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Pitney Bowes Inc.

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Reviews Pitney Bowes Inc.

Pitney Bowes Inc. Reviews (596)

July 17,
"> Serving [redacted], Manager, Marketplace Operation
RE: # [redacted]
Law offices of [redacted]
Dear Ms[redacted],
I am in receipt of complaint [redacted]In review of the account, Law offices of [redacted], the account was cancelled as of October 19, However; there was a Purchase Power balance due of $31.95, which was waived as of July
Additionally, there was a balance still due of $21.01.I waived a late charge of $and a finance charge of $I also credited on [redacted] postage invoice in the amount of $
This will bring the balance due on Purchase Power to $and the Purchase Power account is now closed
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for bringing this matter to our attention
Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance
Respectfully yours,
Client Support Services – Departure Team
Pitney Bowes, U.SMailing Solutions

Pitney Bowes Recovery
"TEXT-ALIGN: right; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal" align="right"> [redacted]
December 31, of CT
Dear Mrs[redacted],
This letter is to advise you that Pitney Bowes we are in receipt of the Complaint #[redacted]I have researched the Purchase Power account 8[redacted] and discovered that a payment that was sent on 11/20/in the amount of $was posted erroneously to Purchase Power [redacted] leaving a credit balance of $I will have the $transferred to Purchase Power [redacted]
I have notified the [redacted] agency to close their file and have advised the person responsible for credit reporting to remove any derogatory reporting from the Designers Insurance Agency credit file
I wish to extend our apologies for any inconvenience that this error may have caused you as we truly value your businessIf I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me
Respectfully yours,
Linda B[redacted]
Linda B[redacted]
Manager/Recovery Services
Pitney Bowes
Cc: Office of the President

Hello [redacted],
"margin: 0in 0in 0pt;">This was inadvertently posted to the wrong Friday evening. I am not sure which number it posted to but it posted at 4:and there were about attachments
Please do not send to the wrong client I am so sorry for the confusion and I appreciate your help.
Best regards, [redacted]
October 3, Dispute Resolution Department
Atten: [redacted] ** [redacted]
Company: [redacted]
Lease: [redacted]
Equip Location: [redacted] Number: [redacted]
Dear Ms[redacted],
This letter is in response to your recent termination request regarding this lease agreement.
Per review of this lease account, the contract balance is $ 1,which is the open balance, plus remaining contractual payments and a termination return fee for equipment shipping On 6/12/13, Pitney Bowes received the attached letter that [redacted] agreed to continue lease through June after previous settlements were declined.
Based on the excellent history of their lease account, we can offer non-negotiable courtesy reduction. The lowest pay-off for this lease is $ 925.86. This quote is valid till 11-3-2014.
If [redacted] wishes to accept this settlement, payment should be mailed to the following address:
Please review and advise of any questions. I can assist over the phone with payment to settle by check or credit card Once funds have been received, we will issue the account termination and initiate the return authorization for the equipment from the location
Please contact me with any questions or concerns at ###-###-####
Technical Support Lead
Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services
cc: Pitney Bowes Office of the President Office

February 18,
"> Serving Connecticut
Dear Ms[redacted],
Pitney Bowes is in receipt of letter for complaint # [redacted]Pitney Bowes understands the frustration of the client [redacted] regarding the continuation of receiving credit statements from Purchase Power
In reviewing the account I do show that there is a credit in the amount of $on the Purchase Power accountI am not showing the account noted that the letters that were sent by the client were noted has received by Pitney BowesI have included the link to request the refund via a form for the credit of $
Pitney Bowes appreciates all of your information and feedback. This assists us in educating our staff to ensure we provide excellent Customer Service
Respectfully yours,
Carrie S[redacted]
Case Manager, Client Experience
** [redacted]

