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Rise Broadband

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Rise Broadband Reviews (1115)

Dear Kyle Mitchem Thank you for contacting Rise Broadband via the We appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns. After having spoken with you on December 28, 2016 we have a clearer picture of what happened with your service with Rise Broadband. I’d like to thank you...

for taking the time to speak with me on the phone. We appreciate hearing feedback from our customers in regard to our customer service. We sincerely apologize if any of your experiences recently with Rise Broadband have been lacking. We strive for outstanding customer service and do our best to provide efficient resolution on every case. Again, please accept our apologies for any poor customer service or unprofessional behavior you may have encountered. It is clear that the agent with whom you spoke was not listening nor honoring your request to stay on the 20MB plan. For that we certainly apologize. You shared with me that the same technician who initially installed your service tried multiple times to obtain a reliable internet connection, and eventually decided that he was unable to do so. There had been multiple calls and service visits to try to resolve the issue. For this reason, when the account was cancelled on December 20, 2016 the Early Termination Fee of $250 was waived.  Due to the fact that we were providing some internet during the three month period, we are unable to refund the total amount you have requested. After speaking with a colleague in my manager, the amount that we are able to approve is one month’s service, $49.95. In addition, I have applied a credit of $30.00 for the less than satisfactory customer service experiences you may have experienced. In total, the amount credited today is $79.95. This leaves a balance (credit)  on the account of $81.93. A check will be mailed to you within 6 weeks. We sincerely apologize that we were unable to meet your internet needs. I very much appreciate the time you took to speak to me on the phone. Thank you for your patience as we worked through this matter together. All the Best, [redacted] Rise Broadband, Executive Services


Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:First of all, when I began to call Rise Broadband, I was experiencing more than just extremely slow speeds.  More often than not, I could not get a page to load because it would go off line.  That was the problem from the get-go. For whatever reason, the folks in Colorado and other call centers could not see that there were any issues in my area until I began doing speed tests.  I have been extremely patient, however, it was not until after suggesting multiple times and I finally talked to someone else did your company send an employee to my home to look over my equipment, place newer equipment on my home, and then work from my home to come up with the obvious network issue.  From that point on, I was told to continue to call as I had problems.  It was a huge inconvenience for me to be on the phone with your company for lengthy amounts of time and repeat my situation time and time again.  While all this was going on, I was also trying to continue my full-time online college classes, care for my family, and continue my volunteer work.Over the course of March 2016, I have spent more in fuel due driving to a town 30 minutes away (one-way) do to down internet service than you have credited back to me.  Escalations, in my understanding, is for dissatisfied customers.  The Escalations Team was not very helpful due to the fact that they are not informed and taught to know the Network problems and have to talk to other people in the company to get information and relay it back to the customers.  Often times, I would be told that I would get a return phone call from the Escalations Team and I would not hear from them until I made the effort to call.  Their department was not the only department I had problems with.  This happened throughout departments that I dealt with.   My frustration levels were high because of the repeat of information I had to provide about my terrible service, the lack of customer service (return phone calls back to me), for the constant run around and excuses I was given due to the reasons I was having terrible service, not having consideration for the HUGE inconvenience your company put me through, and for being made to feel stupid by many of your employees.  Also, what really upset me was when I informed the company that my internet was working back to its original potential, everyone I talked with was rude to me because they kept throwing in my face that my internet "is as good as it's going to get" and if I am not happy I should find another provider.  Nobody heard me tell them that my internet was working great.  Instead I was talked down to time and time again.  Which, by my standards, I do not take lightly.  I do not appreciate being talked down to or made to feel stupid.  I wanted to talk to Escalations and I was told time and time again that they would send them a notice I wanted to speak with them, however, nobody ever called.  So, of course I am going to get upset.  It was poor customer service.  On Friday, August 5th, 2016, a Supervisor who I had never spoke with before was extremely rude and degrading where I felt it was necessary to defend myself.  He in turn shut off my internet to my home.  I have never been provided any sort of notification on your policies to see where you can deny your customers service because they were defending themselves against Supervisors who are not listening to their customers, talking down to them, and degrading them as well.  I had even payed my bill on that same day before talking to a manager to try to get to Escalations.  However, I was then denied access to that department.  I was on the phone for two hours with Rise Broadband due to all the drama that this one supervisor caused on August 5th. When the service quality did finally get resolved at the end of June, beginning of July, I was disappointed to receive a bill that was still charging me over $150.00.  Nowhere on that bill did I see where the company had provided me with credits.  In turn, if I have a credit due to me, when will that be coming?  I no longer have the equipment on the side of my home, nor do I have any of your equipment inside my home because it was picked up last week on the 9th of August.  I was told it would be five weeks from the time the equipment was picked up. I find that to be unsatisfactory.  I was also told that my address is an un-serviceable address.  This is false.  When Rise Broadband supposedly disconnected me, I was still able to load many web pages and had continual working speeds.  Even the person who came to my home documented that I was still getting service when he came to get the equipment.  This also proves that Rise Broadband provided flat out lies to me and has been a thorn throughout the entire process.  Tell me I didn't have a reason to be angry with the company????  I continued to get hassled and got the run-around all of the time. I have been a customer with Rise Broadband because of the transitions of buy-outs over the years.  Throughout all of this, I have found that since the later part of 2015 to now, Rise Broadband customer service as a whole, has been very disappointing.  It is pretty sad when the very few employees who have been to my home have also said that the company is not good and the communication is poor.  I have recommended to the company more vital and improved ways of being more friendly and helpful to their customers, however, it seems I have wasted my time and efforts.Due to all of the inconveniences that I have been put through by your company, I feel that my refund should be coming to me sooner than later, and that I be reimbursed for the additional hassle that I had to endure because my internet was not running effectively from March 2016 to the end of June 2016 and I had to pay extra for using Mobile Hot Spot on my cell phone and drive 30 minutes one-way for Wi-Fi so that I could successfully participate in my online college classes. 

