*** *** enrolled in a month membership on 8/08/He has completed months of membership and has an outstanding balance for NovemberHe submitted a cancellation request via online support ticket on 10/31/to which we replied reminding him of the terms of his agreement and our Early
Cancellation policy for members who are now medically unable to use the gym as instructed by their primary care physician*** *** submitted a medical note on 11/04/signed by a Nurse Practitioner from a waclinic that did not meet the requirements to cancel his membership prior to the completion of his initial termWe explained that he has the option to freeze his membership at a reduced medical freeze rate for as long as he would need to recoverWe supplied all the information needed and offered to help while still upholding our agreementWhen contacting ABC Financial on 11/16/2016, he was given the option to pay the remainder of his contract We are very sorry to hear that *** *** is not feeling wellWe attempted to accommodate his situation the best that we could with the information he providedI apologize if *** *** feels anything less than satisfied with our customer support as it was not our intentionThe same day we received this complaint, *** *** submitted a Proof Of Move document which qualifies him to cancel upon payment of 10% of his total contract priceTo cancel his membership, we must receive payment for the past due amount of $plus 10% of his total contract price $totaling $We hope he feels better soon and when his health improves, we hope he chooses to rejoin with us
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because I do not wish to have another personal trainer nor wish to enter any WOW facility Again, when the initial meeting was done it was NEVER stated to me that I would have to have a full year long commitment and/or that I couldn't cancel at any time I believe and still believe that WOW took advantage of my willingness to better myself and obtained my credit information under pretenses I am not asking for a refund, I just want both my membership and the add on service cancelled immediately and I want to stop being harassed by WOW and its credit services If I continue to be harassed by WOW and its credit services, I will have to engage in further legal action
*** ***
I have looked into this for *** *** and we have been in communication with him through our Online Support Desk. On 2/13/*** *** has submitted documentation from his new home address. Per the terms & conditions of his agreement with us, on 2/15/*** *** was billed
10% of his total contract price and his personal training agreement has been canceled. *** ***'s membership is set to be canceled on 2/28/2018.Although the required documentation was not submitted by *** *** until 2/13/2018, we have made an exception to issue a credit card refund for the personal training payment received on 2/7/2018, in the amount of $279.96. We hope this helps! *** *** may speak to his credit card provider for further details regarding the status of this transaction. We hope if *** *** moves back to this area, he will come back to the Jersey Strong Family!
I have thoroughly investigated this situation and due to the outstanding balance of $189.44, *** *** membership account was cancelled on 10/31/and sent to collections According to our records, *** *** was contacted several times regarding the balance on her WoW membership account
I am the owner's assistant and I will be happy to speak to *** *** to clear up any confusion regarding her account with us *** *** may contact me directly at *** *** *** during regular business hours
I have thoroughly investigated *** *** inquiry and account with us According to our records, on 8/22/*** *** enrolled under a month VIP membership agreement As stated in *** *** agreement with us, her membership dues were correctly billed at $+
sales tax, per month Please know, Work Out World does not offer a membership option that is billed at $per month I have attached a copy of *** *** agreement with us for her review and to keep for her records*** *** agreement is available to her at anytime by logging onto our member portal or by submitting a request through our online Support Desk. The last payment received for *** *** account with us was on 10/1/2016, in the amount of $ Due to the outstanding balance on her account, *** *** membership has been sent to collections *** *** is responsible for the outstanding balance and remaining months of her initial membership term *** *** account has been sent to collections for the amount of $ If *** *** would like to continue her membership with WoW she may make a payment for the past due balance of $ At that time, her membership will be reinstated and her account would be removed from collectionsPlease note, the past due balance of $will bring *** *** current through 3/31/2017.If *** *** would like her membership to remain cancelled, she may make a payment for the past due balance and remaining initial term in the amount of $ Once the balance has been paid in full, *** *** membership will be removed from collections and will be cancelled out completely. *** *** may make a payment at any of our locations or by calling ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:This still does not answer why we where told we could cancel at any time and then when we tried they told us that we can't cancel until after a full yearThe plan was presented as a month to monthThe product was falslely represented to usAnd we also we where never told that freezing the account would extend the contractWe were mislead to believe that we could freeze the account with no stipulations, and that the membership could be canceled at any timeYou are also misrepresenting the second email where your response was "that we cannot freeze the account because it was already set to cancel"It was never explained that the cancelation was set to happen after the full year was completeAnd as for the first email we never recieved a response thus generating a second request from meIt wasn't till the third email from you where anything was explainedAnd the information I recieved at that time was to the contrary of what I was told at the initial signing of the contract
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
My request for cancellation was valid and should have been initiated for cancellation on that day - 10/31/Therefore, I will not pay for a month of service that I did not use (November 2016)To request payment for a month of service that I did not use is unethicalYour persistance to charge me for that month (November 2016) is troublingMy balance is $When my balance is adjusted to $33.16, I will pay it and this matter will be resolvedYour inability to understand why I do not want to pay for services that I did not use is an obvious sign that Work Out World is a corrupt institutionI pray that you do not take advantage of others as you have tried to take advantage of me.
