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Reviews Santander

Santander Reviews (380)

Thank you for your recent correspondence Submitted to the ( The forwarded your inquiry to Santander Bank, N.A. (Santander) on August 12, 2016, and as a representative of Santander, I have been asked to respond.We are very sorry to learn of your disappointment with...

Santander regarding our decision to discontinue offering extra20 accounts. On behalf of Santander, I wish to offer my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this decision may have caused you.In November 2015, we simplified our product line and introduced Simply Right Checking based on our research and feedback from our customers. When Simply Right Checking was launched, we ceased opening extra20 accounts. AS Stated on page 17 of our Personal Deposit Account Agreement, we may discontinue offering an Account type at any time without notice and we reserve the right not to offer all types of accounts at all times. We have enclosed a copy of the Personal Deposit Account Agreement for your Convenience.We Sincerely hope that you will consider remaining a Santander customer. Thank you for taking the time to Share your Concerns and for allowing us the opportunity to address them. We value your feedback and we have shared your Concerns with our management team. If you have any additional questions in regard to this matter, please feel free to contact Mr. Anthony C[redacted], a Corporate Complaint Advisor, at ###-###-####.Sincerely, Ann G[redacted] Corporate Complaint Manager

December 18, 2015Dear [redacted]:
Thank you for your December 3, 2015 correspondence Submitted to the, Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania. The forwarded your inquiry to Santander Bank, N.A. (Santander), which we received on...

December 7, 2015. As a representative of Santander, I have been asked to respond.We were sorry to learn of the concerns you expressed regarding your business receiving calls from Santander for an individual that is not affiliated with your company.
On behalf of the Bank, wish to offer my apologies for any inconvenience this matter caused you. Please be assured that this situation has been reviewed and addressed by the appropriate management personnel.
We have updated our records to ensure that [redacted]. no longer receives calls related to this matter.Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and for allowing us the opportunity to address them. If you have any additional questions in regard to this matter, you may contact Lance S[redacted], a Customer Relations Representative, at ###-###-####.
Sincerely,JoAnn G.
Vice President Manager, Customer Relations

Thank you for your...

June 23, 2015 correspondence submitted to the ( The forwarded your inquiry to Santander Bank, N.A. (Santander) on June 29, 2015, and as a representative of the Bank, have been asked to respond.
We appreciate your inquiry and can assure you that this matter has been carefully researched in order to assist you. It is my understanding that during your visits to our Chestnut Hill Branch in June, you were informed that a new debit card was sent out to you because your current card was scheduled to expire in July of this year. You mentioned your frustration in regards to the information that was given to you and would like to know why transactions were denied while waiting for new debit card.
On Several occasions since receiving your letter, Mr. Anthony C[redacted] in our Customer Relations department has tried to contact you in order to further discuss your concerns, however, he has been unsuccessful.
We were able to confirm that the replacement for the expiring debit card was mailed to you on June 19, 2015, to your old address [redacted] in Dorchester, MA 02121, which was an old address. When you changed your address in May 2013, the address for you card was not updated correctly. Because this replacement Card was not sent to your correct mailing address, we have cancelled this card. The card was never activated. We have corrected your address that is linked to your debit card so this does not happen in the future,
On June 22, 2015, you contacted the branch as you had not received your new replacement for the debit card that was scheduled to expire Soon, and as a result of that conversation, the branch reissued you a new expedited card. However, the newly issued Card replaced the current debit card you physically had in your possession, and it is for this reason the transactions you tried to initiate with your old card on June 22, were denied.
We were informed that you picked up your new replacement card at the branch at [redacted], Chestnut Hill, MA 02467. We have verified that this card has was activated on July 13, 2015.
On behalf of the Bank, I would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. At Santander, we take these issues very seriously and work hard to deliver exceptional Service to our customers. Please be assured that the details of this situation have been used for coaching and training purposes to ensure a better experience for our customers in the future.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns, and for allowing me the opportunity to address them. You are a valued customer and we appreciate that you have chosen to bank with US. Should you have any additional questions in regard to this matter, please feel free to contact Mr. C[redacted], at ###-###-####.
JoAnn G[redacted]
Vice President Manager Customer Relations

