In reference to the complaint we received, we did in fact receive a HEAP Guarantee Le er for thecustomer on November 17,2016 at 1:43PM. Our delivery trucks were already out an on their deliveryroutes. The customer is a "Will Call Customer.'' We advised all our customers that we eed 7-10 days'notice...
in requesting a delivery. The customer stated how much she had in the tank, which was 20%. Iadvised her that the normal delivery day was on a Thursday, but for the week of Nove ber 21, 2016 itwould end up being on November 23, 2016 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday being on her "normaldelivery day." I advised her that if she would like a delivery prior to that, she would ha e to pay thespecial delivery fee. She said she was fine with waiting until Wednesday, November 2 rd.The customer called on November 23• 2016 at 8:14am and spoke with one of the custo er servicerepresentative and said that she was almost out or out completely, but the customer as not 100% surebecause she did not look at the tanks herself. The customer was very nasty and was g ving myemployee a very hard time. The customer ended up calling bilck the same day at 8:27 m and startedhollering and screaming at the customer service representative accusing the company f turning off hertanks. I took over the phone call at that point. The customer was continuing to screa and hollerstating that we shut the tanks off. We do not turn the tanks off unless there is a loss o pressure in thesystem and no one Is home to perform a pressure test. The previous delivery made to this customerwas on 9/30/2016 at which time the customer only ordered the minimum amount of 0 gallons andboth tanks were on at that time. As a former delivery driver that has made several del veries to thiscustomer in the past, they have a habit of alternating turning the tanks off to "help sa eon propane."The customer would not let me talk and tell her that If she did truly run out that a pre ure test/leak testbe done to ensure that there were no propane leaks. This Is also not the first time tha this customerhas let their tanks run empty. I also advised the customer that we have not charged h r the standardpressure test fee of $50.00 in the past and would not charge her the pressure test fee t this time, butsomeone would have to be home so that we could perform the test. That is when she hung up on me.This customer's delivery was in fact the first delivery on the normal Thursday delivery oute and wasmade at 12:34pm and took 182.2 gallons out of 200 gallons.S & D Petroleum has been In business for 80 years, we take pride in good customer se vice. However,this customer kept talking over the customer service representative and myself and w uld not listen towhat we were trying to explain to her.5 & D PetroleumManagement
In reference to the complaint we received, we did in fact receive a HEAP Guarantee Le er for thecustomer on November 17,2016 at 1:43PM. Our delivery trucks were already out an on their deliveryroutes. The customer is a "Will Call Customer.'' We advised all our customers that we eed 7-10 days'notice...
in requesting a delivery. The customer stated how much she had in the tank, which was 20%. Iadvised her that the normal delivery day was on a Thursday, but for the week of Nove ber 21, 2016 itwould end up being on November 23, 2016 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday being on her "normaldelivery day." I advised her that if she would like a delivery prior to that, she would ha e to pay thespecial delivery fee. She said she was fine with waiting until Wednesday, November 2 rd.The customer called on November 23• 2016 at 8:14am and spoke with one of the custo er servicerepresentative and said that she was almost out or out completely, but the customer as not 100% surebecause she did not look at the tanks herself. The customer was very nasty and was g ving myemployee a very hard time. The customer ended up calling bilck the same day at 8:27 m and startedhollering and screaming at the customer service representative accusing the company f turning off hertanks. I took over the phone call at that point. The customer was continuing to screa and hollerstating that we shut the tanks off. We do not turn the tanks off unless there is a loss o pressure in thesystem and no one Is home to perform a pressure test. The previous delivery made to this customerwas on 9/30/2016 at which time the customer only ordered the minimum amount of 0 gallons andboth tanks were on at that time. As a former delivery driver that has made several del veries to thiscustomer in the past, they have a habit of alternating turning the tanks off to "help sa eon propane."The customer would not let me talk and tell her that If she did truly run out that a pre ure test/leak testbe done to ensure that there were no propane leaks. This Is also not the first time tha this customerhas let their tanks run empty. I also advised the customer that we have not charged h r the standardpressure test fee of $50.00 in the past and would not charge her the pressure test fee t this time, butsomeone would have to be home so that we could perform the test. That is when she hung up on me.This customer's delivery was in fact the first delivery on the normal Thursday delivery oute and wasmade at 12:34pm and took 182.2 gallons out of 200 gallons.S & D Petroleum has been In business for 80 years, we take pride in good customer se vice. However,this customer kept talking over the customer service representative and myself and w uld not listen towhat we were trying to explain to her.5 & D PetroleumManagement