*** ***
I have looked into this for *** *** and according to our records, on 10/28/*** *** WoW membership account was set to be sent to collections for the outstanding balance of $ The outstanding balance included $in membership charges and $in personal training costs
In communication with our office, *** *** made a payment of $for the outstanding balance on his membership with WoW The personal training balance remained unpaid and eventually was sent to collections We do understand that *** *** was under the impression his debt with WoW was settled in full We will be happy to honor his request I have notified the collections agency to remove *** *** account from their records The personal training balance on his account with us has been waived We hope this helps!If *** *** is looking for a health club in the future, we hope he keeps WoW in mind!
We have thoroughly looked into this for ** ***I see that the charge he is referring to is a bill that was placed into his account after ** *** charged back with his credit card payments that he was responsible for, his September dues, and his Annual Maintenance Fee
This dispute was placed on 12/18/14, and we added the bill after he won on 6/30/plus a $charge back feeThis fee is what WoW is billed when a member submits a charge back, so this is put back into the member's account** *** was billed accordingly to his agreement and was cancelled out as of 11/30/
Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: I had closed my account, which is why months without charges was to be expectedThe card had been updated for *** account according to WOW workout world, and this complaint is completely separate from that issue, other than to serve as evidence that WOW had my updated Bank card on fileWhy has WOW offered and rescinded a credit on this account, I do not knowI am not the first client that has been taken advantage of in this matter, as WOW has settled Class Action Lawsuits over the exact same issue. AGAINI am owed my dues starting from when my account was closed, Bank overdraft fee (2x) any irrelevant late fees as per WOW's calendar Additionally, I would like a prompt response to my August request for *** account to be closed without penalty due to her moving out of state. Additionally a prompt response to my August request for *** account to be closed without penalty due to her moving out of the area. ADDITIONALLY I am owed the difference for the months that my sisters account was taken off of freeze intermittently without cause or explanation; Regards,
*** *** ***
I have thoroughly investigated this for *** *** and there is no record of a cancellation request received for *** ***'s WoW membership account We have replied to all inquiries submitted by *** *** to our online Support Desk We have explained to *** *** that she may
submit proof of a prior cancellation request and we will further review her account with us I have reviewed the inquiry with one of our owners, Mary R*** Mary does not normally do this, but she will take *** ***'s word that she attempted to cancel her membership in Mary has made the exception to waive the balance on *** ***'s account and remove her file from collections We hope this helps If *** *** is looking for a health club in the future, we hope she keeps WoW in mind!