Dear [redacted], We would like to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to further address your concerns via the After having had the opportunity to review the account, we would like to share the following: The referenced case ([redacted]) is the parent to the case that was given when our Technical Support team escalated the issue ([redacted]). Both ticket numbers referenced the same issue at the tower. However, as previously stated our Networks Engineers have successfully alleviated that issue. Since the resolution our Networks team has still continued to monitor the connection to ensure stability. However, in light of your concerns we have opened a specific ticket # [redacted] with our Technical Support Teir 2 team to assist in additional troubleshooting, relating to the below average speeds you described as ongoing. Our Tier 2 Cody has attempted to reach out several times this past week at [redacted] and left voicemail stating that he was attempting to assist and troubleshoot with speed issues. Rise is confident that the issue at the tower is resolved, and that our Technical Support team will be able to assist with the speed issues that have persisted We sincerely hope that this provides further clarification regarding your concerns, and thank you for being a valued Rise Broadband customer. Kind Regards, Danielle Y. Executive Services | Rise Broadband Phone: 844-411-RISE [email protected]

Dear [redacted] Thank you for taking the time to write to us via the We are pleased to be able to provide a response. We sincerely apologize if you have received repetitive phone calls from our company. It is not the habit of Rise Broadband to make out bound calls to...

customers, but if it happened in this case, please accept our deepest apologizes. We regret that any of these calls have been an inconvenience to you. We have taken steps to insure that these call stop happening, moving forward. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

Dear [redacted], Thank you for reaching out to us again via the We are happy to be able to provide clarification to this issue. When Rise Broadband initially decided that we would no longer be providing unlimited data on any accounts, other than small business accounts, we sent email notifications as well as paper notifications to all customers. Additionally, this information was provided on billing statements as well as posted on our website at [redacted] at least 30 days before any changes were implemented. Again, we would like to reiterate that the account has never exceeded the 150GB allowance. If at any time data consumption may become an issue, please be aware that we offer several different prices and speeds, some of which may reduce the bill and increase the data allowance. Please call us at [redacted] if you would like to discuss these options. Again, thank you for being a valued Rise Broadband customer. [redacted]

Mr. [redacted],    This was the first increase we have had in four years. All of it went to providing better internet for all of our cus[redacted]ers including you. We informed all of our cus[redacted]ers in a couple of ways, through the home page and through their statements. The rental fees were increased...

