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Ross Wright & Group Inc.

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Ross Wright & Group Inc. Reviews (45)

I am writing to you in regards to the above listed complaint ID# and consumer. First, my apologies. The complaint states that the notice I received today was a second notice,but this is the first I am seeing of it.The file in question was placed with our office on 6/23/2016. The phone number that...

was given in the complaint was listed on the file when it came into our possession. Mr. [redacted] states he spoke with 3 people in our office but I am not showing that anyone in this office has ever spoken to Mr. [redacted]. Unfortunately, the phone number that was called ###-###-#### (and a message was left) appears to be connected to the person who is being sought after. The phone number is linked to this person in several different national data bases. I have removed his telephone number from our call list and he will not receive any calls from us. However, in his complaint he stated that this has been going on for 4 years. Obviously, other agencies are looking for this person so he may receive calls from other agencies. We have no control over what numbers are listed in the national databases. It is not our system that is recycling his number. I wish there was something more we could do for him, but there is not. Please feel free to contact the office for any further information. Thank you, Ms. Kayla T.

Ross Wright Group[redacted]October 21, 2015RE: Complaint ID #[redacted]I am writing to you regarding the above mentioned complaint which was received in our office today, 10/21/2015.We did, indeed, contact Ms....

[redacted] regarding a past due debt she has with [redacted] account number [redacted] The account number is not “bogus” as she claims. The last digit of the account number provided is a . Typically, when an account goes delinquent, the last digit is changed in an attempt to alert customer service representatives that it is a “bad debt”. We purchased this debt from a reliable broker in September of this year. We advised her of all information that was provided to us by that broker. Our company is NOT a scam. We purchase debt and hold legal rights to pursue them as we see fit. Anthony never advised Ms. [redacted] that there was a law suit against her. He stated that we were attempting to help her avoid any potential legal ramifications due to non-payment. In her complaint, Ms. [redacted] stated that we contacted her niece. She did not provide any information relating to her niece so I cannot confirm or deny that was she called. However, if she were called it is because her name and number would were listed on the original application as a contact or reference. When calling a third part the debt is never discussed; the phone call placed is for “attempt to contact” purposes only. We would have simply asked her to pass a message. During her conversation with our office, Ms. [redacted] refused to pay her past due debt. Because of this refusal to pay, all of her contact information has already been removed from our system. As a sign of good faith to Ms. [redacted], I will put a halt to any further collection efforts that were pending.Thank you for your time.Ms. Kayla T[redacted]

Our office did speak with Ms. [redacted] with regards to a past due debt that was purchased by ouroffice on 10/18/2016. Ms. [redacted] did not dispute the debt with our representative, insteadadvised us that she had legal representation. We asked for the name and telephone number ofthe person we should be...

speaking with and she refused to give us that information. She statedshe would call back or she would have her power of attorney call us back. We did not hearfrom her again, nor did we hear from her representing party.At no time was Ms. [redacted] advised that she would be arrested. She was advised that this was acivil matter.When Ms. [redacted] advised us that she was being represented, we removed her contactinformation and put her file in a pending status. Therefore, her desired settlement has alreadybeen taken care of. Although she never disputed this matter with our office, I have taken theliberty of changing the status on her file from “PENDING” to “DISPUTE”. There will be nofurther contact with Ms. [redacted].Thank you for your time.Sincerely,Ms. Kayla T[redacted]

I am writing to you in regards to the above mentioned complaint ID #/ consumer.We contacted [redacted] on 10/19/2016 regarding a past due debt that our office purchased on10/10/2016. [redacted] never responded to the dunning notice that was sent to her on10/10/2016 and it was assumed this was a valid...

