Preferred Appliance Service Reviews (42)
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Address: 104 Edgewater Beach Blvd, Thornville, Ohio, United States, 43076-9315
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Sorry , but the supplier just loves to boldly lie 1) how could I stomp my feet on the phone ? 2) I asked where they were located because I thought I was speaking with a call center somewhere because the customer service was so horribleI never planned on wasting even one second to "come down there"That is absolutely ridiculous and *** knows this per our conversationAgain just bold face lies. 3) feel free to call *** as the supervisor who handled the issue with your company, took note of the complaint and who rescheduled is with another supplier is noted on the accountYou can easily access her name if you are truly "working with ***" like you stated but given your track record I bet that's a lie too. 4) I know it wasn't left open because the next repair company that *** sent out was professional and found the thermostat wasn't working and said that if you should have seen that
The original complaint actually states she was upset because we were minutes early! I see that she is basically upset because I noticed the tub in her dishwasher has burn marks where the element burntHer WARRANTY company denied her claim due to structural issueThey consider the tub
structuralWe have absolutely no say so in what they coverHer contract with the warranty company that she has in writing states that in items not covered . As far as time spent there it was longer than minutesI would say closer to It does not take long to open the door and see the tub scorchedI was however working as fast as I could as she told me she booked another appointment during her time frame for repairBecause I had worked quickly, she was able to make it to her other appointmentI was merely trying my best to accommodate her time constraints. The $was for her deductible that is to be paid to her service provider at the time of diagnosisThis covers the trip charge / service call out( technically a portion of it, the warranty covers the balance) I did go outWe did diagnose the issueWe did submit the issues to her warranty companyTHATS what WE are suppose to do. And lastly, I did advise the warranty company that there is likely other issues with her unit as wellThey stated with structural damage they will not cover themThank you for your timeHave a safe and Happy New Year! Sincerely, Greg G*** Preferred Appliance Service Owner
I'm not sure how this is a "complaint" on usThe $is the deductible due to the service provider at the time of service per their service contractThis covers the trip out, diagnosis, and submitting all findings to his warranty companyAll of which were done the same day we visited this
customer. Mr*** is aware of this as they had did indeed HAND me a check for that amount( We do not scan the home and tables in hopes of finding a check with our name on it) There were no issues found with either the Range nor the Dryer( yes, we were there on multiple appliances) The dryer was fine and the range was a customer instruct situationThe wife verified all was working while tech was in the homeDays later, Mr*** decided to put a stop payment on the checkHe decided it was best to take from a small business in hopes of negotiating a different cost of which he agreed to per his contractHe feels that it would be better to pay our $service call fee than the deductibleThe service call fees are $( technically its $plus tax for the FIRST appliance making it a total of $) and any ADDITIONAL appliances are $each plus taxThis will bring his total to $(tax included) Being that the cost of addressing appliances was more than the required deductible amount, I ONLY collected the deductible. The customer is to pay the $and his warranty company takes care of any charges beyond that( multiple appliances, parts, labor, etc.) I contacted Mr*** asking why he did that.( maybe oven quit working all together or something since we had left) His response was that he feels we overcharged himThat is a conversation he needs to have with his warranty company as THEY set the deductible rates in HIS CONTRACTI advised him that we need to collect and his response was " I have no intention of paying you"( exact quote) The only reason he sent this " complaint" is because they received an invoice from us this morningThe invoice is part of a process that we must follow showing they had multiple opportunities to pay what is owed in its entirety
You state you have tried to call us for days straight and cant talk to anyoneYet I was at your residence less than hours ago? As far as returning calls, I am in the process of doing that nowYou called after business hours and this morning is the next business day. Now that we have
a good control board installed,we did in fact find other issues with your dishwasher. I understand your frustration for waiting for parts as they come from your home warranty company. We explain what we need and they send your part to us directlyI actually called you within hours of receiving your last part to set up return service in hopes of getting you taken care of I further understand your frustration " dealing with third parties"In a continuing effort to make you happy I have contacted your warranty company and have had your claim reassigned to Sears as that is your preferenceThank you and have a great day!