by $1.00 the carrier fee by $2.27 for a total of $3.27 across the board to all of our cus[redacted]ers. Yes your service fee was also increased by $3.27 for a total increase of $6.54 that was across the board for all of our cus[redacted]ers. Our terms of service on our web page, under Fee Changes states clearly and I quote, “Cus[redacted]er acknowledges and agrees that RISE BROADBAND has the right to change its Service fees and to add new fees at any time, upon notice to Cus[redacted]er.” To address the termination fee. If at any time during your commitment if the cus[redacted]er is to cancel service it is a flat fee of $250.00 it is not prorated. In short Mr. [redacted] was made aware of both the increase of monthly fees and was fully aware of the Termination fee and was reminded of that fee again before he cancelled service, yet chose to do so anyway. Rise Broadband will not be waving the early termination fee. We can wave it if Mr. [redacted] would like to reinstate his service, then that early termination fee will be waved before the equipment will be picked up on 02/05/16. If you like to take that option please call us at 844-411-7473 and we will be happy to help you in anyway. Thank you [redacted]

Dear [redacted], Thank you for contacting Rise Broadband via the We appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns. We were sorry to note that the account in question had been cancelled effective 3/2/2017. After further review with upper management, the decision...

has been made to waive the early termination fee of $250. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Thank you for having been a valued Rise Broadband customer. Regards, [redacted], Executive Services Rise Broadband

Dear [redacted] and [redacted], Thank you for contacting us through the We appreciate the opportunity to attempt to resolve this matter for you. I can certainly see why this is causing such frustration for you, it seems a difficult task to keep the accounts in order....

When researching this matter, we found more than 4 accounts, some of them closed. I will need to know specifically which four accounts you are concerned with. If at all possible could you please call me at [redacted] at your convenience so that we can go over which specific four accounts you are mentioning. I will be more than happy to be the contact person for these accounts, as far as the billing part is concerned. All technical issues will still need to be addressed by calling 844-411-7473. I tried multiple times to reach you at [redacted], but did not get an answer or an answering machine. Perhaps due to the holiday weekend. Once we establish which accounts, I will be able to quickly reverse any late charges caused by any possible confusion. I really want to get this resolved for you to avoid further frustration. Again, my desk number is [redacted]. Looking forward to hearing from you,   Christine P. Executive Services | Rise Broadband Phone: 844-411-RISE [email protected]

Dear [redacted]
Please accept our sincerest apology for any trouble or inconvenience we have caused you. Rise Broadband highly appreciate your feedback as it will assist us in becoming better at what we do. Our records show that a refund check in the amount of $34.81 was mailed out on...

Once again please accept our attempts to help you with this matter. Thank you

[redacted] I apologize the first response did not meet your satisfaction. Please allow me to provide further clarification. Again, I must reiterate that we are an “up-to” speed provider and work to provide those speeds in our best efforts. The issue you have inquired about is a known issue that you have been made aware of and received numerous billing adjustments for. You have several options at this point. The first being to continue with your current service level and await the issue to be corrected. The second would be to downgrade to a lower monthly service level that offer different price-points. The third, since your service is month-to-month, and although we would hate to lose you as a customer, if our services are not meeting your needs you have every right to explore other options as our month-to-month plans are a same day cancellation and would not fall under the penalties a contracted plan would. As with most companies, there is not a direct phone number to contact higher ups. You may submit concerns to [email protected] if you feel they are not being addressed properly in our Call Center and a representative will gladly reach out. These inquires got directly to the Corporate Escalations Team. Our Technical Support team is always available for connection concerns at 1-844-411-7473 as well as our dedicated Chat Team via our company website The ETR for repairs is set for the second week of July. This information was not available sooner due to the fact the equipment was on back-order as stated in my previous response. I apologize for this delay, however, you have now been given the tentative ETR and the bandwidth concern is being address with these pending upgrades. Thank you for allowing me to provide further assistance and for continuing with Rise Broadband for your internet needs. [redacted], Escalations Representative.

Hello [redacted], Thank you for contacting Rise Broadband and bringing your concerns to our attention via the Allow us to extend our apologies to you over this issue, and for any frustration and confusion that was created. I have gone into your account and brought the b[redacted]ce to zero. Going...

forward you should not be receiving any more notifications about a bill owed. Again, we apologize for the situation, and wish you the best going forward. Thank you again for your time and feedback. [redacted], Escalations Representative.

