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Address: 5501 Headquarters Drive, Plano, Texas, United States, 75024
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I purchased furniture through Preferred Lease. I bought it for $1800.00 (approx). I have never gotten a bill nor a phone call from them. I could not find their contact information, now I have them appearing on my credit report as being delinquent. My dispute is the amount that they have of $5,363 for some furniture that is at best worth $900.00. They have not tried to reach out to me at all and to see that amount appear on my credit report is very upsetting. I would not have knowingly agreed to pay them $5600.00 for the junk that I got. I feel like they take advantage of people whose credit is not perfect. And again the have failed to reach out to me.
Product_Or_Service: Pleather, sectional
Billing Adjustment I want the bill to be adjusted and that negative remark removed from my credit report since they have failed to contact me via the mail.
I purchased what I believed to be a brand new washer and dryer to be delivered to my residence in July 2019 from this business. When the items were delivered, the delivery driver had forgotten his dolly to move the items from the truck to the residence. He proceeded to manually move the washer and dryer. While bringing the items into the home, which had vinyl flooring he ripped the flooring. He contacted his store informed them of the issue and I took pictures and sent them to the store representative as well. I was informed that the issue would be taken care of. However, shortly after the washer and dryer was delivered, the powder room when the items were placed was crawling with roaches coming from the washer. So, I contacted the store to inform them about this issue. They agreed to replace it but it took a few days. When they finally delivered another washer, the delivery driver who this time remembered to bring a dolly, again damaged the vinyl flooring by ripping it. Again, I took pictures and informed the store of the damage as did the delivery driver. I also notified my rental apartment's front office of the damage caused by the drivers. No one ever took care of the situation. Upon move out from the apartment, I was assessed a fee of $777 for the damage to the vinyl floor. I went back to the location on April 6, 2020 and left the information for the store manager. I was told it would be forwarded to their corporate office so a claim could be filed. Two weeks went by and I had not heard from the store manager or anyone from this business. I called and went to the location and was always told the Store Manager Randle was either at lunch, at the bank or not there. I went to the store again on May 12th and again no store manager. The representative contacted him via phone and was told that I needed to provide the contact information for the rental office, which I did. At this time, I still have not heard back from the store manager, or anyone from Rent A Center's claims department.
Account_Number: XXXXXXXXXXX
Other (requires explanation) I am requesting that Rent-A-Center cover the cost ($777) that have been assessed by the rental apartment's maintenance department due to the damage caused by the two delivery drivers.
Unable to get in contact with regarding service.
Alternate finance number XXXXXXXX
I've been trying to contact acceptance now regarding my purchase order. I'm trying to make payments as agreed in our contract. I'm placed on hold for long periods of time. And times I was hung up on. Used the option to have a call back when it's my turn in lines never received call back. This has been going on for approximately 4 weeks. I was even forced to make payment before receiving my product. Was threatened to cancel
Services if payment was not made as agreed. Now I received my product on May 23rd 2020. I would like to make payments but have no way to contact via phone to make payments on the 120 days interest free as per contract. Even sent emails. I would like to be contacted by acceptance now to resolve this matter. Also a more convient way of contact. Thank you
I would like to be contacted to resolve issues. And have a better wat to contact. Rather than being on hold for long periods of time
Not what you expected. You'd think a company would have compassion for its customers not this one. So early on I had a coupon for so much money off a previously rented product. When I went to get my previously rented product and use the coupon not only did rent a center not honor it. It was their coupon not like it was some random coupon from a newspaper. I haven't been able to pay. It doesn't stop this company from calling me I owe like 100$ left on my merchandise and I get this. Really never again will I use this company for anything. Overcharging at its finest I get trying to make a profit but this company does it to the extreme.
We are sorry to hear about this, and we definitely want to look into your concerns. Would you please contact our Customer Care team at 1-800-422-8186 to provide more details, so that we could investigate and help you resolve your concerns? Thank you.
