I heartedly recommend Rio Refinishers if you are looking for a company to make your bathroom look like new. I had a time-worn combination bath/shower and lavatory countertop, almond in color, that badly needed a facelift. Rio Refinishers made me a very reasonable offer, masked off everything not being refinished, recoated the tub/shower and countertop in a couple of hours, and left me with what looks like a brand new bathroom. And, they perfectly matched the almond colored lavatory. On a scale of five, I give them a six.
I heartedly recommend Rio Refinishers if you are looking for a company to make your bathroom look like new. I had a time-worn combination bath/shower and lavatory countertop, almond in color, that badly needed a facelift. Rio Refinishers made me a very reasonable offer, masked off everything not being refinished, recoated the tub/shower and countertop in a couple of hours, and left me with what looks like a brand new bathroom. And, they perfectly matched the almond colored lavatory. On a scale of five, I give them a six.