We are sorry to hear that *** *** feels this way, as that certainly was not our intention. As explained in our prior response, we will be happy to make an exception to convert *** ***'s account to a month-to-month agreement upon payment of the month-to-month Enrollment Fee and her Annual Membership Fee. All month-to-month memberships are billed for a $Enrollment Fee and a $Annual Membership Fee. If payment of these fees is received, we will be able to cancel *** ***'s agreement, waiving the balance of her remaining initial term and removing her account from collections*** *** may contact me directly to make this payment. I can be reached at *** *** *** during regular hours
We have thoroughly reviewed this inquiry for *** *** and as stated in his agreement with us, *** *** may cancel his membership at anytime after the completion of the initial term, by providing at least days written notice. According to our records, *** *** submitted a
request to cancel his membership with us on 10/30/2017. His request was immediately processed in accordance with our 15-day cancellation policy*** ***'s membership was cancelled on 11/30/2017.*** ***'s Annual Membership Fee is not billed for a prior or future year of membership. It is simply a fee billed on a preset date, each year that his membership is active. Because *** ***'s membership with us was active on 11/1/2017, he was billed for his November membership and Annual Membership Fee. Although *** ***'s account has been billed in accordance with the terms & conditions of his agreement with us, we will make an exception to issue a credit card refund in the amount of $53.43, for the Annual Membership Fee paid on 11/1/2017. We hope this helps! Please note, the refund may take several business days to be reflected on *** ***'s account. We hope *** *** will continue living a healthy & fit lifestyle!
I have thoroughly investigated this inquiry As stated in *** *** membership agreement, "As a dues paying member you are entitled to cancel this contract at any time after the initial term by giving a full days written notice from your next billing date." I have reviewed our
records and I am unable to locate a written cancellation request received for *** *** WoW membership account As no cancellation request was received, *** *** membership continued to bill Please know* *** *** is responsible for the cancellation terms & conditions stated in the agreement signed However, we will take *** *** word that she attempted to cancel her membership with us Upon enrollment in a new membership agreement, we will waive the remaining balance on *** *** previous WoW membership account We will then be able to remove *** *** from collections. *** *** may rejoin under a current promotion by contacting me directly at *** *** *** We hope this helps!
We have thoroughly looked into this for ** ***O 12/31/** *** enrolled on a membership that has an Initial Term of months** ***'s membership cancellation cannot take effect until completion of the Initial TermWe have received ** ***'s cancellation notice dated Sep and her
Membership is set to cancel on 12/31/** ***'s last billing date will be on 12/1/We hope she comes in today to enjoy the club!
I have thoroughly looked into this for *** *** and according to our records, on 1/16/she enrolled under a 12-month Fitness membership at our *** *** location. At no time during *** *** membership with us has a new agreement been added to her account. As stated in her
agreement dated 1/16/2017, an Annual Membership Fee of $+ sales tax will be billed on 4/1/and annually thereafter. On 4/1/2017, *** *** account was billed in the amount of $74.79, in accordance with the terms & conditions of agreement. This charge included her Annual Membership Fee and April membership dues of $21.36. From time to time, current members may request to downgrade or upgrade their membership to one of our current plans. We are happy to process this request, however, there is a fee applied. *** *** has inquired downgrading her membership to our Basic plan. We have advised *** *** of the downgrade options and the terms involved*** *** has not agreed to the Basic membership terms & conditions; therefore, her membership has not been downgraded. If *** *** wishes to downgrade her membership, she may do so at any Jersey Strong location. *** *** membership is set to be cancelled on 1/31/2018, upon completion of her initial term. Her last payment will be due on 1/1/2018. She will have access to enjoy our facilities until 1/31/2018. Currently, there is an outstanding balance of $which includes *** *** September-November membership dues of $and three late fees at $each. We have made an exception to waive all three late fees on *** *** account with us. The outstanding balance remaining is $64.08. If *** *** account is not made current, the pending cancellation will be unable to be finalized. As always, if *** *** has any questions regarding her account with us, she may submit a request to our online Support Desk at support.jerseystrong.com
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:My membership should have been cancelled simultaneously with my wife's membership I joined the club and attended twice in two years You can see that my wife's membership was cancelled successfully in July while mine was not Both Phil and Hansel were aware of this situation and have subsequently decided to have a lapse in memory regarding the cancellation and non processing of my cancellation when approached by their supervisors So it is my word against theirs Fortunately I have a text message conversation with my wife indicating that both our memberships should be canceled at the same time and were I will bring these transcripts to small claims court.
