I have gotten the final billThank you Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***
Thank you for allowing me to respond to Ms. [redacted] allegations. Unfortunately, Ms. [redacted] statement contains many false allegations. I was appointed Guardian ad Litem in approximately November 2015...
for a non-marital child. This appointment was Court-ordered pursuant to the Wisconsin Statutes. Ms. [redacted] had originally thought that she and her now ex-husband could go through genetic testing on their own and proceed with the divorce. Judge [redacted] followed the Wisconsin Statutes and appointed me Guardian ad Litem to make a recommendation regarding overcoming the marital presumption. I was able to review the test results and requested that a final divorce hearing be set on the Court's calendar. I also spoke with the parties about this process in detail and confirmed that they understood that this was the legal process needed when there is a non-marital child involved.
We then went to the final divorce hearing and the marital presumption was overcome. The parties then proceeded with their divorce. As a Guardian ad Litem for many years, I am also aware that many issues still can come up in a case for about a month or two after a "final hearing." I always allow for this possibility when I am finalizing a matter and billing. In fact, this is what happened here. I received a call from Ms. [redacted] which I followed up on promptly-this was after the January 13th hearing. She told me that she needed the final paperwork from her divorce. I explained to her that as Guardian ad Litem, I am not involved in the Findings of Facts and Marital Settlement pleadings that she and her husband submitted to the Court on their own. I did, however, state that I could help assist with the matter by submitting an Overcoming the Marital Presumption Order even though I was not Court-ordered to do so. I promptly submitted this proposed Order to the Court, copying-in Ms. [redacted] and her now ex-husband. This again was all after the January hearing. The Court signed the Order that I submitted in MARCH, 2016. I then needed to draft correspondences and provide copies of this Order to the parties. This was also done in MARCH, just last month.
I have been nothing but courteous to Ms. [redacted] as well as fair. Her statements are not only inaccurate, but completely out-of-line. She has definitely heard from me since the January hearing. I also drafted pleadings to assist the matter. My billing is submitted to the County for payment. Any payment arrangements between the County Clerk and the parties are generally not known to me as I am not privy to those conversations. It is also my understanding that any amounts overpaid are refunded to individuals as well.
Also, not only have I communicated with Ms. [redacted] since January, but I also have not received "message after message" from her. Judge [redacted] also signed pleadings regarding her case in both late February and in March of 2016. Therefore, this case has not been going on "week after week." Unfortunately, it seems that Ms. [redacted] is resorting to inaccurate means within her complaint, at the expense of my business and role as Guardian ad Litem which I take great pride in for the children of Wisconsin.
I would also like to respond to the provision at the bottom of your correspondence to me regarding posting Ms. [redacted] complaint and my response. I am respectfully requesting that if this is indeed going to be posted, that I be notified well beforehand because I will need to retain counsel and move forward with a legal action as Ms. [redacted] complaint is not only inaccurate but slanderous.
Again, I appreciate you allowing me to respond. I have my billings set for April and Ms. [redacted] bill is in the bill run for this month now that her matter has been recently completed. I hope that this will amicably resolve this issue. Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Stephanie [redacted]
I just called the Marathon County Courthouse, Clerk of Courts and spoke to [redacted]. She is stating that as of today (after the response was submitted from the attorney) that the final bill is not submitted from the Guardian Ad Litem and that is all they are waiting for to close out my payments. Everything else has been done. Regarding the "slanderous" statements, I have phone records I can provide. I have called and left voice messages that were not returned. I am not interested in having "legal action" taken against me because as I have stated before I was concerned about her business practices and that I felt (and still feel) she is abusing her power. I did state I was concerned as to the recourse she would take for me filing a complaint and I can see now I was absolutely correct. I never stated that I thought the paternity test was good enough on my own either. Judge [redacted] gave us the information and told us to schedule it at one of our hearings. That information can all be found in the court transcripts during out hearing as well that he had told us to do that. My ex husband and I; at no fault of the attorney either, were not told she would be brought on to read the results until after this was all done. I am not stating any of the paternity testing information is her "Fault" but I don't want to be billed accidentally for the test because we already paid for it. That suggestion was made to me by the Clerk of Courts office only because they stated the Guardian normally orders it and to make sure we did not get accidentally billed for it. I do not think it is unreasonable to want to verify the bill. We still do not even know her rates of services or what we were facing for expenses. For her to state that I assumed I could use my own was false, along with several other statements but I frankly do not want to argue back and forth over this. It is unprofessional to not respond or to treat people in this manner. My most recent un returned message was April 6th at 3:16 pm and if needed I will be happy to have phone records printed to prove I am not "slandering" her. We did not have quite the positive experience with her as she is stating and that will be a matter of opinions, but the issue at hand is not resolved. The courthouse is stating she did not submit the bill and that is what I need.
They can be reached at (715) 261-1300 to verify this as well in the clerk of courts. I did also leave another voice mail for Judge [redacted]'s office in attempts to get this resolved and hope they will be following back up on this today. I would appreciate any clarification and what I can do going further to get this resolved. If the attorney would like to contact the Clerk of Courts and find out why they are stating she did not submit it, that would be great as well.
Thank you for your time.
I have gotten the final billThank you Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***
I submitted the final bill to the court in April therefore I have done everything she asked for.