So when I tried to call the company has blocked my number. Nice service will be now filling a complaint
Currently, our service center is experiencing high call volume due to the outbreak of COVID-19. We apologize if you were unable to get through to a customer service representative.
I'd like to help with your concerns. Please email me at *** Please include the full name on your account and your agreement number (located in the top right of your rental agreement). I assure you, I will address your concerns personally.
So here's a follow up question no one expected coronavirus to take hold like it has. People have lost their lives jobs and life savings. Couldn't you as a company freeze accounts in the meantime so people struggling to get their lives back have some breathing room. But you didn't you wanted us as consumers to understand the problems you're facing as a company with coronavirus but you didn't show us the same understanding
I purchase a Sony receiver and speaker from Rent A Center in Savannah Georgia in 2018 the system was only use for special occasion, I inform the manager that I was having problem with one of the speakers after 6 month they attempt to fix the light that went out but cause the speaker to buzz. The manager told me to bring the speaker in a he would get it repaired, on the twelve of February I took it into the manager Mr.. I continue to check on the for several month. He kept telling my they was trying to get it repair through difference contractors. My final call was on the 15 of May 2020. Mr. stated he could not get the speaker repaired and I should have purchased a one year repair agreement. I inform Mr. this was not offered to me during the purchase and I was not aware of an extent to repair contact. It's been over ninety days since they have had my speaker now want to return it without repair. this is a real injustice and I would like the to replace my speaker or give me so voucher to have it repaired somewhere else or give me an exchange. I have also contact the corporate office and they sent me a E-mail stating they would get back with me in 3 days to no avail, I told mr. that I was going to call the corporate office and he stated he can handle that with disrespect and a nasty attitude, thank you in advance.
Product_Or_Service: Sony Home Audio System Shake-33
Account_Number: 90 days same as cash
Other (requires explanation) Rent A Center can exchange my purchase or pay to have another vendor repair my speaker.
We have searched our database and are unable to locate the account Ms. *** references in her complaint against Rent-A-Center, Inc. Specifically, our records indicate Ms. has not had an active agreement with Rent-A-Center since 2017. If Ms. could provide the agreement number located on the rental agreement, I would be able to better assist her with her concerns. Alternatively, Ms. also has the option to contact our Customer Care team at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX to provide more details and escalate her complaint to a District Manager.
Until RAC receives the requested information, I am unable to address this complaint.
Thank you,
Chrissa ***
Legal Administrative Assistant III
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I went to Rent A Center to pick up my repaired speaker the manager stated they could not repair my speaker after having it in their store for more than ninety days. I tried to contact customer service by phone several times to no avail, so I went online. I have a document where customer service stated they would contact me, but never called I have that correspondence from them. I just want a replacement or because if they could not repair my speaker then give me the replacement or repair cost. I am emailing the correspondence.
Bed Bugs!!!
I got this couch and on this first morning after sleeping on it I woke up with bites at first since we have animals I thought it was fleas, did flea treatments on animals and house. Went to Texas for a week came back sat on the couch got two bites saw two red bugs got bed spray sprayed it down 3 days in tow vacuumed opened the clean bag and sure enough there was a bed bug. Never had a problem before receiving the couch. I slept else where and no bites. Called a professional showed them the picture sure enough he said it was bed bugs. I called rent a center asked if that couch was new or used they said used. I explained the situation no apology just said that it wasn't possible they had it cleaned and sat in the store for awhile. Told them they better not take furniture back from them and they should have their office cleaned professionally they thanked me. No apology, no offer to have anything down. Wrapped it in plastic today called and told them to come get it. They didn't ask as my account was noted. Still no apology or compensation. I have used them for years in maine never had a problem but herE in Lenoir City I ended up with bed bugs. Never again will I use them.