The business is completely lyingI am the one who filed the claim and I am also the one who paid the repair manIf you deny this then please refund me immediatelyAlso *** *** is in process of filing his own dispute against your company for poor service
This email is to tell you that I am very unhappy with the outcome of this complaint against Greg G***, Preferred Appliance serviceHowever, I am dropping the claim because I just don't have any more time to devote to it.Thank you
I ABSOLUTELY responded to you, your complaint, and to your warranty companyI took the time to contact your warranty company to find a company that will throw parts at it and not charge the customer for itThe unit worked properly when we left the premises and verified by herWe never told the warranty company that she failed to pay her deductibleWe in fact reiterated to them that she DID pay her deductible per the terms of her warranty contractI told her when we were there that there is a to month warranty ( depending on her contract) and would not owe another $deductibleSo again, those are statements. This is our last response to this complaintGood luck in the future
This email is to tell you that I am very unhappy with the outcome of this complaint against Greg G***,? Preferred Appliance serviceHowever, I am dropping the claim because I just don't have any more time to devote to it.Thank you
You state you have tried to call us for days straight and cant talk to anyoneYet I was at your residence less than? hours ago? As far as returning calls, I am in the process of doing that nowYou called after business hours and this morning is the next business day.? Now that we have
a good control board installed,we did in fact find other issues with your dishwasher.? I understand your frustration for waiting for parts as they come from your home warranty company.? We explain what we need and they send your part to us directlyI actually called you within hours of receiving your last part to set up return service in hopes of getting you taken care of? I further understand your frustration " dealing with third parties"In a continuing effort to make you happy I have contacted your warranty company and have had your claim reassigned to Sears as that is your preferenceThank you and have a great day!
Greg G[redacted] spent less than 15 minutes at my home, replaced a worn-out belt that was smoking when I made the claim and then refused to respond when I had the very same issue with a smoking washer a week later. It is not clear whether he tried to work with [redacted] Warranty, but when I telephoned them I was told that he had not submitted a record that showed my payment of the $100 deductible. Because of that I would then be charged another deductible when the repair claim was reassigned, because the claim would be handled by a different repair service. Mr. G[redacted] did not repair my washer and I still do not have a working washer, because it malfunctioned again a week later,
We went out and reinstalled a belt that had came off the drive pulley. It turned out that she was washing too large of a load on " delicate cycle" . When a belt slips off of a pulley and still intact, it does not usually require replacement. I actually too EXTENSIVE time in explaining this to her....
When I explained this to her and that the warranty company would only replace parts that have failed she became angry. I further explained to her that we do not take advantage of ANYONE and do not sell parts that are not needed just to make a buck, be it a warranty or cash call. Its just bad business and we simply don't operate that way. Even though she was angry with us, we took a great deal more time and contacted her warranty company. I explained to them the situation and once we reinstalled the belt it worked properly with the customer present to verify. Instead of " Hey. thanks for handling that for me." We get a negative comment on No, the $100 deductible will not be refunded. We reinstalled belt and had unit operating properly when we left. We took the time to contact your warranty company about tub replacement. That is what your deductible is for. Lastly, I ABSOLUTELY tried to make the customer happy. I had correspondence yesterday with her to try to clear the air. I would advise her to take a good look at her contract and see what actually her warranty covers before being angry with a company following the guidelines set fourth in her contract.
I will make one response to this complaint.1. You state " I finally received a call and service was scheduled for the next day, with a call ahead so a neighbor could go in with Greg. I called again the afternoon of Tuesday Sept. 19 twice because I was supposed to have service between 9-2 with a...
call ahead. I didn't get the call ahead."False. You never set up a time for a neighbor to meet me. You told us that was not an option for someone to meet us. I did in fact call ahead as we do all of our customers. If you recall this is how I got your garage code to get in in order to enter the premises. 2. You state " Greg stated I could mail in a check to instead of leaving it at home since I had no physical checks (I did an online bill pay) and was told the parts would be in within two weeks (that would mean no later than October 3rd). False. I thought we never spoke? Furthermore you KNEW we had to collect the deductible on the initial visit. That factors into the amount I request to your warranty company for approval. We told you when you set the appointment and it is in your contract with your warranty company. The fact you chose not to leave a check, cash, or money order is not only your fault but the exact reason for the delay. I absolutely told you ( when I called you after leaving the premises to see if you had any special instructions for locking up behind) that nothing would be processed until you paid. Any statements deviating from those facts are a lie. Yet, they are the main reason for the delay in which you are upset about. 3. You state " Greg responded late in the day, around 5pm saying he just received my check and would be ordering the parts. I responded first thing the next morning, at 8:30am on the 6th, askin him to cancel my request." False. Your email indicates you sent it at 2:45 PM. Parts were already ordered. There are no returns on electronics or electrical parts from any of my vendors. We ordered those first thing in the morning. Again, after leaving your place we told you parts would be ordered as soon as we received your check. We meant it. 4. You state " He also changed the delivery time of my parts, stating it would take 14 business days but at no point did he say it would be that long (that equates to 3 weeks!), only that it would be two weeks. - " True. I told you 14 business days. By my count that IS roughly 3 weeks. 5. You state" He even started typing in capital letters to me, which equates to yelling." really? I explained everything to you multiple times. Sometimes adults " yell " 6. You stated " I am a single mother and don't have any extra money so this was a very big inconvenience financially" False. You were impatient on a delay caused by you. You went out and purchased a new refrigerator. 7. You want your $100 back. I went out, as outlined by your contract ( please read it ) to travel to your home, diagnose the unit, submit all info your warranty company, and once part are received to install them. I have completed our obligation. I am out over $400 on parts and labor because you chose to go buy a unit. There is absolutely no way I will give you your money back. You created the delay. You are the one making too many false statements. You are upset because of your own doing. This ALL could of been prevented had you showed a mutual respect in being home and paying your bill as your contract states. You chose a different path. Good luck in the future. 6.