Dear [redacted], Thank you for contacting Rise Broadband via the We appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns. After a thorough investigation into the issues mentioned in your complaint, we show that the degradation in your connection is being caused by...

frequency interference. Unfortunately, frequency issues can take an extended period of time to resolve due to the need to run multiple diagnostic tests each time we change the operating frequencies in order to determine if the interference has been cleared. We apologize if this was not properly communicated to you and have discounted your bill by $10 for the next three months while we continue to work on rectifying this issue. Thank you for being a valued Rise Broadband customer. Regards, [redacted], Executive Services Representative Rise Broadband

Dear Mrs. [redacted],   Thank you for contacting us through the, we appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns.   It is Rise Broadbands continuous objective to provide an efficient and positive customer experience for all of our customers. We sincerely...

regret that this has not been consistent with your experience. We appreciate you brining this to our attention, it gives us an opportunity to provide coaching and additional training.   Due to the ongoing line of sight issues that resulted in poor connectivity, we have waived the ETF that was tied to the contracted plan. Your account has been officially disconnected and reflects a zero balance.   We regret losing you as a customer and hope you are pleased with the purposed solution.   Thank you,     Christine P. Executive Services | Rise Broadband Phone: 844-411-RISE [email protected]

Mr. [redacted],    I do understand your view point and apologize if I have upset you with my offer to reinstate your service in order to wave the early termination fee. Unfortunately our terms and conditions agreements are clear and to the point, that would be the only way we would be able to wave that fee. You agreed to these terms and conditions when you contacted us and setup service, further more you were given the choice of either the two year service agreement or a month to month agreement. If you would have taken us up on the month to month service agreement then you would have been able to cancel service at any time without an early termination fee.  Once again I invite you to please go to the following link for yourself to read the Terms and Conditions of service agreement, I Hope that this clears this matter up. [redacted]

Dear [redacted], Thank you for contacting Rise Broadband via the We’re sorry to hear that you have cancelled service with us. Records show that the date of installation at your location was on 6/1/2016. We also show that there was a technical support call on 6/3/2016...

regarding a service outage. A technician was sent to the service location on 6/4/2016 where he found that the power supply for the equipment had been unplugged; he then plugged it back in and the service was up and running. With an installation date of 6/1, the 30-day trial period would have been up before the call to cancel on 7/3/2016. As such, the early termination fee is a valid charge and will not be waived. Had the cancellation been within that grace period, we would have honored the agreement without question. The account was also not fully cancelled out on 7/3/2016 due to us being asked to see about waiving the early termination fee. We did not receive another call until 8/4/2016. In regards to WiFi reception, different factors can come into play. Wireless signals have trouble going through some housing materials. We show that the 15-17mbps speeds that were being seen were when the tests were being run on a different floor of the home. Once the tests were running in the basement, where the router is located, the speeds were running at 33.32mbps. Our technicians did suggest possibly getting a different router that would suit your needs better, as well as suggesting a WiFi range extender since the root cause of the problems you were seeing seemed to be due to the wireless signal not being strong in other parts of the home. We cannot make guarantees for how third party equipment will perform. We apologize for any miscommunication and inconvenience and would like to thank you for having been a valued Rise Broadband customer. Regards, [redacted], Escalation Specialist Rise Broadband

Dear [redacted], We would like to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to address your concerns via the After having had the opportunity to review the account, we would like to share the following: Rise broadband sincerely apologizes for the level of service that has...

