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Sears Holdings Corporation

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Sears Holdings Corporation Reviews (5000)

src="... /> April 18, 2016
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. 2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Our File No: [redacted] File No: [redacted]
Via: Website
This letter serves to confirm that Sears Home Improvement Products (SHIP) has been in contact with [redacted].  On Thursday, our technician visited [redacted] to inspect and repair his water heater.  However, it was determined that the issue [redacted] was experiencing was related to the house plumbing hot water line leaking and not the hot water heater. 
We do apologize if [redacted] had trouble scheduling his service call.  At this time, we respectfully request that you close your file. On behalf of SHIP, please know that we value [redacted] as a customer and appreciate his patronage. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at [redacted] or via email at [redacted]
SHIP/HI Regulatory Complaint Specialist
cc: [redacted]

July 21, 2016
Nita [redacted]
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL  60611
Re:  [redacted] – Lynette [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding his allegation that his bumper had been damaged while at one of our auto centers.
Due to the nature of Ms. [redacted] concerns, a claim was opened with [redacted] our third-party claims adjuster. Any questions Ms. [redacted] has regarding her claim, can be answered by contracting Chris [redacted] her claims examiner, at [redacted] and reference claim number [redacted].  As clarification, once the claimant has been assigned a claim number through [redacted] they provide an official response representing Sears.  [redacted] has been entrusted by Sears to represent our interests in assessing all liability claims; we have empowered them to accept or deny a consumer’s claim.  The fact remains that whether the decision they render is favorable or not, we are unable to obtrude upon [redacted]’s actions; their decision on any claim is final.  In the interim, since Ms. [redacted] issue is being handled through a standardized claim process with [redacted] and it is an industry standard that any discussion or disputes on such a claim would have to be directed to the claim handler, we have closed our file.
We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Erica [redacted]
Regulatory Complaints Specialist

October 19, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave, Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Re: [redacted] - [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
We have not fully completed our investigation of Mr. [redacted]'s complaint...

regarding his service experience.
We apologize for the delay in responding to this complaint. We spoke to Ms. [redacted] and offered her a replacement but she would prefer to continue with service at this time since we do not have the same model available at this time. We are waiting the completion of that service. In the meantime if Ms. [redacted] has any questions she may call me at [redacted].
We apologize again and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Regulatory Complaint Specialist
Sears Holdings Corporation
[redacted] direct

November 3, 2016
Nita [redacted]
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL ...

Re:  #[redacted] – [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding the charges she was assessed as a co-pay under her third-party warranty provider.
We want to clarify that the way the warranty provider sets up the service call, determines whether the technician’s computer reflects that a co-pay is due or not. For first calls it has one identification and for recalls on a previous visit, there is another. Unfortunately it appears that the service call was not set up as a recall so it would have given the technician no other choice but to attempt to collect the co-pay. With that said, we did confirm that Ms. [redacted] had paid $76.13 to our billing department, so we have issued a check for $76.13 and it is being mailed to the address referenced on this complaint. She should receive this within approximately 1-2 weeks and if she has not received it by November 18th, she is welcome to call or email me so that I can assist further. In the interim, since we have provided Ms. [redacted] with her requested resolution, we have closed our file.
We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Team Manager, Regulatory Complaints
Direct Line: [redacted]-[redacted]
Email: Dana.[redacted]

Contact Name and Title: [redacted]
Contact Email: [redacted]
October 15, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Re: [redacted]- [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
We have completed the investigation of Ms[redacted] rebuttal regarding the replacement of her tv.
We have received Ms[redacted] rebuttal regarding the concern that her extended warranty would not transfer over. Any time an item is replaced under its Master Protection Agreement (MPA), the agreement transfers to the new unit. Ms[redacted] new tv has the MPA transferred to it and will expire on 7/13/17. We apologize if we were not clear with this previously. That being said, because Ms[redacted] MPA has been transferred to her new tv, we have closed our file.
We apologize to Ms[redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Regulatory Complaints Specialist

[redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave, Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611  

align="left">  Re: [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding Sears Home Services and a preventative maintenance check on her washer and dryer.   Sears Home Services dispatched a technician to Ms. [redacted] home on January 5, 2017 to complete a preventative maintenance check on her washer and dryer. Both appliances were checked and were found to be operating as designed. If Ms. [redacted] has any additional concerns, I invite her to contact me at [redacted] Since we have noted the completion of Ms. [redacted] preventative maintenance check on her washer and dryer, we ask that this complaint be closed. We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Claims Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2015/08/14) */
August 14, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Re: # [redacted]

Dear Ms.[redacted]
We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted]...

complaint regarding his dissatisfaction with the problems he encountered when scheduling service for his refrigerator.
Firstly we would like to apologize for the inconvenience and disappointment that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced. We want to assure Mr.[redacted] that his complaint and feedback will give us the opportunity to remedy any problem that may exist and help to improve our service further.
Our records indicate that our technician completed the repair on August 11, 2015. We reached out to Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns and apologized for the inconvenience. Mr. [redacted] stated that the ice maker is producing ice after the repair, but the ice is not dispensing through the door. We offered to resend our technician and to schedule service for August 20, 2015. Mr. [redacted] agreed and we informed him that we would follow up after the repair is completed to discuss his request for compensation for his inconvenience.
With that being said, since our agreement with the restricts the length of time a complaint can remain open, we feel that keeping this case open during the interim is unwarranted. If Mr. [redacted] issue is not resolved to his satisfaction, he can reopen it later even if the has closed it as resolved. We respectfully ask that this matter be closed.
Again, we apologize to Mr. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Regulatory Complaint Specialist
Sears Holdings Corporation

January 26, 2017
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Re: [redacted] [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] We have not fully completed our investigation of Ms. [redacted]...

complaint regarding her allegation that she was charged on two separate credit cards for the same purchase.
We apologize for the delay in responding to this complaint. We researched and confirmed that due to a system glitch, Ms. [redacted] was charged $89 on her [redacted] card ending in [redacted] and $95.40 on her debit card ending in 5013 on the same receipt. We forwarded this matter to the Kmart Store Manager to process the $89 credit and are currently awaiting their response. We are committed to providing a fair and equitable resolution and ask that Ms. [redacted] allow us ten business days to come to complete the transaction. In the interim, should Ms. [redacted] have any questions, she may contact me directly at [redacted]
We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
[redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist
Sears Holdings Corporation

My parents raised a responsible young women. I graduated from college 3 times. I give back to my community every day I go to work to support my family. I have never been ignorant to racism in America, nor have I been blind to the topics covered in the media. On Saturday April 2, 2016. I came to the Kmart on at 250 West 34 St. (located at Penn Plaza) to purchase groceries. Upon entering into the store I went to the lower level to purchase items I needed .I am aware of my surrounds, as a law scholar I have been trained to pay attention to detail especially my surroundings. As I was searching for the items I needed, one of the staff members from lost prevention dressed in regular clothing followed me in every aisle. What I do not comprehend is why I was targeted? I am not a criminal. What was my crime? Was it because I was shopping while black. I felt very uncomfortable shopping at this store location. I have been to this store location numerous times, but now I must say my shopping experience has been compromised. So my advice to any African American person who wishes to purchase items from the Kmart located at 250 West 34 street beware of the African American man with dreadlocks. He is a store employee that believes African American will steal. It is very sad that in this day and age it is African Americans that discriminate against each other. I thought about leaving my purchase but I thought I should purchase the items so that I could prove that I was at the Kmart location in Manhattan New York on 4/2/16. SO I URGE ANYONE before stepping inside of the Kmart at 250 West 34th Street think TWICE. I am not going to shame all of the Kmart’s because I still have hope that Kmart did not hire more stereotypes at all of the other store locations.
Thanks [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
What they failed to mention in this message to the, is that the ONLY reason they "issued a full refund" was because the credit card I purchased it on completed their investigation on 3/4/16. Note the date of their message here.
In other words, the only reason the refund happened was because the card forced it to happen, Sears never responded to the claim as they clearly knew they were 100% in the wrong. This should stay open and a part of the public record as they violated [redacted] guidelines, wasted HOURS of my time, didn't apologize, and were deceitful and misleading throughout the whole process.
What a disappointment.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2015/07/21) */
July 21, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL 60611
Re: [redacted]
Dear Ms.[redacted]

