseriously.
Thank you for contacting our office in regards to the above referenced complaint and allowing my office the opportunity to respond. This matter was resolved on 7/8/2016 and a request was submitted to delete the reporting from the consumer's credit report. A confirmation letter was sent via email to...
the consumer and the account is now closed. Please forward my response to the consumer so that she knows her complaint has been taken seriously.
SENTRY CREDIT,INC.2809 GRAND AVEEVERETT. WA 98201800-608-2581November 1, 2016Re: ID #[redacted] Resolutions ConsultantAttn: [redacted]Dear [redacted],Thank you for contacting our office in regards to the above referenced complaint and allowing my office the...
opportunity to respond.Upon further review of the complaint filed by the consumer, [redacted] & [redacted] will be sending the account back to our client highlighting the details of their dispute. At this time the account has been cancelled from our office and collections efforts have ceased.I have included copies of the contract and statement for their records.If the consumer has any questions or concerns,they may contact Rick D[redacted] directly at 855-740-5584.Please forward my response to the consumer so that she knows her complaint has been taken seriously.Respectfully,
Mark V[redacted] Compliance Specialist425-740-5514 [redacted]