Hello Maureen,
Please see the attached business response.
March 13, 2014
-40.5pt;"> Dispute Resolution Department
Atten: Maureen Shea
94 South Turnpike Road
Wallingford, CT  06492
Lessee: North Jersey Rehab Center
Lease Account:  9146201 SCH 002
Location: 101 GRAND AVE     PALISADES PARK,    NJ  07650 File # 9962727
Dear Ms. Shea:
Thank you for the opportunity to assist you regarding NORTH JERSEY REHAB CENTER Lease Account. 
It is my understanding that NORTH JERSEY REHAB CENTER is requesting termination of the lease.  Our records show NORTH JERSEY REHAB CENTER entered into a 36 month discount lease renewal agreement commencing 03-20-12 and is set to expire 3-20-2015.  This renewal agreement requires 12 quarterly payments and only 8 have been received as of 12-13-13.   Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services LLC provided the enclosed letter dated
2-28-2012 to confirm acceptance of renewal for the 36 months at the reduced rate of $126.90 plus sales tax.
Leases are non-cancelable agreements per the original terms and conditions.  A reduced settlement was offered on
3/10/14 for  $281.48.  This settlement amount will be required for payment to settle lease.  Once lease is paid in full, Pitney Bowes will provide packaging and pre-paid UPS label for return of equipment.   We will waive the equipment return fees as courtesy with their payment.   Payment should be mailed to the following address for termination of lease:
Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services LLC
2225 American Drive
Neenah,   WI  54956-1005
If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Lorna Russell
Technical Support lead
Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services
cc: Office of the President

Pitney Bowes Recovery

December 31, 2015 of CT 

Dear Mrs. [redacted],
This letter is to advise you that Pitney Bowes we are in receipt of the Complaint #[redacted]. I have researched the Purchase Power account 8[redacted] and discovered that a payment that was sent on 11/20/2015 in the amount of $300.00 was posted erroneously to Purchase Power [redacted] leaving a credit balance of $210.36. I will have the $210.36 transferred to Purchase Power [redacted].
I have notified the [redacted] agency to close their file and have advised the person responsible for credit reporting to remove any derogatory reporting from the Designers Insurance Agency credit file.
I wish to extend our apologies for any inconvenience that this error may have caused you as we truly value your business. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me.
Respectfully yours,
Linda B[redacted]
Linda B[redacted]
Manager/Recovery Services
Pitney Bowes
Cc: Office of the President

31, 2016 Serving Connecticut...

Berlin Rd.
CT 06416
RE: #[redacted]
Dear [redacted]
Bowes is in receipt of complaint #[redacted]. Pitney Bowes understands the
frustration of the client, [redacted], in regard to the status of the
reviewing the account I do show the Lease Contract for the meter has been
fulfilled and the cancellation and meter return information has been sent.  I also see the Purchase Power account has a
zero balance and has been closed.
Bowes appreciates all of your information and feedback. This assists us in
educating our staff to ensure we provide excellent Customer Service. Pitney
Bowes does apologize for the frustration the cancellation process has caused.
Robert P[redacted]
Case Manager, Client Experience
T + ###-###-####
Pitney Bowes
2225 American Drive
Neenah, WI  54956

"> Serving Connecticut
RE: # [redacted]
Murray Industries Inc
Dear Ms[redacted],
Pitney Bowes is in receipt of complaint # [redacted] Pitney Bowes understands the frustration of the client [redacted] regarding the return of postage meter [redacted] and continuation of the billing on the equipment
In reviewing the account, I do show the free trial was given from 04-22-to 06-21-per the [redacted] advertisementI have attached a copy of this invoice showing the trialThe [redacted] Link:
The client called to cancel the account on 09-15-14; however the phone disconnected before speaking to an associate in our Customer Relations departmentThis group is responsible for processing cancellationsThe cancellation of the account has been processedThe client will receive materials to ship the items back to Pitney Bowes in 7-business daysThe balance for the open meter rental invoices and the late fees owed on the account have been credited
Pitney Bowes appreciates all of your information and feedback. This assists us in educating our staff to ensure we provide excellent Customer Service
Respectfully yours,
Case Manager, Client Experience
T + [redacted]
Pitney Bowes

November 30, 2016 Serving Connecticut [redacted], Complaint and Inquiry Consultant [redacted]   [redacted]   [redacted]
[redacted] Dear M[redacted]   I am in receipt of 1[redacted].Client rejected last response and I would like to know how Pitney Bowes determined that:  "There is a credit of $81.21 on the clients account and we will be issuing a refund to the client.  I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused." Is this correct? I would like to know how Pitney Bowes will handle our account in the future and ensure we will no longer be erroneously billed?    Upon the re-review of the account, the $81.21 was not an actual credit and all invoices that were due have been cancelled out. The client will not be invoiced any longer on this account due to it being terminated and invoicing has been stopped. Again I am sorry for the delay it took to handle this situation.     Pitney Bowes strives to give the best customer service.    Respectfully yours, [redacted]   [redacted]