We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted] complaint...

regarding his dissatisfaction with the charges for his lawn mower repair.
It is unfortunate that we failed Mr. [redacted] expectations when he recently requested a repair from Sears. We value his patronage and can understand his frustration with the events detailed in his complaint. We can assure Mr. [redacted] that his concerns have been forwarded to management for review so that future problems of this nature can be averted. Unless our customer pre-approved a repair amount, it is our policy to provide an estimate before any repair work is completed. For this reason, our Carry-In Customer Service Manager spoke with Mr. [redacted] on July 20, 2015, and informed him that he would not be charged for the repair. Mr. [redacted] indicated that he accepted this resolution and would return to pick up his lawn mower. At this time, we can only reiterate that we truly regret any inconvenience he may have experienced. We respectfully ask to have this matter closed, since we have noted Mr. [redacted] comments and the requested resolution has been provided.
We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Regulatory Complaint Specialist
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 12, 2015/07/23) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
the lawnmower broke again it is in the same condition like when I took it the first time. So I took it back to the store again. I don't how many more times I'm going to have to take it back to the store until they give me another one.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 14, 2015/08/06) */
August 6, 2015
330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
Chicago, IL XXXXX
Re: [redacted]
Dear Ms.[redacted]

We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted] rebuttal regarding his dissatisfaction with the continued failure of his lawn mower.
It is Sears' goal to provide quality merchandise and services, and we are always concerned when something does not meet our customers' expectations. The reality exists that no matter how high the quality of the items we sell, the potential for failure exists for any product. This can be especially true in the case of lawn mowers, since many issues that a customer may experience with lawn and garden equipment are caused by the way the item is used or something the customer has neglected to do in regard to maintenance. Manufacturers typically cover the cost of repairs that become necessary within the first one to two years. However, they offer replacement only in the instance that an item cannot be repaired. It is for this reason that Sears, and most other retailers, offer some sort of extended warranty coverage. While we empathize with Mr. [redacted] situation, he did not purchase additional coverage and his lawn mower does not qualify for replacement under the aforementioned manufacturer's warranty. Additionally, we are unable to offer a refund or exchange because his purchase has exceeded our stated 30-day return period. With that having been said, our records indicate that Mr. [redacted] returned his lawn mower for service and we revealed that the carburetor would also need to be replaced. Our technician completed this repair and confirmed that Mr. [redacted] lawn mower was operating to the manufacturer's specifications afterward. Mr. [redacted] has been notified that his lawn mower is ready for pick up. We would again like to apologize for any inconvenience Mr. [redacted] may have experienced. Since we have provided services appropriate and relative to the terms of the manufacturer's warranty for Mr. [redacted] lawn mower, we have closed our file regarding this matter.
We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Regulatory Complaint Specialist

July 27, 2016   [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611...

  Re:  [redacted]       Dear Ms[redacted]   We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted] complaint regarding his battery.   First of all, we would like to point out that we have no records in our file to corroborate Mr. [redacted] claim that he was promised a refund check. Furthermore, it is not in our policy to send refund checks for battery warranty issues. If such an offer were to be made, it would be outside of our policy and it would have needed to be documented. We want to note that Mr. [redacted] had only 7 months remaining for his battery warranty; he had been able to use the item for two and a half years. Mr. [redacted] would not be entitled to a full refund. As such, we felt a pro-rated refund was sufficient.  Even though Mr. [redacted] purchased his battery for $119.00, we contacted him and offered to provide him with a $70.00 gift card, or a $60.00 check, but he declined both offers. The amount being offered is at least half of the value of the item, if not more.  As a final gesture of good will, we are offering to send him his choice of either a$75.00 check or an $80.00 gift card. Should Mr. [redacted] wish to accept, I may be reached during normal business hours via email at [redacted] This offer is only valid for 10 days from the date of this letter; after that, it will be null and void.   We apologize to Mr. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

