Plaza Home Mortgage Inc Reviews (18)
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Plaza Home Mortgage Inc Rating
Address: 191 W Shaw Ave Ste 107, Fresno, California, United States, 93704-2826
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Recently, I paid 1/of a payment a couple of weeks in advancePlaza Home Mortgage applied this partial payment to the principleWhen I inquired later, they told me that they would not reapply this partial payment to the monthly payment
They cannot get a simple home mortgage correct They do not incorporate the correct taxes and do not hold themselves accountable They stated my school taxes raised over 100% and feel the need to raise my mortgage over 33%
After retiring from the Army, as a 1SG, I started a contracting business I completed many many 203K jobs, I finished one for this mortgage company and they have done nothing but stall payment Job completed on 5/and inspection ordered Never inspected until 6/ On 6/they stated payment would not be till 6/ Contract states NET DUE DAYS Strongly recommend not doing business with this company that receives their funds from federal dollars
Customer service is the last thing this company cares about Plaza mortgage believes that customer is always Wrong! Their new website has been a disaster My login does gets disabled every month and I spend time with their phone support to fix the issueI gave up now and went back mailing my checks
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.The documents faxed in were what was requested in the last letter sent from Plaza. They received the requested items on the 28th. And do to their policy of 3 days to receive a fax and 5 days to review it the items were not reviewed as it was past the due date through no fault of ours rather Plaza's policy and delay in processing.
March 13, 2014
Dear Mr. [redacted],
We are writing to confirm that our tax department confirmed
that Mr. [redacted] owns 108 of the 111 acres. When Mr. [redacted] went to pay
his taxes, he was advised they were paid. He was instructed to contact
you directly to reimburse for his portion of the taxes.
In February, Mr. [redacted] advised that he feels more
comfortable paying Plaza directly and we sent him a letter to advise him of the
total amount due. Plaza was waiting for his check in order to reimburse
your escrow account in the amount of $1,020.38.
Plaza has received the check from Mr. [redacted] and it will be
applied to your escrow account.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience or
hardship this matter has caused you. We will make every effort to provide
you with the outstanding service you expect and deserve as our valued customer.
Senior Vice President
Risk Management
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID...
[redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.You state that the policy was cancelled due to non-payment. I have 2 invoices from [redacted]. The first one, dated Feb. 15, 2016, shows that $895.00 was billed to mortgagee, i.e. Plaza Home Mortgage. I received another invoice from [redacted], dated March 1, 2016, that was a cancellation notice for non-payment in the amount of $895.00. I paid $4459.59 at closing on February 22, 2016. Plaza Home Mortgage was liable for payment of the insurance policy. Not myself as I have an escrow account and all insurance should be paid through that account. I paid the mortgage company and have paid every month since April when my first payment was due. These are not valid charges and if the policy was, in fact, cancelled, it was not my error. It was the mortgage companies error.
Please see a copy of the attached letters, which were sent directly to the consumer.
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We are in receipt of your rebuttal to our response dated August 19, 2015, relative to our Loss Mitigation
We sincerely regret if you feel that our Loss Mitigation efforts have not met your expectations. Our Loss : Mitigation representatives are committed to working with our borrowers who seek assistance. Please be assured that any of our dedicated Loss Mitigation team representatives are able to provide you with status updates should your single point of contact not be available at the time of your call. A review of your Loss Mitigation call log reflects the following communications:
June 26, 2015 A representative spoke with you and advised you of the required documentation to complete your file.
July 6, 2015 A representative spoke with you and provided a status of the file.
July 7, 2015 A representative confirmed with you the receipt of your faxed documentation. We advised that we received the information on July 6, 2015, and was in line for review. We stated to please allow 5 business days to review the information.
July 20, 2015 Your single point of contact spoke with you and informed you of the required documents necessary to complete your file.
July 27, 2015 You spoke with your single point of contact and stated that the missing items were faxed on July 20, 2015. Regrettably, we did not show receipt of the information and requested that you re-fax the information.
