For reno gazette - journal to be sure a good newspaper. Wendy apparently does not care if you stick with their newspaper??? Are not. When I reported about my newspaper??? Needs to be put under my door because people were reading my newspaper, and I didn't want my newspaper??? Sitting outside all day while I was at work??? . She tells me that a delivery person do not have time to put it under my door, I need to tell people not to read my newspaper. Also it takes no time to put my newspaper??? Under my door. But I am the one paying for the newspaper. It's not hard to put a newspaper??? Under my. Door, are time consuming. It seems to me she has no consideration for her customers? . I am not paying for the newspaper??? For everyone!
Mindy boitnitt, I have had an issue with my paper. I have address this matter to the delivery department over and over, but nothing has been done? I work the only thing I have requested is that my newspaper gets pushed under my door. I am not paying for everyone to read my newspaper??? Then when I come home it's been sitting outside my door??? . The last delivery lady made sure it put under my door??? All the way. Big question is there someone else that can deliver my??? , that will take the time and put it under my door??? The sunday newspaper??? Can be put under the door??? In two section's if necessary!
For reno gazette - journal to be sure a good newspaper. Wendy apparently does not care if you stick with their newspaper??? Are not. When I reported about my newspaper??? Needs to be put under my door because people were reading my newspaper, and I didn't want my newspaper??? Sitting outside all day while I was at work??? . She tells me that a delivery person do not have time to put it under my door, I need to tell people not to read my newspaper. Also it takes no time to put my newspaper??? Under my door. But I am the one paying for the newspaper. It's not hard to put a newspaper??? Under my. Door, are time consuming. It seems to me she has no consideration for her customers? . I am not paying for the newspaper??? For everyone!
Mindy boitnitt, I have had an issue with my paper. I have address this matter to the delivery department over and over, but nothing has been done? I work the only thing I have requested is that my newspaper gets pushed under my door. I am not paying for everyone to read my newspaper??? Then when I come home it's been sitting outside my door??? . The last delivery lady made sure it put under my door??? All the way. Big question is there someone else that can deliver my??? , that will take the time and put it under my door??? The sunday newspaper??? Can be put under the door??? In two section's if necessary!