I ordered several parts from Sears Parts Direct on 8-2-16. When I ordered the part through a Sears TM, she said the parts would be shipped within 2-3 business days. Never once did she forewarn me that the part I needed most (mandrel assembly) was back ordered indefinitely. I received the other two parts a few days later even though these were useless without the mandrel assembly. 2 days after my unusable parts arrived, I received an email stating that the mandrel assembly was out of stock indefinitely. And that the manufacturer had no time frame for replenishment. I called SPD and was given no time frame other than it's indefinite. Sears took my payment on 8-2-16 and processed the funds immediately. After two weeks of not receiving the assembly I decided to find the part elsewhere. After a lengthy search, I found the part locally. I notified SPD on 8-15-15 that I had found the part and to cancel my back order. After being hung up on and then disconnected again, I found a TM who told me she would send the request over to the manufacturer. on 8-22 I see that no credit had been posted on my account. I all SPD and they tell me that the woman I spoke with and requested the order be canceled never canceled the order. On 8-22, I spoke with Judy from Corporate and she apologized for the delay and said she was putting in for a credit. This was now the third person supposedly putting in a credit. Two more days go by and I call again to find out where my refund is. This time I ask for a supervisor and I talk to a woman named Amy Johns. Ms. Johns proceeds to tell me that she can not process my refund with out having her mandrel assembly back. I said I beg your pardon but I never received that part from SPD. Ms. Johns then informs me that the part now became available 22 DAYS Later, 8 Days after I notified the company that I no longer needed their part. Ms. Johns again says I can not process your return since we need to have the part back. I said again, I do not have and was never shipped the mandrel assembly. Ms. Johns said that the mandrel assembly was "in processing" for shipment, and she needs the mandrel assembly back for credit. I told her that was unacceptable and she needed to stop the shipping process before it even started. She said that was impossible, she will not stop shipment on an item that is 22 days late and no longer needed. I demanded that she stop this process right now and she hung up on me! So this incompetent system and supervisor coupled with the worst customer service I have ever experienced have simply disregarded my wishes and dictated how this transaction is going to go down. After having an 8 day notice to cancel the ordered, the incompetence continues to grow. No wonder your company in trouble! If this is the way you treat your customers I now understand why there is no consumer advocacy. You may make me wait on you, but just know this: When you do finally give me my money back, that moment will be the last time I ever do business with again.

We bought a warranty for a grill that we spent almost $1500 including accessories and warranty. Model number 41523665. This was a so called STAINLESS STEEL grill. The associate said that all was covered. We told him of grills rusting on us and he said it was covered, due to the fact that it was STAINLESS STEEL. He said that parts could be sent to us if the fix was easy or that a repair person would fix whatever needed to get fixed. We called and a service repair man came, took pictures sent them to the warranty company and was denied. We went to the Sears store where we bought the grill and the associate agreed that it should be covered. The person in charge of that department called and spoke with the warranty company and he told them that this was not right what they were denying our claim. The items to fix the grill would be over $600 to $700 in parts not including labor. He recommended that they give us a gift card to cover the cost of the grill and get a new one from their. All of a sudden the warranty company said that the claim was not rejected that it was still open. I knew then that we were being played. The repairman said that the sales people and the warranty company each have their own set of instructions on how the warranty works. I find it that the warranty company are thieves. I just want the grill fixed! We need a new oven that goes on the side, grates, heat shields, temp gauge, the hood of the grill, and so on. I find that we were taken advantage of.

We encountered a number of unacceptable problems when we ordered a washer/dryer unit. I will start from the beginning.
The sales rep in the store told us that delivery would be within the week. He did not listen to us about our availability, and set the delivery time for the next day (a Tuesday). We said, no, we are available on Saturday only, and he then set the delivery date for Thursday. We said (again), no, we are available on on Saturday. He said that he could not change it again (some sort of rule), but it would be no problem for us to change it once we got home. When we got home, we found that we had to wait more than two weeks for a Saturday delivery. This may or may not have been dishonest, but it certainly looks very suspicious. It was certainly misleading.

Then there was a delay due to weather. Understandable.

After a month since the initial order, the delivery guys showed up on a Saturday, as promised. However, apparently the sales rep at the store had failed to order a “stacking kit”, which is required to put the units together. The delivery guys (very nice people) told us to call the store and order the part, and that they could not install without it. We spend approximately 2 hours and many phone transfers, and the manager said that we would have a delivery the next day (a Sunday).