Thank you for your May 27, 2015 letter addressed to the ( The forwarded your inquiry to Santander Bank, N.A. (Santander) on May 29, 2015, and as a representative of the Bank, I have been asked to respond.
We appreciate your inquiry and can assure you...

that this matter has been carefully researched in order to assist you. It is my understanding that you are questioning an inquiry on your credit report by Santander, but you do not recall applying for a loan with Santander and have been unable to get the inquiry removed.In researching the concerns you presented, we found that on March 26, 2014, you submitted an auto loan application in the amount of $18,000.00 over the phone with the Exton Branch of Santander (application number 1307945). The loan was intended for the purchase of a 2008 [redacted]. The application was denied because your credit score did not meet the minimum requirement.
The Exton Branch advised you of the denial and referred you to other lenders that may be able to accommodate financing for you. An Adverse Action Letter was also mailed to your attention on March 29, 2014.
Based on this information, the inquiry on your credit report is correct and will not be removed.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns, and for allowing me the opportunity to address them. Should you have any additional questions in regard to this matter, please feel free to contact Ms. Jen S[redacted], a Customer Relations Representative, at ###-###-####.
JoAnn G[redacted] Vice President Manager, Customer Relations

Dear Ms.Ortiz
Thank you for contacting Santander Bank, N.A. (Santander) regarding the above mentioned customer issue. We are in receipt of the customer's second rebuttal to our original reply, which has been forwarded to me for a response. As stated in our previous responses, our records indicate the insufficient fund fees that were assessed to [redacted]'s account were not the result of a Bank error. It is for this reason that Santander's position remains the same. Also, I must note that we have reached out to [redacted] on several occasions in order to further discuss this matter. However, [redacted] has not returned any of our messages. If you correspond with [redacted], we would appreciate your urging him to contact us to discuss this matter. Should you or [redacted]

August 27, 2014
Dear [redacted]:Thank you for your inquiry to the ( The forwarded your inquiry to Santander Bank, N.A. on August 08, 2014. As a representative of the Bank, I was asked to respond.
We appreciate your inquiry and can assure you that...

this matter has been carefully researched in order to assist you. It is my understanding that you have concerns regarding the Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) application that you and your wife submitted in early July of this year. Specifically, when you inquired about the HELOC at our [redacted] Branch, you were informed that there were no fees associated with the application process. However, after applying you were notified by the branch that there was a $175.00 fee for the bank to review the Trust document under which the collateral property is held.First and foremost on behalf of the Bank, I wish to offer my sincerest apologies for yous experience as well as for any inconvenience you have encountered as a result of this matter. Please be assured that this situation has been reviewed and addressed by the appropriate management personnel.
It should first be clarified that we do not charge any fees to apply for a Home Equity Line of Credit. However, we do charge a fee for reviewing a trust when property that is being offered as collateral for a HELOC is held by a trust or when a customer has asked for our consent to transfer property securing an existing HELOC into a trust. Our fee for reviewing a trust is $175.00.As a courtesy, the $175.00 fee to review the trust will be waived by the Bank, Mary S[redacted], Manager of the [redacted] Branch, attempted to reach you by telephone on August 14, 2014 to inform you that the fee would be waived. I understand, however, Ms. S[redacted] was unable to speak to you directly.
Ms. S[redacted] and the [redacted] Branch look forward to assisting you further with your loan request. Upon your receipt of this letter, if you have not already had contact with Ms. S[redacted] or another representative of the branch regarding moving forward with the application, please feel free call the branch at [redacted],Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and for allowing us the opportunity to address them. If you have any additional questions in regard to this matter, you may also contact Carrie V[redacted], District Executive, at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Ann G
\/ice President Manager, Customer Relations

