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Piedmont Natural Gas Company

4720 Piedmont Row Dr Ste 100, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States, 28210-4294

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Reviews Natural Gas Companies Piedmont Natural Gas Company

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Reviews (141)

Piedmont Natural Gas Monthly Bill is not accurate to reflect natural gas therms units,date of the natural gas meter reading, name of employee.
Customer Care

There is no need to highlight your bottom message.
I am very familiar with your web site and how to navigate.

Your response is :

Reading your response, I am not sure if other " your bill was correct" there is anything from you to understand your email.

2. It is also showing your LACK OF UNDERSTANDING, we us customers need to have a complete results of any Piedmont Natural Gas Bill
read or re-read containing actual THERMS UNITS ( on the read meter)


Please show respect for us, customers in the way you address your email correspondence (email / letter)



a) The actual price HIKE in comparison with last year instead to show at the left top corner of our bill a decrease in the price of Therm Unit of $ 0.02 / Therm Unit.


CLEARLY STATED FOR ALL OF US CUSTOMERS : A HIKE OF TOTAL 62% of the THERM UNIT in comparison with last year, paid by all of us due to the price hike.

This email in form of letter (USPS Certified Letter) is sent to your headquarter, upper management, to reflect / show how your Customer Care does respond to our concerns.

I am waiting for your letter with full explanation of the re-read bill ( containing NUMBER OF THE THERMS UNITS read on January 23, 2018) - which could not be the same THERM UNITS previously read initially by your employee in charge.

Thank you,


Retired Sr. Manager / Project Engineer Electrical / Energy Manager

Bechtel Corporation, San Francisco, CA
Onizuka Air Force Station, Raytheon Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA
Eaton Corporation, Pleasanton, CA

From: CustomerSelfService mailto:***
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, XXXX X:XX AM
Subject: Piedmont Natural Gas. - XXXXXXXXXXXXX #XXXXXX

Thank you for contacting Piedmont Natural Gas. A reread was performed on January 23, 2018. Per these results you bill was correct. You will be mailed results via postal mail.

To view you detailed bill online:
You can view your bills 2 ways:

1. Open your e- notice using your zip code. Click on the green paper clip to view your invoice.
2. From our website.....Visit: then Manage Your Account. Once logged in click on Bill Information followed by Select A Bill Image.
Please make sure your pop up blocker is deactivated as this opens in an additional window/tab. In addition you will need Adobe acrobat reader to view bills.

*** If you have any additional questions regarding your account for security purposes we ask that you please visit our website at then click Contact Us followed by Billing Question ( or call 800-752-7504 (Monday-Friday, 7:30 am- 7pm Eastern Standard Time) for immediate request as online request can take 2 business days to process.

*** Care Team

Desired Outcome

We as customers want billing accuracy, fully informing about natural gas price hike (not only reduce) which is not reflected easy on the bill. In order to read and understand natural gas bill It is very hard for us as customers to go to various web site to look for the price of the THERMS UNITS. The bill shall contain the total therms units for the actual read month, date of reading, name of the person performing the reading

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response • Feb 05, 2018

We have reviewed the complaint filed by the consumer; our records reflect the consumer contacted us on January 17 with a high bill complaint. The consumer requested that Piedmont re-read the meter that serves him to verify the January bill for service was correct.
The consumer also emailed us on January 18 stating that our bill lacks detailed information. Our records reflect the consumer is enrolled in eBill; the email sent to consumers notifying them they have a new bill available for viewing does not contain specific bill information; consumers must open the bill attachment to view the actual bill image which detailed information. A reply email was sent to the consumer the same day with instructions on how to view his bill. If the consumer is not able to view the bill in a specific browser he may need to turn off any pop-up blocker a browser may have.
The consumer contacted us on January 22 with a request to be removed from eBill; our records reflect the consumer will begin receiving paper statements beginning with his next bill for service. The consumer also indicated that he had not receive an email response for his communication to us on the 18th; our representative submitted a request to have another email sent to the consumer explaining how to view his eBill, and a request to email the results of the service order to verify the meter reading. If the consumer did not receive the email response from January 18, he may wish to check his spam folder as our email management system reflects a response was sent to the email address provided by the consumer.
Our records reflect the second email was sent to the consumer the following the day advising a reread was performed on the 23rd which verified the January bill was correct; the email advised the results would be mailed to him via postal mail. We apologize the consumer has not received the letter advising him the meter was re-read reflecting the January bill for service was correct; our business office is behind on mailing these letters due to high work volume. We have requested they mail the letter to the consumer today however, we will also provide the results in this correspondence.
Piedmont utilizes Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) technology to obtain monthly readings for billing. Using this technology increases accuracy in the reading of meters as it almost completely eliminates the chance of human error in the readings. However, at the consumers request we scheduled an order for January 22 to confirm the meter reading for the January bill for service was accurate. Piedmont was unable to complete this request on the 22nd and the order was completed the following day. Our records reflect our technician obtained a visual meter reading of 5570 which is 20 CCF greater than the AMR reading of 5550 obtained January 9 for the January bill for service.
Our records reflect the consumer was billed for 25 therms on the bill for service dated December 14, 2017; for service period 11/07/17 to 12/07/17. The average temperature for this billing period was 49, the bill for service was comparable to the December, 2016 bill for service where the *** was billed for 20 therms, and the average temperature was 51.
The consumer was billed for 60 therms on the bill for service dated January 17, 2018; for service period 12/07/17 to 01/09/18. The average temperature for this billing period was 37, reflecting that it was significantly colder than the billing period from the previous month and the same time period the previous year when the average temperature was 42.
In an analysis of the consumer's consumption, we would have anticipated January consumption would have double based on actual heating degree days (HDD). The consumer used 25 therms in December with 509 HDD; the HDD in January totaled 945 reflecting the billing period was nearly twice as cold. Based on historical consumption we would have anticipated the consumer would have used 46 - 50 therms for the January billing period, however meter readings reflect 60 therms were used, which is slightly higher than we would have anticipated.
Since the billed meter reading was verified as accurate we recommend the consumer speak with the apartment complex where he resides to ensure the heating equipment is working properly. It is possible the furnace needs cleaning and/or servicing, if a unit is not operating properly this can cause higher than anticipated usage.
As requested the bills for service beginning January 25, 2016 to present are attached; these bill copies have also been placed in the mail so the consumer will have them for his records. All Piedmont Natural Gas bill forms show:
(1) The reading of the meter at the beginning and at the end of the period for which the bill is rendered.
(2) The date on which the meter was read at the end of the billing period.
(3) The number of units metered.
(4) Identification of the applicable rate schedule.
(5) The gross and/or net amount of the bill.
(6) The date by which the *** must pay the bill in order to benefit from any discount or to avoid any penalty.
(7) A distinct marking to identify an estimated bill.
(8) Any conversion from meter reading units to billing units, or any calculations to determine billing units from recording or other devices, or any other factors, such as purchased gas or fuel adjustments, used in determining the bill. In lieu of such information on the bill, a statement must be on the bill advising that such information can be obtained by contacting the utility's principal office.
Effective January 1, 2018, as approved by the North Carolina Utilities Commission, the consumer's bill included a rate decrease of $0.XXXXX per therm. The December 2017 rate per therm was $1.XXXXX, the January 2018 rate per therm is $1.XXXXX reflecting the $0.XXXXX decrease. Rates may be viewed on our website at by selecting the "About Piedmont" tab, and then selecting "Our Rates".
We hope this is a satisfactory explanation for the consumer and will gladly answer any additional questions or concerns he may have.

