Protect America, Inc. Reviews (822)
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Address: 5100 Ih 35 N Ste B, Round Rock, Texas, United States, 78681-2407
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I have informed Protect America that their "resolution" is not acceptable. The system does not work for me and my family and has not worked for my family since the contract began. I want my money refunded and I want out of a contract that is signed BEFORE one is aware of if it will work. Yes, Protect America has attempted to resolve the issue , but their resolutions do not work for me and my family. The system being tested has NOTHING to do with the MAIN reason why I'm having issues with the system. In addition, transferring the system to someone else does not work because the only people I could transfer it to are the SAME people who are having a problem REMEMBERING to activate and deactivate the system. So, once again Protect America is insulting my intelligence by using the broken record technique. They are repeating the same information to me and they are not understanding that while these "resolutions" may help others. It does not pertain to me and the needs of my family.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I am at home they can call me at any time. The agent that first talked to me said a customer support agent would be in contact with me within 24 hours of my first call to work out a solution. They did not call then nor have they called since. I asked them to explain the charges and the first agent could not explain to me why the large cancelation fee. Which was the full amount remaining nor could they explain why their first agent said the cancelation charges would be minimal. Like I said previously I would not have changed from ADT to Protect America if they were going to charge me for early termination.
I have reviewed the response...
made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted]. I do not have a problem waiting on PA contact my Attorney. However, as of today they still have not reached out to my Attorney or me. I find it rather unprofessional that not once have I received a call from anyone at Protect America in reference to my Alarm system not working at all for my home. I would have assumed that someone would have been concern about my monitoring system not working since October 2015. Itmakeme wonder if my home was ever being monitor.
I am rejecting this response because: With all the issues I have had with the system and the cameras I finally had enough with my days and hours on the phone. I was rejected by several customer reps that indicated they have done all they can. I ask to talk with someone in authority and it was rejected. I finally called back one more time and got a person that did review all my cases and took it to his supervisor. She made contact with me and indicated what they will do. I informed her that I was a customer three years prior and had many problems with their system and rode out the 3 year contract and contacted them to terminate. They called me to resign with them and I indicated that I was going with someone else and add cameras. I was promised that their system is now much improved and they will change out my control panel that was hooked up to the internet and replace it with a cellular panel, give me the cameras for free and not raise my monthly charge. I was still concerned and promised that this would work as advertised. After many discussions, I agreed to accept with that understanding. This was done this past Sept, 2015. It has continually been an issue since installation. Sales even no charged me the first month due to the issues and promised it would be corrected. This has continued since the equipment showed up and was installed. I ask to terminate my contract, do to all the issues and the system still not working. I WAS REJECTED AND TOLD WHAT THEY WOULD DO. Well as of today, March 15, installed three new cameras and another control panel. Cameras working at this time, but system is not working. They are going to send me two touch panels and ask me to call and have them to install in the system. This panels work before the new controller was sent. So I am waiting and still very frustrated do to 2 1/2 hours on the phone with no resolution to the issues.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I contacted Protect America and asked for the cancel team. I was told that someone was assigned to my account and would contact me within 24-48 hours. I have waited and no one has contacted me. If I cannot get in touch with the company and have no proof of full cancellation, I cannot accept this response. I need someone to contact me to confirm cancellation.
Protect America has received the complaint submitted by Ms. [redacted]. As per Protect America's Agreement terms and conditions, a 30 day written notice is required to process cancellation of the account. We reviewed the account and calls. This information was provided to her when she initially...