March 18, 2015Dear [redacted];
Thank you for your March 3, 2015 correspondence addressed to the ( Your correspondence was provided to Santander Bank, N.A. (Santander) on March 6, 2015, and as a representative of the Bank, I have been asked to...

respond.We appreciate your inquiry and can assure you that this matter has been carefully researched in order to assist you, You stated in your correspondence that you are disputing the denial of your home equity line application, Specifically, you indicated you were denied due to your loan to value and delinquent credit.
In researching your concerns we found that you were "conditionally" approved pending additional information, on February 6, 2015. A copy of the conditional approval is enclosed.
On February 9, 2015, we discovered that your application failed to disclose that your property was pledged as a security for a Bank of [redacted] home equity line of credit.
When we discovered the existence of the Bank of [redacted] lien on the pledged property, we re-reviewed the application. Unfortunately, once the loan-to-value was updated to include the Bank of [redacted] line of credit, the application no longer qualified because you did not have sufficient equity available. Had this information been disclosed upfront, your loan would have been denied initially,
Following this an Adverse Action Letter was mailed on February 14, 2015, which is also enclosed.
You contacted us on February 18, 2015 in order to question the Adverse Action Letter. At that time we made an exception to waive proof that that charged off loan was paid. Even in doing so, you did not qualify for the loan.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and for allowing me the opportunity to address your concerns. If you have any additional questions, in regard to this matter, please contact Ms. Linda B[redacted], Team Manager of the Consumer Credit Underwriting Department, at ###-###-#### or Ms. Jen S[redacted], a Customer Relations Representative, at [redacted].
Ann G
Vice President and Manager, Customer Relations

I have been in contact with the branch manager and was provided the fee waiver that was discussed. We have decided to accept Santander's offer, based upon the time invested to gain approval for this Home Equity Line of Credit...we do not wish to go through this whole process again with another lending institution. That being said, I am not sure that this same situation won't happen to someone else...and that person may end up accepting to pay the $175, which in our case, we continue to believe was deceptive on the part of Santander. We have not closed on the loan at this point, so not sure how much more time this will we may be back in contact with you once again. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

April 15, 2014Dear **. [redacted];Thank you for your March 26,2014 letter addressed to the of Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania. They forwarded your concerns to Santander Bank on March 31, 2014, and n a representative of the bank I have been asked to...

respond.We appreciate your inquiry and can assure you that this matter has been carefully researched in order to assist you. It is our goal at Santander Bank, N.A, to provide exceptional customer service and to carefully review matters raised by our customers.First and foremost, on behalf of Santander Bank, X sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and frustration this matter has caused you. At Santander, we take these issues very seriously and work hard to deliver exceptional service to our customers. The level of service you described is not at all consistent with our expectations. Please be assured that the details of this situation have beet used for coaching and training purposes, to ensure a better experience for our customers in the future.You stated in your letter that you are questioning why you were advised that after the unauthorized purchases that were made on your account through [redacted] were returned you would be refunded for all the overdraft fees that were assessed to your accountUpon researching your concerns, we reviewed several telephone calls between yourself and several Customer Contact Center agents in February of 2014. Upon reviewing these telephone calls we found that you received conflicting information and for this we sincerely apologize.We are in the process of refunding your account for all the overdraft fees you were assessed. Your account will be removed from [redacted] and no negative information will be reported. A total refund in the amount of $185.92 will be issued to your closed checking account [redacted] and it will be considered paid in full.Please accept my sincere apology on behalf of Sovereign Bank for any inconvenience you have experienced.Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and for allowing me the opportunity to address them.If you have any additional questions, in regard to this matter, please feel free to call [redacted], of the Customer Relations department at ###-###-#### or visit your local branch.You are a valued customer and we appreciate that you have chosen to bank with us. We look forward to assisting you with all of your financial needs, now and in the future.Sincerely,