Give me the money I have spent on that couch back
I made a payment.This company went back into my account and stoled an additional payment without my consent. The money they took was for groceries for my kids and now im being told that I have to wait until its done processing in order to get my money they took without authorization this is banking fraud and theft and has placed me under hardship this was my kids grocery money im so mad
Refund refund and also credit for the next two weeks due to inconvenience
I have been a customer of Get It Now for about 2 years. I have never had a problem till this last March of 2020. I have I always been on time with my payments and never miss a payment.What I purchased from them was a Samsung Gaming laptop. I also decided a rent to own knowing that I would be paying twice as much for the product than if I bought it out right.I wanted to build my credit, which I did. The month of May would have been my last payment, but my laptop broke in march of 2020. I called them and brought in to get repaired because I knew it would be paid off soon. I dropped it off in march which was already paid for that month. The pandemic hit, so I gave them 4 weeks. Now mind you I did not hear from them in the month of April, so I called, I could not get a hold of them and got tired of trying so I waited till the bill was do, yes I was being sarcastic. The bill is due on the first of each month, and guess what they called. On this phone call they asked where my payment was, and I answered with a question. "Where is my laptop" the man on the phone said "What? You don't have it". I so I told him the situation, and he said he needed to check on it. They called back and accused me of opening it and breaking things inside. Pretty much called me a liar and said they cant fix it, and the so called warranty I have paid for does not cover anything and it was not through Samsung but through the store. I are selling used stuff as new and refusing to to take care of it when the customer has a problem with it. I was completely up to date and they said I can come in and get another laptop. I thought this was good, seeing I only had 200 owed on the other. Well they kept insisting I opened and I was getting upset, I have never been treated so bad. I told them I could not afford to payments that I am on a fixed income SSDI, they told me don't worry about you wont, Ill take 150 off of this one as well cause it was a floor model. It didn't happen that way I got called up was screamed at yelling at me
Product_Or_Service: Samsung Gaming Laptop/Repair
Other (requires explanation) (This is continued from above) that I have to pay the 200 I tried to explain to him what his people did for me. when I left that is not what negotiated. He threatened to come and picke of the broken laptop as well as the new one which is under a separate contract and has nothing to relate it to the Samsung laptop. After being very rude to me I expressed to him that I know my rights, he said "You don't know your rights" What I want done is the 200 dollars wiped, and take the broken one.
We have searched our database and are unable to locate Ms. ***' agreement with Get it Now. If Ms. could provide the agreement number located on the rental agreement, I would be able to better assist her with her concerns. Alternatively, Ms. also has the option to contact our Customer Care team at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX to provide more details and escalate her complaint to a District Manager.
Until RAC receives the requested information, I am unable to address this complaint.
Thank you,
Legal Administrative Assistant III
employee of rent a center sexually harassed my girl friend through text offering her product exchange for sexual favors. this will not be silenced.
Monday 05/18/2020 my girlfriend reached out to Brian via text to inform him of payment matter. at first she didn't seem no harm in him asking about her phone being fixed she replied no he offered a phone to use for time being she didn't think anything of it and expected the phone to be ownership of himself later in the discussion he insisted on bringing the device by our home she told him he needed to put in the mailbox. he arrives at our home after sending that inappropriate text. my girl friend then proceeded to contact our neighbor letting her know the situation this man has put not only my girlfriend an a uncomfortable position but also our neighbor who also witness brian coming to our home and sitting in the yard and constantly calling my girlfriends phone. these women are very terrified. based on the situation my girl friend tried to redirect the inappropriate texting he then proceeded to tell her he needed to talk to her and she convinced him to text her then to speak in person. he then proceeds to tell her how thick she was and how he would love to perform sexual acts on her. then she for a moment thought it was some joke because neither herself or I would ever expect him to say something like that and as she confirmed it wasn't a joke and yet he still proceeds to talk about supporting her and so on and she explained to him about the boundaries he has crossed. then he still proceeds to express himself knowing the circumstances. and explains the device he had given her was not only rent a center property but that he claims to be paying for it. then he texts myself stating about my bill needed to addressed. which I was going to handle the next day due to running late to work. this is uncalled for and want this matter handled. my girlfriend confirmed based on how he got her number then later learns that she had never given him her number. and also found a text months prior based on him addressing her figure. this text logs goes way back to July. and the way I am looking at this entire situation is not only disturbing but also disrespectful to myself and her. which I find insane because Saturday that just passed *** asked me for my contact number. but then without permission has my girlfriends number off her account with this company. myself and my girlfriend refuses to corporate with this company until she receives justice on this matter.