Please see supporting documents.
March 20, 2015
To, Inc.Attn: [redacted]94South Turnpike RoadWallingford, CT 06492
[redacted]  RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]
This is in response to [redacted], [redacted] complaint [redacted] filed by [redacted].  I have researched Ms. [redacted] account and have found no evidence of deception.
The lease [redacted] was electronically signed and sent back to inside sales. I have attached the first invoice and last from lease schedule [redacted]. I have also attached the first invoice from lease schedule [redacted] and the electrically signed lease. The invoices clearly state what lease schedule they are for, dates and amounts.
The ** lease that was signed clearly states that the new lease effective date is the expiration date of your existing lease. It also states by signing this contract you have agreed to the terms and conditions.
[redacted], [redacted] has 3 quarters left. There is only one last invoice to pay. If [redacted], [redacted] would like to terminate the lease early, we can offer a settlement.
If you do not wish to exercise this option, kindly continue to pay your account as invoiced.
Pitney Bowes strives to provide the best customer experience to address your business needs in a timely manner.
[redacted] Retention Support

April 28, of Connecticut 29 Berlin Rd.Cromwell, CT 06416[redacted]  
[redacted]RE: [redacted]To whom it may concern, I am writing in receipt to the [redacted] It was [redacted]...

understanding that she would get a free meter with her service. After further review and explanation, it was a misunderstanding and [redacted] is keeping her service with Pitney Bowes.How the program is set to work is the client would pay $19.99 a month or $59.97 a quarter (plus tax). They receive free postage coupons for 2 years in the amount of $60.00 every 3 months to be applied to their Postage by Phone account, this is to offset the cost of the rental. These are to be mailed out to the client after your free trial. As long as they are redeeming the postage coupons every 3 months this will make the rental charges a wash. The client did get a bill that was for 5 months of billing, this is a pro-rated bill. That is why it was for 5 months and not 3 months. This is where the confusion came in. I informed [redacted] we can always fix the billing so she is charged monthly on her credit card or a paper bill quarterly. After talking to [redacted] we are now waiving the 5 month bill and rebilling her monthly from a credit card. [redacted] understands how the program works now. She knows she will be paying $19.99 a month plus tax and gets her free postage coupons every 3 months. Pitney Bowes always strives to give the best service and resolve the issue. Respectfully yours, Tatum W[redacted]Customer Relations 1313 N Atlantic suite 3000Spokane, WA 99201 [redacted]

I am rejecting this response because it does nothing to resolve my complaint.
They make it way too complicated to cancel an account.
I rented the meter for several years even though it was useless and obsolete most of that time.
They don't send regular bills or invoices by email or mail.
After my credit card expired their collector started calling.
I said all I want is to cancel the account and will pay whatever is due.
Apparently they arranged for me to have a $500 credit line.
After umpteen months running the bill up to over $400, only then did they send me a return label.
Online, my account appeared to be non-existent or totally deactivated.
As soon as I got the label, I returned the meter and paid the bill only to wind up right back where I started, as if nothing ever happened, they sent me additional bills for another month and another return label as if I was an active customer and hadn't cancelled my account or returned the meter.
I called them multiple times, not to cancel my account, but to refute any additional charges.
They didn't even know they had the meter back, I had to go over everything with them, after verifying the return tracking number, each time they agreed and said ok, just disregard the final bill, the account will be cancelled.
All that time I spoke with several representatives and this is the first time anyone said anything about any 30 day notice requirement.
I've now recieved a past due bill, so I filed this complaint, and now they say 30 days notice is required.
I called again since filing this report, and the representative read their response back to me, and said see, 30 day notice is required. This is the first I've heard of that.
After going over everything again, she also said ok don't worry about it she will take care of it.
Now, I've been told and or lead to believe numerous times that the latest charges would be dropped and the account would finally be cancelled.
The respondent says I called once on 3-10, the account was cancelled that day, and that they did recieve the meter.
She does not say that the meter was lost in their system ever since it arrived on 3/2, and they still had not cancelled the account as of 3-10, until I called, and by that measure it would not have made any difference if the meter arrived on or before 3-1.
They've gone from arguing that I did not return the meter to arguing that I owe them for another month (for nothing), after leading me to believe that the charge would be dropped (repeatedly).
Should they contend that I am a liar and/or that I should be charged for a month of service for nothing, then paying the bill is not the issue, that will be done.
Their meter and their service and now their attitude makes me regret doing business with them, and I do not trust them, for they seem to lack both competence and integrity, leading to an ongoing horrible and excessively costly customer experience.