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

Thank you for your February 23, 2015 letter addressed to the ( The forwarded your inquiry to Santander Bank, N.A. (Santander) on March 6, 2015, and as a representative of the Bank, l have been asked to respond.We appreciate your inquiry and can assure you that...

this matter has been carefully researched in order to assist you. It is my understanding that you are questioning a $400.00 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) withdrawal that you conducted on February 20, 2015 at a [redacted] location.We apologize for any inconvenience you experienced with our ATM machines and while attempting to resolve this matter. Your telephone calls to the Customer Contact Center were retrieved and reviewed, in doing so, we found that you spoke with an agent on February 20, 2015 at 5:51 PM, after the unsuccessful ATM withdrawal. You advised the agent that you attempted to withdraw $400.00, but the ATM only provided $80.00 and a receipt for $100.00. The agent explained that the transaction was in a pending status and a transaction cannot be disputed until it posts to the history of an account. The agent transferred you to a supervisor as you requested.You were transferred to Contact Center Supervisor, Mr. A[redacted] who explained that he was working the following day and encouraged you to call back and ask for him so he could assist you further once the item was posted to your account. Our review of the call indicates that you used foul language when Speaking with Mr. A[redacted] and he requested that you refrain from using this type of language.The $400.00 ATM withdrawal posted to your checking account ending in numbers 1143, the evening of Friday, February 20, 2015.On February 21, 2015, you contacted the Customer Contact Center and a dispute was submitted for you. It was explained that provisional credit can take 10 days, which is the standard timeframe in the industry,A $300.00 credit posted to your checking account on Tuesday, February 24, 2015. A letter outlining the outcome of your dispute dated March 5, 2015 is enclosed for your convenience. Following this, you closed your checking account on March 10, 2015. Because of the discrepancy between the $80.00 you received, the $400.00 debit to your account, and the $300.00 credit, we are sending you a check for the $20,00 difference.Please note for future reference that we do not permit foul language to be used with any of our agents. While we did not terminate several of the calls we had with you when you began using foul language, we reserve the right to do so at any time.Should you have any additional questions in regard to this matter, please feel free to contact Ms. Jen S[redacted], a Customer Relations Representative, at [redacted] .Sincerely,JoAnn G[redacted] Vice President Manager, Customer Relations

July 7, 2014
Dear [redacted]:Thank you for forwarding Santander Bank, N.A. information related to the above mentioned customer.Below please find a summary of our recent contact with **. [redacted] regarding his concerns.On July 1, 2014, [redacted], District...

Executive, spoke with **. [redacted] by telephone regarding this matter, **. [redacted] was offered an apology for the experience he described and was informed that in consideration of the situation, the $25,00 Refer-a-Friend bonus in question would be provided to him, **. [redacted] indicated he was satisfied with the resolution of this matter.The $25.00 bonus was credited to **. [redacted]'s account the following day, July 2, 2014.For purposes of clarification, it should be noted that the Bank was not running a 'Refer-a-Friend' promotion at the time the account in question was opened by **. [redacted]'s acquaintance, Our review of this matter concluded that **. [redacted] may have been anticipating the bonus based on the fact that the Bank had offered this type of promotion in the past, rather than based on any conversations he had with representatives of the Bank at the time the account in question was opened.Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to address this matter.Sincerely

February 19, 2015Dear [redacted]:
Thank you for your February 2, 2015 correspondence submitted to the, Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania ( The forwarded your inquiry to Santander Bank, N.A. (Santander) on February 5, 2015, and as a...