corrapration based on this situation.
We have searched our database and are unable to locate Mr. *** agreement references in his complaint. If Mr. could provide the agreement number located on the rental agreement, I would be able to better assist him with his concerns. Rent-A-Center takes complaints such as this very seriously and I am eager to assist Mr. with his concerns.
Until RAC receives the requested information, I am unable to address this complaint.
Thank you,
Legal Administrative Assistant III
Legal Department
Rent-A-Center, Inc. - Field Support Center
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Oh rent a center can search database again and look for under laquanda ashe. Now the victim is speaking up. Rent a center wants to play stupid now. Obviously either of you cant read. This report clearly stated I his girl friend sexually harrassed. And then renter center general manager tried to act like he care.but brian yet still have a job. If thats the case I demand ownership of what we have been paying on for so entirely long and still in the same spot or I will take my lawyers advice and take this to court. And press charges against brian. That will Definitely be bad for business. So to settle this give me ownership of my agreement and we all part ways. Or second option. I am done sitting still I am tired of this company not following the rules. Now laquanda ashe is who speaking out NOW!!
I ordered a sofa from Ashley Furniture through Acceptance Now Finance company at the beginning of March (before COVID-19. I still have not received my sofa and the Acceptance Now will not refund my money or return any of my calls. I want to close my account and get my money back.
Product_Or_Service: Leather Sofa
Other (requires explanation) I want my account closed and all of my money refunded.
I'm filling this complaint as well as going to the News about these illegal loans.
I purchased furniture and was lied to about payoff amount 6 times. I called today and was told another amount as well as I was told that only 88 dollars was being applied to my loan that the other part of my payment 200 was fees..lets just say this was ridiculous. Then 2 two different conversations I was give 5 different amounts to pay off my bill. First lest start with t his outrageous predatory loan. My paper work state 4235.00 at 235.00 a month which is a discrepancy. But they have been taking 286.67 out of my account I'm furious.
I'm seeking a refund of the overage I have paid.
I have been a customer for over a year now. I have always kept in communication with this store. When I am going to be late on payment, etc. Due to the pandemic I am currently late by 1 week. Which I have continuously kept in contact with them letting them know when I could make my payment. I am awaiting my stimulus check now and I am a disabled single mother! The harassment with phone calls and them coming to my house banging down my door is absolutely ridiculous. There is absolutely no way that these harassing actions can be legal!! Something needs to be done about the way they conduct business- VERY UNPROFESSIONAL!!
Other (requires explanation) Stop the harassment! There is even a no eviction order at the moment!
They were very unprofessional!! The lady kept talking Spanish to a English speaking employee about me. I'm not Hispanic!! They left a new lady in the store and she knew nothing!! Not how to fill out paperwork, what I needed, or even how to read on computer to see my due date. All they wanted was cash money right then!! Manager name is lily, the know nothing at all employee was christy, and queenie wanted the sale and that's it!! I have never rented before and I will never do it again. The store address is *** ave ste *** Mesquite tx XXXXX. BEWARE!!
Have had nothing but trouble with this company from the start. Was lied to mor3 times than I can remember. I'm being charged for services that I've told multiple times don't want I have used damaged furniture that I've been told multiple times was going to be replaced I've had property damages from themen that delivered furniture here have also had money and medication stolen from my home I have been dealing with this for over a year and I'm a good customer I've never missed any payments
Other (requires explanation) I would like the furniture replaced and for the money I was charged for the insurance they offer that I've called multiple times saying I didn't want I would like to receive a refund
The store manager of the Casselberry Rent-A-Center, caused physical damage to my property, verbally assaulted me, fraudulently charged my debit card.