July 28, 2015 We spoke with you and confirmed the receipt of the faxed information on July and stated that the file was in line for review. We stated to please allow 5 business days to review the information.July 31, 2015 The file was reviewed on July 30, 2015 and unfortunately, the file was not complete. We left a message for you to call us at back.
We can confirm the receipt of faxes on June 17, 2015 and July 27, 2015. Your file was reviewed on August 3, 2015, and it was determined that the file was not complete, and the file was closed. Please see enclosed a copy of the denial letter for your review. You have an FHA loan, and we need to adhere to the investor’s documentation requirements for an FHA review. Unfortunately, without a complete file, we are not able to evaluate your financial information to see if a workout can be achieved that you can successfully maintain and still be within program guidelines. The file remains closed.
Please contact our Loss Mitigation at [redacted] to obtain an updated list of the required documents that would be necessary to reopen your file.
December 26, 2013
Dear Mr. [redacted],
I am...
in receipt of a complaint registered by you on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau website. I can see that you have applied for a loan through The Advantage Mortgage Group, Inc. for a couple different properties in the recent past and that you currently rent. With respect to your request, Plaza provides the following explanation:
You request that Plaza remove the "Declined" status from FHA Connection and indicate that you withdrew the application.
Plaza is unable to accommodate this request. The requirements under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and by the Federal Housing Administration are very clear that if a loan is approved with credit conditions and is subsequently withdrawn, the resulting final action is a denied loan.
However, this does not preclude you from obtaining financing from another lender on the same property. The other lender can approve and close a home loan for you, including obtaining FHA insurance. Plaza's final action in no way affects the ability of another lender from making a loan to you for the purchase of the subject property.
Please let me know if you have any issues in the future that are not resolved to your satisfaction.
Sr. Vice President
Compliance & Risk Management
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.1. The lender's agents [redacted] and [redacted] specifically threatened me with foreclosure rather than explain the two step process of issuance of a breach letter followed by a 15 day remedy period.
2. Given that time is of the essence, one would expect the lender to expedite the processing and mailing of draw checks but this hasn't occurred.
Having contacted the company President ([redacted]) and a VP ([redacted]), things are moving more smoothly. I am continuing to look for a happy resolution and successful performance.
Plaza reviewed our servicing records and confirmed that no payments have been recorded late and no late payments have been reported to any bureaus. A letter was sent to the customer directly.
Plaza has communicated directly with the consumer in writing.
After reviewing/comparing the borrower’s appraisals, it does...
look like the rise in property value could be directly contributed to
improvements made by the borrower so we cannot bypass FHLMC’s 2-year seasoning
requirement. As such, she does not currently qualify for PMI removal.
In order to become eligible for early termination, the borrower
has two options. She could make a large principal curtailment in the amount of
$33,314.55 or more in order to yield an LTOV of 80% or less. Otherwise, the
borrower could wait until their loan has been seasoned for 2 years, which would
be in March 2017, and order another appraisal. The property’s value from that
appraisal would need to yield an LTCV of 75%.
Attached is Plaza Home Mortgage's further response to Mr. [redacted]'s follow up complaint. The original letter was mailed directly to Mr. [redacted] today, December 23, 2016.
Please contact [redacted] at [redacted] if you have any questions. Thank you.
Attached is Plaza Home Mortgage's response to Mr. [redacted]'s complaint. The original letter was mailed directly to Mr. [redacted] today, December 19, 2016.
Please contact [redacted] at [redacted].[redacted] if...
you have any questions. Thank you.
Plaza Home Mortgage claims to support the FHA Back to Work program but denied our loan based on the exact guidelines the program was written to address. The worse part is they strung us along for more than 30 days with a pre-approval, approval and "of course" it will go through, we are just backed up and corporate review is taking longer than anticipated... We were the classic example of the back-to work program without any other issues. We proceeded as normal, prepared to move, and gave notice. With 3 days before closing they issued a denial based on time since last short-sale. The program allows one year after short-sale and we are over a year since that event. They should not be allowed to advertise that they support a program, when in fact, they do not. If they had no intention in following the guidelines of the program, that's fine, but they cannot say that they do and hold up an account from looking elsewhere for over a 30 day period, knowing that consumers are counting on closing dates to move their families. This is now causing our family to scramble for another lender, hopefully not lose the house in request for an extension and to look for short term housing. The lack of honesty and untimely return on their decision should make all consumers beware of doing any business with Plaza.