debt. At no time did the consumer advise usthat this had been paid to a prior agency. Unfortunately, debts are sometimes double sold andend up with more than one agency. Had she advised us that this had been previously paid, wewould have been happy to close the account and refer it back to our broker.It is also unfortunate that [redacted] did not contact us to advise us that she had found proof ofprevious payment. We would have been happy to refund the payment she made on10/19/2016.[redacted] states that we refused to provide her with any paperwork, therefore I have attachedthe documents that were sent to her at the email address she provided.In an attempt to appease [redacted], all of her contact information has been removed from thefile and when we receive notice of the chargeback payment we will not make any attempt tofight the reversal of the payment.Sincerely,Ms. Kayla T[redacted]

March 16, 2016RE: Complaint ID #[redacted]Dear [redacted] or whom it may concern,I am writing to you in regards to the above listed complaint ID# and consumer. We did contact Ms. [redacted] in regards to TWO separate delinquent debts acquired by our office; one of...

them a GE Capital line of credit, the other a JC Penney consumer account. She acknowledged both debts and stated that she believed she had paid off the JC Penney account previously. We asked her to send us documentation showing payment and advised her that wewere willing to work with her with regarding the GE Capital account. We offered her a settlement to close the debt for a little less than half of what was actually owed. She stated she was interested in taking advantage of the settlement but couldn’t at that time. Our representative did advise her that if she wished to pay the settlement, it had to be done immediately. (Too often in collections a consumer says they are going to do something butthey don’t. The “checks in the mail” statement, if you will.) She stated she wanted something in writing before she would do anything, which is what was sent to her.She stated the letter had a “generic stamp”; we are registered users on STAMPS.COM throughthe United States Post Office. This enables us to purchase postage online without having to goto the post office.She then stated we sent her a generic letter with a “stamped header”; I believe she is referring to our letterhead? I’m unclear as to what she meant by that. She stated the letter contained a “stamped signature”; it is a computer generated letter that is approved by myself and the owners of our company. We send close to 100 letters a day and I simply would not have time to sign every single one. I have included a copy of the settlement letter sent to Ms. [redacted] with this response. Please note, the due date mentioned on the letter is the same due date that was discussed with and OK’D by the consumer. I believe I have touched base on each of her concerns. Ms. [redacted]’ JC Penney account has been closed as “paid prior to placement” and the GE Capital account is in a pending status. She may feel free to contact us if she chooses to handle this matter. Per her request she will not receive further contact from our office.Please feel free to contact us again with any further questions or concerns.Sincerely,Ms. Kayla T[redacted]

Complaint ID #: [redacted] whom it may concern,In response to the above listed complaint, this has been addressed with the * Attorney General’s office. It appears that Ms. [redacted] has confused *with another agency that used to operate out of the same city and state as our company. The...

company she mentioned countless times in her complaint to the .A.G was “ * ”. [redacted] does not now, nor have we ever had any affiliation with that company. In Ms. [redacted] complaint to your office, she stated “turns out” that we debited $1800.00 from her account; implying that we did not have permission to do this. Ms. [redacted] gave us permission to debit her account and I have attached the signed settlement agreement and payment authorization form that she signed using the Adobe E-sign program. We also sent her a receipt to sign. On 6/29/2015 Ms. [redacted] contacted our office looking for her paid letter. Our associate advised her that once she signed and returned the receipt that was sent to her on 6/12/2015 she would receive her paid in full letter. Ms. [redacted] agreed but we never heard from her again. I have also attached a copy of the response that was sent to the * Attorney General’s office. Also, I do not know the name of the company she is dealing with now, but they had absolutely no right to convince her that we are fraud. How can another company advise her that this is fraud when we have purchased the debt? Perhaps this is why Ms. [redacted] has changed her mind about the authorization she provided us with and is trying to cause trouble for us.Again, I have attached proof that Ms. [redacted] e-signed the settlement agreement & payment authorization form. I have attached proof that said e-sign was returned from her email address. I havealso attached a copy of the .A.G response that was sent on 8/20/2015.Thank you for your time,

I am writing to you in response to complaint ID #[redacted], [redacted]. The matter we contacted the [redacted]’s regarding was actually directed to [redacted]. Our office purchases debt with the sole desire to come to arrangements amicable to both parties or to pursue collection efforts to...