*** ***
We have looked into this for *** *** and according to our records, on 2/5/a cancellation request and doctor's note were received by our office for *** *** membership and personal training agreements. As *** *** personal training had one month remaining on the initial term, a
cancellation was applied for the end of the term, with a last scheduled bill date of 3/1/2018.Please note, if *** *** training agreement was canceled prior to the completion of the initial term, he would have been responsible for a 10% cancellation fee in the amount of $Because the final payment on his agreement was less than the 10% cancellation fee, an exception was made to cancel *** *** agreement at the end of the initial term. *** *** was not billed for the 10% cancellation fee of $406.27. We have received notice of a credit card dispute filed for the final personal training payment received on 3/1/2018. We have made an exception to waive the final month of *** *** initial term and the outstanding balance on his account. No further charges will be applied for his personal training agreementWe hope this helps!We do apologize for any confusion; however, *** *** personal training agreement states no refund will be issued for unused personal training sessions. The training agreement purchased by *** *** is billed based on a monthly charge, and not billed for individual personal training sessions. As stated in his agreement with us, *** *** training sessions have expired- days from the date of payment. We will be happy to extend the expiration date and honor the sessions that *** *** has paid for if he wishes to come back as a JERSEY STRONG member or guest in the future. If *** *** has any additional questions, he may contact me directly at *** *** *** during regular business hours
Please disregard my email from yesterday. When I got home from work yesterday, I got the check from WOW in the bank. Again, thank you so much for all your help. - *** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
Though there is a fee associated with purchasing a new membership agreement if you are an existing member, we will make the exception to waive the downgrade fee of $+ tax for our Fitness plan option for *** ***
*** *** enrolled in a month membership on 8/08/He has completed months of membership and has an outstanding balance for NovemberHe submitted a cancellation request via online support ticket on 10/31/to which we replied reminding him of the terms of his agreement and our Early
Cancellation policy for members who are now medically unable to use the gym as instructed by their primary care physician*** *** submitted a medical note on 11/04/signed by a Nurse Practitioner from a waclinic that did not meet the requirements to cancel his membership prior to the completion of his initial termWe explained that he has the option to freeze his membership at a reduced medical freeze rate for as long as he would need to recoverWe supplied all the information needed and offered to help while still upholding our agreementWhen contacting ABC Financial on 11/16/2016, he was given the option to pay the remainder of his contract We are very sorry to hear that *** *** is not feeling wellWe attempted to accommodate his situation the best that we could with the information he providedI apologize if *** *** feels anything less than satisfied with our customer support as it was not our intentionThe same day we received this complaint, *** *** submitted a Proof Of Move document which qualifies him to cancel upon payment of 10% of his total contract priceTo cancel his membership, we must receive payment for the past due amount of $plus 10% of his total contract price $totaling $We hope he feels better soon and when his health improves, we hope he chooses to rejoin with us
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because I do not wish to have another personal trainer nor wish to enter any WOW facility Again, when the initial meeting was done it was NEVER stated to me that I would have to have a full year long commitment and/or that I couldn't cancel at any time I believe and still believe that WOW took advantage of my willingness to better myself and obtained my credit information under pretenses I am not asking for a refund, I just want both my membership and the add on service cancelled immediately and I want to stop being harassed by WOW and its credit services If I continue to be harassed by WOW and its credit services, I will have to engage in further legal action
*** ***
I have looked into this for *** *** and we have been in communication with him through our Online Support Desk. On 2/13/*** *** has submitted documentation from his new home address. Per the terms & conditions of his agreement with us, on 2/15/*** *** was billed
10% of his total contract price and his personal training agreement has been canceled. *** ***'s membership is set to be canceled on 2/28/2018.Although the required documentation was not submitted by *** *** until 2/13/2018, we have made an exception to issue a credit card refund for the personal training payment received on 2/7/2018, in the amount of $279.96. We hope this helps! *** *** may speak to his credit card provider for further details regarding the status of this transaction. We hope if *** *** moves back to this area, he will come back to the Jersey Strong Family!