Good afternoon,
I sincerely apologize for the delay. I contacted the settlement company and obtained a copy of the cancelled check for payment of the insurance premium at closing. I have been working with our Insurance Department on this matter. We are trying to determine why the check was cashed by [redacted] on February 29, 2016 but as of April 4, 2016 they were reporting the policy as cancelled for non-payment. The policy was renewed as of April 6, 2016 because we paid the premium from escrow on April 4, 2016. There may be more of a refund due. I will let you know once we have spoken with the insurance company. I will respond again when the amount owed is determined. Thank you for your patience.
Tell us why here... have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I have made the following attempts to contact my single point of contact.
Date Time Number Rate Usage Type Origin Destination Minutes
7/6/2015 8:36AM [redacted] Peak PlanAllow [redacted] Toll-Free CL 1 -- -- -- 7/6/2015 9:09AM [redacted] Peak PlanAllow [redacted] ...⇄ CL 6 -- -- -- 7/7/2015 10:07AM [redacted] Peak PlanAllow [redacted]�...⇄ CL 3 -- -- -- 7/20/2015 8:04AM [redacted] Peak PlanAllow [redacted]�...⇄ CL 1 -- -- -- 7/20/2015 9:02AM [redacted] Peak PlanAllow [redacted]�...⇄ CL 27 -- -- -- 7/27/2015 9:30AM [redacted] Peak PlanAllow [redacted]...⇄ CL 15 -- -- -- 7/28/2015 9:39AM [redacted] Peak PlanAllow [redacted]...⇄ CL 4 -- -- -- 7/30/2015 10:52AM [redacted] Peak PlanAllow [redacted]...⇄ CL 3 -- -- -- 8/5/2015 9:10AM [redacted] Peak PlanAllow [redacted] ...⇄ CL 8
I have sent the following faxes which I was told were either not received or missing documentation....please note the number of pages that were sent with each fax:
Your fax has been successfully sent to [redacted] at [redacted].
From: [redacted]
Matter: [redacted]
Time: 6/17/2015 1:12:00 PM
Sent to [redacted] with remote ID "[redacted]"
Result: (0/339;0/0) Successful Send
Page record: 1 - 91
Elapsed time: 78:19 on channel 33 Unique ID [redacted]
Your fax has been successfully sent to [redacted] at [redacted].
From: [redacted]
Matter: [redacted]
Time: 7/20/2015 10:50:46 AM
Sent to [redacted] with remote ID "[redacted]"
Result: (0/339;0/0) Successful Send
Page record: 1 - 17
Elapsed time: 09:39 on channel 2 Unique ID [redacted]
7/27/2015 8:45:02 AM Transmission Record
Sent to: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]
Billing information: '' '[redacted]'
Remote ID: [redacted]
Unique ID: "[redacted]"
Elapsed time: 10 minutes, 2 seconds.
Used channel 30 on server "[redacted]".
No ANI data.
No AOC data.
Resulting status code (0/339/0/0): Success
Number of pages sent: 18
After sending the requested information multiple times which I can provide ALL documents I have sent I was given the contact number of our foreclosure attorney.
Atty [redacted]
I offically request a loan modification rolling our past due balance into the life of the loan which consists of 348 months to end. The total additional amount of our past due balance rolled into monthly payments over 348 months would not cause a hardship as it would be an extra $40.00 per month. Until these terms are met there will be no further resolution.
Plaza Home Mortgage is a crooked firm. They have been holding onto my insurance proceeds from a flood claim. They have continually changed the rules in which they would release the funds thereby causing me to front the entirety of the money. The work has now been completed for a month and they are refusing to release the funds in spite of the fact that they insisted on having a 3rd party inspector determine that the work has in fact been completed. Their behavior is criminal as they are holding my funds and should be at a minimum paying interest on the escrow account. I would never choose to do business with them again.