Customer Response • Feb 07, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Piedmont Natural Gas does not address my concerns :
1. As of today, February 7, 2018, I did not receive any letter with the results of the re-read therms units as indicated by Piedmont Natural Gas in their email response. Also I did NOT receive any copies of the bills requested February 2016 to February 2018.
2. Upon numerous emails sent explaining in details the difficulties, I experience in reading the gas bill details using various browser platforms - Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, and NOT having any Pop Up blocker, and so far rendered NO results or response. Also, I did explain in detail the fact that I was able to see in detail my natural gas bill on my iPhone 6S browser platform.
I did try several times to be as clear as possible to have Piedmont Natural Gas IT Department look at the problems I encountered and try to find a solution.
3. Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is in general an accurate reading method versus human error however is not perfect "as it almost eliminates the chance of human error" Almost, means, sometimes could have errors in data readings transmission...or otherwise.
4. While I agree, temperature for the billing period was 37 degrees significantly cooler that previous month, it was NOT substantially cooler than last year of 42 degree, a 5 degrees difference which could not be translated in a bill of $ 85.36 twice of last month bill $ 41.40 or compared with last year bill of $ 55.47.
5. Piedmont Natural Gas Billing Department shall structure gas bill details containing all the information needed by us, customers, to understand and take proper decisions in how to reduce and save more in natural gas spending energy.
Several times I did mention bill shall contain the price rate for natural gas therm units consumption for period billed. Bill does not have to ask us, customers, to go to a different web site to find the rate schedule.
Since the rate schedule is for us, customers, RESIDENTIAL, only one rate schedule does apply for bill which shall include on the same page the price rates for therm units used.

I did attach, as an example Duke-Energy bill which clearly shows the price rate per kilowatt included in the same page without asking us, customers, to go to a different web site for rates schedule.
6. Piedmont Natural Gas bill forms DOES NOT contain all the necessary information for customers to evaluate, understand, and take proper decisions in regard to their gas energy savings.
All Piedmont Natural Gas bill forms show:
Paragraph (4) response shows "Identification of the applicable rate schedule" instead of rate price per therm units included clearly in the bill as many other energy companies do.
Thank you,
Retired Sr. Manager / Project Engineer / Energy Manager
Bechtel Corporation, San Francisco, CA
Raytheon - Onizuka Air Force Station, Sunnyvale, CA
Eaton Corporation, Pleasanton, CA

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response • Feb 12, 2018

Both the letter containing the results of the re-read and bill copies were mailed to the consumer, we expect that given sufficient time those items have been received.

Piedmont Natural Gas eBills are delivered in Portable Document Format (PDF) which can be opened on a web page either within a web browser or in Adobe Acrobat or Reader. Each web browser has its own settings to control how PDFs open from a web page. If the consumer is having difficulty he may need to change his plug-ins or add-ons in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. The consumer may wish to visit Adobe's Acrobat help page for instructions on how to manage plug-ins and add-ons for assistance; Piedmont is unable to provide support for a consumer's web browser settings as these are built in security settings. Adobe's help page may be viewed by following this link:

We appreciate the consumer's feedback regarding our bill format however, Piedmont has no plans to change its bill format at this time.

The January 2018 billing period was 20% colder than the same billing period in 2017. Piedmont verified the meter reading on January 23 at 5570 which was 20 CCF greater than the *** 9 billed reading of 5550. If the consumer still believes his bill is inaccurate we can change the meter that serves him and have a special test for accuracy performed. In order to change the meter, service will be temporarily interrupted, the consumer would need to be at the premise in order for a technician to have clear and safe access to all natural gas appliances for the purposes of relighting equipment and performing a required safety inspection. The consumer may contact our *** Contact Center at XXX-XXX-XXXX to schedule the meter change; our department will follow up with him after the meter has been tested. Please note meters are shipped to our testing facility and the results will not be immediately available.

Unsatisfactory! I paid the full agreed upon amount for central gas heating from Piedmont on 2 *** 2018, I have yet to receive the service! The only reason that they had an "A+" from the is because they had no competition in the areas that they chose. If there were another central heat gas company available, then the Piedmont grade would be F-. I have no idea how Piedmont managed to protect themselves from market forces with such a high level of INCOMPETENCE! Hopefully soon, solar power & heat will be made comprehensive & affordable on a homeowner level, that will take a while; PAID FOR heat needs must be provided now. Piedmont is expensive, & unreasonable. Duke Energy bought out Piedmont Natural Gas, but the paperwork hasn't been finalized, so Duke can't override Piedmont to speed up their service. In my view, Duke would have made more money by competing with Piedmont instead of buying them out.

Unsatisfactory! I paid the full agreed upon amount for central gas heating from Piedmont on 2 *** 2018, I have yet to receive the service! The only reason that they had an "A+" from the is because they had no competition in the areas that they chose. If there were another central heat gas company available, then the Piedmont grade would be F-. I have no idea how Piedmont managed to protect themselves from market forces with such a high level of INCOMPETENCE! Hopefully soon, solar power & heat will be made comprehensive & affordable on a homeowner level, that will take a while; PAID FOR heat needs must be provided now. Piedmont is expensive, & unreasonable. Duke Energy bought out Piedmont Natural Gas, but the paperwork hasn't been finalized, so Duke can't override Piedmont to speed up their service. In my view, Duke would have made more money by competing with Piedmont instead of buying them out.

Unsatisfactory! I paid the full agreed upon amount for central gas heating from Piedmont on 2 *** 2018, I have yet to receive the service! The only reason that they had an "A+" from the is because they had no competition in the areas that they chose. If there were another central heat gas company available, then the Piedmont grade would be F-. I have no idea how Piedmont managed to protect themselves from market forces with such a high level of INCOMPETENCE! Hopefully soon, solar power & heat will be made comprehensive & affordable on a homeowner level, that will take a while; PAID FOR heat needs must be provided now. Piedmont is expensive, & unreasonable. Duke Energy bought out Piedmont Natural Gas, but the paperwork hasn't been finalized, so Duke can't override Piedmont to speed up their service. In my view, Duke would have made more money by competing with Piedmont instead of buying them out.

Unsatisfactory! I paid the full agreed upon amount for central gas heating from Piedmont on 2 *** 2018, I have yet to receive the service! The only reason that they had an "A+" from the is because they had no competition in the areas that they chose. If there were another central heat gas company available, then the Piedmont grade would be F-. I have no idea how Piedmont managed to protect themselves from market forces with such a high level of INCOMPETENCE! Hopefully soon, solar power & heat will be made comprehensive & affordable on a homeowner level, that will take a while; PAID FOR heat needs must be provided now. Piedmont is expensive, & unreasonable. Duke Energy bought out Piedmont Natural Gas, but the paperwork hasn't been finalized, so Duke can't override Piedmont to speed up their service. In my view, Duke would have made more money by competing with Piedmont instead of buying them out.

They keep charging me fees and their customer service is terrible. They aren't educating clients correctly and they charge fees that are their fault.
My service was disconnected, my fault ok I get that. I moved and I'm not used to paying a gas and a electric bill. I paid it the very next day, they only come out mon-fri office hours. I scheduled an appointment but then I couldn't get off work. So I cancelled so I wouldn't incur another fee. I called not even a week later to reschedule my appointment they told me my account is closed and I have to now pay another $70 deposit. At this point I'm panicking bc Im single mom. So thats $90 to restore, $70 deposit plus my actual bill. When I cancelled she didn't tell me I had a certain amount of days to restore service or my account would be closed. EVEN THOUGH I PAID TO RESTORE SERVICES. If I had been informed of this I would have made arrangments sooner it hadn't even been a week. They said oh we can't waive that fee or anything but we can break it up. So she enrolled me automatic billing. The bill was coming out of the account 12/15 I call 12/20 bc it hasn't come out. She says its returned, how if I have the money. Its a card but it has a account and route number that allows ach check payments to be pulled. My other bills came out just not peidmont. I didn't enter the account the CSR did. I asked whats the number to verify, she said they cant see the number. So now I call the CSR for my card, they informed me nothing tried to come through. Peidmont is now trying to charge me and ADDITIONAL $25 returned fee when I had the money. It's not my fault or the banks fault that it wasn't entered correctly or didn't come out. So that means they've charged me nearly $200 just in fees alone. I'm a single parent how am I supposed to live? Like is it normal for you guys to provide not only terrible customer service but charge all these fees. At this point I wish I could boil water and just allow it to get cut off but I can't. My water heater works my heat, so should me and my daughter just be cold? I'm trying to figure out why it's my fault that your CSR didn't inform me my account would be closed and on top of that then when you guys set up my automatic billing you didn't do it correctly. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do this is despicable in the worst way that you don't train your employees properly and you charge your customers for your mistakes and inadequacy to provide the proper information.