I have thoroughly investigated this situation and due to the outstanding balance of $189.44, *** *** membership account was cancelled on 10/31/and sent to collections According to our records, *** *** was contacted several times regarding the balance on her WoW membership account
I am the owner's assistant and I will be happy to speak to *** *** to clear up any confusion regarding her account with us *** *** may contact me directly at *** *** *** during regular business hours
I have thoroughly investigated *** *** inquiry and account with us According to our records, on 8/22/*** *** enrolled under a month VIP membership agreement As stated in *** *** agreement with us, her membership dues were correctly billed at $+
sales tax, per month Please know, Work Out World does not offer a membership option that is billed at $per month I have attached a copy of *** *** agreement with us for her review and to keep for her records*** *** agreement is available to her at anytime by logging onto our member portal or by submitting a request through our online Support Desk. The last payment received for *** *** account with us was on 10/1/2016, in the amount of $ Due to the outstanding balance on her account, *** *** membership has been sent to collections *** *** is responsible for the outstanding balance and remaining months of her initial membership term *** *** account has been sent to collections for the amount of $ If *** *** would like to continue her membership with WoW she may make a payment for the past due balance of $ At that time, her membership will be reinstated and her account would be removed from collectionsPlease note, the past due balance of $will bring *** *** current through 3/31/2017.If *** *** would like her membership to remain cancelled, she may make a payment for the past due balance and remaining initial term in the amount of $ Once the balance has been paid in full, *** *** membership will be removed from collections and will be cancelled out completely. *** *** may make a payment at any of our locations or by calling ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:This still does not answer why we where told we could cancel at any time and then when we tried they told us that we can't cancel until after a full yearThe plan was presented as a month to monthThe product was falslely represented to usAnd we also we where never told that freezing the account would extend the contractWe were mislead to believe that we could freeze the account with no stipulations, and that the membership could be canceled at any timeYou are also misrepresenting the second email where your response was "that we cannot freeze the account because it was already set to cancel"It was never explained that the cancelation was set to happen after the full year was completeAnd as for the first email we never recieved a response thus generating a second request from meIt wasn't till the third email from you where anything was explainedAnd the information I recieved at that time was to the contrary of what I was told at the initial signing of the contract
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
My request for cancellation was valid and should have been initiated for cancellation on that day - 10/31/Therefore, I will not pay for a month of service that I did not use (November 2016)To request payment for a month of service that I did not use is unethicalYour persistance to charge me for that month (November 2016) is troublingMy balance is $When my balance is adjusted to $33.16, I will pay it and this matter will be resolvedYour inability to understand why I do not want to pay for services that I did not use is an obvious sign that Work Out World is a corrupt institutionI pray that you do not take advantage of others as you have tried to take advantage of me.
*** ***
I have looked into this for *** *** and according to our records, on 10/28/*** *** WoW membership account was set to be sent to collections for the outstanding balance of $ The outstanding balance included $in membership charges and $in personal training costs
In communication with our office, *** *** made a payment of $for the outstanding balance on his membership with WoW The personal training balance remained unpaid and eventually was sent to collections We do understand that *** *** was under the impression his debt with WoW was settled in full We will be happy to honor his request I have notified the collections agency to remove *** *** account from their records The personal training balance on his account with us has been waived We hope this helps!If *** *** is looking for a health club in the future, we hope he keeps WoW in mind!