Sunday came. As the delivery time frame (the set time the delivery was to be made) was closing (39 minutes left), and I received a text message saying that “As you requested, your Sears delivery has been rescheduled to (the next day, a Monday). Of course we were unavailable that day, and of course we had made no such request.

We called customer service. The first person who answered the phone gave us completely false information. He told us that the delivery could not be made because the dryer was not available and still at the manufacturer. We would have believed this, except that the dryer was already at our house the day before (minus the stacking kit). I asked to be transferred to a manager. I was transferred to a manager, who then asked all of the same question over again. (What is your name, what’s the order number, what’s the problem, etc.) After a very detailed description, this person claimed that she could not help us because she only assisted people at retail outlets, not people who ordered on-line. We explained that we went to the store, but she said that the sales rep at the store had ordered on-line, and therefore she could not help us. She then transferred us to somebody else. The next person wanted all of the information again. (What is your name, what’s the order number, what’s the problem, etc.) This time the problem was that we could not hear the person. It was a bad phone connection of some sort. We could hear the hold message just fine, but not the latest person, who told us something must be wrong with our phone. Then they hung up on us.

That was just too much. We then cancelled the order, for which we had already made two payments. But that was not the end of it.

The store manager called us. He was very nice and wanted to help. He agreed to have the delivery made at the time we specified, with no problems. This was our only positive interaction with the company.

The delivery guys showed up on time, as promised. They did not install the washer properly. (The troublesome “stacking kit” was not attached correctly, and the units were not aligned.) They also managed to break the stairs as they moved the washer up. Fortunately, I was able to install the machine properly, and I was able to re-build the stairs. This required about 3 hours of work, including acquisition of supplies. The entire experience was awful-the amount of time wasted that we can not recover unacceptable.

May 4, 2016 [redacted]
12pt;"> 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611 Re: [redacted] - # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding Sears Carpet Cleaning. Upon receiving Ms. [redacted] complaint, we contacted [redacted] with Sears Carpet Cleaning for assistance.  Ms. [redacted] contacted Ms. [redacted] to discuss her concerns and requested pictures of the damage to her drywall.  Ms. [redacted] provided pictures and Ms. [redacted] forwarded them to the local office.  After they reviewed the pictures, they determined that the hoses could not have caused the damage.  While the local office is denying Ms. [redacted] claim, Ms. [redacted] is willing to split the cost of the repair with Ms. Neal, as a one-time courtesy.  Ms. [redacted] can send the completed repair invoice to Ms. [redacted] via email at [redacted].[redacted]  In the interim, since a fair resolution has been proposed that is commensurate to the circumstances, we ask that this matter be closed. We apologize to Ms. [redacted] and we appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaints Specialist

[redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL  60611   Re: [redacted]
class="InsideAddress">  Dear [redacted]   We have completed our investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding her top load High Efficiency Low-water Washer.   We understand Ms. [redacted] is not happy with the results of her service regarding her washer. It is important to note that Ms. [redacted] washer uses very little soap. This is due to the Department of Energy Standards for use of water. The issues Ms. [redacted] states she is having with this washer are listed as Trouble shooting issues in her owner’s manual as normal operations or as customer instructions on using her washer properly. For example; Ms. [redacted] states that the water level is not high enough to submerge her garments. Page 14 of her owner’s manual under Troubleshooting, states that the load will NOT be completely underwater and that this is normal for a high efficiency low-water washer, the washer senses load sizes and adds the correct amount of water for optimal cleaning. In fact each of Ms. [redacted] complaint are listed in her owner’s manual as customer instructions, Clothes still wet or washer not draining is on page 15 and 16, and list a number of things that the customer needs to do to address these issues such as unbalanced load, load packed too tightly or that the customer is not using HE soap or that they are using too much. The owner’s manual also indicates that it is not unusually to find dry spots on the clothes after a wash due to the high speed spins will extract more moisture than traditional top load washers. It is very important to note that the owner’s manual warns against adding more water to the washer as adding more water lifts the clothes off the wash plate, resulting in less effective cleaning.   Our records show that Ms. [redacted] purchased her washer and dryer on July 17, 2016 with delivery on July 20, 2015. Our first record showing Ms. [redacted] contacted Sears for service was on February 2, 2016. Service was done on February 9, 2016, our service tech indicated that there were no mechanical failures and he instructed Ms. [redacted] on the proper load size and selection. The second service visit was on July 11, 2016 where again our service technician indicated the washer was working properly. We also checked her dryer on this date and again found no mechanical issue.   Ms. [redacted] states she tried to return her washer within the 30 day return period but the first time Ms. [redacted] contacted Sears corporate was on February 2, 2016. We feel that if Ms. [redacted] was not satisfied with the cleaning performance of her washer she should have been able to determine this and bring it to our attention within the first couple of months.  This does not seem like an unreasonable requirement.  We are sure that Ms. [redacted] did many loads of wash during her first couple of months, and at no time during that initial trial period did she apprise us that the machine did not perform to her standards. We do show that on February 19, 2016 is the first that Ms. [redacted] contacted Sears corporate to request a replacement; this is seven (7) months after delivery. Since our service technician has not found any mechanical failures with her washer we are unable to honor her request for a replacement or refund and have closed our case.   We apologize to Ms. [redacted] on behalf of Sears Holdings Corporation and we appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely,   [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

August 4, 2016     Nita [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006
class="InsideAddress">Chicago, IL  60611   Re: [redacted] – Jose [redacted]   Dear Ms[redacted]   We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted]’ complaint regarding his recent online order experience and request for a full refund.   It is unfortunate that we failed Mr. [redacted]’ expectations as we value his patronage. We can understand his frustration with the series of events noted in his complaint. We regret that this incident occurred, and we can assure that his concerns have been forwarded to management for review so that future problems of this nature can be averted.  After reviewing the notes in the order, we found he had been in contact with Sears Social Media, Sears’ escalated complaint department. Social Media processed a gift card for $11.00 on July 27, 2016; therefore, Mr. [redacted] should receive it within 7 to 10 business days. Additionally, we hope that in the future Mr. [redacted] will allow us another opportunity to provide him with the type of customer service that we have built our reputation upon.  In the interim, since a new Gift Card has been processed, we respectfully ask to have this matter closed.   We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely,  Eligia [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation

January 6, 2016   [redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave., Ste. #2006 Chicago, IL ...

60611   [redacted]  [redacted]       Dear [redacted]   We have completed the investigation of Mr. [redacted] complaint regarding his recent order.   According to our records, a credit for $32.78 was issued on December 16, 2015. Accordingly, the account has been rectified. We apologize for the delay. Since it seems the refund due to Mr. [redacted] has been issued, we respectfully ask that this matter be considered closed. Again, we apologize to Mr. [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.   Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Complaint Specialist [redacted]

[redacted] 330 North Wabash Ave, Ste. #2006 [redacted]  

align="left">  Re: [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] We have completed the investigation of Ms. [redacted] complaint regarding her furnace which is covered by the Sears Home Warranty. We feel it is important to clarify that the Sears Home Warranty (SHW) is administered by [redacted] (CCHS). That being said we provided a copy of Ms. [redacted] complaint to CCHS and was advised by [redacted], CCHS Case Management Specialist that the claim regarding the furnace was approved.  Per Ms. [redacted] email, [redacted] has two choices, she can accept the replacement of the furnace and pay approximately $1,200 in non-covered charges or she can accept a claim credit in the amount of [redacted] When Ms. [redacted] spoke with [redacted] on Monday, January 2, 2017, she was going to discuss the options with her husband and advise Ms. [redacted] of her decision. [redacted] can reach Ms. [redacted] at ([redacted] or via email at [redacted]. Since we have noted that CCHS will be the party who will ultimately be resolving [redacted] concerns, we ask that this complaint be closed. We apologize to [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to address this matter.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely, [redacted] Regulatory Claims Specialist Sears Holdings Corporation [redacted]

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Address: 7816 Cooper Avenue, Glendale, New York, United States, 11385


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