representative of the Bank, I have been asked to respond.We appreciate your inquiry and can assure you that this matter has been carefully researched in order to assist you. It is my understanding that check [redacted] in the amount of $2,059.13 was presented and paid against insufficient funds. As a result, you are questioning why the Bank paid the item when there were not sufficient funds. Also, you mentioned contacting our Customer Service department via Electronic Mail (EMail), and it took several days for someone to contact you back.
First and foremost, I would like to apologize for the delay in receiving a response to your E-Mail. As providing exceptional service is our goal at Santander, the level of service you described is not at all consistent with our expectations. Please be assured that the details of this situation have been used for coaching and training purposes, to ensure a better experience for our customers in the future.
In order for me to explain what occurred on your account, I will first explain the features of the Santander Account Protector. Consumers must tell US that they wish to allow us to pay Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and one-time debit card transactions, and charge the applicable fees when those transactions overdraw their account. It is important to note that this does not apply to checks, Automated Clearing House (ACH) deductions or recurring debit card purchases. Although we will not assess any insufficient funds fees for ATM withdrawals or debit card purchases, any other type of transaction that we pay will result in insufficient funds fees if there are not sufficient funds in the account to pay the transaction.
On January 16, 2015, your checking account had a balance of $3,725.95. On January 20, 2015, an online payment in the amount of $2,000.00 to [redacted] Credit Card posted to your account. On the same business day, a Bill Pay check in the amount of $2,059.13 made payable to [redacted] Management, was presented for payment. The account became overdrawn with the posting of this check, and as a result, one (1) $35.00 insufficient funds fee was assessed. Your opt-out election for the Santander Account Protector means we will not charge insufficient funds fees for ATM withdrawals or one-time debit card transactions. This election does not cover ACH transactions or checks.
Santander mails an Overdraft Notice when an account is overdrawn. The Overdraft Notice States that a Sustained overdraft fee will be assessed on the sixth consecutive business day your account is overdrawn. Therefore, because your account was not brought to a positive Status until January 30, 2015, your account was assessed the $35.00 sustained overdraft fee that same day.We appreciate your banking relationship, and it is for this reason, that we have credited your checking account ending in 6014 in the amount of $35.00 for the sustained overdraft fee posted on January 27, 2015. This credit will be reflected in your next monthly statement.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns, and for allowing me the opportunity to address them. You are a valued customer and we appreciate that you have chosen to bank with us. Should you have any additional questions in regard to this matter, please feel free to contact Anthony Colamarino, Customer Relations Representative, at [redacted]
JoAnn G
Vice President Manager Customer Relations

May 14, 2014Dear **. [redacted]:Thank you for your April 21, 2014 letter addressed to the (???) of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania. Your letter was forwarded to Santander Bank, N. A. on May 5 2014 and as a representative of the Bank, I have been...

asked to respond.We appreciate your inquiry and can assure you that this matter has been carefully researched in order to assist you. It is our goal at Santander to provide exceptional customer service and to carefully review matters raised by our customers.
In your letter, you are questioning why your Line of Credit account, ending in [redacted], was not closed in October of 2013 when you closed your checking account.
Upon researching your account, we do not have evidence of any requests from you to to close your Line of Credit account in October of 2013. Our records indicate that on February 12, 2014, you requested a payoff balance for your Line of Credit account. On March 27, 2014, when you requested that your account be closed, we mailed you a letter advising you that your request could not be processed at that time, as your account had an outstanding balance of $83.05. That day, you made a payment in the amount of $62.88, which left a balance of $20.17. Since your payment did not satisfy the payoff balance, your loan was not closed. On April 24, 2014, you again requested to close your Line of Credit account, at which time a late fee of $20.00 and interest in the amount of $0.17 were waived and your account was closed.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and for allowing me the opportunity to address them. If you have any additional questions, in regard to this matter, please feel free to call the Customer Contact Center at ###-###-#### or your local branch.
You have been a valued customer and we appreciate the opportunity you afforded us to provide our products and services to you. We would be pleased to have the opportunity to assist you with any of your future banking needs.Sincerely,

February 27, 2014
Dear **. [redacted]:
Thank you for your February 18,2014 letter addressed to the Your letter was forwarded to Santander on February 25, 2014 and as a representative of the bank, I have been asked to respond.

