Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/12/15) */ I had left a voicemail for Mr [redacted] on October 5th, asking if we could put in a $store credit or if he preferred a cash reimbursement for the lost shirt and hadn't heard back from him on the decision, until nowI have left him a voicemail with my apologies and let him know that I will turn in the claim for $and he should receive a check within a weeks timeI will also put in some store credit for his trouble
Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2016/02/17) */ The day after we delivered the order, we acknowledged that there was one pair of laides' dress pants missing (gray Limited)When we were unable to locate them we gave her a claim form to fill out so we could issue her a checkWe received the claim form back from her in December when we had given it to her in OctoberOn the claim form, they added a second pair of pants of her husbands and claimed they were $(The most expensive two piece suit in his suit brand is $at the location he claimed to have purchased them several years ago)Pilgrim has several emails from the wife confirming that they are only missing her pair of gray ladies' Limited brand pantsFour months after the original order was delivered to them was the first time we heard about him missing his pantsOur item tracking system shows they were delivered and picked up, and the wife also confirmed it was only her pants that were missingAdditionally our company policy says any claims regarding lost or damaged items must be made within daysBecause the husband began threatening the company saying he would report us to the and tell everyone in his company to never use the service again, we decided to end the debate with the customer and just pay them the requested $A check has been issued and sent to their home address for the full $ Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 7, 2016/02/17) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) I accept the fact that they are willing to accept responsibility and take care of their mistakeI would like to address the inaccuracies to their statementThe acknowledgement of the lost pair of pants was made by a voicemail Derek left on 10/21/at 10:AMIn the voicemail which I attached to this claim, he states these were the Pronto Uomo PantsIt was a few days later that Pearl had a verbal conversation with Jim via phone regarding a second pair of pants being lost, which we were able to confirm when we arrived at homeWe confirmed these were Pearl's pantsAt this point we were told that we would be contacted when a claim form was dropped off at the Company StorePearl received notification via text message from the route driver Jim (attached) on 11-that the form was availableI picked up the form however soon lost the form and requested another oneIn the meantime I was attempting to get proof of purchase of my suitSince the pants were part of a complete suit, I was expecting value of the suit which they confirmed they would provide via a phone conversation with PearlWith the holiday we were very busy and forgot to follow up with Pilgrim since we had not heard backOn 1/Pearl followed up with Pilgrim at which time Derek got involved and we went back and forth regarding the valueAt NO time did I threaten themI told Derek, "At this point, I have no other choice than to submit a complaint with my corporate office as well as with the" (email thread attached)I never once threatened to tell anyone in my company what had happened besides submitting a complaint with our manager that handles amenities on campusAs for the value of the pants, I was able to confirm on at least two different websites the price of the suit with other consumersWe were asking for about 51% of the full price paid of the entire suit, since it was unusableThe first time we have heard that they will be paying the request is reading the response to this complaintAt this point, once I receive the check I will be satisfied Attachments - Screen shot of original voicemail from Derek on 10/confirming Pronto Uomo pants are lost - Both Txt and Outlook copy of the latest email trail with Derek regarding value, etc - Copy of text messages from Jim regarding the claim form delivery date Timeline 10-notified Pilgrim of missing pants 10-Jim contacted Pearl via phone to discuss a 2nd pair of pants being missing 11-- notified a claim form was available at Company Store 12-- notified Jim we lost form, requested another 1-26-- follow up asking where claim was I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meThe information from Lisa wasn’t quite the content of the discussion held earlier I do accept their apology and the offer of a refund I appreciate the assistance of the in obtaining a resolution to this problem
Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/12/15) */ I had left a voicemail for Mr [redacted] on October 5th, asking if we could put in a $store credit or if he preferred a cash reimbursement for the lost shirt and hadn't heard back from him on the decision, until nowI have left him a voicemail with my apologies and let him know that I will turn in the claim for $and he should receive a check within a weeks timeI will also put in some store credit for his trouble
Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (2000, 6, 2016/01/26) */ Pilgrim Cleaners has satisfied my needs, please cancel the complaint against them
Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2016/02/17) */ The day after we delivered the order, we acknowledged that there was one pair of laides' dress pants missing (gray Limited)When we were unable to locate them we gave her a claim form to fill out so we could issue her a checkWe received the claim form back from her in December when we had given it to her in OctoberOn the claim form, they added a second pair of pants of her husbands and claimed they were $(The most expensive two piece suit in his suit brand is $at the location he claimed to have purchased them several years ago)Pilgrim has several emails from the wife confirming that they are only missing her pair of gray ladies' Limited brand pantsFour months after the original order was delivered to them was the first time we heard about him missing his pantsOur item tracking system shows they were delivered and picked up, and the wife also confirmed it was only her pants that were missingAdditionally our company policy says any claims regarding lost or damaged items must be made within daysBecause the husband began threatening the company saying he would report us to the and tell everyone in his company to never use the service again, we decided to end the debate with the customer and just pay them the requested $A check has been issued and sent to their home address for the full $ Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 7, 2016/02/17) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) I accept the fact that they are willing to accept responsibility and take care of their mistakeI would like to address the inaccuracies to their statementThe acknowledgement of the lost pair of pants was made by a voicemail Derek left on 10/21/at 10:AMIn the voicemail which I attached to this claim, he states these were the Pronto Uomo PantsIt was a few days later that Pearl had a verbal conversation with Jim via phone regarding a second pair of pants being lost, which we were able to confirm when we arrived at homeWe confirmed these were Pearl's pantsAt this point we were told that we would be contacted when a claim form was dropped off at the Company StorePearl received notification via text message from the route driver Jim (attached) on 11-that the form was availableI picked up the form however soon lost the form and requested another oneIn the meantime I was attempting to get proof of purchase of my suitSince the pants were part of a complete suit, I was expecting value of the suit which they confirmed they would provide via a phone conversation with PearlWith the holiday we were very busy and forgot to follow up with Pilgrim since we had not heard backOn 1/Pearl followed up with Pilgrim at which time Derek got involved and we went back and forth regarding the valueAt NO time did I threaten themI told Derek, "At this point, I have no other choice than to submit a complaint with my corporate office as well as with the" (email thread attached)I never once threatened to tell anyone in my company what had happened besides submitting a complaint with our manager that handles amenities on campusAs for the value of the pants, I was able to confirm on at least two different websites the price of the suit with other consumersWe were asking for about 51% of the full price paid of the entire suit, since it was unusableThe first time we have heard that they will be paying the request is reading the response to this complaintAt this point, once I receive the check I will be satisfied Attachments - Screen shot of original voicemail from Derek on 10/confirming Pronto Uomo pants are lost - Both Txt and Outlook copy of the latest email trail with Derek regarding value, etc - Copy of text messages from Jim regarding the claim form delivery date Timeline 10-notified Pilgrim of missing pants 10-Jim contacted Pearl via phone to discuss a 2nd pair of pants being missing 11-- notified a claim form was available at Company Store 12-- notified Jim we lost form, requested another 1-26-- follow up asking where claim was I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meThe information from Lisa wasn’t quite the content of the discussion held earlier I do accept their apology and the offer of a refund I appreciate the assistance of the in obtaining a resolution to this problem