April 6, 2020 approximately 4 PM
Store Manager "Sean" (always refuses to provide his last name) of the Casselberry RentACenter came to my residence and began banging, hitting and kicking on my front door while my teenage son was home alone. My son said he was very scared and startled. My son did not know who was at the door right away, so he advised me he looked through the peep-hole to see who was banging and kicking our door. My son said he could not see anything because the person on the other side was covering the peep-hole with their finger, to prevent someone from inside seeing who was outside. Because he could not see anyone, my son asked out loud through the closed door "Who is it?" Sean then identified himself by stating "it's Sean from RentACenter, open the door". My son knows not to open the door for strangers so he did not say anything else and he did not open the door.
Sean finally removed his finger from the peep-hole and my son was able to watch him through the peep-hole. Sean then continued to beat and bang on the closed door and then took out a set of keys and began hitting them extremely hard against the glass peep-hole until it cracked and broke. My son waited until the banging stopped and until Sean walked away before he opened the door. Upon opening the door, my son saw the glass peephole was completely cracked. My son took photos of the damage with his cell phone then called me to advise me what happened.
I arrived home shortly after he called. I immediately called RentACenter to attempt to discuss the situation and the damage to my property. I spoke directly with Sean who confirmed it was him that was at my residence around 4 PM and that he intentionally cracked the glass peephole. Sean made statements to me such as "it's not my fault you're broke" "Yeah I broke the peephole, go call the cops, I'm going to call the cops you!" "I'm not paying for any damage", "Do what you gotta do, I'm still coming after you, ***", "I don't care if I scared your kid", "you're just a *** and you can't do *** to me, matter of fact, I'm gonna come back to your house tomorrow and you better be there so I can beat your ***".
The statements Sean made were literal threats of violence, extremely aggressive, racist, and completely unprofessional. He admitted he caused the damage to my front door peep-hole intentionally and then proceeded to taunt me by saying he would not pay for any damage and would actually physically hurt me by coming back the next day to "beat my ***".
I filed a police report with Winter Springs Police Department immediately after my phone conversation with Sean. The incident number is 2020-CJ-XXXXXX, the report was taken by Officer E. Morris of Winter Springs Police Dpeartment. Officer Morris advised me due to the evidence and circumstances, he had reason to arrest Sean on criminal charges, however, I asked that he not arrest Sean at that time and allow me to attempt to resolve this issue directly with RentACenter.
To date, I have contacted RentACenter's customer service line and they have never called, written or emailed me back about anything. I have not yet even been able to speak to a district manager as I was promised when I called the customer service line. I actually received an automated email from RentACenter stating "your issue has been resolved" when NO ONE has contacted me at all, but they entered into their system that my issue was resolved.
Most recently, as of March 19, 2020, Sean from RentACenter, has now fraudulently and illegally charged my debit card $540 at 2:46 AM which I DID NOT and HAVE NEVER authorized. This has caused an overdraft on my account and took all the money I had left in my account. I have never, ever authorized RentACenter to take any type of payment without my consent and they are NOT supposed to have my card information on file as I never agreed or signed up for any type of automatic withdrawals/payments. This is illegal.
I want a full credit of the $540 that was illegally and fraudulently charged to my account without my consent or authorization or prior knowledge, including all overdraft fees that were incurred due to the illegal charge. I want store manager Sean from Casselberry Rent a Center fired because of his threats of violence, lack of professionalism, fraudulent obtaining of my card number and information and illegal use of my card, and property damage that he admittedly caused intentionally to my residence. I also want full payment for the total amount required to repair the damage to the peephole on my property to be paid directly by RentACenter or Sean. I have not been able to speak to anyone from RentACenter regarding this, they will not call me or email me even though customer service stated they will have a district manager contact me. I need this rectified immediately because I am now in a dire financial situation, especially with the current COVID19 situation and having my hours decreased at work. What Sean has done is harass me, threaten me with violence, damage my property and steal my hard-earned money, all without consequence to him. I am a victim in this situation and I want the above-mentioned resolution as soon as possible.
