I am [redacted] of Doc's Sewer & Water COand I would like to start by explaining theservice we performed.On July 161h, we were asked to go to Mr [redacted] home as he had a backup of sewage in hishomeMy two men arrived and evaluated the situation and then looked for the septic tank to open andview the water levelIt was and next they tried water jetting from inside of the septic tank tothe homeNOTE: There was no clean out visible inside of the home, it was all carpetedAt about 10:19AM the line of the blockage broke loose and flowed into the tank along with sewage and a lot of stones,rock and clayThis indicated a brake in the line and forest told the wife there appears to be a brake inthe line and without a camera and locator we cou ld not be sure of its locationShe was told is was$and gave us permission to continue and camera the line.My men then proceeded to change equipment from pipe cleaning to the camera and locate theproblem For this they had to go inside of the home again and tried to find a clean out with no luck.Finally they opened the clean out at the laundry tray and put the camera in the sewer lineThe camerahas a radio transmitter in the head that allows us to trace its actual locationThey pushed the cameraand seen a buried clean out under the carpetThey first located the camera head as close as possible.This being under dirt, concrete in a metal pipeThen by hand they felt for the clean out coverapproximately 5" in diameterWe asked Mr [redacted] 's wife is she would like us to cut the carpetand she said yes.My men they cut an "X" and exposed the buried clean out for future useAfter we pushed the camerafarther we seen the brake in the outside pipe was down about 1/of the pipe.Please note that Mr [redacted] letter of August 12, he stated the discharge pipe was not broken;It was lifted off of a joint.Pipe does not lift its setting and no pipe can move unless it is broken in some placeIt broke and I don'tknow how he saw a rock on the outside viewing the pipe when the camera is insideThis break waslocated in a tough location.Being exactly under the footing Forest took time to precisely try to locate because it makes a greatdifference in the repair.Meaning outside would require and excavation and replacing the line between home and tankInside requires breaking concrete and removing pipe, excavate, tunnel footing and removal of carpet.Install new building drain, new pipe and repair concrete floorWe found an outside repair is bestprovided the existing pipe is not rotted under the footingsAll this was explained to Mr [redacted] 'swife and we left the job.As far as recording the scope it was not necessaryIt was not asked for and would of have cost moreand required other equipment which we have when requested .As far as doing it for free???? I don't know of a company around that works for free and I called S & KPlumbing, Blau Plumbing, Master Plumber and all of them laughed at me for my low priceThey havean extra trip charge, extra man charge and cost for each piece of equipment.I enclosed priced out a package of equipment not even including hand tools and a truck out of aplumbing magazine recently and not just the basic equipment came to $I feel $forequipment and knowledge of two plumbers to locate and figure out the problems was cheap and thenagain I cannot not imagine a company doing it for free.That just does not make sense and he admits we found the problem and locationWhy do you needtwo more people to tell you yes you have a broken pipe? We even offered to give him cred it for the$if we did the repair.I feel that we:The line was openedThe problem was located and told to the ownerWe were okayed by owner's wi fe to do this work at the price that she was given.Therefore I will not go down in our pricingThe only reason we obtain from MR [redacted] is that hedoes not want to pay for the actual work that was performed.Common sense and logic backs me along with years in business not just" You don't feel you owe it."We more than did our share to resolve the problem at hand and feel we were justified to the amountcharged Mr [redacted]
I am [redacted] of Doc's Sewer & Water COand I would like to start by explaining theservice we performed.On July 161h, we were asked to go to Mr [redacted] home as he had a backup of sewage in hishomeMy two men arrived and evaluated the situation and then looked for the septic tank to open andview the water levelIt was and next they tried water jetting from inside of the septic tank tothe homeNOTE: There was no clean out visible inside of the home, it was all carpetedAt about 10:19AM the line of the blockage broke loose and flowed into the tank along with sewage and a lot of stones,rock and clayThis indicated a brake in the line and forest told the wife there appears to be a brake inthe line and without a camera and locator we cou ld not be sure of its locationShe was told is was$and gave us permission to continue and camera the line.My men then proceeded to change equipment from pipe cleaning to the camera and locate theproblem For this they had to go inside of the home again and tried to find a clean out with no luck.Finally they opened the clean out at the laundry tray and put the camera in the sewer lineThe camerahas a radio transmitter in the head that allows us to trace its actual locationThey pushed the cameraand seen a buried clean out under the carpetThey first located the camera head as close as possible.This being under dirt, concrete in a metal pipeThen by hand they felt for the clean out coverapproximately 5" in diameterWe asked Mr [redacted] 's wife is she would like us to cut the carpetand she said yes.My men they cut an "X" and exposed the buried clean out for future useAfter we pushed the camerafarther we seen the brake in the outside pipe was down about 1/of the pipe.Please note that Mr [redacted] letter of August 12, he stated the discharge pipe was not broken;It was lifted off of a joint.Pipe does not lift its setting and no pipe can move unless it is broken in some placeIt broke and I don'tknow how he saw a rock on the outside viewing the pipe when the camera is insideThis break waslocated in a tough location.Being exactly under the footing Forest took time to precisely try to locate because it makes a greatdifference in the repair.Meaning outside would require and excavation and replacing the line between home and tankInside requires breaking concrete and removing pipe, excavate, tunnel footing and removal of carpet.Install new building drain, new pipe and repair concrete floorWe found an outside repair is bestprovided the existing pipe is not rotted under the footingsAll this was explained to Mr [redacted] 'swife and we left the job.As far as recording the scope it was not necessaryIt was not asked for and would of have cost moreand required other equipment which we have when requested .As far as doing it for free???? I don't know of a company around that works for free and I called S & KPlumbing, Blau Plumbing, Master Plumber and all of them laughed at me for my low priceThey havean extra trip charge, extra man charge and cost for each piece of equipment.I enclosed priced out a package of equipment not even including hand tools and a truck out of aplumbing magazine recently and not just the basic equipment came to $I feel $forequipment and knowledge of two plumbers to locate and figure out the problems was cheap and thenagain I cannot not imagine a company doing it for free.That just does not make sense and he admits we found the problem and locationWhy do you needtwo more people to tell you yes you have a broken pipe? We even offered to give him cred it for the$if we did the repair.I feel that we:The line was openedThe problem was located and told to the ownerWe were okayed by owner's wi fe to do this work at the price that she was given.Therefore I will not go down in our pricingThe only reason we obtain from MR [redacted] is that hedoes not want to pay for the actual work that was performed.Common sense and logic backs me along with years in business not just" You don't feel you owe it."We more than did our share to resolve the problem at hand and feel we were justified to the amountcharged Mr [redacted]