Desired Outcome

I want those fee's removed. I don't mind being set up for automatic withdraw for my bill I don't mind paying what I owe but those fees I don't believe I should have to pay b/c I wasn't at fault.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

We are working towards waiving the Reconnection Fee for this first occurrence of disconnect. This customer was already refunded 25.00 from the previous account so the deposit is required for this new one. The draft information should be deleted and re-entered if this customer is still interested in having her bill payments drafted. Please contact our Customer Service line @ *** to delete that information and start over. We are also waiving the NSF charge for this first returned bank item. I apologize for the mis-communications on our end.

They keep charging me fees and their customer service is terrible. They aren't educating clients correctly and they charge fees that are their fault.
My service was disconnected, my fault ok I get that. I moved and I'm not used to paying a gas and a electric bill. I paid it the very next day, they only come out mon-fri office hours. I scheduled an appointment but then I couldn't get off work. So I cancelled so I wouldn't incur another fee. I called not even a week later to reschedule my appointment they told me my account is closed and I have to now pay another $70 deposit. At this point I'm panicking bc Im single mom. So thats $90 to restore, $70 deposit plus my actual bill. When I cancelled she didn't tell me I had a certain amount of days to restore service or my account would be closed. EVEN THOUGH I PAID TO RESTORE SERVICES. If I had been informed of this I would have made arrangments sooner it hadn't even been a week. They said oh we can't waive that fee or anything but we can break it up. So she enrolled me automatic billing. The bill was coming out of the account 12/15 I call 12/20 bc it hasn't come out. She says its returned, how if I have the money. Its a card but it has a account and route number that allows ach check payments to be pulled. My other bills came out just not peidmont. I didn't enter the account the CSR did. I asked whats the number to verify, she said they cant see the number. So now I call the CSR for my card, they informed me nothing tried to come through. Peidmont is now trying to charge me and ADDITIONAL $25 returned fee when I had the money. It's not my fault or the banks fault that it wasn't entered correctly or didn't come out. So that means they've charged me nearly $200 just in fees alone. I'm a single parent how am I supposed to live? Like is it normal for you guys to provide not only terrible customer service but charge all these fees. At this point I wish I could boil water and just allow it to get cut off but I can't. My water heater works my heat, so should me and my daughter just be cold? I'm trying to figure out why it's my fault that your CSR didn't inform me my account would be closed and on top of that then when you guys set up my automatic billing you didn't do it correctly. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do this is despicable in the worst way that you don't train your employees properly and you charge your customers for your mistakes and inadequacy to provide the proper information.

Desired Outcome

I want those fee's removed. I don't mind being set up for automatic withdraw for my bill I don't mind paying what I owe but those fees I don't believe I should have to pay b/c I wasn't at fault.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

We are working towards waiving the Reconnection Fee for this first occurrence of disconnect. This customer was already refunded 25.00 from the previous account so the deposit is required for this new one. The draft information should be deleted and re-entered if this customer is still interested in having her bill payments drafted. Please contact our Customer Service line @ *** to delete that information and start over. We are also waiving the NSF charge for this first returned bank item. I apologize for the mis-communications on our end.

They keep charging me fees and their customer service is terrible. They aren't educating clients correctly and they charge fees that are their fault.
My service was disconnected, my fault ok I get that. I moved and I'm not used to paying a gas and a electric bill. I paid it the very next day, they only come out mon-fri office hours. I scheduled an appointment but then I couldn't get off work. So I cancelled so I wouldn't incur another fee. I called not even a week later to reschedule my appointment they told me my account is closed and I have to now pay another $70 deposit. At this point I'm panicking bc Im single mom. So thats $90 to restore, $70 deposit plus my actual bill. When I cancelled she didn't tell me I had a certain amount of days to restore service or my account would be closed. EVEN THOUGH I PAID TO RESTORE SERVICES. If I had been informed of this I would have made arrangments sooner it hadn't even been a week. They said oh we can't waive that fee or anything but we can break it up. So she enrolled me automatic billing. The bill was coming out of the account 12/15 I call 12/20 bc it hasn't come out. She says its returned, how if I have the money. Its a card but it has a account and route number that allows ach check payments to be pulled. My other bills came out just not peidmont. I didn't enter the account the CSR did. I asked whats the number to verify, she said they cant see the number. So now I call the CSR for my card, they informed me nothing tried to come through. Peidmont is now trying to charge me and ADDITIONAL $25 returned fee when I had the money. It's not my fault or the banks fault that it wasn't entered correctly or didn't come out. So that means they've charged me nearly $200 just in fees alone. I'm a single parent how am I supposed to live? Like is it normal for you guys to provide not only terrible customer service but charge all these fees. At this point I wish I could boil water and just allow it to get cut off but I can't. My water heater works my heat, so should me and my daughter just be cold? I'm trying to figure out why it's my fault that your CSR didn't inform me my account would be closed and on top of that then when you guys set up my automatic billing you didn't do it correctly. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do this is despicable in the worst way that you don't train your employees properly and you charge your customers for your mistakes and inadequacy to provide the proper information.

Desired Outcome

I want those fee's removed. I don't mind being set up for automatic withdraw for my bill I don't mind paying what I owe but those fees I don't believe I should have to pay b/c I wasn't at fault.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

We are working towards waiving the Reconnection Fee for this first occurrence of disconnect. This customer was already refunded 25.00 from the previous account so the deposit is required for this new one. The draft information should be deleted and re-entered if this customer is still interested in having her bill payments drafted. Please contact our Customer Service line @ *** to delete that information and start over. We are also waiving the NSF charge for this first returned bank item. I apologize for the mis-communications on our end.

They keep charging me fees and their customer service is terrible. They aren't educating clients correctly and they charge fees that are their fault.
My service was disconnected, my fault ok I get that. I moved and I'm not used to paying a gas and a electric bill. I paid it the very next day, they only come out mon-fri office hours. I scheduled an appointment but then I couldn't get off work. So I cancelled so I wouldn't incur another fee. I called not even a week later to reschedule my appointment they told me my account is closed and I have to now pay another $70 deposit. At this point I'm panicking bc Im single mom. So thats $90 to restore, $70 deposit plus my actual bill. When I cancelled she didn't tell me I had a certain amount of days to restore service or my account would be closed. EVEN THOUGH I PAID TO RESTORE SERVICES. If I had been informed of this I would have made arrangments sooner it hadn't even been a week. They said oh we can't waive that fee or anything but we can break it up. So she enrolled me automatic billing. The bill was coming out of the account 12/15 I call 12/20 bc it hasn't come out. She says its returned, how if I have the money. Its a card but it has a account and route number that allows ach check payments to be pulled. My other bills came out just not peidmont. I didn't enter the account the CSR did. I asked whats the number to verify, she said they cant see the number. So now I call the CSR for my card, they informed me nothing tried to come through. Peidmont is now trying to charge me and ADDITIONAL $25 returned fee when I had the money. It's not my fault or the banks fault that it wasn't entered correctly or didn't come out. So that means they've charged me nearly $200 just in fees alone. I'm a single parent how am I supposed to live? Like is it normal for you guys to provide not only terrible customer service but charge all these fees. At this point I wish I could boil water and just allow it to get cut off but I can't. My water heater works my heat, so should me and my daughter just be cold? I'm trying to figure out why it's my fault that your CSR didn't inform me my account would be closed and on top of that then when you guys set up my automatic billing you didn't do it correctly. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do this is despicable in the worst way that you don't train your employees properly and you charge your customers for your mistakes and inadequacy to provide the proper information.

Desired Outcome

I want those fee's removed. I don't mind being set up for automatic withdraw for my bill I don't mind paying what I owe but those fees I don't believe I should have to pay b/c I wasn't at fault.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

We are working towards waiving the Reconnection Fee for this first occurrence of disconnect. This customer was already refunded 25.00 from the previous account so the deposit is required for this new one. The draft information should be deleted and re-entered if this customer is still interested in having her bill payments drafted. Please contact our Customer Service line @ *** to delete that information and start over. We are also waiving the NSF charge for this first returned bank item. I apologize for the mis-communications on our end.