This was the most unprofessional service that I have ever had!!!!!!Me and my husband walked in to the COMMERCE RENT A CENTER to get a new fridge.I told my husband let's support the small buissneses and just make payments on the item. So we went and ordered a fridge it was nice and the young lady Sam was very helpful.We left a deposit and was told that we were going to get our item delivered.The day that we were supposed to get our $1500 refrigerator delivered no one contacted us at all we had to call because it was never delivered and they had nothing but excuses after excuses.I reached out the 3rd day and a manager asked me hey did you say things about me because I was told that buy a employee here that you and your husband came in here and were saying things about me.I responded and told her look sorry but I'm a grown adult woman and me and my husband don't behave like that.I feel that I was verbally harrased for no reason and felt discriminated for no reason.This needs to stop because it hurts your name Rent A Center and it also hurts your monthly buisness goals.Having unprofessional staff members is not good a great for your buisness.We got our deposit back and we went to Howard's Appliances in Alhambra and recieved the best customer service plus he got us 3 year warranty on our refrigerator for a good price we paid in full $930.00 total for the fridge and they also contacted us the next day to confirm our order and got it delivered on time plus they contacted us on the delivery date as well.Its so sad that your business is not helpful there really poor on customer service.I did report the harassment to the Because I feel that it was such a harrasment verbally and being bullied was not right.
We are sorry to hear about this, and we definitely want to look into your concerns. Would you please contact our Customer Care team at 1-800-422-8186 to provide more details, so that we could investigate your situation further and help you resolve your concerns? Thank you.
AcceptanceNOW is a dishonest organization. They utilize unfair and deceptive business practices. Their practices are highly unprofessional and borderline unethical. I purchased a couch and dining room table set from Bob's Furniture. I attempted to use the early pay off option via customer service and none of the representatives would accept my payment. I heard everything from system being down to the payment does not match what is in the records, so you will need to talk to a manager. Over the course of one week, I called everyday. I was told to stop calling because my issue had been escalated and a manger would call me soon. I continued to call. It has been over a month and no one has called me.
Today, after the store re-opened, I called continually until I spoke with a manger. I explained the situation and requested the manager review the calls to corporate and the notes on the account. The manager read the notes and confirmed everything that I communicated. He then said that he would consider the account settled if I made my final payment plus and additional monthly payment because I waited so long to call. I informed him that I have been continually calling and trying to make the payment. I would be on hold for over an hour. If using the call back option, a representative never called. I also informed him that I was told not to call back because a manager would be calling me. I am still waiting to speak with a district manager. I am still waiting for someone to accept my payment. They offer the early pay off option and hinder customers from being able to exercise that option. Do not do patronize Acceptance Now. Avoid Bob's Furniture as well since they are comfortable being in businesses with an organization that has deceptive business practices.