Dec. 10, 2015
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
I am in receipt of the filed [redacted]. I have researched [redacted]’s account and have found no evidence of...

[redacted] signed a 51 month lease for our postage machine. Then decided to return the meter[redacted] was under the impression that the lease would be invalid if the meter was sent back.
There was no payment made to the new 51 month lease, schedule 002. A Lease Cancel Request (LCR) has been requested and processed. The lease [redacted] has been canceled. The client owes nothing. There was a prior lease schedule [redacted]-001 that is being canceled as this account is in End of Lease. This schedule also owes a 0.00 balance. I spoke to [redacted] and advised that she does not owe any balances on the leases. I gave her my direct email address for contact. Leases [redacted]-001 and 002 have been canceled.
Pitney Bowes strives to provide the best customer experience to address your business needs in a timely manner.
Mauricea P[redacted]
Retention Support
Pitney Bowes
Spokane WA 99001
1-866-581-1234 [redacted]

June 2, 2015
RE: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am in receipt of [redacted] filed by [redacted]...

Mr. [redacted] wrote: “On 3/25/15 I received a refund check #[redacted] for $225.60 for my account. The check was made payable to both my company and an employee who no longer works here. My contract is only under my business. I contacted them the same day by phone and was told to mail the check back and they would reissue it under just my business name within 5-7 days. Almost 2 months and 4 phone calls later they have no idea if what I mailed back was received nor how to help me get anew check.”
Pitney Bowes received the client’s check and reissued a new check dated 4/2/15. Please see below the new check made payable to [redacted], which was cashed on 4/20/15.
Check #[redacted]
Dated 4/2/15
Cashed 4/20/15
Payable to:  [redacted]
Pitney Bowes immediately reissued a new refund check as requested.
Manager, A/R Cash & Controls
Global Accounting Operations
Pitney Bowes

March 09, 2015, Inc.Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
This is in response to...

[redacted] complaint [redacted] filed by [redacted].  I have researched Ms. [redacted] account and have found no evidence of deception.
Schedule 001 signed by Mr. [redacted]. This lease clearly shows 17 quarters @ $158.00 per quarter and the client paid the lease to term without dispute.
On 08/25/2011 (schedule 002 the lease in question) Mr. [redacted] signed a 42 month lease @ $158.00 per quarter. At this time schedule 001 was still active. On 07/23/2012 [redacted] received their first invoice detailing payments for lease schedule 002.
I have reviewed all the statements for this account. They explain in detail the schedule numbers and bill through dates. Ms. [redacted] mistakenly thought the lease commenced on the day it was signed however; the lease commenced after schedule 001 lease had been satisfied (per terms and conditions) and per invoicing went right into schedule 002. [redacted] has 3 quarters left. If [redacted] would like to terminate the lease early, we can offer a settlement.
If you do not wish to exercise this option, kindly continue to pay your account as invoiced.
Pitney Bowes strives to provide the best customer experience to address your business needs in a timely manner.
Retention Support

March 9, 2015, Inc.
Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am in receipt of [redacted] complaint...