Unexplained deposit requirement, leading to shut off services (for balance of $18).
Opened a new account with PNG in Aug'17 and received a bill about a month later, which included usage charges of $18 and an unexplained deposit request for $90.
After multiple attempts to reach a customer service representative by phone to obtain an understanding of why a deposit was required (no prior issues with utility companies or other businesses in *** or prior residences in ), was unable to reach a rep and was left waiting for over 20 minutes. Tried accessing my account online multiple times, but was either redirected to a "under maintenance" page or was told to call customer service. After several weeks, the gas was shut off for an outstanding balance of $18.
Finally, had to get out of work early to be able to call the customer service office before they closed and was told that to reconnect the service, I needed to pay an additional $90 re-connection fee. No explanation was provided as to why a deposit was initially required, what process was used to make this determination or what "derogatory" information was obtained from "online public searches" that impacted this decision.
PNG is the only gas provider in my apartment complex which constitutes a monopoly on the area with regards to this specific service. As a consumer, I have no other alternative than to jump through any and all hoops that are arbitrarily created by this business.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund of the $90 reconnection fee as well as a detailed explanation of how the deposit amounts are determined, what information is used to make this determination and how this information is obtained.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

We have investigated the situation resulting in the consumer's complaint. Our records reflect the consumer applied for natural gas service using our Customer Self Service feature on our website on August 3, 2017. We offer consumers the option of a creditworthiness check when they apply for service, if they pass we will waive the need for a deposit to secure the account. Our records reflect the creditworthiness check was declined and it was necessary for the consumer to pay a deposit in the amount of $91.00 to secure the account. A system message advised the consumer their service order was scheduled successfully and the required deposit of $91.00 would be added to their first bill for service. Gas service was successfully transferred to the consumer's name on August 9, 2017.

We issued the first bill for service on September 14, 2017 in the amount of $109.63, this amount included the required $91.00 deposit and $18.63 gas charges; the bill was due on or before October 8, 2017. A second bill for service was issued October 13, 2017 for new charges in the amount of $21.09 due on or before November 7, 2017, past due charges $109.63, total charges $130.72. Enclosed with this bill was an Important Notice advising that in order to avoid interruption of service the past due charges of $109.63 must be received by 5:00 PM, October 23, 2017. The notice additionally advised that if it becomes necessary to disconnect service, a reconnection fee will be charged and that a security deposit will be required or an existing deposit may be increased, please see enclosed bill copies and notice.

When payment was not received we placed a call to the telephone number the consumer provided us with when they applied for service. Our records reflect a message was left on October 24, 2017 at 9:46:51 AM providing 24 hour notice of disconnection. When payment was still no received an order to interrupt service was created and scheduled for October 30, 2017; our records reflect service was interrupted at 3:35 PM due to non-payment.

Our records do not reflect the consumer initiated contact with us regarding their gas account until after service was interrupted.

Piedmont utilizes *** for consumer credit risk assessment and scoring. This application is provided by LexisNexis; and is FCRA compliant. *** employs proprietary scoring methodology based on public record and non-traditional consumer credit data, not credit bureau data. The exact same scoring methodology is used for all residential consumers requesting service from Piedmont Natural Gas. A benefit to the consumer is that a credit worthiness check provided by *** does not lower their credit score as a traditional credit check does.

Our staff is not able to view why a consumer may be required to secure their account based on their *** report. Consumers who are required to pay a deposit are mailed a Risk Based Pricing Notice providing them some key factors that may have affected their credit score. Should the consumer have additional questions regarding their consumer report they can contact LexisNexis Risk Solutions at *** or visit ***.

Deposits are calculated on an estimated charge for service at a premise based on historical consumption data. The amount is two-twelfths of the estimated charge for the service for the ensuing twelve months. Our Customer Information System estimated the consumption at the time the consumer applied for service to be $546.00 for the next twelve months; $546.00/12 = $45.50 x 2 = $91.00. Deposit amounts are determined based on North Carolina Utility Commission Rule R12-4.

We are unable to provide the consumer with their request for a refund of the $90.95 reconnection fee that was charged. The disconnection for nonpayment was a valid disconnection and the reconnection fee allows Piedmont to recover a portion of the costs incurred for disconnecting and reconnecting service.

We hope this is a satisfactory explanation and will gladly answer any additional question or concerns the consumer may have.

Unexplained deposit requirement, leading to shut off services (for balance of $18).
Opened a new account with PNG in Aug'17 and received a bill about a month later, which included usage charges of $18 and an unexplained deposit request for $90.
After multiple attempts to reach a customer service representative by phone to obtain an understanding of why a deposit was required (no prior issues with utility companies or other businesses in *** or prior residences in ), was unable to reach a rep and was left waiting for over 20 minutes. Tried accessing my account online multiple times, but was either redirected to a "under maintenance" page or was told to call customer service. After several weeks, the gas was shut off for an outstanding balance of $18.
Finally, had to get out of work early to be able to call the customer service office before they closed and was told that to reconnect the service, I needed to pay an additional $90 re-connection fee. No explanation was provided as to why a deposit was initially required, what process was used to make this determination or what "derogatory" information was obtained from "online public searches" that impacted this decision.
PNG is the only gas provider in my apartment complex which constitutes a monopoly on the area with regards to this specific service. As a consumer, I have no other alternative than to jump through any and all hoops that are arbitrarily created by this business.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund of the $90 reconnection fee as well as a detailed explanation of how the deposit amounts are determined, what information is used to make this determination and how this information is obtained.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

We have investigated the situation resulting in the consumer's complaint. Our records reflect the consumer applied for natural gas service using our Customer Self Service feature on our website on August 3, 2017. We offer consumers the option of a creditworthiness check when they apply for service, if they pass we will waive the need for a deposit to secure the account. Our records reflect the creditworthiness check was declined and it was necessary for the consumer to pay a deposit in the amount of $91.00 to secure the account. A system message advised the consumer their service order was scheduled successfully and the required deposit of $91.00 would be added to their first bill for service. Gas service was successfully transferred to the consumer's name on August 9, 2017.

We issued the first bill for service on September 14, 2017 in the amount of $109.63, this amount included the required $91.00 deposit and $18.63 gas charges; the bill was due on or before October 8, 2017. A second bill for service was issued October 13, 2017 for new charges in the amount of $21.09 due on or before November 7, 2017, past due charges $109.63, total charges $130.72. Enclosed with this bill was an Important Notice advising that in order to avoid interruption of service the past due charges of $109.63 must be received by 5:00 PM, October 23, 2017. The notice additionally advised that if it becomes necessary to disconnect service, a reconnection fee will be charged and that a security deposit will be required or an existing deposit may be increased, please see enclosed bill copies and notice.

When payment was not received we placed a call to the telephone number the consumer provided us with when they applied for service. Our records reflect a message was left on October 24, 2017 at 9:46:51 AM providing 24 hour notice of disconnection. When payment was still no received an order to interrupt service was created and scheduled for October 30, 2017; our records reflect service was interrupted at 3:35 PM due to non-payment.

Our records do not reflect the consumer initiated contact with us regarding their gas account until after service was interrupted.

Piedmont utilizes *** for consumer credit risk assessment and scoring. This application is provided by LexisNexis; and is FCRA compliant. *** employs proprietary scoring methodology based on public record and non-traditional consumer credit data, not credit bureau data. The exact same scoring methodology is used for all residential consumers requesting service from Piedmont Natural Gas. A benefit to the consumer is that a credit worthiness check provided by *** does not lower their credit score as a traditional credit check does.

Our staff is not able to view why a consumer may be required to secure their account based on their *** report. Consumers who are required to pay a deposit are mailed a Risk Based Pricing Notice providing them some key factors that may have affected their credit score. Should the consumer have additional questions regarding their consumer report they can contact LexisNexis Risk Solutions at *** or visit ***.

Deposits are calculated on an estimated charge for service at a premise based on historical consumption data. The amount is two-twelfths of the estimated charge for the service for the ensuing twelve months. Our Customer Information System estimated the consumption at the time the consumer applied for service to be $546.00 for the next twelve months; $546.00/12 = $45.50 x 2 = $91.00. Deposit amounts are determined based on North Carolina Utility Commission Rule R12-4.