the fullest extent permitted. Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] acknowledged the debt we were contacting them about. I did listen to the telephone call recording and Mrs. [redacted] has made several false statements in her complaint: We DID advise them that we could verify their social security numbers, drivers license numbers and birthdates because, as we advised them over the phone, that is information THEY provided on their application for credit. No one from our office ever advised them we were putting a lien on their home if they did not pay their debt. No one gave them any sort of federal docket number or federal clearance number. No one ever said that the federal government was freezing all of their assets. No one ever told them we know where they bank or that we knew their checking account numbers. They provided us with their card information in order to settle his debt. We did NOT debit their account for the amount they stated in their complaint, but less. The papers they were asked to sign were an agreement to the settlement and a receipt for the payment made. We advised Mr. [redacted] that once he did sign those documents we would provide him with a letter showing the account had been paid in full. As a desired settlement to this matter, Mrs. [redacted] is requesting a refund. Our refund department did contact Mrs. [redacted] to initiate the refund. However, when our refund department asked Mrs. [redacted] if she had already initiated a “chargeback” through her bank, Mrs. [redacted] insisted that she had not. Our representative asked Mrs. [redacted] if she would be willing to conference call the bank to make sure proceeding had not already been started to get her money back. She acted insulted and again claimed she had no idea what we were talking about and that she had not spoken with anyone at her bank to initiate a refund. Why then, that same day, did we receive a chargeback notification stating Mr. [redacted] was claiming fraudulent activity against his account? She had, indeed, already begun the processing of disputing the charge BEFORE asking for a refund. Please note, I have also attached a copy of our refund policy which was sent to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]. It appears Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] are making false accusation against our company in an attempt to get out of a legally owed debt AND they were trying to get a double refund on the money that was paid. In an attempt to appease the Mr. and Mrs. [redacted], we will not contact them again. However, collection efforts may continue. I have attached copies of all correspondence that we sent to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted], including the receipt for payment. Please alert us if any additional information is required
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Regards,
[redacted] I contacted [redacted] which is now capital one and they have no records of this account and did not send it to you for collection. I would like further info on who and there contact info sent you this account to further assist me in resolving this matter because this is 2nd time ive been contacted by 2 diff agencies for collection after I already settled this account.Further more. I was never directly contacted by you ever. im just going by what my father and grandmother stated that was happening with yall calling and leaving threating messages for me including lawsuits judgements and jail time.  my family has no reason to bend this truth. they dont want to be contacted concerning this matter of mine and you did call more them on more than one occasion contrary to what you stated. I also asked you for some sort of letter clearing this matter with your office and you refused which lead me to believe that you are not operating you business properly and are buying old accounts and trying to recollect on them in hopes that the people will not have proof of payment as I did in this case. you have my email address. please forward me a letter clearing this matter upthanks again

I am writing to you today in regards to the above mentioned complaint ID# andconsumer.Ms. [redacted]l was contacted with regards to a loan she had taken out with VIP loans. Theunpaid debt was purchased by our company on 1/12/2017.When we spoke with Ms. [redacted]l, she did state that the debt had been paid...

through a 3rdparty agency. At that time, her file was placed in a “dispute” status while we awaited the proofof payment she had promised. On 1/27/2017, we did receive a document from Ms. [redacted]l froma 3rd party agency showing that she had paid a VIP loan with account number ending 7151.This does NOT match the account number on the debt we purchased.Ms. [redacted]l claims we [redacted]r sent her anything in writing. I have attached a copy of theoriginal letter that was sent to her via the United States Postal Service on 1/12/2017. Thisletter also shows that the last four digits of the account number do not match.There are several consumers that do take out more than one loan with VIP loans. Wehave actually had consumers in our system that have taken out 3 or 4 of these loans. I’m notsaying that Ms. [redacted]l had more than one outstanding debt with VIP, but it is possible.I have left Ms. [redacted]l’s file in a dispute status, and removed all contact information fromour system. Ms. [redacted]l will not hear from our company again.Sincerely,

