The business owner finally contacted me on 6/6/and stated that they had had a website error on 6/3/They assured me I would be issued a refund for the chargeI replied and reminded them that there were two charges to be taken care ofI received no reply but was issued a refund for both
charges which came first in the form of email and the funds were later deposited in my bank acctThe first refund was deposited on 6/10/16 and the second on 6/13/As of 6/13/the issue of the refund has been fully resolved
The business owner finally contacted me on 6/6/and stated that they had had a website error on 6/3/They assured me I would be issued a refund for the chargeI replied and reminded them that there were two charges to be taken care ofI received no reply but was issued a refund for both
charges which came first in the form of email and the funds were later deposited in my bank acctThe first refund was deposited on 6/10/16 and the second on 6/13/As of 6/13/the issue of the refund has been fully resolved