We are unable to provide the consumer with their request for a refund of the $90.95 reconnection fee that was charged. The disconnection for nonpayment was a valid disconnection and the reconnection fee allows Piedmont to recover a portion of the costs incurred for disconnecting and reconnecting service.

We hope this is a satisfactory explanation and will gladly answer any additional question or concerns the consumer may have.

Unexplained deposit requirement, leading to shut off services (for balance of $18).
Opened a new account with PNG in Aug'17 and received a bill about a month later, which included usage charges of $18 and an unexplained deposit request for $90.
After multiple attempts to reach a customer service representative by phone to obtain an understanding of why a deposit was required (no prior issues with utility companies or other businesses in *** or prior residences in ), was unable to reach a rep and was left waiting for over 20 minutes. Tried accessing my account online multiple times, but was either redirected to a "under maintenance" page or was told to call customer service. After several weeks, the gas was shut off for an outstanding balance of $18.
Finally, had to get out of work early to be able to call the customer service office before they closed and was told that to reconnect the service, I needed to pay an additional $90 re-connection fee. No explanation was provided as to why a deposit was initially required, what process was used to make this determination or what "derogatory" information was obtained from "online public searches" that impacted this decision.
PNG is the only gas provider in my apartment complex which constitutes a monopoly on the area with regards to this specific service. As a consumer, I have no other alternative than to jump through any and all hoops that are arbitrarily created by this business.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund of the $90 reconnection fee as well as a detailed explanation of how the deposit amounts are determined, what information is used to make this determination and how this information is obtained.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

We have investigated the situation resulting in the consumer's complaint. Our records reflect the consumer applied for natural gas service using our Customer Self Service feature on our website on August 3, 2017. We offer consumers the option of a creditworthiness check when they apply for service, if they pass we will waive the need for a deposit to secure the account. Our records reflect the creditworthiness check was declined and it was necessary for the consumer to pay a deposit in the amount of $91.00 to secure the account. A system message advised the consumer their service order was scheduled successfully and the required deposit of $91.00 would be added to their first bill for service. Gas service was successfully transferred to the consumer's name on August 9, 2017.

We issued the first bill for service on September 14, 2017 in the amount of $109.63, this amount included the required $91.00 deposit and $18.63 gas charges; the bill was due on or before October 8, 2017. A second bill for service was issued October 13, 2017 for new charges in the amount of $21.09 due on or before November 7, 2017, past due charges $109.63, total charges $130.72. Enclosed with this bill was an Important Notice advising that in order to avoid interruption of service the past due charges of $109.63 must be received by 5:00 PM, October 23, 2017. The notice additionally advised that if it becomes necessary to disconnect service, a reconnection fee will be charged and that a security deposit will be required or an existing deposit may be increased, please see enclosed bill copies and notice.

When payment was not received we placed a call to the telephone number the consumer provided us with when they applied for service. Our records reflect a message was left on October 24, 2017 at 9:46:51 AM providing 24 hour notice of disconnection. When payment was still no received an order to interrupt service was created and scheduled for October 30, 2017; our records reflect service was interrupted at 3:35 PM due to non-payment.

Our records do not reflect the consumer initiated contact with us regarding their gas account until after service was interrupted.

Piedmont utilizes *** for consumer credit risk assessment and scoring. This application is provided by LexisNexis; and is FCRA compliant. *** employs proprietary scoring methodology based on public record and non-traditional consumer credit data, not credit bureau data. The exact same scoring methodology is used for all residential consumers requesting service from Piedmont Natural Gas. A benefit to the consumer is that a credit worthiness check provided by *** does not lower their credit score as a traditional credit check does.

Our staff is not able to view why a consumer may be required to secure their account based on their *** report. Consumers who are required to pay a deposit are mailed a Risk Based Pricing Notice providing them some key factors that may have affected their credit score. Should the consumer have additional questions regarding their consumer report they can contact LexisNexis Risk Solutions at *** or visit ***.

Deposits are calculated on an estimated charge for service at a premise based on historical consumption data. The amount is two-twelfths of the estimated charge for the service for the ensuing twelve months. Our Customer Information System estimated the consumption at the time the consumer applied for service to be $546.00 for the next twelve months; $546.00/12 = $45.50 x 2 = $91.00. Deposit amounts are determined based on North Carolina Utility Commission Rule R12-4.

We are unable to provide the consumer with their request for a refund of the $90.95 reconnection fee that was charged. The disconnection for nonpayment was a valid disconnection and the reconnection fee allows Piedmont to recover a portion of the costs incurred for disconnecting and reconnecting service.

We hope this is a satisfactory explanation and will gladly answer any additional question or concerns the consumer may have.

Unexplained deposit requirement, leading to shut off services (for balance of $18).
Opened a new account with PNG in Aug'17 and received a bill about a month later, which included usage charges of $18 and an unexplained deposit request for $90.
After multiple attempts to reach a customer service representative by phone to obtain an understanding of why a deposit was required (no prior issues with utility companies or other businesses in *** or prior residences in ), was unable to reach a rep and was left waiting for over 20 minutes. Tried accessing my account online multiple times, but was either redirected to a "under maintenance" page or was told to call customer service. After several weeks, the gas was shut off for an outstanding balance of $18.
Finally, had to get out of work early to be able to call the customer service office before they closed and was told that to reconnect the service, I needed to pay an additional $90 re-connection fee. No explanation was provided as to why a deposit was initially required, what process was used to make this determination or what "derogatory" information was obtained from "online public searches" that impacted this decision.
PNG is the only gas provider in my apartment complex which constitutes a monopoly on the area with regards to this specific service. As a consumer, I have no other alternative than to jump through any and all hoops that are arbitrarily created by this business.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund of the $90 reconnection fee as well as a detailed explanation of how the deposit amounts are determined, what information is used to make this determination and how this information is obtained.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

We have investigated the situation resulting in the consumer's complaint. Our records reflect the consumer applied for natural gas service using our Customer Self Service feature on our website on August 3, 2017. We offer consumers the option of a creditworthiness check when they apply for service, if they pass we will waive the need for a deposit to secure the account. Our records reflect the creditworthiness check was declined and it was necessary for the consumer to pay a deposit in the amount of $91.00 to secure the account. A system message advised the consumer their service order was scheduled successfully and the required deposit of $91.00 would be added to their first bill for service. Gas service was successfully transferred to the consumer's name on August 9, 2017.

We issued the first bill for service on September 14, 2017 in the amount of $109.63, this amount included the required $91.00 deposit and $18.63 gas charges; the bill was due on or before October 8, 2017. A second bill for service was issued October 13, 2017 for new charges in the amount of $21.09 due on or before November 7, 2017, past due charges $109.63, total charges $130.72. Enclosed with this bill was an Important Notice advising that in order to avoid interruption of service the past due charges of $109.63 must be received by 5:00 PM, October 23, 2017. The notice additionally advised that if it becomes necessary to disconnect service, a reconnection fee will be charged and that a security deposit will be required or an existing deposit may be increased, please see enclosed bill copies and notice.

When payment was not received we placed a call to the telephone number the consumer provided us with when they applied for service. Our records reflect a message was left on October 24, 2017 at 9:46:51 AM providing 24 hour notice of disconnection. When payment was still no received an order to interrupt service was created and scheduled for October 30, 2017; our records reflect service was interrupted at 3:35 PM due to non-payment.

Our records do not reflect the consumer initiated contact with us regarding their gas account until after service was interrupted.

Piedmont utilizes *** for consumer credit risk assessment and scoring. This application is provided by LexisNexis; and is FCRA compliant. *** employs proprietary scoring methodology based on public record and non-traditional consumer credit data, not credit bureau data. The exact same scoring methodology is used for all residential consumers requesting service from Piedmont Natural Gas. A benefit to the consumer is that a credit worthiness check provided by *** does not lower their credit score as a traditional credit check does.

Our staff is not able to view why a consumer may be required to secure their account based on their *** report. Consumers who are required to pay a deposit are mailed a Risk Based Pricing Notice providing them some key factors that may have affected their credit score. Should the consumer have additional questions regarding their consumer report they can contact LexisNexis Risk Solutions at *** or visit ***.

