To whomever it concerns,First, [redacted] has in fact been refunded by us back on November 23rd, 2015. I've included an attachmentshowing where she was refunded through our system. Our email addresses are in fact valid. We email hundreds ofcustomers and subscribers per day, five-six days a week...
and have great relationships with virtually all of them.Second, she was charged for a service she did in fact sign up for. Attached is the agreement she clicked twice toconfirm she did want a free trial to Nonprofit University. The agreement states she would be charged $97 a month ifshe decided to keep it. It also instructed she could cancel at anytime during the free trial and she would not becharged. The only way to join Nonprofit University is by clicking and agreeing to these terms. Wenever received an email from her stating that she would like to cancel her free trial.In closing, we strive to the very best at what we do which starts with excellent customer service and support. Wefeel like we've gone above and beyond to accommodate this student's needs. Thank you for taking the time to read this and understand our side.Aaron W[redacted]
Thank you, yes this has been resolved.
To whomever it concerns,First, [redacted] has in fact been refunded by us back on November 23rd, 2015. I've included an attachmentshowing where she was refunded through our system. Our email addresses are in fact valid. We email hundreds ofcustomers and subscribers per day, five-six days a week...
and have great relationships with virtually all of them.Second, she was charged for a service she did in fact sign up for. Attached is the agreement she clicked twice toconfirm she did want a free trial to Nonprofit University. The agreement states she would be charged $97 a month ifshe decided to keep it. It also instructed she could cancel at anytime during the free trial and she would not becharged. The only way to join Nonprofit University is by clicking and agreeing to these terms. Wenever received an email from her stating that she would like to cancel her free trial.In closing, we strive to the very best at what we do which starts with excellent customer service and support. Wefeel like we've gone above and beyond to accommodate this student's needs. Thank you for taking the time to read this and understand our side.Aaron W[redacted]