We have thoroughly looked into this for ** ***I see that the charge he is referring to is a bill that was placed into his account after ** *** charged back with his credit card payments that he was responsible for, his September dues, and his Annual Maintenance Fee
This dispute was placed on 12/18/14, and we added the bill after he won on 6/30/plus a $charge back feeThis fee is what WoW is billed when a member submits a charge back, so this is put back into the member's account** *** was billed accordingly to his agreement and was cancelled out as of 11/30/
Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: I had closed my account, which is why months without charges was to be expectedThe card had been updated for *** account according to WOW workout world, and this complaint is completely separate from that issue, other than to serve as evidence that WOW had my updated Bank card on fileWhy has WOW offered and rescinded a credit on this account, I do not knowI am not the first client that has been taken advantage of in this matter, as WOW has settled Class Action Lawsuits over the exact same issue. AGAINI am owed my dues starting from when my account was closed, Bank overdraft fee (2x) any irrelevant late fees as per WOW's calendar Additionally, I would like a prompt response to my August request for *** account to be closed without penalty due to her moving out of state. Additionally a prompt response to my August request for *** account to be closed without penalty due to her moving out of the area. ADDITIONALLY I am owed the difference for the months that my sisters account was taken off of freeze intermittently without cause or explanation; Regards,
*** *** ***
I have thoroughly investigated this for *** *** and there is no record of a cancellation request received for *** ***'s WoW membership account We have replied to all inquiries submitted by *** *** to our online Support Desk We have explained to *** *** that she may
submit proof of a prior cancellation request and we will further review her account with us I have reviewed the inquiry with one of our owners, Mary R*** Mary does not normally do this, but she will take *** ***'s word that she attempted to cancel her membership in Mary has made the exception to waive the balance on *** ***'s account and remove her file from collections We hope this helps If *** *** is looking for a health club in the future, we hope she keeps WoW in mind!
We are sorry to hear that *** *** feels this way, as that certainly was not our intention. As explained in our prior response, we will be happy to make an exception to convert *** ***'s account to a month-to-month agreement upon payment of the month-to-month Enrollment Fee and her Annual Membership Fee. All month-to-month memberships are billed for a $Enrollment Fee and a $Annual Membership Fee. If payment of these fees is received, we will be able to cancel *** ***'s agreement, waiving the balance of her remaining initial term and removing her account from collections*** *** may contact me directly to make this payment. I can be reached at *** *** *** during regular hours
We have thoroughly reviewed this inquiry for *** *** and as stated in his agreement with us, *** *** may cancel his membership at anytime after the completion of the initial term, by providing at least days written notice. According to our records, *** *** submitted a
request to cancel his membership with us on 10/30/2017. His request was immediately processed in accordance with our 15-day cancellation policy*** ***'s membership was cancelled on 11/30/2017.*** ***'s Annual Membership Fee is not billed for a prior or future year of membership. It is simply a fee billed on a preset date, each year that his membership is active. Because *** ***'s membership with us was active on 11/1/2017, he was billed for his November membership and Annual Membership Fee. Although *** ***'s account has been billed in accordance with the terms & conditions of his agreement with us, we will make an exception to issue a credit card refund in the amount of $53.43, for the Annual Membership Fee paid on 11/1/2017. We hope this helps! Please note, the refund may take several business days to be reflected on *** ***'s account. We hope *** *** will continue living a healthy & fit lifestyle!
I have thoroughly investigated this inquiry As stated in *** *** membership agreement, "As a dues paying member you are entitled to cancel this contract at any time after the initial term by giving a full days written notice from your next billing date." I have reviewed our
records and I am unable to locate a written cancellation request received for *** *** WoW membership account As no cancellation request was received, *** *** membership continued to bill Please know* *** *** is responsible for the cancellation terms & conditions stated in the agreement signed However, we will take *** *** word that she attempted to cancel her membership with us Upon enrollment in a new membership agreement, we will waive the remaining balance on *** *** previous WoW membership account We will then be able to remove *** *** from collections. *** *** may rejoin under a current promotion by contacting me directly at *** *** *** We hope this helps!