Deposits are calculated on an estimated charge for service at a premise based on historical consumption data. The amount is two-twelfths of the estimated charge for the service for the ensuing twelve months. Our Customer Information System estimated the consumption at the time the consumer applied for service to be $546.00 for the next twelve months; $546.00/12 = $45.50 x 2 = $91.00. Deposit amounts are determined based on North Carolina Utility Commission Rule R12-4.

We are unable to provide the consumer with their request for a refund of the $90.95 reconnection fee that was charged. The disconnection for nonpayment was a valid disconnection and the reconnection fee allows Piedmont to recover a portion of the costs incurred for disconnecting and reconnecting service.

We hope this is a satisfactory explanation and will gladly answer any additional question or concerns the consumer may have.

My gas was turned off and a window was provided for the png to come to my house and turn back. PNG did not arrive during the window.
PNG turned the gas off at my house while I was away to replace a meter. I was given no notice that this was going to happen. When I called in to get the gas turned back on a representative told me the order would be completed the next day between 8-12. No one showed up during this time. I approximately 1:15 I called in to see when they would be out to turn on my gas and was told that a window could not be provided because they were busy. I asked to speak to a supervisor. Chris C also refused to give me a time window. Chris and the first person I spoke to were very rude. They made no effort to call out to the crew that would restore my service to get an ETA of when they would be out to restore my service. When I asked for the name of the person I spoke with first Chris refused to give me that name, but was fine giving me the name of his manager Don E, unfortunately he didn't offer to let me speak with his manager who may have been able to resolve the issue. Chris really wanted to get me off the phone as soon as possible without trying to resolve the issue.

Desired Outcome

My gas has been turned off without my permission or knowledge before hand. The company has made minimal effort to turn it on in a timely manner. My heat will likely not be turned on in the next month and I believe I should not have to pay for this gas bill which would usually be between $10-$15. In addition I would like a phone call with an ETA for the time this service will be turned back on. And in the future I would like an ETA anytime this happens again.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

I have reviewed the recent service orders and calls for this consumer's account.

The Meter Reading Dept. issued a meter change order for this residence due to failure with the ERT (Electronic Remittance Transmittal) device. Although the meter could still be read manually, it could not be read automatically/by the drive by truck.

Unfortunately, our Meter Reading Dept. was unable to schedule this meter change prior to working the service order. On 9/19/17 @ 2:49m a technician changed out the meter, leaving the new meter off because no one was at home for him to restore service. However, he tagged the door advising the consumer of the service that was performed and to contact us for restoration of service.

When reviewing the calls I found the consumer called Piedmont Natural Gas on 9/21/17 @ 7:46am to schedule restoration of service. It remains undetermined the reason the consumer did not return the call on 9/19/17, the day the meter was changed out. The Rep advised the consumer on 9/21/17 that the only appointment available was an all-day appointment with a 30 minute call before going. The consumer advised she was unable to accept this appointment and therefore proceeded to schedule for 9/22/17. The consumer first requested 8:00am - 12:00pm appointment, but then changed and requested an all-day appointment. The technician restored service on 9/22/17 @ 3:33PM. All Piedmont Natural Gas Reps were very courteous to this consumer and made every effort possible to have service restored in a timely manner.

From time to time Piedmont Natural Gas has to interrupt service for repairs or maintenance. We continue to restore service to our customers as soon as possible, but cannot guarantee an estimated time arrival.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. As a courtesy, we will credit this consumer's account $10.00, which is the residential monthly charge.

My gas was turned off and a window was provided for the png to come to my house and turn back. PNG did not arrive during the window.
PNG turned the gas off at my house while I was away to replace a meter. I was given no notice that this was going to happen. When I called in to get the gas turned back on a representative told me the order would be completed the next day between 8-12. No one showed up during this time. I approximately 1:15 I called in to see when they would be out to turn on my gas and was told that a window could not be provided because they were busy. I asked to speak to a supervisor. Chris C also refused to give me a time window. Chris and the first person I spoke to were very rude. They made no effort to call out to the crew that would restore my service to get an ETA of when they would be out to restore my service. When I asked for the name of the person I spoke with first Chris refused to give me that name, but was fine giving me the name of his manager Don E, unfortunately he didn't offer to let me speak with his manager who may have been able to resolve the issue. Chris really wanted to get me off the phone as soon as possible without trying to resolve the issue.

Desired Outcome

My gas has been turned off without my permission or knowledge before hand. The company has made minimal effort to turn it on in a timely manner. My heat will likely not be turned on in the next month and I believe I should not have to pay for this gas bill which would usually be between $10-$15. In addition I would like a phone call with an ETA for the time this service will be turned back on. And in the future I would like an ETA anytime this happens again.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

I have reviewed the recent service orders and calls for this consumer's account.

The Meter Reading Dept. issued a meter change order for this residence due to failure with the ERT (Electronic Remittance Transmittal) device. Although the meter could still be read manually, it could not be read automatically/by the drive by truck.

Unfortunately, our Meter Reading Dept. was unable to schedule this meter change prior to working the service order. On 9/19/17 @ 2:49m a technician changed out the meter, leaving the new meter off because no one was at home for him to restore service. However, he tagged the door advising the consumer of the service that was performed and to contact us for restoration of service.

When reviewing the calls I found the consumer called Piedmont Natural Gas on 9/21/17 @ 7:46am to schedule restoration of service. It remains undetermined the reason the consumer did not return the call on 9/19/17, the day the meter was changed out. The Rep advised the consumer on 9/21/17 that the only appointment available was an all-day appointment with a 30 minute call before going. The consumer advised she was unable to accept this appointment and therefore proceeded to schedule for 9/22/17. The consumer first requested 8:00am - 12:00pm appointment, but then changed and requested an all-day appointment. The technician restored service on 9/22/17 @ 3:33PM. All Piedmont Natural Gas Reps were very courteous to this consumer and made every effort possible to have service restored in a timely manner.

From time to time Piedmont Natural Gas has to interrupt service for repairs or maintenance. We continue to restore service to our customers as soon as possible, but cannot guarantee an estimated time arrival.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. As a courtesy, we will credit this consumer's account $10.00, which is the residential monthly charge.

My gas was turned off and a window was provided for the png to come to my house and turn back. PNG did not arrive during the window.
PNG turned the gas off at my house while I was away to replace a meter. I was given no notice that this was going to happen. When I called in to get the gas turned back on a representative told me the order would be completed the next day between 8-12. No one showed up during this time. I approximately 1:15 I called in to see when they would be out to turn on my gas and was told that a window could not be provided because they were busy. I asked to speak to a supervisor. Chris C also refused to give me a time window. Chris and the first person I spoke to were very rude. They made no effort to call out to the crew that would restore my service to get an ETA of when they would be out to restore my service. When I asked for the name of the person I spoke with first Chris refused to give me that name, but was fine giving me the name of his manager Don E, unfortunately he didn't offer to let me speak with his manager who may have been able to resolve the issue. Chris really wanted to get me off the phone as soon as possible without trying to resolve the issue.

Desired Outcome

My gas has been turned off without my permission or knowledge before hand. The company has made minimal effort to turn it on in a timely manner. My heat will likely not be turned on in the next month and I believe I should not have to pay for this gas bill which would usually be between $10-$15. In addition I would like a phone call with an ETA for the time this service will be turned back on. And in the future I would like an ETA anytime this happens again.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

I have reviewed the recent service orders and calls for this consumer's account.

The Meter Reading Dept. issued a meter change order for this residence due to failure with the ERT (Electronic Remittance Transmittal) device. Although the meter could still be read manually, it could not be read automatically/by the drive by truck.

Unfortunately, our Meter Reading Dept. was unable to schedule this meter change prior to working the service order. On 9/19/17 @ 2:49m a technician changed out the meter, leaving the new meter off because no one was at home for him to restore service. However, he tagged the door advising the consumer of the service that was performed and to contact us for restoration of service.

When reviewing the calls I found the consumer called Piedmont Natural Gas on 9/21/17 @ 7:46am to schedule restoration of service. It remains undetermined the reason the consumer did not return the call on 9/19/17, the day the meter was changed out. The Rep advised the consumer on 9/21/17 that the only appointment available was an all-day appointment with a 30 minute call before going. The consumer advised she was unable to accept this appointment and therefore proceeded to schedule for 9/22/17. The consumer first requested 8:00am - 12:00pm appointment, but then changed and requested an all-day appointment. The technician restored service on 9/22/17 @ 3:33PM. All Piedmont Natural Gas Reps were very courteous to this consumer and made every effort possible to have service restored in a timely manner.