been experienced throughout the time the tower has experienced less than optimal speeds. We certainly understand the inconvenience; however, we would never penalize our customers for bringing specific concerns to our attention. It is our continuous objective to provide exceptional service to all of our customers, and we are deeply sorry that this has not been consistent in your experience with Rise. Rise Broadband has explored many different options in an attempt to better the service at this residence. At the time the first call was placed into our call center on 12/26/17 our Technical Support team immediately escalated the issue to our Network Engineers to determine the issue. Unfortunately, issues such as this can be extensive, which is why upon following up our Technical Support team could only advise that we were still working through the issue but still did not have an estimated time of completion.  Our Networks team was able to successfully alleviate the issues at the tower, and as of 01/04/18 resolved the ticket ([redacted]) that was previously escalated. In light of your concerns we have applied a one month credit to the account in the equivalent of one month of service (not including taxes and fees) for a total credit in the amount of $30.00. We sincerely hope that this provides  clarification regarding your concerns, and thank you for being a valued Rise Broadband customer. Kind Regards, Danielle Y. Executive Services | Rise Broadband Phone: 844-411-RISE [email protected]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Verbal contracts are NOT the norm in ANY business.Despite what your position is, the fact remains, I did not enter into a verbal contract with you or any of your representatives.I do not owe an early termination fee.I do not owe a refunded fee for free installation.You are asking for fees where no damage has occurred or services provided!Prior to moving to [redacted] in 2013 we lived in [redacted] for 20 years.Our first internet service was with [redacted] which only required a dial tone, NO contract required.We had our telephone service through [redacted], again NO contract required.We had our first cable TV service through [redacted], again NO contract required.[redacted] was bought by [redacted] and again NO contract required.When [redacted] offered cabled internet service, we gave up [redacted] and switched to [redacted] for our internet, again NO contract required.When we switched from [redacted] cable TV to [redacted] a SIGNED 2 year contract was required.When we terminated our land line we went with [redacted] wireless and again a SIGNED 2 year contract was required.When that contract was up, we switched to [redacted], and again a SIGNED 2 year contract was required.We stayed with [redacted] until we moved to [redacted], and then switched to [redacted] wireless and again a SIGNED 2 year contract was required.We recently switched to [redacted] and again a SIGNED 2 year contract was required. When we moved to [redacted], we brought [redacted] with us but to get the programming we wanted it required another SIGNED 2 year contract.And when I renewed my [redacted] last year for additional programming, it required a SIGNED 1 year contract extension.We get our electricity through [redacted] with no contract.We get our heat with propane with no contract.We get our water and sewer with no contract.All my credit cards required a SIGNED contract to their terms and conditions.Even my exterminator requires a SINGED contract.Everyone I have ever done business with has required a SIGNED contract or NO contract was required; never a "Verbal" contract.Please find enclosed snapshots of the flyer available at your representatives place of business.I chose the 10 mbps Internet Connection.The small print states "free installation is for a limited time....."No where on this flyer is a 2 year contract mentioned.No 2 year contract was mentioned by your representative in the office or the installation representative.You state that verbal contracts are common in your industry and yet through all my years yours is the only one I have come across?!Again, you are asking for fees where no damage has occurred or services provided!I do not owe you.In fact, when you back out your bogus termination fee you are trying to charge me, you owe me $36.30.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[redacted] [redacted]

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2015/10/06) */
Date 10/6/15
Dear [redacted]
Thank you for taking the time to notify us of your unsatisfactory experience with Rise Broadband Internet Services. We are taking every action possible to make sure that this problem has been rectified and...

that we are able to provide the best solution possible to you.
On July 13, 2015, there was a service call to upgrade your equipment. On July 8th we did apply a months of credit. Since that time, it looks like your connection has been stable. If you are still having issues please contact technical support.
Please accept our sincerest apology for any trouble this may have caused you. We highly appreciate your feedback, as it will assist us in becoming better at what we do. We hope for the opportunity to serve you better in the future, and we thank you for your continued support.
Thank you,
Customer Care Supervisor
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 9, 2015/10/08) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Dear [redacted], We would like to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to address your concerns via the After having had the opportunity to review the account, we would like to share the following: Rise broadband never intentionally oversells any given area we...

provide services to, our primary objective is to provide consistent service to all of our customers. However, our Network Engineers are aware of the current congestion issues on this specific tower that has been causing slow speeds, and degradation. While we are unfortunately unable to provide an estimated completion time regarding these specific issues these issues are considered high priority and we are actively working to resolve them as soon as possible.   We sincerely apologize for the long hold times when attempting to contact our Call Center. It is our continuous objective to provide an efficient and positive customer service experience on each and every call, we sincerely regret that this has not been consistent with your experience when attempting to contact Rise Broadband. It is notated in our account the recent price change to the plan, which is discounted from the original amount due to the current speed issues affecting the connection. This change will correctly reflect the level of service received versus how much is being paid for services, until the issue at the tower is resolved, Rise Broadband can certainly compensate for the less than optimal services. Along with the service discount already provided, we have applied an additional discount to the account of $10.00 for the next three months for a total credit in the amount of $30.00. If for any reason the issue is not resolved at the end of the three-month period, we can revisit this amount, if necessary. We hope that this response provides clarification regarding your concerns, and thank you for being a valued Rise Broadband customer. Kind Regards, [redacted] Y. Executive Services | Rise Broadband Phone: 844-411-RISE [redacted]

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Address: 619 14th St SW, Loveland, Colorado, United States, 80537-6329


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