Attached is check cashed by preferred appliance, it clearly has my name on it & also my signature. Please also note that the owner of preferred appliance blantently lied in his responses, as he clearly knows I am the one that filed the claim, he talked to, scheduled the repair with, and also the one who paid him. Please let me know if you need anything else from me.
Boldly lying? The freezer door wasn't left open? How can you be so sure? Remember IF you are the customer you live on the OTHER side of the duplex as the fridge side is rented out. Furthermore, there was a frost pattern indicating door was left open in the freezer section. As stated if other problems have come due to this THAT is entirely possible. Not only did you scream and stomp your feet, you called in to the shop DEMANDING an address because you "were on your way to settle this" all well documented by us. Im afraid the " [redacted] supervisor" gave you misinformation. If you provide a name I will be glad to have a management team member from [redacted] educate this person. I doubt this to be accurate information so a name will be likely* impossible. [redacted] is working with US to resolve this issue and I will be able to provide all information indicating she does not get her deductible back as it is kept by US per the contract. At that point [redacted] pays US the remaining balance for repairs. As far as not calling [redacted] back, well, again that is false as well. Remember, ON THE SAME CLAIM we repaired an oven as well. Why would we not want to get paid for the balance due from that repair ASAP?
The original complaint actually states she was upset because we were 15 minutes early! I see that she is basically upset because I noticed the tub in her dishwasher has burn marks where the element burnt. Her WARRANTY company denied her claim due to structural issue. They consider the tub...
structural. We have absolutely no say so in what they cover. Her contract with the warranty company that she has in writing states that in items not covered . As far as time spent there it was longer than 5 minutes. I would say closer to 15. It does not take long to open the door and see the tub scorched. I was however working as fast as I could as she told me she booked another appointment during her time frame for repair. Because I had worked quickly, she was able to make it to her other appointment. I was merely trying my best to accommodate her time constraints. The $60 was for her deductible that is to be paid to her service provider at the time of diagnosis. This covers the trip charge / service call out. ( technically a portion of it, the warranty covers the balance) I did go out. We did diagnose the issue. We did submit the issues to her warranty company. THATS what WE are suppose to do. And lastly, I did advise the warranty company that there is likely other issues with her unit as well. They stated with structural damage they will not cover them. Thank you for your time. Have a safe and Happy New Year! Sincerely, Greg G[redacted] Preferred Appliance Service Owner
Good afternoon [redacted]!Here is a copy of the work order from the warranty company. As you can see it shows the actual customer information. [redacted] nor [redacted] are listed on this contract. Sincerely,[redacted]Preferred Appliance Service ----- Forwarded Message -----From: [redacted] <[redacted]>To: "PREFERREDAPPLIANCE@YAHOO.COM" <PREFERREDAPPLIANCE@YAHOO.COM> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 12:39 PMSubject: CLAIM [redacted]CROSS COUNTRY HOME SERVICES FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33355 Date: 01-29-2015 Attn: PREFERRED APPLIANCE SERVICEClaim Number: [redacted] Vendor ID [redacted]Member's Name: [redacted]Property Address: [redacted] COLUMBUS, OH 43206Home#: ###-###-#### Alt Number:Deductible: 0.00Misc. Info.: Problem: REFRIGERATOR NOT WORKING Thank YouThe above mentioned claim number authorizes you to perform a service call, to include up to 1/2 hourdiagnostic time. If additional diagnostic time is required you must contact our Authorizationsdepartment at ###-###-#### for approval. After completing the diagnosis, you must contact ourAuthorizations department before any repairs are completed. CCHS will not pay for any charges foradditional services performed without prior approval.