We have thoroughly looked into this for ** ***O 12/31/** *** enrolled on a membership that has an Initial Term of months** ***'s membership cancellation cannot take effect until completion of the Initial TermWe have received ** ***'s cancellation notice dated Sep and her
Membership is set to cancel on 12/31/** ***'s last billing date will be on 12/1/We hope she comes in today to enjoy the club!
I have thoroughly looked into this for *** *** and according to our records, on 1/16/she enrolled under a 12-month Fitness membership at our *** *** location. At no time during *** *** membership with us has a new agreement been added to her account. As stated in her
agreement dated 1/16/2017, an Annual Membership Fee of $+ sales tax will be billed on 4/1/and annually thereafter. On 4/1/2017, *** *** account was billed in the amount of $74.79, in accordance with the terms & conditions of agreement. This charge included her Annual Membership Fee and April membership dues of $21.36. From time to time, current members may request to downgrade or upgrade their membership to one of our current plans. We are happy to process this request, however, there is a fee applied. *** *** has inquired downgrading her membership to our Basic plan. We have advised *** *** of the downgrade options and the terms involved*** *** has not agreed to the Basic membership terms & conditions; therefore, her membership has not been downgraded. If *** *** wishes to downgrade her membership, she may do so at any Jersey Strong location. *** *** membership is set to be cancelled on 1/31/2018, upon completion of her initial term. Her last payment will be due on 1/1/2018. She will have access to enjoy our facilities until 1/31/2018. Currently, there is an outstanding balance of $which includes *** *** September-November membership dues of $and three late fees at $each. We have made an exception to waive all three late fees on *** *** account with us. The outstanding balance remaining is $64.08. If *** *** account is not made current, the pending cancellation will be unable to be finalized. As always, if *** *** has any questions regarding her account with us, she may submit a request to our online Support Desk at support.jerseystrong.com
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:My membership should have been cancelled simultaneously with my wife's membership I joined the club and attended twice in two years You can see that my wife's membership was cancelled successfully in July while mine was not Both Phil and Hansel were aware of this situation and have subsequently decided to have a lapse in memory regarding the cancellation and non processing of my cancellation when approached by their supervisors So it is my word against theirs Fortunately I have a text message conversation with my wife indicating that both our memberships should be canceled at the same time and were I will bring these transcripts to small claims court.
*** ***
We have looked into this for *** *** and according to our records, on 2/5/a cancellation request and doctor's note were received by our office for *** *** membership and personal training agreements. As *** *** personal training had one month remaining on the initial term, a
cancellation was applied for the end of the term, with a last scheduled bill date of 3/1/2018.Please note, if *** *** training agreement was canceled prior to the completion of the initial term, he would have been responsible for a 10% cancellation fee in the amount of $Because the final payment on his agreement was less than the 10% cancellation fee, an exception was made to cancel *** *** agreement at the end of the initial term. *** *** was not billed for the 10% cancellation fee of $406.27. We have received notice of a credit card dispute filed for the final personal training payment received on 3/1/2018. We have made an exception to waive the final month of *** *** initial term and the outstanding balance on his account. No further charges will be applied for his personal training agreementWe hope this helps!We do apologize for any confusion; however, *** *** personal training agreement states no refund will be issued for unused personal training sessions. The training agreement purchased by *** *** is billed based on a monthly charge, and not billed for individual personal training sessions. As stated in his agreement with us, *** *** training sessions have expired- days from the date of payment. We will be happy to extend the expiration date and honor the sessions that *** *** has paid for if he wishes to come back as a JERSEY STRONG member or guest in the future. If *** *** has any additional questions, he may contact me directly at *** *** *** during regular business hours
Please disregard my email from yesterday. When I got home from work yesterday, I got the check from WOW in the bank. Again, thank you so much for all your help. - *** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
Though there is a fee associated with purchasing a new membership agreement if you are an existing member, we will make the exception to waive the downgrade fee of $+ tax for our Fitness plan option for *** ***