From time to time Piedmont Natural Gas has to interrupt service for repairs or maintenance. We continue to restore service to our customers as soon as possible, but cannot guarantee an estimated time arrival.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. As a courtesy, we will credit this consumer's account $10.00, which is the residential monthly charge.

My gas was turned off and a window was provided for the png to come to my house and turn back. PNG did not arrive during the window.
PNG turned the gas off at my house while I was away to replace a meter. I was given no notice that this was going to happen. When I called in to get the gas turned back on a representative told me the order would be completed the next day between 8-12. No one showed up during this time. I approximately 1:15 I called in to see when they would be out to turn on my gas and was told that a window could not be provided because they were busy. I asked to speak to a supervisor. Chris C also refused to give me a time window. Chris and the first person I spoke to were very rude. They made no effort to call out to the crew that would restore my service to get an ETA of when they would be out to restore my service. When I asked for the name of the person I spoke with first Chris refused to give me that name, but was fine giving me the name of his manager Don E, unfortunately he didn't offer to let me speak with his manager who may have been able to resolve the issue. Chris really wanted to get me off the phone as soon as possible without trying to resolve the issue.

Desired Outcome

My gas has been turned off without my permission or knowledge before hand. The company has made minimal effort to turn it on in a timely manner. My heat will likely not be turned on in the next month and I believe I should not have to pay for this gas bill which would usually be between $10-$15. In addition I would like a phone call with an ETA for the time this service will be turned back on. And in the future I would like an ETA anytime this happens again.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

I have reviewed the recent service orders and calls for this consumer's account.

The Meter Reading Dept. issued a meter change order for this residence due to failure with the ERT (Electronic Remittance Transmittal) device. Although the meter could still be read manually, it could not be read automatically/by the drive by truck.

Unfortunately, our Meter Reading Dept. was unable to schedule this meter change prior to working the service order. On 9/19/17 @ 2:49m a technician changed out the meter, leaving the new meter off because no one was at home for him to restore service. However, he tagged the door advising the consumer of the service that was performed and to contact us for restoration of service.

When reviewing the calls I found the consumer called Piedmont Natural Gas on 9/21/17 @ 7:46am to schedule restoration of service. It remains undetermined the reason the consumer did not return the call on 9/19/17, the day the meter was changed out. The Rep advised the consumer on 9/21/17 that the only appointment available was an all-day appointment with a 30 minute call before going. The consumer advised she was unable to accept this appointment and therefore proceeded to schedule for 9/22/17. The consumer first requested 8:00am - 12:00pm appointment, but then changed and requested an all-day appointment. The technician restored service on 9/22/17 @ 3:33PM. All Piedmont Natural Gas Reps were very courteous to this consumer and made every effort possible to have service restored in a timely manner.

From time to time Piedmont Natural Gas has to interrupt service for repairs or maintenance. We continue to restore service to our customers as soon as possible, but cannot guarantee an estimated time arrival.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. As a courtesy, we will credit this consumer's account $10.00, which is the residential monthly charge.

Service Technician stated no leaks, but bill excessively high and leak detected the following week.
On 9/11/17, I called into customer service to report the smell of gas on my property. They informed me that it was considered an emerge nc call and a technician would be dispatched ASAP to icheck the issue. I explained in detail that I smelled the gas in the front yard and that I had a gas light in the property that I was not sure was functioning. When I got home I found that the gas had been cut off. I called the service line as I had been instructed to do earlier to have the gas turned back on. Later that evening a tech came to restore the service. He turned the gas back on and lit the pilot to my hot water heater. On the morning of 9/18/17 I smelled gas again in the same area. I called to report it and, again, an emergency call was placed. When I came home I found a note stating that there was a gas leak in the area that I had advised the tech to check on 9/11/17. This leads me to believe that a thorough check was not completed by the tech on 9/11/2017. I called back on the night of 9/18/2017 to have my service restored and during the conversation I asked about havING my bill adjusted for the week that the leak went undetected. I was told no because it was my responsibility as the homeowner to ensure that things were working properly in my home. I attempted to do that by placing the service calls.

Desired Outcome

I think that it would be fair to have a the bill for the period prorated. I asked that 12.50, roughly 1/4 of the bill be credited to my account and I think that this is a fair adjustment. Only crediting the usage for the week that the leak went undetected after being reported, not the time prior to that.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

Piedmont Natural Gas has reviewed the telephone calls, bill and service order history pertaining to this complaint. We want to assure this consumer that safety is our number one priority. The proper procedures were followed regarding the gas leak and prior notification was given about interruption of service.

On 9/11/17 @ 11:21am this consumer called Piedmont Natural Gas and advised of a gas odor outside in the front yard by the gas light. The Rep gave the consumer the Safety Script information. The consumer advised the Rep that no one was at home. Our Representative advised the consumer that a technician will be dispatched and that for safety he will have to turn the meter off if no one is at home. Our technician arrived at the residence @ 12:11pm. He used a leak detector; checked for leak in ground area at the gaslight, foundation and under the house, but found no leak. He turned off the meter and tagged the door advising consumer.

On the same date, 9/11/17 @ 3:33pm, the consumer called Piedmont Natural Gas to inquire of the tech's report. The Rep gave her the report and the consumer stated she will call back later to schedule to have service restored, in which she did at 5:25pm. A technician went out @ 8:20pm and checked the furnace and water heater, found no leak so therefore left the meter on.

On 9/18/17 in the telephone call that we received from this consumer, she stated her concerns about the gas bill being higher than usual. However, while discussing the bill she stated that she still thinks that there is a gas leak. The Rep then asked if she smelled gas and the consumer replied yes, but this time she stated that there is an odor "in front yard at left corner of fence on right side of house." The Rep then began to read the Safety Script information to her, but the consumer kept interrupting the Rep and advised she did not want to hear this information again. The consumer insisted on being transferred to a supervisor, but the Rep explained to her that she could not because this has become an emergency call and emergency calls cannot be transferred.

As the consumer has stated the gas leak was found when this second emergency call was issued. It remains uncertain, but perhaps the more specifics assisted. The consumer's September bill that she stated as higher than usual and the one that she is requesting an adjustment on, is for the period 8/9/17 thru 9/8/17. The consumer did not contact us until 9/11/17 which is after that billing period.

Prior to contacting this consumer also contacted Piedmont Natural Gas on 9/19/17 with this same complaint. In addition to the complaint made with she stated to us that when she placed her call for restoration of service she waited for a technician to come, only to be told later by Piedmont Natural Gas that we could not restore service until she had contacted a contractor to make repairs. The consumer states this was wasted time; she should have been advised of this first and she could have contacted a contractor sooner. Although the leak was not discovered until the second emergency call, this consumer was advised repairs were needed. Also, although we found no credit warranted, we advised the consumer on 9/19/17 that as a courtesy Piedmont Natural Gas will credit her account $10.00 which is the monthly utility service charge.

As previously stated to her, we are unable to adjust the bill for any usage (current or upcoming bill) because the leak was on her property; not Piedmont Natural Gas'.

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I just want to make it clear that I filed the complaint on 9/18/2017 amd not on 9/19/2017 as stated. Also I received conflicting information from the customer service reps amd the technician. There seems to be a lack of communication between the call center and the service techs and there is definitely a break down in communication as it related to relaying accurate and helpful information to me.

Service Technician stated no leaks, but bill excessively high and leak detected the following week.
On 9/11/17, I called into customer service to report the smell of gas on my property. They informed me that it was considered an emerge nc call and a technician would be dispatched ASAP to icheck the issue. I explained in detail that I smelled the gas in the front yard and that I had a gas light in the property that I was not sure was functioning. When I got home I found that the gas had been cut off. I called the service line as I had been instructed to do earlier to have the gas turned back on. Later that evening a tech came to restore the service. He turned the gas back on and lit the pilot to my hot water heater. On the morning of 9/18/17 I smelled gas again in the same area. I called to report it and, again, an emergency call was placed. When I came home I found a note stating that there was a gas leak in the area that I had advised the tech to check on 9/11/17. This leads me to believe that a thorough check was not completed by the tech on 9/11/2017. I called back on the night of 9/18/2017 to have my service restored and during the conversation I asked about havING my bill adjusted for the week that the leak went undetected. I was told no because it was my responsibility as the homeowner to ensure that things were working properly in my home. I attempted to do that by placing the service calls.

