I am disappointed to see this, this customer just picked the car up yesterday. I allways saw this as a forum for us when we did not resolve the problem properly. at this point I did not even know there was an issue. I dealt with this customer and she did not say a word about the bill, had she this...
would have been resolved then and there. this was a case of our standard diagnostic charges for any diagnosis we perform. in a situation like this we are waiting for the problem to occur to complete diagnosis. we spend hours on a car/ problem like this and usually only expect our standard diagnostic fee. customers need to understand that this is time from our most expensive employee using our most expensive equiptment. doctors get to charge for testing why don't we. if this problem were to reoccur we would step back in and continue the testing, without further charges for that testing. she was actually charged $100. not $110. for the diagnostic time, she chose to pick up the car, we did not call and say we couldn't fix it. I will refund her $100. plus tax but would like her to understand the black mark this forum gives us when we haven't even been given the chance to make her happy.
I am disappointed to see this, this customer just picked the car up yesterday. I allways saw this as a forum for us when we did not resolve the problem properly. at this point I did not even know there was an issue. I dealt with this customer and she did not say a word about the bill, had she this...
would have been resolved then and there. this was a case of our standard diagnostic charges for any diagnosis we perform. in a situation like this we are waiting for the problem to occur to complete diagnosis. we spend hours on a car/ problem like this and usually only expect our standard diagnostic fee. customers need to understand that this is time from our most expensive employee using our most expensive equiptment. doctors get to charge for testing why don't we. if this problem were to reoccur we would step back in and continue the testing, without further charges for that testing. she was actually charged $100. not $110. for the diagnostic time, she chose to pick up the car, we did not call and say we couldn't fix it. I will refund her $100. plus tax but would like her to understand the black mark this forum gives us when we haven't even been given the chance to make her happy.