appreciate your inquiry and can assure you that this matter has been carefully researched in order to assist you. It is our goal at Santander Bank, NA. to provide exceptional customer service and to carefully review matters raised by our customers.
You stated in your letter that you are questioning the International Transaction Fees and the International Cash Withdrawal Fees that were assessed to your checking account, ending in numbers [redacted], from February 11,2014 through February 13,2014. You are requesting a refund.
In reviewing your account, we determined that the service fees which were assessed to your account are valid and not (he result of a bank error. However, as a courtesy, $26.00 was refunded to you on February 20, 2014. The credit will appear on your next monthly statement
Please accept my apology on behalf of Santander for any inconvenience you have experienced.
We are happy to inform you that as of February 14, 2014 customers can use ATM's in Puerto Rico and Mexico free of charge. It is for this reason that any international transactions that posted to your account, from Puerto Rico, after February 14,2014 were not assessed any fees.
Prior to our recent change, when you opened your Extra 20 checking account on November 26,2013, several pieces of literature were provided to you, including the Personal Deposit Account Fee Schedule (PDAFS), The PDAFS, which is enclosed, notes that we will assess an International Cash Withdrawal Fee for dll international automated teller machines (ATMs). Because the term, “international” is defined by the networks we utilize as “occurring outside of the 50 United States”, the PDAFS also indicated that die fee. applies to transactions “outside the 50 United States” The same criteria applied for debit card purchases. It is for this reason that the transactions you conducted in Puerto Rico were treated as international and assessed the International Transaction Fee.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and for allowing me the opportunity to address them. If you have any additional questions, in regard to this matter, please feel free to call the Customer Contact Center at ###-###-#### or your local branch.
You are a valued customer and we appreciate that you have chosen to bank with us. We look forward to assisting you with all of your financial needs, now and in the future.

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Lisa the representative who was with me when I was signing the original 1st set of papers that were wrongfully dated 6/15/2014, as well as the 2nd set of papers with the corrected date 6/16/2014.
Lisa, the representative stated I DID qualify for the 2.24%. That is why I continued forward. I had a 4.49% which is a lower rate irregardless of  the limit. She did say there was a small fee if I closed the H.E.L. sooner than 3 yrs.
That is the only reason why I filed the complaint. Lisa stated I was getting he 2.24%. I even wrote it down as we went through the papers.

March 19, 2014
Dear **. [redacted]:Thank you for your March 4, 2014 correspondence submitted to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The OCC forwarded your inquiry to Santander Bank, N.A. (Santander) on March 6, 2014. In addition, we are in receipt of your February 7,...

2014 correspondence to the, also received on March 6, 2014. As a representative of the Bank, I have been asked to respondIn your correspondences, you mentioned issues you had with your Santander Debit Card and the assigned Personal Identification Number (PIN). Please see my prior correspondence to you dated March 3, 2014 which addressed these concerns.You also referenced your request to increase your unsecured loan to $10,000.00, which was denied. Our records indicate that you applied for a loan three (3) times during the month of February 2014. Each time, the application was declined. Enclosed for your review are copies of the letters which include the reasons for decline. At this time, we are unable to approve your loan request.Your unsecured loan ending in numbers [redacted] is showing due for the February 2014 payment. We encourage you to make your payment as soon as possible to avoid collection activity.Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention and for giving me the opportunity to address them. If you have any further questions regarding your accounts, please call our Customer Contact Center at 1-877-768-2265 or visit your local Santander Bank branch office.Sincerely,

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: We have not been able to resolve the issue.

July 11, 2014
Dear [redacted]:Thank you for contacting Santander Bank, N. regarding the abovementioned customer issue.Enclosed you will find a copy of our correspondence dated June 27, 2014 addressed to [redacted]. Please retain this information for your records.Should you require further assistance, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####,Sincerely,

September 2, 2014
Dear [redacted]:
Thank you for your August 18, 2014, correspondence to the ( of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania. The forwarded Santander Bank N.A. (Santander) a copy of your inquiry, which we received on August 20, 2014....