Desired Outcome

I think that it would be fair to have a the bill for the period prorated. I asked that 12.50, roughly 1/4 of the bill be credited to my account and I think that this is a fair adjustment. Only crediting the usage for the week that the leak went undetected after being reported, not the time prior to that.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

Piedmont Natural Gas has reviewed the telephone calls, bill and service order history pertaining to this complaint. We want to assure this consumer that safety is our number one priority. The proper procedures were followed regarding the gas leak and prior notification was given about interruption of service.

On 9/11/17 @ 11:21am this consumer called Piedmont Natural Gas and advised of a gas odor outside in the front yard by the gas light. The Rep gave the consumer the Safety Script information. The consumer advised the Rep that no one was at home. Our Representative advised the consumer that a technician will be dispatched and that for safety he will have to turn the meter off if no one is at home. Our technician arrived at the residence @ 12:11pm. He used a leak detector; checked for leak in ground area at the gaslight, foundation and under the house, but found no leak. He turned off the meter and tagged the door advising consumer.

On the same date, 9/11/17 @ 3:33pm, the consumer called Piedmont Natural Gas to inquire of the tech's report. The Rep gave her the report and the consumer stated she will call back later to schedule to have service restored, in which she did at 5:25pm. A technician went out @ 8:20pm and checked the furnace and water heater, found no leak so therefore left the meter on.

On 9/18/17 in the telephone call that we received from this consumer, she stated her concerns about the gas bill being higher than usual. However, while discussing the bill she stated that she still thinks that there is a gas leak. The Rep then asked if she smelled gas and the consumer replied yes, but this time she stated that there is an odor "in front yard at left corner of fence on right side of house." The Rep then began to read the Safety Script information to her, but the consumer kept interrupting the Rep and advised she did not want to hear this information again. The consumer insisted on being transferred to a supervisor, but the Rep explained to her that she could not because this has become an emergency call and emergency calls cannot be transferred.

As the consumer has stated the gas leak was found when this second emergency call was issued. It remains uncertain, but perhaps the more specifics assisted. The consumer's September bill that she stated as higher than usual and the one that she is requesting an adjustment on, is for the period 8/9/17 thru 9/8/17. The consumer did not contact us until 9/11/17 which is after that billing period.

Prior to contacting this consumer also contacted Piedmont Natural Gas on 9/19/17 with this same complaint. In addition to the complaint made with she stated to us that when she placed her call for restoration of service she waited for a technician to come, only to be told later by Piedmont Natural Gas that we could not restore service until she had contacted a contractor to make repairs. The consumer states this was wasted time; she should have been advised of this first and she could have contacted a contractor sooner. Although the leak was not discovered until the second emergency call, this consumer was advised repairs were needed. Also, although we found no credit warranted, we advised the consumer on 9/19/17 that as a courtesy Piedmont Natural Gas will credit her account $10.00 which is the monthly utility service charge.

As previously stated to her, we are unable to adjust the bill for any usage (current or upcoming bill) because the leak was on her property; not Piedmont Natural Gas'.

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I just want to make it clear that I filed the complaint on 9/18/2017 amd not on 9/19/2017 as stated. Also I received conflicting information from the customer service reps amd the technician. There seems to be a lack of communication between the call center and the service techs and there is definitely a break down in communication as it related to relaying accurate and helpful information to me.

Service Technician stated no leaks, but bill excessively high and leak detected the following week.
On 9/11/17, I called into customer service to report the smell of gas on my property. They informed me that it was considered an emerge nc call and a technician would be dispatched ASAP to icheck the issue. I explained in detail that I smelled the gas in the front yard and that I had a gas light in the property that I was not sure was functioning. When I got home I found that the gas had been cut off. I called the service line as I had been instructed to do earlier to have the gas turned back on. Later that evening a tech came to restore the service. He turned the gas back on and lit the pilot to my hot water heater. On the morning of 9/18/17 I smelled gas again in the same area. I called to report it and, again, an emergency call was placed. When I came home I found a note stating that there was a gas leak in the area that I had advised the tech to check on 9/11/17. This leads me to believe that a thorough check was not completed by the tech on 9/11/2017. I called back on the night of 9/18/2017 to have my service restored and during the conversation I asked about havING my bill adjusted for the week that the leak went undetected. I was told no because it was my responsibility as the homeowner to ensure that things were working properly in my home. I attempted to do that by placing the service calls.

Desired Outcome

I think that it would be fair to have a the bill for the period prorated. I asked that 12.50, roughly 1/4 of the bill be credited to my account and I think that this is a fair adjustment. Only crediting the usage for the week that the leak went undetected after being reported, not the time prior to that.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company Response

Piedmont Natural Gas has reviewed the telephone calls, bill and service order history pertaining to this complaint. We want to assure this consumer that safety is our number one priority. The proper procedures were followed regarding the gas leak and prior notification was given about interruption of service.

On 9/11/17 @ 11:21am this consumer called Piedmont Natural Gas and advised of a gas odor outside in the front yard by the gas light. The Rep gave the consumer the Safety Script information. The consumer advised the Rep that no one was at home. Our Representative advised the consumer that a technician will be dispatched and that for safety he will have to turn the meter off if no one is at home. Our technician arrived at the residence @ 12:11pm. He used a leak detector; checked for leak in ground area at the gaslight, foundation and under the house, but found no leak. He turned off the meter and tagged the door advising consumer.

On the same date, 9/11/17 @ 3:33pm, the consumer called Piedmont Natural Gas to inquire of the tech's report. The Rep gave her the report and the consumer stated she will call back later to schedule to have service restored, in which she did at 5:25pm. A technician went out @ 8:20pm and checked the furnace and water heater, found no leak so therefore left the meter on.

On 9/18/17 in the telephone call that we received from this consumer, she stated her concerns about the gas bill being higher than usual. However, while discussing the bill she stated that she still thinks that there is a gas leak. The Rep then asked if she smelled gas and the consumer replied yes, but this time she stated that there is an odor "in front yard at left corner of fence on right side of house." The Rep then began to read the Safety Script information to her, but the consumer kept interrupting the Rep and advised she did not want to hear this information again. The consumer insisted on being transferred to a supervisor, but the Rep explained to her that she could not because this has become an emergency call and emergency calls cannot be transferred.

As the consumer has stated the gas leak was found when this second emergency call was issued. It remains uncertain, but perhaps the more specifics assisted. The consumer's September bill that she stated as higher than usual and the one that she is requesting an adjustment on, is for the period 8/9/17 thru 9/8/17. The consumer did not contact us until 9/11/17 which is after that billing period.

Prior to contacting this consumer also contacted Piedmont Natural Gas on 9/19/17 with this same complaint. In addition to the complaint made with she stated to us that when she placed her call for restoration of service she waited for a technician to come, only to be told later by Piedmont Natural Gas that we could not restore service until she had contacted a contractor to make repairs. The consumer states this was wasted time; she should have been advised of this first and she could have contacted a contractor sooner. Although the leak was not discovered until the second emergency call, this consumer was advised repairs were needed. Also, although we found no credit warranted, we advised the consumer on 9/19/17 that as a courtesy Piedmont Natural Gas will credit her account $10.00 which is the monthly utility service charge.

As previously stated to her, we are unable to adjust the bill for any usage (current or upcoming bill) because the leak was on her property; not Piedmont Natural Gas'.

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I just want to make it clear that I filed the complaint on 9/18/2017 amd not on 9/19/2017 as stated. Also I received conflicting information from the customer service reps amd the technician. There seems to be a lack of communication between the call center and the service techs and there is definitely a break down in communication as it related to relaying accurate and helpful information to me.

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Address: 4720 Piedmont Row Dr Ste 100, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States, 28210-4294


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