I am writing to you in regards to the above listed complaint ID # and consumer.  I have searched our data base using the contact information that was provided on the complaint. The only [redacted] we have in our system does not match the address, telephone number or email address...

provided. The telephone number, address & email address that were provided on the complaint are not found anywhere in our database. My assumption is that, in contacting the consumer that filed the complaint, we have contacted the wrong party. Because the contact information is not in our system, I would think it is safe to say there will be no further contact with the complaining party. The issue regarding Mr. G.’s treatment of this consumer is taken very seriously and will be handled. Management will research these complaints immediately and, if needed, disciplinary steps will be taken in accordance with company policy. Please let us know if there is any additional information required. Thank you, Ms. Stephanie C.

Ross Wright Group PO Box 385 Lockport, NY 14095 FAX: 1-866-812-0592 August 25, 2016RE: Complaint ID#[redacted]; [redacted] To whom it may concern,I am writing to you in regards to the above mentioned complaint ID# and consumer.I have listened to the recordings pertaining to...

the complaint and have found that some of what [redacted] has said was true and some was not. Ms. Smoot was contacted in regards to past due debt that our office purchased on 7/25/2016. When we spoke with her she acknowledged the debt and at first was looking to resolve this. We advised her of the current balance and the available settlement. This is where I believe [redacted] became confused. The current balance on the debt is $780.00 and the available settlement was $480.00. Our representative never advised her she had to pay the full $780.00. Our compliance office and management staff did not approve of the terminology Chance used when he spoke with [redacted] and his lack of respect he showed progressively through the conversation. Chance was suspended without pay for one week and was placed back into FDCPA training for one week.I was unable to locate a recording of [redacted] speaking to any female representative that allegedly told her to pay her bills and hung up. Please accept our most sincere apologies for this unfortunate ordeal. We have placed her collection file in a “cease and desist” status and deleted all of [redacted] contact information.She will not receive any further contact from our office. Please advise us if any additional information is required.Thank you,Ms. Kayla T[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I did receive the e mail and this is ridiculous. I have NEVER in any complaint referred to a company by the name * . The attorney generals office has copies of my complaints and no where is that mentioned! Also, take note that there is no phone number to contact them at only a fax!

Ross Wright and Group called claiming that they were legal services for a payday loan place called access processing. The place doesn't exist. Claimed I owed $250 unpaid payday loan. Upon some work, I have no unpaid payday loans, no reports to my credit report and the bank account used has been...

closed for many years. I had to change bank cards. They gave me a disconnected number to access processing. This place is a scam and I want my money back.

December 2, 2015RE: Complaint ID #[redacted]Dear Lou Ann Pedersen or whom it may concern,I am writing to you in response to complaint ID#[redacted]. Mr. [redacted] states that our office has “harassed” his family by repeatedly calling them after we were advised that he did...

not reside there. This is absolutely false. I have pulled up all documentation and all phone records to Mr. [redacted]’s file in our office and his claim of harassment is not the only false information he has provided. On his complaint he gave a purchase date of 9/1/2015 and a disputed amount of $1300.00 His file was placed in our office on 9/23/2015 (which is 3 weeks after his alleged “purchase date”) and he never paid us anything so his disputed amount would be $0.00. We first spoke with Mr. [redacted] on 10/24/2015. At this time he advised our office that the debt in question was dismissed by a judge because he was incarcerated during the time this account was opened. He stated he would send proof of this. In compliance with the FDCPA, we waited 30 days to receive the documentation but did not hear back from Mr. [redacted]. He then attempted contacted on 11/24/2015. There was Mr. [redacted]’s phone number on the file and only one other, where a message was left. Mr. [redacted]’s father called us to advise us we had a wrong number and he would pass a message. Mr. [redacted] contacted us later that same day, now stating that this account was already paid. He did forward us a letter from a previous agency showing that a previous settlement had been taken advantage of. Once we received the documentation from Mr. [redacted], the matter in our office was closed and no further contact has been made. Mr. [redacted]’s father was only contacted once and his number was removed as soon as we were informed it was not a good reach and no other member of Mr. [redacted]’s family was ever contacted. I’m sorry that Mr. [redacted] found himself in this position. I do believe that our office handled this matter with respect and fully within the law. Not only we did we allow him a full 30 days to send in his dispute paperwork, but also closed the matter as soon as he did send the paperwork. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions.Thank you.Ms. Kayla T[redacted]