As a representative of the Bank, I was asked to respond.We appreciate your inquiry and can assure you that this matter has been carefully researched in order to assist you. It is our goal at Santander to thoroughly review matters raised by our customers.
It is my understanding that you are disputing fees that were assessed to your account as you indicated that you did not authorize overdrafts to your account. Additionally, you expressed dissatisfaction with your service experience and stated that your Online Banking and Telephone Banking were not set up for you when you opened your account, and you did not receive your account opening bonus. ! also understand that you had two unauthorized purchases post to your account.
When a deposit account is opened, multiple pieces of literature are provided to our customers, including the Personal Deposit Account Agreement (PDAA) and the Personal Deposit Account Fee Schedule (PDAFS). The PDAA discloses the terms and conditions that apply to deposit accounts at Santander, while the PDAFS discloses the fees your account may incur if applicable, including insufficient fees. For your convenience, have enclosed copies of these documents for your review.
Our records indicate that the beginning balance in your checking account ending in [redacted] on August 6, 2014, was $444. The same day one (1) transaction was presented for payment for $18,82 which exceeded your balance, As a result, your account incurred a $35.00 insufficient funds fee. This brought your balance to negative $49.38. On August 7, 2014, a transaction for $23.99 was presented for payment against an insufficient balance. Since this transaction exceeded your current balance your account incurred a $35.00 insufficient funds fee. This brought your balance to negative $108.37.
A one-time fee is assessed to a checking account on the sixth consecutive business day that the account is Overdrawn. On August 14, 2014, a $35.00 sustained overdraft fee was assessed to your account. This brought your account balance to negative $143.37. On August 20, 2014, as a courtesy your account was refunded two (2) insufficient funds fees for a total of $70.00.
You stated that you did not authorize overdrafts for this account. On November 13, 2013, when you opened your check account, you enrolled in Santander Account Protector, which authorizes the Bank to charge insufficient funds fees when you overdraw your account by making Automated Teller Machine (ATM) withdrawals and one-time debit card purchases. You asked us to cancel your enrollment on August 19, 2014, which we have done.In your correspondence you mentioned that you were not set up with Online Banking and Telephone Banking access when you initially opened your account. Our records indicate that your checking account was opened on November 1, 2013, and during this time you were enrolled for our Online Banking service and Telephone Banking service. You also mentioned that you have not yet received your $50.00 account opening bonus for establishing a Student Checking account. When your Student Checking account was opened, the Bank was running a Student Promotion for $25.00. In reviewing your account history, we determined that your account fulfilled all of the requirements necessary in order to receive the promotion and the $25.00 account opening bonus was credited to your account on February 18, 2014.
You stated in your correspondence that your account had unauthorized purchases from the merchant Amazon. In researching your concerns related to the two (2) unauthorized transactions that posted to your account on August 6 and August 7, 2014. Our records show that you filed a dispute claim and reported your card as being lost on August 11, 2014. Your dispute claim was denied as you have a history of purchases with the particular merchant. On August 15, 2014, your account was credited $18.82 by the merchant. We recommend that you contact the merchant directly in an attempt to recover any additional funds.
Additionally, have enclosed a copy of our Simple Facts brochure, which explains in a straightforward manner how fees are applied to your account. We have waived seven fees for you in the past year as a courtesy, including the most recent two fees totaling $70.00 that were waived on August 20, 2014. No additional fees refunds will be forthcoming.
On behalf of the Bank, I sincerely apologize for the service experience as you described in your correspondence. Your comments have been forwarded to the appropriate management personnel.
Finally, you requested that we close your account. On August 27, 2014, we have closed your checking account as requested. An Official Bank check for the remaining balance in your account will be mailed to you under separate cover.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and for allowing me the opportunity to address them.
If you have any additional questions in regard to this matter, you may contact Aleda H[redacted], Customer Relations Representative at *-[redacted].Sincerely,
JoAnn G
Vice President Customer Relations

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