Thank you for allowing me to respond to Ms. [redacted] allegations. Unfortunately, Ms. [redacted] statement contains many false allegations. I was appointed Guardian ad Litem in approximately November 2015...
for a non-marital child. This appointment was Court-ordered pursuant to the Wisconsin Statutes. Ms. [redacted] had originally thought that she and her now ex-husband could go through genetic testing on their own and proceed with the divorce. Judge [redacted] followed the Wisconsin Statutes and appointed me Guardian ad Litem to make a recommendation regarding overcoming the marital presumption. I was able to review the test results and requested that a final divorce hearing be set on the Court's calendar. I also spoke with the parties about this process in detail and confirmed that they understood that this was the legal process needed when there is a non-marital child involved.
We then went to the final divorce hearing and the marital presumption was overcome. The parties then proceeded with their divorce. As a Guardian ad Litem for many years, I am also aware that many issues still can come up in a case for about a month or two after a "final hearing." I always allow for this possibility when I am finalizing a matter and billing. In fact, this is what happened here. I received a call from Ms. [redacted] which I followed up on promptly-this was after the January 13th hearing. She told me that she needed the final paperwork from her divorce. I explained to her that as Guardian ad Litem, I am not involved in the Findings of Facts and Marital Settlement pleadings that she and her husband submitted to the Court on their own. I did, however, state that I could help assist with the matter by submitting an Overcoming the Marital Presumption Order even though I was not Court-ordered to do so. I promptly submitted this proposed Order to the Court, copying-in Ms. [redacted] and her now ex-husband. This again was all after the January hearing. The Court signed the Order that I submitted in MARCH, 2016. I then needed to draft correspondences and provide copies of this Order to the parties. This was also done in MARCH, just last month.
I have been nothing but courteous to Ms. [redacted] as well as fair. Her statements are not only inaccurate, but completely out-of-line. She has definitely heard from me since the January hearing. I also drafted pleadings to assist the matter. My billing is submitted to the County for payment. Any payment arrangements between the County Clerk and the parties are generally not known to me as I am not privy to those conversations. It is also my understanding that any amounts overpaid are refunded to individuals as well.
Also, not only have I communicated with Ms. [redacted] since January, but I also have not received "message after message" from her. Judge [redacted] also signed pleadings regarding her case in both late February and in March of 2016. Therefore, this case has not been going on "week after week." Unfortunately, it seems that Ms. [redacted] is resorting to inaccurate means within her complaint, at the expense of my business and role as Guardian ad Litem which I take great pride in for the children of Wisconsin.
I would also like to respond to the provision at the bottom of your correspondence to me regarding posting Ms. [redacted] complaint and my response. I am respectfully requesting that if this is indeed going to be posted, that I be notified well beforehand because I will need to retain counsel and move forward with a legal action as Ms. [redacted] complaint is not only inaccurate but slanderous.
Again, I appreciate you allowing me to respond. I have my billings set for April and Ms. [redacted] bill is in the bill run for this month now that her matter has been recently completed. I hope that this will amicably resolve this issue. Thank you.
I have gotten the final bill. Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Stephanie [redacted]
I just called the Marathon County Courthouse, Clerk of Courts and spoke to [redacted]. She is stating that as of today (after the response was submitted from the attorney) that the final bill is not submitted from the Guardian Ad Litem and that is all they are waiting for to close out my payments. Everything else has been done. Regarding the "slanderous" statements, I have phone records I can provide. I have called and left voice messages that were not returned. I am not interested in having "legal action" taken against me because as I have stated before I was concerned about her business practices and that I felt (and still feel) she is abusing her power. I did state I was concerned as to the recourse she would take for me filing a complaint and I can see now I was absolutely correct. I never stated that I thought the paternity test was good enough on my own either. Judge [redacted] gave us the information and told us to schedule it at one of our hearings. That information can all be found in the court transcripts during out hearing as well that he had told us to do that. My ex husband and I; at no fault of the attorney either, were not told she would be brought on to read the results until after this was all done. I am not stating any of the paternity testing information is her "Fault" but I don't want to be billed accidentally for the test because we already paid for it. That suggestion was made to me by the Clerk of Courts office only because they stated the Guardian normally orders it and to make sure we did not get accidentally billed for it. I do not think it is unreasonable to want to verify the bill. We still do not even know her rates of services or what we were facing for expenses. For her to state that I assumed I could use my own was false, along with several other statements but I frankly do not want to argue back and forth over this. It is unprofessional to not respond or to treat people in this manner. My most recent un returned message was April 6th at 3:16 pm and if needed I will be happy to have phone records printed to prove I am not "slandering" her. We did not have quite the positive experience with her as she is stating and that will be a matter of opinions, but the issue at hand is not resolved. The courthouse is stating she did not submit the bill and that is what I need.
They can be reached at (715) 261-1300 to verify this as well in the clerk of courts. I did also leave another voice mail for Judge [redacted]'s office in attempts to get this resolved and hope they will be following back up on this today. I would appreciate any clarification and what I can do going further to get this resolved. If the attorney would like to contact the Clerk of Courts and find out why they are stating she did not submit it, that would be great as well.
Thank you for your time.