I have bought a couch and love seat combo and within a year it got infested with bed bugs I called *** to treat and they said it was very strange that the nest was only in the couches So I knew Kimberly would give me a good deal of I went back to them after paying off the couches And I was trying to assume that maybe someone had brought the bed bugs in Then I went back to the location and mentioned the bed bugs which was really embarrassing being a business owner and everyone in my small town knowing me and they acted really rude Then I stupidly signed up for a washing machine, twin size mattress set and another couch and love seat that wasn't as expensive as my last because we were only buying them to replace the othersSoon as we got them in I noticed a few bed bugs in both the mattress and the love seat as well as the couch Now I really want to be helped the right way if not I will get a lawyer I have kids who have been getting bit for over a year now and yalls furniture is the source and I want some kind of justice for my money wasted or some kind of compensations as well as my house treated after all said and done This is rediculous
I have bought a couch and love seat combo and within a year it got infested with bed bugs I called *** to treat and they said it was very strange that the nest was only in the couches So I knew Kimberly would give me a good deal of I went back to them after paying off the couches And I was trying to assume that maybe someone had brought the bed bugs in Then I went back to the location and mentioned the bed bugs which was really embarrassing being a business owner and everyone in my small town knowing me and they acted really rude Then I stupidly signed up for a washing machine, twin size mattress set and another couch and love seat that wasn't as expensive as my last because we were only buying them to replace the othersSoon as we got them in I noticed a few bed bugs in both the mattress and the love seat as well as the couch Now I really want to be helped the right way if not I will get a lawyer I have kids who have been getting bit for over a year now and yalls furniture is the source and I want some kind of justice for my money wasted or some kind of compensations as well as my house treated after all said and done This is rediculous