[redacted]Senior AuthorizerCross Country Home Services [redacted]
The business has made no offer, is unwilling to deliver any resolution. No diagnostics were performed except for pushing an oven button. The consistent complaints show a pattern of fraud, and a business unwilling to give customer service. I have attempted multiple times to work with Greg and his company but he is unwilling to work with us. We do not owe him for services he did not perform, though in the spirit of compromise which is a two way road, are willing to pay mileage for the trip out, but not for a diagnosis that was not done.
First, we are not lying. We often have people that are tenants, friends, family, or neighbors that meet us to let us in. Often times people meet us and even pay the deductible FOR the homeowner and then homeowner pays them back, deducts it from rent, or whatever they have worked out. I went off the claim info from the warranty company. ( emailed to ) The claim shows the actual customers info with the address provided on this complaint. I have never stated that a check did not come from [redacted]. On the initial visit, we repaired her range ( replaced element) , looked at a washer that was completely destroyed by previous tenants out of anger allegedly, and looked at the fridge. The frost pattern on the sides of the walls of the freezer indicated a door was perhaps left open inadvertently allowing warm air to migrate in . I advised them to defrost the unit and to plug it back in once defrosted ( 2 days). Then [redacted] calls in A MONTH LATER saying it never worked? That's not likely for someone to let it go a month in a no cool situation. ( yet not calling anyone a liar) BUT Hey, it could be a different problem so lets get her set up for service. When she called in she began SCREAMING at us DEMANDING someone get out there RIGHT NOW! Without ever speaking to ME and even MAKE AN EFFORT to resolve the issue she chose to write negative comments on and then have others that I have never seen or heard of ( comments from [redacted] that when I asked [redacted] she has NO IDEA who [redacted] is even though her comments were the same as hers) I then called her to see if we could set her up for service again and once again started screaming. I offered her the next available day ( 2 days later) and she said ok. I asked if we could resolve the negative comments and it was " NO you get out here first" . The warranty company offers a 180 day warranty on all repairs. She would of not owed anything to us. Had she been civil, I would of taken care of the situation no problem. I understand the situation has been resolved as of now and this is no longer an issue. And lastly. The $100. Her complaint states that I " never gave the warranty company the $100 check I owe them." All that I can ask is in all of her screaming and demanding if she could just take a moment and read. Read the contract where it talks about a " trade fee or deductible". It will explain that the customer is to pay US the deductible ( that IS why she wrote the check to US isn't it?) and the warranty company will pay US anything OVER that deductible amount ( that customer pays us) as far as parts or labor is concerned. To claim we didn't pay the warranty company is just silly and another feeble attempt at slander. I'm afraid that there are so many lies in this complaint on behalf of the customer its crazy. I have submitted the contract info to the clearing up all of the accusations made by [redacted] and the info that supports everything in this response I have stated is in fact truthful. All of this being said, I have no ill feelings. I think this is about a fridge that developed a secondary issue a month after our visit. When you leave a door open it causes different issues that can lead to failures that may not show itself until much later if at all. ( defrost issues for example) I also think she found it easier to scream and stomp her feet then to try to be civil. Lastly I think there was an oversight on what contract actually reads as far as how her deductible is applied to the repair of her appliances and who gets what money. Unless deemed necessary by the this is my last and final response. Thank you.
Again, the owner of preferred appliance is boldly lying. The fridge wasn't left open, he was just neglectful and didn't care to actucally try to fix it. The only reason this process took over 30 days is Preffered Appliance wouldn't call back [redacted] about the issue. I never yelled or screamed at him but he did demand that I remove my review and threaten he wouldn't come fix it. I was also informed by [redacted] customer service that he never provided them proof of my paid deposit to him. I am also working with [redacted] to get them removed as a repair service since this entire fiasco is neither professional or acceptable. My complaint has not be resolved and my money has not be refunded to me or sent to [redacted] (according to [redacted] supervisor).
The payment was CLEARLY...
made by myself [redacted]. Please have them show you receipt of purchase, as my name is listed in the form of payment. My name is also on the [redacted] policy, my name is also on the claim, I am also the one who met [redacted] for the repair that didn't work. I am also the one he spoke with on the phone multiple times and he never mentioned that this so called policy. Matter of fact, he has never dealt with Mr. [redacted] even once! I can happily provide documentation from [redacted] & from Mr. [redacted] stating so.