#[redacted].[redacted] was upset about a billing issue that he was told had been resolved previously. He was also upset about long hold times, and that the issue couldn’t be resolved online via email.
I have adjusted the price of the meter to the amount that was discussed on 12/11/2014 which didn’t take affect due to an agent mistake.  I have since made the agent aware of this issue. 
The clients email was received on 3/6/2015, but didn’t specify what the issue was clearly enough, so the Pitney Bowes agent sent a follow up email for clarification.  There is no further information regarding this issue.
Below is the email I sent the client, per their request, to confirm the billing has been adjusted and will be correct going forward. I have provided my contact information in case of further questions or concerns. 
[redacted] will receive a corrected bill within the next 2-3 weeks, and can disregard the current invoice in the meantime. 
Respectfully yours,
Retention Team Lead
 From: [redacted]
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 7:35 PM
To: [redacted]
Subject: [redacted] regarding Pitney Bowes acct #[redacted]
Good Afternoon [redacted],
I have received your complaint, and I apologize for the issues.  Your comments are important and of extreme value as we continue to make process improvements.
I have corrected the price on your account to the amount of $19.95/month for one year which was agreed to on 12/11/2014.  Below I have outline this pricing structure in full:
Product: [redacted]
                Customer Account Number: [redacted]
                Effective Date: 01/01/2015
                New Rate: $19.95/m for the first year and $22.95/m for the 2nd year
                Resets: Unlimited Free Resets
                Reset Fee: $0.00/each
*The cost of postage and supplies are not included in this amount and are additional.
Please feel free to contact myself directly if you have any further questions or concerns.  Thank you for your valued business, and have a wonderful week!
Best Regards,
Team Sales Lead
Client Relations
T  +[redacted]
F +[redacted]
Pitney Bowes

As other negative reviews have mentioned, their lease, billing and website are beyond awful. If you are looking for timely and accurate billing, reasonable response to customer service requests, accurate billing information on the website that matches hard copy documents then do NOT signup with Pitney Bowes. Pitney Bowes is a good choice If you want to pay an exhorbitant amount for a piece of equipment that isn't worth the cost and spend hours on the phone with a company that fails to resolve problems.
First of all I had the chance to speak with Mrs. [redacted]esterday, 11/30/2016. That was very helpful and reassuring to me, as I finally felt as if my problem was heard! I even dear to hope there might be a chance to have the situation addressed and hopefully fixed for actual and future clients.
The gift card was a very nice gesture and I am sure everyone in this office will enjoy the coffee; but my main reason behind the complaint was to make sure someone at Pitney Bowes finally listens to my complaint and also understands the necessity to look into an entire department that is operated by unprofessional, unknowledgeable individuals. As far as I'm concerned, Accounts Receivable is the future of any company, and when that department shakes, the stake of the entire establishment could be compromised. Their tactics were absolutely questionable, yet until yesterday I couldn't get anyone to listen to me. And for that I want to mainly thank you,!!!!!!
And thank you Mrs. [redacted] for your patience and hopefully your understanding as well!

Feb 11, 2015
To, Inc.
Attn: [redacted]
Lease [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]
In response to...

[redacted] [redacted], our records indicate the Purchase Power account that was used to buy postage and supplies was over 91 days past due when [redacted] assistant tried to order ink.
Purchase Power is a line of credit and if goes over 60 days past due, Pitney Bowes will suspend any activity until the account becomes current. When [redacted] called regarding the account that is when he discovered his payment posted to his lease account. He was advised that the payment could be transferred and would take 3-4 days to apply.
The customer has requested to cancel without penalties as he felt this was unacceptable.
The ink order arrived and was refused by the client.
On 12/31/2013 there was an inquiry with a credit on the client’s account. The agent spoke with [redacted] and advised of the 3-4 days transfer time. The client was aware of Pitney Bowes transfer processing time.
On 02/02/2015 a settlement letter was sent per client’s request. (Please see attached).
To ensure Purchase Power payments are applied correctly, the remit to address for Purchase Power payments is enclosed.
Make checks payable to: Pitney Bowes Purchase Power
Purchase Power
Overnight Address
Purchase Power 
Attn: [redacted]
Pitney Bowes Leasing Support
Cc: Pitney Bowes Office of the President

January 03, 2017 Serving Connecticut M[redacted] Complaint and Inquiry Consultant [redacted] Cromwell, CT 06416
[redacted]   I am in receipt of 1[redacted].  I have...

waived the invoice that reflects late fees and finance charges; the account now reflects a $0.00 balance due.  Thank you.   My sincere apologies for the inconvenience.  Pitney Bowes strives to provide the best possible customer service.   Respectfully yours,   [redacted] Customer Advocate  Office of the President

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Description: Mailing Machines & Equipment, Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers (NAICS: 423420)

Address: 15 Constitution Drive, Bedford, New Hampshire, United States, 03110-6000


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