set up the account in April 01, 2014 and was recapitulated to her in May 02, 2017. We received her 30 day written notice in May 2017 and cancelled the account accordingly. The obligation to give 30 days notice is required for accounting purposes and to inform any third party suppliers that we are discontinuing their products and services. We ask that she allows Protect America to assist with any further concerns.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:I have not had any phone calls or voice mail messages from this company on this matter all I want is to be able to cancel my monitoring of my alarm with out still having to pay for a system to cancel
Protect America has received the rejection submitted by Mr. [redacted]. Due to policy, Protect America is unable to release recordings unless required by a court of law. The call was thoroughly reviewed and accuracy of the findings were confirmed.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I was mentally impaired and
did not understand the agreement I was entering into at the time of signing the agreement with Protect America. I was under duress. I did not understand that the system was self installation until after I paid and signed the contract. Nor did I understand that I had the option to cancel without penalty. During many calls to protect America regarding the difficulty I was experiencing, no one ever mentioned the 30 day cancellation period until after it expired. I attempted to honor the contract by having a friend fly from TN to FL to install the system. After it was installed and we left the home, the system was up and running except one censor. A couple of days later after I had returned to VA, I started receiving alarm failure messages everyday of which I ignored for approximately 30 days because I did not have the mental capacity to address it. At some point after 30 days, I called to inquire about what was going on. I was told that I would need to be at the home in order to trouble shoot the problem. I explained that I was not capable of dealing with the entire situation and I requested to terminate the contract. Protect America did nothing to try and accommodate me and my mental and health limitations. I suffer with PTSD and depression. I take medication and receive monthly treatment. I have not ashamed of my illness because it happened because I was serving this country. I have medical documentation to support my medical condition. I have asked protect America 4 times to send me the mailing address to return their equipment but they refuse.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:This is the same thing they said last time. I don't care if it was tested. It took a long time for the motion sensor to go off, which is unacceptable. They claim it was fast it was t. They had me running around the house as if I was a burglar. It is unacceptable!! If I am under contract for something that doesn't work for me or was sold to me. My contract should not be pinned to me for something that is not working for my standards which is to stop burglars. By the time they break in and steal everything then protect America will get the notification. Last time my alarm went off accidentally. I received no call from them at all. Why is that? The service is not up to par and I shouldn't have to be tied to a contract if this isn't working properly. Since I know that they gave bad customer service, I know this issue won't get resolved until someone breaks into my home and takes everything and let's see if police respond on time. I have a year and a half or so left on my contract well at least send a better motion sensor, door sensors or siren, something that will help for the way this service works. If you think I'm trying to get out of my contract just because I'm not, I just want my home to be secure and the way it has been, it doesn't feel that way.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
When I first started with this company I agreed to monthly billing by bills only. I have years of bills that were mailed every month. This company is lying and does not care for there customers with there very rude and threating behavioral. This company trys to set you up with questions and allows employees to give out personal addresses for copies of my private copies which I suspect for fraud. I guess it's time I shop for a real company that does value customers. I have every legal right for a copy of my bill. They have refused. There employee even told me I no longer owe anything. So there debit collection is illegal.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:I am rejecting this response because:This is the third controller that has been sent. Again many hours on the phone to help resolve. How long does a business have to resolve my complaint. This is getting rediculous and time consuming for a customer. They have spent more money trying to correct these issues then the contract will get them in return, not counting my many, many hours on the phone.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I was told of the 36 mo,ey contract yes, but I was told with military orders it could be closed. And never did I sign a contract that would have agreed to anything else. When I spoke with them they never gave me more options just simply stated I owed till the 36 months was up and that they'd review the tapes. Never did they come up with the so called evidence to a dales person saying this was false because I know for a fact it was asked or my signature on a contract for 36 months that didn't have approval for a breach with military orders.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:When I called in April, I was not informed the termination had to be done in writing. The company forces you to call so they can pressure you into staying with their service. The high pressure tactics are unethical. My husband is very busy and can't be making these calls, which is why HE DIDN"T SET UP THE ACCOUNT, I DID. If I had been told the termination could have been accomplished as simply as an email from my husband, it would have been done in April when I first called. He can send an email while at work. This failure to disclose termination policy cost us another $55.
Protect America, Inc. has received the response filed by Mr.[redacted]. Our records show that it wasn’t until Mr. [redacted] received a call fromour collections department for the balance, he chose to pursue canceling. We donot have record that he called to report a false alarm nor test the system. Afterthe initial 3 year term, all agreements are month to month which allows ourcustomers to cancel their agreement 30 days prior to the end of the initialterm or any month thereafter. Protect America’s customers are liable formonthly service fees whether equipment is on line or not on line with the monitoringfacility. At this time we are unable to come to an amicable resolution with Mr.[redacted].
PAI have received the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]. Inreviewing his account we have tried reaching out to Mr. [redacted] to reach aresolution for him. All of Protect America customer’s equipment has a warranty.We ask that Mr. [redacted] please contact Protect America to allow us the opportunityto assist in...
his system functioning properly.
We have received the rejected response from Mr. [redacted]. Atthis time we feel that we’ve done everything in our power to assure Mr. [redacted]has a functioning security system. We ask that Mr. [redacted] contact ProtectAmerica to allow us the opportunity to troubleshoot for any issues he may beexperiencing. Additionally, PAI requirea 30 day written notice prior to the end of the contract term. Mr. [redacted]account is eligible for cancellation July 30, 2017.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me; provided the business sends me a Return Authorization Number and a guarantee in writing that when my contract expires at the agreed 3-year contract date that the contrct will not be automatically renewed. At that time I will decide whether I wish to sign a new contract for service or search other company services.
Protect America have received the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] and found that we received the cancel letter on 9/16/15. Protect America requires a 30 day written notice to cancel an account. Ms. [redacted] is the approved party on the account therefore we require the approved party cancel the account....
The [redacted] account is set to cancel 10/31/15.