I am writing to you in regards to the above mentioned complaint ID # and consumer. We did contact Ms. [redacted] in regards to a past due debt that was placed with our office on 6/21/2016. We did verify with Ms. [redacted] her first and last name and last four digits of her social security number. After...

verifying that information we advised her of the situation. We did advise her written notification was sent and we did not have a response or mail return on file. She did claim that she had no knowledge of the debt. We advised her that account in question was open for several years and payments were being made faithfully while it was in use She still insisted she had no knowledge. I listened to the recording of this call and I did not hear where anyone ever called her a liar. In order to satisfy this complaint I have removed all of Ms. [redacted]’ contact information from the file, and the file has been closed as a dispute. Please make us aware if any additional information or action is required.

I am writing in regards to the above mentioned consumer/ complaint ID#.We attempted to Ms. [redacted] with regards to a matter pending in our office. On January 5,2017 one of our representatives left a message for her to call us back but we never heard fromher.According to Ms. [redacted] complaint, we...

threatened her with a lawsuit, but again, according tothe documentation on the file and our telephone records, we have never spoken with Ms.Smyser.In an attempt to rectify her complaint, we have removed all contact information from her fileand she will not be contacted by our office again.Please advise us if any further information is required.Thank you,Ms. Kayla T[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

Iam writing to you regarding the consumer's reply to our complaint response made in July. I'm not sure what else can be done to rectify this. Aspreviously stated, our company does not feel that we are able to provide [redacted] [redacted] with documentation she is requesting. Therefore, all collection activityagainst [redacted] has been stopped.As far as calling us liars, it may have been an error on my part as to how the documentation was sent. Iwas under the impression that a fax was sent but itvery well may have been an email. Ido send several dozen correspondences every day and I may have mis-spoken as to how her documentation was sent. Forthat you have my apologies. If anything it was an error, not a malicious lie.Again, [redacted]'s file is in a dispute status. No further contact has been made or will be made on our part.Thank you for time,Ms. Kayla T

To whom it may concern, I am writing to you today in regards to the above mentioned consumer/ complaint ID#. We did contact the consumer on 9/8/2016 regarding a past due debt. The consumer acknowledged the debt and agreed to make restitution. However, the consumer now states that we did not give them any information as to where we were located or the name of the loan place. The consumer received a copy of the settlement agreement which shows our location information along with the name of the original credit grantor, original account number and balance. This letter was sent to both an email address and PO Box that the consumer verified as valid. The consumer also states that we gave her a disconnected number to “access processing”. I’m not sure what this means. The settlement agreement gave the direct phone number to the representative assigned to this file. As far as refunding the payment that was made; the consumer stated to us that her bank the bank has already been contacted to initiate chargeback of the payment. We are unable to refund a payment once a chargeback has already been requested. I have attached a copy of the settlement agreement so that you can see that my above mentioned statements are true. Thank you, Ms. Kayla T.

I am writing to you in regards to the above listed consumer & complaint ID#.We did contact Mr. [redacted] 5/9/2016 regarding a past due account with [redacted] / [redacted] Bank that had been purchased by our office. The [redacted]’s asked to something in writing. We provided them a...

letter showing the original creditor, the original account number and the current balance. They never disputed the debt; which had been open and active for five years before payments stopped.I’m not sure why The [redacted]’s are refusing to handle this matter, but we will be happy to cease& desist communication with them.Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions. Thank you Ms. Kayla T.

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Address: 50 East Ave, Suite E, Lockport, New York, United States, 14094


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