The Company stands by it's first response. A company representative hand-delivered boil water notices to every customer. The customer has no basis for stating "many residents received nothing" as she cannot speak accurately for other people secondhand.The customer is also incorrect in stating they have yet to hear if the water is safe, as the notice stated that it would be so after test results were received back on that Wednesday. If she wants to filter the water that is up to her.Since she states that our word means nothing to her, she is, and has always been able to contact the Ulster County Health Dept., as the test results from the mandated accredited testing lab have been submitted to them, as required.
First, our rates are set by the NY State Public Service Commission. We do not make them up, and this customer pays the same asall other customers.Second, the water in this area has a very high natural iron content which gives it a brownish/red color, though it is perfectlyhealthy to drink. We have...
just completed installation of a new filter system to take this iron out of the water before it goes out tocustomers, so this color and any odor should be eliminated. Also, Health Dept regulations require that chlorine be added to thewater as it is distributed in the system to kill any bacteria present. This is monitored every day to keep it within approved levels.
The Company stands by it's first response. A company representative hand-delivered boil water notices to every customer. The customer has no basis for stating "many residents received nothing" as she cannot speak accurately for other people secondhand.The customer is also incorrect in stating they have yet to hear if the water is safe, as the notice stated that it would be so after test results were received back on that Wednesday. If she wants to filter the water that is up to her.Since she states that our word means nothing to her, she is, and has always been able to contact the Ulster County Health Dept., as the test results from the mandated accredited testing lab have been submitted to them, as required.
First, our rates are set by the NY State Public Service Commission. We do not make them up, and this customer pays the same asall other customers.Second, the water in this area has a very high natural iron content which gives it a brownish/red color, though it is perfectlyhealthy to drink. We have...
just completed installation of a new filter system to take this iron out of the water before it goes out tocustomers, so this color and any odor should be eliminated. Also, Health Dept regulations require that chlorine be added to thewater as it is distributed in the system to kill any bacteria present. This is monitored every day to keep it within approved levels.