I bought a stand up freezer for $1200.00 from Rent a Center and 27 days later it broke( but it was probably broken at least a day or two prior). All my food was defrosted and no air was blowing. So I called the store two days ago( When I noticed the food was all defrosted), I was in tears and was told they couldnt do anything because I bought it right out( which didnt save me any money btw) but if I had rented to own it, they could help to resolve my issue. I asked to talk to a manager and they said to call back the next morning. So I did and was told the same thing by the manager Krystal. They just gave me numbers to 3 different repair guys that I could call to get some help but would have to pay for on my own. So by this time my food is all defrosted- about 1k in frozen meats and food which I also explained to them and they didnt seem to care as they 'cant do anything about it'. So I then called one of the repair guys and he said hed come out the next day which was this morning and told me that the sensor needed to be replaced and cost me $225 ( which included service fee and part) but the part wasnt in stock so id have to wait till next week sometime and he would be back to do the repair then. So I called Rent A Center back to see if they could at least reinburse me for the repair cost( Didnt even ask for my food loss amount) since I bought the freezer less than 30 days ago and pretty much was sold a lemon. Well manager Krystal again said that they 'cant do anything about that? because I bought it right out and didnt 'rent to own it'. This is such bad business practices when companies dont care about the consumer once they get their money especially when their product breaks in less than a month and they dont make an effort to help resolve the issue. Im very upset and will NEVER buy anything from them again. I will also be taking this up with the media so no other members of my community get ripped off either especially in a time like this when everyones struggling due this pandemic!
Product_Or_Service: Freezer
Order_Number: Wasnt given a reciep
Account_Number: Bought right out
Other (requires explanation) The least they can do is pay for the repairs and maybe be kind enough to reimburse me for the amount of food i lost due to the freezer breaking.
Thank you for reaching out but my issue has finally been resolved as they issued me a full refund.
Thank you
I purchased furniture through Acceptance Now at a Rooms to Go Outlet in Norcross, Georgia in January 2020. My account is paid in full and I have receipts for proof. However my identity was stolen and/or sold by Acceptance Now to someone else and I have had numerous fraud charges. I spoke to 2 reps, Jared and Katie, at Acceptance Now corporate customer service on May 13, 2020 and both verified that the person who stole and is using my identity with Acceptance Now has been able to apply for credit a various stores to make purchases. The person has also been able to schedule delivery for the items purchased fraudulently and there is nothing they can do about it. The person has used all of my personal information from Acceptance Now but is giving the company a different license for identification and they are still allowing the purchases to be made. When I made my legitimate purchase they had to verify my identity through various means. I have been told by the representatives this person has used a kiosk and gone into a physical location to commit fraud yet they cannot flag my account or my name to prevent this from happening further.
Other (requires explanation) To rectify and stop this fraud situation, and clear my name and account with Acceptance Now.
I purchased bedroom furniture from a Value City furniture location in Calumet City, IL in Dec 2019 using a leasing agreement from Acceptance Now. The furniture was to be paid off by April 6, 2020. The month of March I was forced to take a 2 week unpaid leave from work due to a mandatory quarantine associated with COVID 19. SO I was not able to clear the final balance by April 6.I spoke with a representative in March and they told me that I owed around $300 on the furniture. I spoke to someone today and after making 4 additional payments to the furniture since the conversation in March I was told I owe over $700 on the furniture. The finance charges of this agreement were not explained to me in that the price of the furniture would double if I did not pay the balance by April 6th. I would never have gone into the agreement with these terms and I would have went with another company. Adding further insult, I attempted to order living room furniture in February from the same store using Acceptance Now and I never received the furniture due to COVID 19 shutting down delivery of furniture from. Acceptance NOW has been trying to charge my bank card for that second lease even though I repeatedly told them that I didn't have the furniture. Well today, after learning the bogus details of the first agreement, I completely cancelled the second agreement and told them I didn't want the furniture and would be canceling delivery with Value City. The young lady on the phone told me that the agreement was cancelled. Two hours later, I receive a notification from my bank that ACCEPTANCE NOW had again attempted to extract payment from my account for the second agreement. This has been by far one of the worst customer service experiences I have had and I have leased furniture before from other companies.
Other (requires explanation) While I understand how finance charges work had I known that the price of the furniture would double after 90 days, I never would have purchased it. I was told that even after the 90 days, if I paid off the furniture early, there would be no further penalty. That's not true if the balance balloons after the 90 days and doesn't reflect what was already paid towards the original balance. I want the billing to reflect the amount that I was told in March and the subsequent payments I made towards it